*saves video games*

*saves video games*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Will society ever address black obesity?

Not until they address white obesity

That's addressed every single day, on every TV channel, newspaper, website...

we wuz video games

>this guy gently caresses your girlfriends shoulder and says "we're all cyberpunk"
what would you do?

>playing games made by a n***er
that's going to be a yikes from me dawg

>that's going to be a yikes from me dawg
that's going to be a yikes from me dawg

same, but i only play games made by japs

not all niggers are gangbangin hood rats

that man is not obese
he has a beer belly which is a status symbol for boomers

game looks cool but the only thing that'll save gaming is a hard industry crash

he's a based nig like james earl jones

Just because mild obesity is normal in your country doesn't mean it isn't obesity

I saved this pic back on June 25 2010 just to post it for you.

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What is the white equivalent of this?

Based nigger

trailer trash?

white man and white trash/redneck/chav/gopnik

>"I can't say any specific numbers right now, but currently the pre-order numbers are way higher than they ever were for The Witcher 3" said Marcin Iwinski, joint-CEO of CD Projekt

Wtf bros... I thought the game was going to flop due to their transphopic tweets...?

>*needs a team of poles slaving away to make the game*
Mhmm das rite.

know the difference:
kike - white

Fuck off whitoid

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i’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

Everyone in America is fat except east asians

Don't need one. The other is needed since there are so many more niggers than there are blacks

He is fat as fuck, but black

Seething wh*Toid


>black men are only humans when they act white

he is very obese, you just have a very sekwed perception of what overweight is. most likely, every single person in your life would be diagnosed as overweight enough for medical intervention 40 years ago

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Do any other burh's get called a coon by nignogs for working hard and presenting yourself well

I just couldn't take it anymore. They try to drag you down. I only hang and live around white people now.

>Popular franchise created by a black man from the late 1980s
>Everything represented in the video game adaption stems from his work
>Pasty white trust-fund kids who have never worked a day in their lives proceed to shit on his work and tell him he doesn't understand cyberpunk, that he's representing blacks in an intolerant way etc.

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meant for

>imagine being an illogical, raging, brainlet tranny....

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>there are actually dumb niggers that think Poles making a game using a blacks rpg he ripped off every source under the sun
>equals him actually making it.
He didn't make anything why do niggers always do this?

Black people call eachother a coon? I thought only white people said that.

>Being a decent human being is acting "white"
As a darkie, shut the fuck up.

Uncle Tom

I have never heard a white person say it. Ever.

If a black person isn't a nigger, then they're "Cooning".

>...then minutes later be proven wrong
man can't wait for the 100% rate.
I seriously want these subhumans to kill theirselves

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Nah, if you're black and literally try to do anything but engage in gang culture and do drugs, you're called an Uncle Tom, a coon or a whitey. Hilariously the left are the same fucking queers who pull this tactic, trying to drag down any black person who tries to make something of their life.

It's funny because the Voodoo Boys are composed mainly of white men in CP2020.

Sounds like game of the year.

>Uncle Tom
Reminder that Uncle Tom is a Christlike figure in the original novel who is beaten to death because he won't betray a group of runaway slaves. The men who beat him to death are gripped by conviction and fall to their knees begging God for forgiveness.

It has a point tho, play some ramdon game and look at the enemies, 90% of them are white males and the rest are creatures.

>Blacks of the internet shutting down Commiefornia faggots
God bless those dark skinned faggots.

give me the source

the only good darkys are uncle toms

Were the comments full of black people telling the tranny to shut up?

This is unironically why we need more based black people that care about vidya and other forms of media. They shut down these faggots without a second thought and there is little to no chance of aggressive retaliation because everyone is so fucking scared of being called racist. They have a power that they themselves do not understand, yet it may be the power that, if properly utilized, may save us from this hell we've created.

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Pretty much. It's kind of surprising that the tranny didn't pull out the internal racism card.

he/she/it/they/them/xir/xes/xock/faggot deleted the tweet

>Makes a board game (?)
>Set it in a Cyberpunk settings.
>Set "rules" and "lore".
>Million dollar game company calls him to adapt his board game into a million dollar worth videogame that will selling millions of copies.
>Is rich for making a board game.

Not american; but how exactly due board games and their "lore" even work? Even the Cthulhu game from last year was adapted from the table top game. The whole thing makes my head spin...

I sincerely hope this is bait and you're not this stupid. I choose to believe this is bait. It may actually cause me mental harm to take you seriously.


Because doing that with actual black people is a surefire way to get yourself labeled racist and completely BTFO instead of just slightly

Someone tell that idiot to do the right thing and shut their mouth when talking to Slav people because their white Nazi ancestors tried to genocide Slavs over and over again in history and they aren't in a position to talk and should check their privilege.

It's why trannies and Resetera shut up about the characters not being sexy enough in MK11, because big name black creators were shouting it the loudest that they looked like garbage.

Every time I see cyberpunk 2077 I just wish that it was shadowrun instead.
Why can't shadowrun get good videogames?

>every response shitting on the faggot for not doing their research and calling out "WHITEY GOTTA SAVE THE BLACKS FROM DEMSELVES" virtue signaling for what it is
absolutely based

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There must be some sane traps out there I suppose but retarderas are just mentally ill.

This guys voice is goddamn glorious, I could listen to him all day.

Every "sane" potential tranny and/or trap is biding their time waiting for decent virtual reality.

But it did. Sure they're not tripple A but they're pretty fun.

How is Shodowrun better than Cyberpunk 2020?
Elfh technomancer? Orc shaman?

That fucking n***er cares more about the white race than you, faggot. Now go home and get your shinebox.

It isn't, I never played D&D or any other table top game other to Monopoly...

it's going to, i will make sure it will happen with my discord group

t. amerimutt


you can try trolling better than that

It's the same way people make videogames. The medium is different but the idea is the same: you want to make a game but you don't want it to exist in a vacuum like Pong.

So you come up with a setting, events and rules to explain why things are the way they are. How things came to be, the people populating your world etc. Basically you add lore and stories because it makes the experience richer.

Think about Deus Ex (the first one) or the first Bloodlines games. If you strip away the setting it wouldn't nearly as good.

Pondsmith did just that, he made his own version of Cyberpunk. Corporations, characters and events that anchor the game with a set of defined rules allows people to know what to expect and immerse themselves when playing the tabletop game. Said game got pretty popular and a few people at CDPR are huge fans and it's not like there are a lot of CP tripple A games. So here we are.

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>There must be some sane traps out there
Only those who avoid Twitter.
>but retarderas are just mentally ill.
Because they live on Twitter.

Twitter makes people mentally castrated and mentally ill.
Look at that uneducated retard RaeofSun95.
It hasn't even passed basic world history education in its life yet, yet it has the gal to go on the Internet and talk down to Slavs, the very people its western ancestors tried to genocide over and over again.
It tries to whine about black people, yet not only is the writer/designer black, but Slavs constituting the company haven't had any history with black people for the past thousands of years with the last 100 being the only exception mainly related to Slavs arming and training black people as insurgents against western colonizers. It is too uneducated to know that Slavs have no obligations or responsibilities towards black people unlike its western dumb ass.
It tries to whine about politics to Slavs, yet Slavs have not only gone through Nazis trying to genocide them, but also have gone through applied Communism ruining them, and also have an awareness of the goods and evils of Capitalism through the venture of Communism tearing its ideas apart for them and then the end of Communism pulling them back into reality where they have a more balanced view, which projected into the writing gives more depth than this dumb westerner would like because they advocate for pushing a narrative as opposed to discussing complexities.

It's the typical western ignoramus trying to project their uneducated dumb white guilt onto Slavs because they happen to have similar skin color and appearance, while unaware that history and cultures is world apart.

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What has nazis trying to genocide slavs to do with the rest of the western world, also pulling the victim card is pretty pathetic.

>Want to say this just once. I am really tired of well meaning people on internet chat boards paternalistically telling me what I, as a black person, should be offended by. You want to be my ally? Go gird up your loins and at this year's Thanksgiving dinner, have the nerve to tell your racist Uncle Bob to STFU for a change.

>I'm going to assume you aren't living in Poland and you're not black. That being said (and I apologize if you manage to fit into these narrow parameters), I've travelled all over Poland and have never encountered anything but friendly, accepting people. "But Mike," I hear you say, "you'ra a famous game designer who travels with a CDPR entourage. It's different for you. Wrong. I'm travelling alone to a lot of cities, with my son, friends and occasional people I meet. I'm taking taxis, trains and even UBER. People are unerringly friendly.

>Look, reality check. A government does NOT define it's people. A government reflects whoever managed to grab the wheel for a while. That's one reason why there should be Cyberpunks. Most of the Poles I have met really hate the current government and that's why there are huge demonstrations in the streets of Warsawa against them. On top of it, the CDPR crew is one of the most ethnically diverse, international crews I have ever worked with. And I get a bit tired of people who have never talked to them, have never visited the country, and still make sweeping generalizations about what other people think.
- Mike Pondsmith, creator of cyberpunk

Based Mike.

unbelievably based

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where did he say this?

His Reddit account reddit.com/user/therealmaxmike

A western white should check their nazi privilege before criticizing Slavs for anything they do, and i don't give a fuck about your opinions on the victim card since the the people who criticize the company happen to be people who value the card.

he deleted the comment pity still base black man

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Choose your faction Yea Forums

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Nah people can criticize whoever they want without checking any privilege, free speech is still a thing, and generalizing anyone born west of Poland into somehow being connected to the genocide of slavs is pretty retarded, but whatever makes you feel better I guess.

>>that's going to be a yikes from me dawg
>that's going to be a yikes from me dawg
that's going to be a yikes from me dawg

Nah, people believe in victim cards can have a taste of their own medicine. You want to play the game, two can play it. Generalizing anyone West of Slavs is a perfectly valid retort to everyone West of Slavs generalizing Slavs and not even having the historical education to do even that properly. I love how low IQ ignoramuses like yourself suddenly turn into "free speech and muh generalization is bad" when your own tactics are turned against you, seethe more.

We have a nigger in our midst, boys.

pretty much give me break with privilege and other nonsense i don't want and i dont need to feel like victim i control my life and i make decision bad and good blaming todays Germans for Nazism is just stupidity nothing else not only that at the end of the day this German guild hurt us all in Europe

Second one

second from the right

Corporate all the way

I don't believe in victim cards, I just think it's childish to lower yourself to their level just ignore all that social justice twitter shit and don't give them the time of the day, especially if your lucky enough to be outside of the US and you don't even have to share the same space as these abominations.

You Western faggots started with the privilege shittery with your SJWs, so don't whine when your dumb SJWs attempt to spill that shit outwards into incompatible cultures/regions and it then gets shoveled back with more shit back at you. If you want it to stop, then stop your dumb western hypocritical Church of Privilege from doing it.

You think we aren't tired of your dumb uneducated Westerners trying to project their white guilt towards blacks on us even though we have no history with black people?
You think we aren't tired of your transgenders having narrowminded mentalities and trying to dictate their own personal-insert strawmans of how all transgenders and other collectives should be portrayed to force an engineered narrative rather than engage in both the negative and positive aspects of every collective?
We are tired, except we focus our tiredness on punching back instead of being silent. Tit for Tat.

i Live in Czechia you cuck

go play sims then

>german rapebaby
Pay your reparations to Jews at half-price.

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Be brutally honest with me lads, I just wanna play it at 1080p

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can't wait

it will be released on PS4 and Xbox one.. so take quess

yeah. I've seen someone call someone else a nigger, like the way white people say it and mean it.
t. negro


Think i'll manage 60fps tho?

You're the man now, dawg.

very likely yes

>we wuz punks
What actual contribution did he have to the creative process?

it's ok, this nigga reads a lot.

consider the fact that PS4 is essentially running an 8 core AMD FX and a 750ti for low-medium 1080p 30fps
You'll be fine, I plan on playing it on 1440p with 2600x and 1070, might have to lower settings or res, but it isn't that big a deal

he's a nigga, not a nigger

is there an archive link of this shit?

Yes with a mixture of medium-ultra settings.

it's a fucking console game

And you wonder why people want to see your country split up again.

mothercuker he created Cyberpunk three decades ago

they keep making corporates look cool so I'm joining them

America is the fattest country in the world so no.

Where are these images from? Looks really cool.


>Hey, hey, just think about all the good shit we're gonna have huh
Legit felt something watching this
I hope there's a playthrough in which they're just happy together

Attached: image7-compressor.png (1920x1080, 519K)

>corporate isn't flying cars with privileged flying lanes while all the other 99% of plebeian scum are forced to shit in the streets

And? Why should we care?

They were decorations at their stand during e3

Third one, but I hope I can do away with the "reject from the 90's" look

You cared enough to ask while being ignorant, and now that you've realized you were an ignoramus you are pulling this backpedaling shit. Hilarious.

I would assume he gives the main ideas, check what people have written and provides insights on the setting he fathered.

He's baiting.

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He did


Don't do anything unless you need to. Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.



This. Voluntary destruction of your body is insane.

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Trauma, fuck rest.


Even Kojima is hyped for this game.

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Glad you said that and not some fag like Neil Tyson

um user Dragonfall was a great RPG

Anyone got the indivdual pics?


Attached: 1547170860317.png (250x250, 73K)

you mean Daggerfall


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>black guy named Tom

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lmao they're rubbing keanu on his face


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Wish these were taken at a better angle.
Have we seen a single ugly women in all of Cyberpunk 2077?

Attached: corpo.jpg (900x1200, 182K)

It was ok.

Attached: 1552054246448.jpg (901x1200, 551K)

>Have we seen a single ugly women in all of Cyberpunk 2077?

Also Kanye and Lady gaga confirmed to be in.

Attached: kanye.jpg (900x1200, 201K)


>Hollywood race

Thank you kind user

>start out in the black ghettos
>slowly move your way up to corpo level
Based game

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The poster one kind of looks like Tilda Swinton. I do hope you can romance Meredith. At the end of the demo she does offer to continue working with you if you accept.

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Found the pink head

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>sry I was wrong lol

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6sixnine9 asian looking dude

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Tom's Barbeque and Foot Massage

Autistic black guys are some of the most based people in existence.

>yes it's nothing personnel, kid, how did you know?

Fuck bros, I thought this was cyberpunk.


Attached: tranny freak.jpg (680x878, 93K)

>beyond excited for this game
>broke so won't be able to upgrade in time
1060 and a 4790k, should I just kill myself lads?

Attached: 9c0.jpg (426x341, 31K)

it will be enough to play the game

>he's not gonna be a CorpoChad
aboslute state of this board, lemme tell 'ya

You'll do the basic thing
Play the game with crap hardware first
Upgrade when cdpr releases their next game and enjoy cp fully
Just like with witcher 3

wtf is wrong with you faggots? It's a console game and it doesn't even look like anything special.

You'll be able to run it just fine at 1080p, stop fucking chimping out. Witcher 3 unironically looks as good in it's own way (way more fauna/flora) and those guards run that game perfectly maxed out.

I'm the one who should be worried with my old 780ti

Attached: a_ov_Pepe_160928.jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

>1060 is bad
B-but I upgraded to that this year

It's weaker than a 980. Feels fucking bad, I got jebaited hard on here

Attached: cbb.jpg (680x818, 65K)

What the fuck that can't be true
I'm a poor slav, I can afford one upgrade per half a decade.

I guess thats better than buying a 2070 and seeing it doesn't give enough fps to raytrace cp with consistent 60 fps at 1440p

>1050 with only 2gb
At least I have an I7-7700. That's enough r-right?

Is game is gonna be one of two things:

It's either gonna be extremely short


Extremely boring and repetitive

I see that clip as more of a "here is a potential consequence" with mission choices, like if you decide to shoot up the Maelstrom warehouse instead of walking in.

I'm buying it on the PS4 first and years later when the modding community is developed and I can upgrade my PC I'll get it there

Sorry bud


Your GPU is more futureproof but yea, it's roughly on par with a 980 and you along with all of the other good goys who bought that card (it's the most popular GPU out right now) fell for it.

People specifically asked about that and the cp producers said "play and find out "

I think this happened a while after your initial test with Dex, seeing as he calls you "my man".

Or it could actually not be shit?

I'm just gonna get it for PS4. I don't give a fuck. Besides, all my favorite Cyberpunk kinos from the 90s and 80s are in 25/30fps. For me, it's gonna be I M M E R S I V E

Voodoo boys aren’t even black they are white people with skin modification but okay.

Nah, in this game they are black. They're part of a Haitian immigrant enclave in the city. They went full-on to make them as Haitian as possible.

This is as likely as Dex finding another reason to kill you off after you do the job.

based and rockerbunpilled

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I wasn't looking forward to this game, but Mike seems like a good guy so I'll probably buy it since it's based on his work.

yes, very true. This is the only thing I really look forward to

>therealmaxmike: Actually,one of the RTG editors put the exotics in to wind up another of of the staffers who hated furry animals with a passion brighter than 10,000 white hot suns.

what’s the difference?

And like the anti-loli sjws who end getting caught with real cp the anti-furry guy ended up becoming the biggest furry fan there is.

Whites are obese because they're monsters who disregard nature and destroy nature to enable their gluttony
Blacks are obese people they're poor.

>not all niggers are gangbangin hood rats

Black fat men are considered burly bois
White fat men are laughing stock, called cucks and feminine on the regular