I feel like everyone forgets Dark Souls 2 was the ONLY Souls game that was rated T for teen. I feel like this is significant, but I can't quite put my finger on why.
I feel like everyone forgets Dark Souls 2 was the ONLY Souls game that was rated T for teen...
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s irrelevant when you are not American
the one with the most immature and contrarian fans? yeah.
it's rated 16 or whatever for eu people.
There's no blood ore gore. Which gives the game a more subdued tone.
>rated T for turd
can't kill the cat NPC
killing npcs doesn't have any true consequence anyway.
Could you in 1?
I remember her vanishing and telling me to fuck off.
You can miss out of Maughlin's boss armors, elite knight set and alva set if you kill him before spending 15000 souls to buy stuff from him which'll update his wares since he won't do that as a ghost
in 2 cat doesn't even move, just tells 2 lines you should fuck off
This is why some people say DS2 looks like your average MMO. But the DUDE GRIMDARK tone in BB and DS3 kinda bores me. DS1 and 2 had a more dreamy feeling, I liked it.
you'd probably like DeS a lot.
>get ds2fix
>get movement fix so you aren't on a + grid
>get igp11
>install e3 reshade
>install increased blood mod
>install boss bloodshot effect remover
>install hd summon signs
>install hd messages
install tits on mytha
That alone makes it feel like an entirely different game. I've been having so much more fun with it than any other souls because of just how open it is. You can go wherever the fuck you want and it has the most build variety out of all of them.
Rated T for tripe.
I will but need to buy a PS3 copy first.
You can run it on RPCS3 for free, just download the .iso files or whatever you need from somewhere. There are plenty of sites that have it.
DeS looks better than DaS2. It's kinda sad.
Rated T for Third Best Dark Souls game
Leaving this here. The author is retarded and can't speak english so here;
1. Install ReShade
2. Drop everything from the e3 reshade where your SotFS exe is, except the EULA file.
3. Use scroll lock to enable/disable reshade.
You also need igp11 for any texture mods. It works with sotfs, basically just drop the files in the correct igp11 folder like and set it to texture override like you would with ds1fix, it comes with a readme with instructions.
Also if the dxgi files don't work rename all of them to d3d11 and they will.
enjoy your soft ban
Or maybe because it was downgraded to the point that it looks like a chink mmo made from PS2 game assets
The softban server is no more dead than the normal one.