
Attached: image.jpg (3840x2160, 963K)

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How'd you get the game to not look blurry?

imagine playing a game where the girls look like dudes
t. personachad

Emulate it in hardware mode

The girl looks like a demon from Persona.

Cute joots to go with your jirt and jouse

Why was she so fucking psychotic?

>Suddenly the windows closed and the room darkened except by some candle-like lights.
>The woman also changed looks: her clothes changed into some blue uniform that's similar to a flight attendant's.
>"Ah user, at last you came," she said. "Welcome to the Velvet Room. Currently my cousins are out to the movies and left me to assist you and our master. What brings you here today?"

You don't fuck your friends in SMT, you murder them, dumb personababby.
The demons are the ones you're supposed to want to fuck.

Attached: __hua_po_and_pixie_shin_megami_tensei_drawn_by_mao_yu__eb464ac7e6f94904eeba1d40da996bee.jpg (768x1024, 167K)

sounds dumb

Attached: 1559627381817.png (500x749, 696K)

Why does pixie cut look so much better in drawing than real life?

>Trusting fucking Chiaki of all people with the Velvet Room
Do you want there to be a world of nothing but madness, bloodshed and edgy Darwinian logic?

Imagine being this gay.

Attached: YHVHStanza.png (228x316, 40K)

The same reason 80s and 90s anime girls have fantastic hair despite the same hairstyles in the real world being disastrous. 2D just makes it work.

Attached: --heroine-dragon-quest-and-dragon-quest-iv-drawn-by-payuko--c1fdb3160f3bf416749ce3b1a4a5e022.jpg (422x680, 225K)

looks like gyro zeppeli

Currently playing this as my first megaten. Where do I go next? Persona 3 just so I can shitpost for both sides?

SJ is a good choice.

>Most violent reason
>Has the most peaceful theme

Attached: 1496223173026.jpg (540x482, 31K)

Knees look like toenails.

Well I guess everyone will be at peace when everyone knows their place under her heel or whatever.

Also had a lot of angels on her side.


Why do angels side with Chaos-lite Reason?

All of Kaneko's ladies have dsl and this is a glorious thing.

>Chiaki will never step on you

The Reasons were all part of YHVH's game, so they had permission.

Because Yosuga was about hierarchy and order. The angels lap it up because they really just want to be on top.