Why do manchildren love this trash so much?

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did you get filtered by the nightmare?

But manchildren don't like hard games.

rabi ribi is for pedos so they need any other decentish metroidvania to latch on

Because they're better than you

maybe if you tried the game you would know

Probably never played the game, but something must have mad op butthurt as fuck about hollow knight since he's making this exact thread almost daily, with a different image
Severe autism I assume

>Yes, metroidvania is my favourite genre of games, how did you know?

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Oh no, OP doesn't like one of the best games ever made. Rrrrr, I'm so mad! Do you also dislike sex and good food OP? That would make me so mad!!

maybe you should play it one day and find out
oh who am I kidding, you don't play video games

>literally cant say anything bad about Hollow Knight cause you get BTFO in every thread so you resort to posting soiboys and trannies


Nooo not the soijak, how can we ever recover

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rabi ribi is fun you nigger

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Go play it before you shitpost.

Well OP has never had sex and probably can't cook so yes.

Provide 1(one) proof of your thesis

Fruit on a chocolate cake

Thanks for outing yourselves as casuals who couldn't get past the tutorial

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There should be a stickied guide on how to sage so all these newfag redditors stop bumping bait threads

Hollow Knight is so fucking amazing. Literally the perfect game. The only complaints are people crying cause they're not good enough at the game, or people crying but wanting a radically different game so it would make no sense for Hollow Knight to change drastically to cater to a minority, e.g. people wanting a bunch of weapons like Castlevania, or people saying the game is too easy, they can just play Godmaster or do speedruns with no nail upgrades and charms.