*ruins your childhood*

*ruins your childhood*

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>Ever owning a Microsoft console

Literally unplug and replug

>my 360 survived
feels good

11 years of having this shitty console and it never broke
maybe im unlucky

My childhood was commodore 64, Pegasus and PSX.
Not Xbox.
I didn't even played on any Xbox.

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imagine being so young, you never had to use a dos prompt in your childhood.

fuck off total

don't talk shit about Total

kinda glad my original 360 got RRoD
>enjoying some good ol' Halo 3
>xbox die
>cheapest available new one is 007 Quantum of Solace game
>months after decide to actually play QoS
>actually really enjoyable game


despite the 3RL problem it's a worthwhile console even though it lost against the PS3

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The PS3 was thrashed by the Wii, though.

>Get RROD 1 year and 11 months into BestBuy Warranty
>Get new model Xbox for free

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i never had this so my childhood (teen years) were pretty based.

>cd reader stops working
>intentionally rrod it
>get a replacement
thanks ms

all my friends did this too when they had issues

Anyone else remember doing the towel trick

>Wii actually won seventh gen single handedly
>tons of enjoyable games
>tons of homebrew possibilities
>nerds so butthurt about "hurr durr casual wagglan" that they pretend it didn't exist

>there are people on Yea Forums who grew up on the 360

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this completely traumatized me as a kid
first time i saw it i had a fucking seizure and it was responsible for hundreds of nightmares that have been plaguing me for most of my life

if youre on here and you had a 360 as a child i wish it was you who overheated and died

zoomers fuck offf

I googled Banjo Orange Justice and got nothing. That is disappointing; Orange Justice is a great dance.


Xenoblade alone made me happy I bought a Wii, but it didn't have that many great games, and it started Nintendo going full gimmick mode along with the DS.
>B-But there were always gimmicks!
They didn't build consoles around them.

For one it wasn't my childhood.
Second, I didn't own a 360.

Lol what a pussy ass faggot LMAO I hope your dad beat the shit out of you.

>english speaking image board
>mostly americans
>360 sold like 40 million in america

what do you expect? everyone to own the abortion that was the ps3? only europoors owned that trash. not even asians bought that they all bought the wii.

At least the PS3 had exclusives.

the ps3 had literally no games. some of the best exclusives debuted on the 360.

I think he means that there's a fuckton of babby zoomers who were young enough to have a 360 during their childhood.

Didn't they fix the problem? If you got yours in 2008 it was likely to never get RROD.

>the ps3 had literally no games
So you've heard of old Yea Forums memes, but didn't actually spend that whole console generation here.

Red Right of Death?
user kun rearn how to read

PS3 was irredeemably shit
original xbox 360 was broken but it actually had games

bit of an overreaction m8

Ps3 only had no games until 08 then it dominated in good exclusives while Xbox had nothing

based retard


zoomers go home

Black room temperature iq hands made this post




>That horrible horrible sound

I'm almost 30 and have never done this.