What in the actual fuck?

What in the actual fuck?
I brought the FFXIV starter pack, previously I had been playing on the Free Trail, I had redeemed my code and confirmed it and nothing happened. My account is still free trail, and I can’t download havensward. What do I do?

Do I have to redownload the game from the disc?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have a steam free trial and a non-steam official game. You can't turn a steam free trial into a non-steam version, although apparently you can go from non-steam free trial to the full steam version. That's all I can think of that may be happening.

>Do I have to redownload the game from the disc?

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I am playing on PS4

This is why you don't buy through Steam. It's why Square constantly warns you that the steam and non-steam versions are considered unique.

Maybe the heavensward whatever is not available to free trial users.

i don't suppose you accidentally bought or redeemed a pc starter edition?


>on steam
my condolences

>The difficulty of the Eden raid will be close to that of the creator (Alexander floors 9~12). They expect players to not be used to the lv 80 jobs, so the required DPS will be lower than usual. Instead, the mechanics will be fancy and might make up for the lowered DPS checks to bring it back up to the usual difficulty.
>lower dps checks
I can already see new raid being a joke or a first few floors.




Being a cat mattered more than being a monk

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Which interview/article is that from?

Not that I expected any different from the first tier, mind you, but I'd like to read the rest of wherever you got that from.

No, I brought what was clearly a PS4 box physically and redeemed it on the store and it confirmed the redemption as ff14

People have now played MCH at E3, are MCH 'mains' ready to be relegated to the shadow of BRD (and now DNC) for the entirety of another expansion? I bet MCH will remain the least played class.


>we designed this content to be healer intensive and removed any consideration of healer DPS

If DPS checks are lower hopefully that means they're actually going in on interesting fight mechanics. I'll take decent mechanics over "Dummy Parse this Crystal/Orb/Rift for a minute" any day.

As I said, not steam but a physical PS4 copy. I had the free trail game downloaded, I put the code into the PS4 store and it was redeemed , now I have no idea how to transfer my free trail account to a full account

>will reveal new loot system in next live letter
I hope they clear up the confusion with the wording.

go back

>sharing relevant information BAD

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I know it's shitter talk but I'm fine with this. I main healer and I hate it when we lose to dps checks because I can't do anything about it.

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Guys I am serious, help me with this. I made this thread for a reason, you can at least help me to not throw my money away before you use this thread for other purposes

Where the fuck did you buy it from? Post a screencap.

It was already like that with the first Omega raid. The first boss in savage got cleared on the first try.

What I expect:
>2 generic accessory/leg/had/body/leg/head armour coffers drop
>everyone can roll on them, and you just turn them in for a piece of your choice
>it never gets easier to get loot because there's no reason not to roll on something every week so good luck if your rolling luck is shit

What I hope for:
>2 coffers tailored to who's in the party drop
>can only roll on them if your role matches the coffer (e.g. Accessory of Fending Coffer, Hand Armour of Healing Coffer, Leg Armour of Aiming Coffer)
>still has the RNG of getting something for your role, but it lessened because it's limited to who's in your party and will get easier to get gear as time goes on because people will slowly fill out their BiS and not be able to roll on everything

Did you do this?

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So now that PSO2 is coming to the west does that mean we'll now get a collaboration with PSO2 in the game?

Thanks for the link. I was actually expecting Eden info in the PLL but I'm pleasantly surprised it might be more involved with the MSQ than I thought.

PSO2 already did.
I don't why FFXIV didn't.

If EX primals has taught me anything, its always the biggest fuck ups that get the good loot. Can't wait for a dead weight to win both ciffers in a savage PUG.

>There are plans on renewing Diadem and sticking it to the ishard restoration
Oh no no no no no

Luckily I assume it will still be limited to one drop a week before the cap is removed, but you're still right on the money.

I swear every tier the tank pants drop first week, my terrible co-tank gets them and I spend the next 7 trying to decide if I spend tomes on sub-optimal gear or hope for a drop while I languish.

the former sounds better for premade statics so I want that.

GAME (the uk store), but where I brought it isn’t a problem since the PS-Store did confirm it was FFXIV when I redeemed it.
How do I register the game to my service account

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>do turtle guildhest
>do mechanic and wait by the smoke
>tank (DRK at that) and other dps keep attacking and kill it
I didn't know it was even possible to fail that thing.

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You have to log in to mog station to redeem the code.

Deltascape had piss-easy DPS checks and no mechanics until Halicarnassus so if this has no DPS checks but actual mechanics, it'll still be an improvement.

>The same goes to why you can use the duty finder to participate in duties on the source and that will also be explained through the actual story.

Does this shit really need to be explained? That's like bothering to explain why you can go into dungeons, trials, and raids with 3, 7 and 23 other people, but the game acts like you did it alone or why the other people you bring with you don't get tempered during primal fights.

Two more weeks!

>That's like bothering to explain why you can go into dungeons, trials, and raids with 3, 7 and 23 other people

>"We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land.
>The flow of time itself is convoluted; with heroes centuries old phasing in and out.
>The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure.
>There's no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact.
>But, use this, to summon one another as spirits, cross the gaps between the worlds, and engage in jolly co-operation!"

You do most of the time shit solo.
Echo protects you from being tempered.
Echo is not actually rare.

Once you log into the client on PS4 it should ask if you want to upgrade the current starter account.

They do explain it, it's actually implied you don't clear things solo, just that you're the main part of the party, also your party just happens to be echo users as well and that's why they don't get tempered.


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Nice, I can still be a hipster, AND I get a bunch of new gadgets

Well it says this. I did the first part as I said before, it seems that I may have to download the game again though

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Have you tried following the instructions?

you're a fucking idiot. how hard is it to add a product key to an account

Have you tried to log on since you added the registration code through PSN?

It's 100% better for statics but fucks over pugs.

I also mistyped slightly, I meant to say that I hope that certain coffers get combined (like head/arms/feet for example, and maybe even body/legs) as well. The very minimum that I'd like them to do though is restrict drops only for which jobs are present so you're at least not rolling the dice against the entire loot table.

>it never gets easier to get loot because there's no reason not to roll on something every week so good luck if your rolling luck is shit

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I'll settle halfway similar to tier armor token system like in Burning Crusade where one token covers multiple classes but not all. (3 tokens that rewards loot for 5 classes each).

>can only roll on them if your role matches the coffer (e.g. Accessory of Fending Coffer, Hand Armour of Healing Coffer, Leg Armour of Aiming Coffer)
That's literally no different to just dropping the piece itself. It's not like there's multiple versions of healing gloves per raid.

I did, and nothing happened


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This. Apart from accessory coffer I have no idea what user was trying to go for.

That's the true hell of what I think the new system is going to be.

If you compare it to how loot currently works, you have slightly better odds for the first few weeks but you lose the benefit of people just not rolling as time goes by.

Yeah I realized I fucked up and got two ideas in my head mixed up. I meant to say that I'd like it if they either combined certain pieces (like head/hands/feet) into one coffer OR tailored the drops to which roles are in the party.

Though I'd still like accessories to be combined regardless.

It worked now out of nowhere, think I needed to wait some time. Thanks.

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>user gets to use based heavensward title screen for a little while
lucky bastard. I want to go back. When will they let us configure our own title screens?

>people actually got the steam version

Yeah, it’s a damn good title screen

It's almost like the game had to ____PATCH____ or something.

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>no ishgard housing

FFXI has the feature, we'll probably get it before too long too because we're up to three expansions now.

Savage already has protection from RNG in the form of pages. At most what they could do is make it so you can't need roll on a coffer if you're playing as a job that already has the item that coffer gives. So if you're a healer and you have the healing ring then you can't roll need on the ring coffer. I don't think they will do this though as I doubt they have the systems to support it, and people could avoid it by stashing their gear on retainers or the glamour dresser.

Fuark I miss that login screen, stromboli was pure trash

First option is literally that set of dungeons from ARR iirc with the antique gear. I want it back desu, same thing goes for adding that style for all current dungeons.

>Most players who follow the story, probably already suspected that Hydaelyn and Zodiark are primals, so he didn't mind revealing that minor info.
Yoship dabbing on cutscene skipping Hydaelyncucks again

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>At most what they could do is make it so you can't need roll on a coffer if you're playing as a job that already has the item that coffer gives. So if you're a healer and you have the healing ring then you can't roll need on the ring coffer. I don't think they will do this though as I doubt they have the systems to support it, and people could avoid it by stashing their gear on retainers or the glamour dresser.

I considered that as well and came to the same conclusion.

I know the pages are there to circumvent RNG, but to be honest it can take an extraordinarily long time to gear up with bad luck. I realize the chances of that happening are generally quite low and you'll probably win at least -one- piece of gear before you buy everything with tokens, but it just feels bad that as a pug I'm losing an element of protection against that kind of bad luck.

user try asking around. Not long ago someone was posting a github link that let you chose what screen you want to see when you log in on FFXIV. its not a customizer, but you can at least choose heavensward if you like it so much.

It amazes the majority of people who are shocked by it from reading reddit and OF. What do these people do if they skip cutscenes and also skip endgame content?

How do you guys have your HUD set up? After leveling more jobs I realize that the general default isn't optimal because I'm constantly flicking my eyes to all corners of the screen at all times to keep track of gauge bar, party stats and health, my own CDs, buffs/debuffs, focusing on mechanics, etc.

I have just reached the part where you control Alphinauld and meet Gaius. Enough time to get to the end before Shadowbringers hit?

More than enough.

People were speculating it for some time, but we had no proof. It's not like Hydaelyn being a primal changes a lot.

I've been saying Hydaelyn and Zodiark are primals for years and people kept calling me a stupid cutscene-skipper.

You could do one quest a day and still make the deadline.

Oh shut up you dumb nigger. Raid's been a joke since Midas because people, especially Yea Forums, complained that everything was too hard. And now you're u-turning again.

Thats patch 4.3. 4.55 is the current one. You have plenty of time.

Yeah, you'll finish SB entirely by this weekend for sure. You only have one two more dungeons as far as mandatory content goes.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>Not a single mention of more Viera character creation options
Fuck, only one face looks decent, they all look the same


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Are we taking over a body on the first or getting a clone made from Crystal Tower like Unei and Doga?

Same as every other race then.

Is that the exact time EA starts?


Think the Crystal Tower Ultimate will be done with by the time I finish leveling GNB to 70?

we're just going to go to the first, like all the other scions.

If they bother to make a lore explanation it'll probably be Graha managed to make a pathway for you to travel in the Crystal Tower.

Fucking queue for this you fucking faggots stop spamming Crystal Tower nonsense.

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>Yoshi-p told the NA community team that visitors will stuggle with it and only expected 30% of them to clear it, but it ended up being lower than 30%, so they buffed the players on the 2nd day

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for what purpose

Pretty sure you btfo Thordan solo after soloing an army of imperials, a Gaius wanabe, ancient robots, and two ascians. Unless Cid air dropped you a party of adventurers after the NPC party stayed behind to buy you time.

The reason why some people were thinking that Hydaelyn is because they thought that echo = tempering.

Who didn't bother with the moogle tomestone thing?

We're going directly there. We've traveled to another shard before in the Crystal Tower raids, this will be no different.

Are you ready for the FATE parties when catboy savage happens, bros?

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What datacenter? I'm just doing sidequests so I can hop in queue.

>New expansion is centered around Crystal Tower
>Writer behind the story specifically tells everyone to do Crystal Tower story before the expansion hits
>user is suprised that people are doing only Crystal Tower

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Me because my sub is running out in 3 days, no reason to waste money before ShB.

What would be the fastest level to group level up from 60-70 if we a group of 1 GNB and 2 DNC?

Most thing are solo for the WoL.
Don't believe koji lies.

Our retainers will go to the First too, so it will probably be some convenient portal device.

Crystal Tower is a laughable raid. Only World of Darkness is worth a damn.

World of Darkness is which shard?


The 13th.

This isnt bad. Its meant for random people who've never played the game before.

Shame, I'm in Primal. I feel you though, I waited a similar time when I was doing that for my 270 Slaying Ring for GNB.

It's still a morning for a majority and it's a weekday.

apparently the dps check at the end was giving people trouble, and yeah it's just random people at e3 so i wouldn't expect much out of them

>They already have double the amount of pre-orders compared to Stormblood.
Holy shit, what the fuck? I thought this game was dying?

I was going to lvl GNB to 70 day one which should take about 9-10 hours. but now I think I might get a headstart through the MSQ on DRK in the morning (Euro times here) to avoid the greater flood in the afternoon and evening that'll likely crash something.

We are at over 1mil active characters.


Dungeons, probably

Raid is 2 weeks after launch.
Savage is 2 weeks after that.

WoW is the dying game, I've seen a massive influx of WoWfugees over the past year.

>Trying to do content in EU DCs before daily reset
Silly user

Meanwhile Alliance Roulette pops in less than 10 mins and it's shitty Syrcus yet again. Fucking faggots grinding the gay Moogle tomestone.

Seems likely, I only remember a few instances where it's blatantly stated you were with other party members

>I thought this game was dying?
I hope not, i just got into it myself. By the way, when does this tomestone event ends? I heard one mount is kinda worth it so i wonder if i'll manage to get it with a bit of farming (maybe i'll spam alliance roulette since i only have the Crystal Tower ones unlocked).

we're literally at the highest player count the game has ever had and the expansion isn't even out yet

Ends on ShB launch.

Yes? And I have to level all my jobs and I'm on vacation the first week of July. Going to optimize my time spent on this. Also want to get through MSQ ASAP to avoid spoilers.

>mfw i do that as a tank
Even if i suck people won't complain since there's not enough time for them to find a new one.

ends at 5.0 maintenance, or whenever they feel like it

Sounds about what I'd expect from the NA playerbase. They always act like they've never played the game before.

>1 million active characters
who would've thought the day would come where xiv actually has more subs than wow

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Ends on the 28th presumably since that's when ShB Early Access starts. The mount that people are referring to is Pegasus, and that's because you need to do Diadem (read: dead content only populated by small coordinated groups) for it.

You have to do around 2 alliance raids from the Crystal Tower series a day from now until EA if you want the mount.

How bad has Chaos been after the split? Light is pretty comfy

I got a single tomestone to keep in my saddlebag and link to remind people how they can be so easily manipulated into fixing Square's new player experience issues on their behalf.

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>xiv actually has more subs than wow
I wouldnt go that far.

How do you pronounce Ascians?


I refuse to believe that WoW has less subs than XIV even in its current shitshow of a state.

me, i thought that
please do not ask me for proof that i thought that

Why would you think that? SB was a huge success, WoW is bleeding players hard thanks to its shit expansion. FFXIV is literally the first MMO ever to have a realistic shot at dethroning WoW, although it would probably require another BfA-level desaster on the latter's part.

I'm trying, but I keep getting booted.
These servers are not going to make it on july

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MSQ roulette has seared Gaius' pronunciation into my skull.

It's the same except more French.

Ah ok good, thought it'd end when the early access starts.

>healing combos

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People always say this game is dying.


Go watch HW Launch trailer and you will hear Thordan says it loud and clear.

I want more failure cutscenes for primals. youtube.com/watch?v=lrOHkdBLs4g

Only for Susano and Lakshmi do they reference the other party members directly but its more like a 4th wall joke, otherwise even for fights like Bismarck/Shinryu/Omega12 where the cutscene shows your entire party, they disappear anyways. They pretty much stopped trying to incorporate a party even as a joke, past 4.0.

>You have to do around 2 alliance raids from the Crystal Tower series a day from now until EA if you want the mount.
I already have like 18 tomes from leveling my tank so i'll probably make it.


You shills are so silly

Who would absolutely destroy you if they died in ShB?

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Contrary to what Yea Forums believes, liking a game isn't shilling.

only 2 weeks to go



I'm glad you're entertained, user.

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I'll never get to fight the Twelve in a series of Raids.

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What's the best trial in Stormblood and why is it Suzaku's?


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Pleanary Indulgence in all three of its forms is basically a healing combo.


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Wtf are you saying you cant roll on a unique piece of gear in your inventory already.

This shit is broken as fuck and I wouldn't bother trying it out right now.
The fact that Burst Strike, Sonic Break, and Gnashing Fang break your GCD combo means you can't even emulate an opener withi t.

Hoary Boulder and Coultenet
Ga Bu

It would explain why they gave us a glimpse of him at the end of 4.56.

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That's why you put the stuff you have in your retainers inventory or the saddlebag

The RDM one from 2 years ago was better.

will GNB be able to summon a gf? i really would like a gf

Inb4 it ends with him turning to camera with a "just according to keikaku" face instead.

Higiri, though I doubt she'll appear in the story ever again, so my wife is safe.

recent census work on their end put retail wow at just under a million, and that's including all the chinks to boot


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Is it the 28th yet?


No, but MCH can summon a sexbot


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>implying anything can kill a Manderville man

A wife of a Manderville man.

What are the best stormblood glamors

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>tfw no vaporwave track for a dungeon yet

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>tfw no viper x ffxiv collab yet

Who? Julyan is stronger than Godbert and nobody will miss that dumb catslut Nashu anyway.

>Ishgard rebuild will be a "player vs player race"
>only the top omnicrafters will get the rare "elf boyfriend" titles
>prices for HQ stuff from gatherers will skyrocket because apparently materials will be more reliable than autistic rotations
>progress/ranking is per server
brb moving to the most empty server in the game

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DRG AF3 unironically.

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>brb moving to the most empty server in the game
Plenty of people did this in WoW, transfer to a dead server and get the Scarab Lord title then transfer back.

>Main story

>The main story will have a "previously on FFXIV" recap that isn't too annoying.

>The reason why 4.5 didn't end with a cliffhanger is because there were quite a lot of players who were saying "a cliffhanger ending again!?" after each expansion.

>They planned to make the end of stormblood quiet and start 5.0 with a rush of events, but this time, the players who finished stormblood were saying "i was expecting a cliffhanger at the end" and they were able to receive precious feedback. When they reach the end of the 5.x series, they would like to challenge a dynamic ending again.

Please let mhiggers get nuked immediately

Just capped all my currencies and cleaned out inventory/retainers. I'm ready. Also, having a top 100 feast system for crafting is gonna be extremely autistic.

Why don't you go to SE forums or something? Yea Forums isn't your customer service, jesus christ

Fuck I didn't want to log back in before the 28th. But I guess I'll have to finish getting my remaining crafters to 70.

Should I not spend any of the weekly currency now?

If it's like the past expansion, tomestones you have now will be converted into poetics and all the Stormblood gear will cost poetics instead.

Will it be cheaper to wait then buying it now?

TFW World of Darkness still has the best raid zone music.


Gnashing Fang does NOT break your combo retard.

Expected. You're trying to sell the game to visitors who most likely have not played the game, there's nothing wrong in doing this.

I don't recall if they were made cheaper, but it will certainly be easier to get that stuff with all the old end game content that will now give poetics.

Any tips on a gay boi healer that plays on PS4 (Remote)? I'm level 15 now
Just got the full game and I'm enjoying it.

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Why do people think the hooded figure isn't G'raha?

Does that mean you hit over the 2k cap or do you have to manually convert them?

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It does in the fucking simulator you retarded zero reading comprehension slug.

focus on MSQ first always.


Cutscene-skippers and people allergic to cats.

>Adding PvP autism to comfy crafting
Fuck this gay earth

Use your DPS spells when the tank is healthy.

You have to manually convert them so you won't lose them.

Who the fuck knows when both G'raha and hooded figure are identical.
Also we have this image that was right about everything.

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>he fell for the seething wow cucks' shitposting

Because they desperately want to avoid seeing him again after the Crystal Tower raid quest series. He isn't as annoying as Mide *touches scar* was though.

>do msq
>do class quests(you unlock a new one every 5 levels)
>level 30 class quest unlocks job, do it
Enjoy the game at your own pace.

>Hydaelyn is becoming too weak to do anything
>She is a primal
Okay so why don't we just ask people to pray for her extra hard and feed her some fucking crystals?

Always be casting.
Tanks require far less healing than you think.
The only point of health that matters is the last one.
Use your damage spells when no one is in immediate need of healing.
If you're playing scholar, dungeons below level 30 shouldn't require you to personally heal at all.
Stop playing male miqo'te.


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Y'shtola, liked her since 1.0. Hopefully she's finally getting the screentime she deserves.

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Any crafters here?

Did you guys clear out your retainer inventory of old crafting items? Like items from ARR or HW. I'm honestly not sure if I should clear house yet or whatever. I still have items like aurum regis ore, smithsonite ore etc.

midas dificulty and kino will never be reached again

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Whatever Little Sub

Where's that image of people who looked in the dats and had the comparison picture of the models?

Wow the stripper was referring to that Sin Eater chick in the trailer and Jabba was referring to the Ugly Bastard. I remember seeing this image during the pre fanfest wait and thinking that it was just some elaborate shitpost but goddamn was I wrong.

Nobody thinks that, people just don't want to think about it being him because he's a shitty, boring character and will likely put a damper on ShB's kino.

>launch trailer earlier this week
>jabba the hutt
Fuck this image just keeps on giving

>DRK used LD to eat Shinryuu Ahk Morn
>immediately Bene him after it triggered
>he died to following hits
Heh, nothing personal.

Nobody really. I don't care about the characters, they're just mouthpieces for us since we can't talk.

Only NPC I care about is Rielle.


I'll probably dump all my 2.0 and HW crafting shit yeah, I'm sure I can still find a use for SB crap for a while though.

>almost double from pre stormblood's subs

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This one?

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I still can't understand some of the ones in the other blufever leak before the live letter.

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>For 5.0, they threw that idea out of the window and said "Let's treat the gun as one of many weapons" and changed it to a job that uses all sorts of weapons. They adjusted it to shift away from the "stylish gunman" to "Drills", "A robot that dashes in to punch", things that a primary school kid will be obsessed with.]
Kinda glad I was never a MCHcuck, this shit is so embarassing LMAO

that's not how it works

I hope my boy Arenvald doesn’t get Black Rosed by the time I come back


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Never mind, I found it.

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And Yea Forums kept on saying that XIV is dying.

I've actually seen a lot of wowfugee videos since 2 months ago. Dunno what happened. Classic WoW is back so I didn't expect it.

>break a million
>still can't find enough people to join the dev team
prease herp

That's exactly how it works. You can cleanse walking dead status before the timer is up with full heal.

As much as I think nu-MCH is cool, I wish we could get a gunner job, it's why I played MCH.

so they made MCH's more like MCH's
how awful

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>DPS: K'hrid Tia: He's the ACN guildmaster but he fucked off for most of the questline but he's back this time with his advanced ACN findings and unique skills, acts a bit like Ignis in FFXV saying something along the lines of "I've founds a new recipe" but related to uncovering new information.
>Tank: Magnai Oronir: Gets distracted every so often and runs to the female party members asking if they are his Sun.
>Healer: Sylphie: She now can use DPS skills but sometimes she tries to Cure but instead uses the 1.0 skill Sacrifice which heals others but lowers her own HP as she's still not masted connecting to the elements.

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based. fuck dark kniggers.

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I'm not sure if it's ye olde English speech but NPCs just feel distant to me. Gosetsu is alright tho.

I can't do MSQ roulette at this point without running into 2-3 sprouts, it's ridiculous. You can always tell if it's a wowfugee too, because they'll tell you

maybe after you make working at Square Enix much less cancer than it is currently and Yoshida isn't after your ass for the slightest fuck up
then I might consider

Isn't he the one in control of Fordola's kill switch on her "collar" after she is released to go fight primals? She's probably jumped his bones by now.

I haven't told anyone I'm a Wow refugee.
I keep it to myself.

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Will we get Gaius as a trust?

So what does the train mean? We're not getting phantom train in 5.0 since we know the three launch primals are Titania, Innocence, and whatever summons Eden

So machinist is more about gadgets, that's cool, but why the fuck did they not give us Grenado Shot back then?
When are we going to get a more gunslinger focused job to make up for it?

Classic is a meme, nobody outside of a vocal nostalgiafag minority cared in the first place and they're going to stop caring as well when they realize playing a game they played when they were teenagers doesn't magically let them time travel to a period in their lives when they still thought they wouldn't become forever alone perma- NEETs. Whatever normies would be attracted to it out of curiousity will instantly drop it as well due to all the jank.

I don't see them giving us a trust character that don't conform to existing jobs/classes.

t. audio man

MCH is currently at its lowest point. It desperately needed a rework and it will have it.

>Little Sun as my tank
If he don't respond to that being said SE will have failed.

They really should have just made a musketeer class like everyone wanted

You felt imprisoned in eureka because you couldn't get a crappy mount you'll end up replacing in a few weeks anyway? Well all right then, congrats.

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Remember gents.

That shit job was never good, even back then during HW. It's a waste of DPS slot design tbqh.

but you just did nerd

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>When are we going to get a more gunslinger focused job to make up for it?

Probably never, now that DNC has filled a third ranged physical slot. Maybe in the final expac?

It was good when it at least had Hypercharge, now it doesn't even have that.

They all know, son. You're not fooling anyone.

>"stylish gunman"
it was never that
it was a needlessly flipping faggot with time stop bullet cringe

They had the Muskateer's guild in Limsa since 1.0 but SE didn't want to make a pure ranged DPS because they wanted a bard mirror(which they failed at horribly) so I'm glad they gave MCH it's own identity beyond WILDFIRE. Dancer being a RDPS probably put the nail in the gunner/cannoneer/muskateer type dps job though. Unless they make it a "melee" using gun kata or some shit in melee range.

>logging into this for early access
pure fucking kino

I can understand them trying to make MCH the selfish DPS of the range, but DNC and BRD are just too good to pass up. It also can't be as strong as SAM or BLM just because its both range and mobile.

The only cringe is this post tbqh

MCH is high IQ job. Always was, always will be. Brainlets need not apply, go play MNK or DRG, lmao.

try flipping some more
maybe then you can jump away from your faggotry

>time stop is cringe
Fuck off homosexual.

Practice doing nothing and only healing when people are taking damage.

Seems like that's going to be the new meta.

That wowfugee video saying why WoW players weren't that enthused in going into Stormblood was on point. Now that a lot of people have seen what ShB is going to offer, that's when the wowfugees are coming.

Who else /doingeverysidequestinthegame/ here? I decided I wanted to clean up my map and be prepped for any possible pre-requisites that future patches might hold.

It's pretty comfy, most quests are beyond basic but it's nice exploring old zones again.

That's the life of the collector my dude.
The only mounts I'm missing are the Feat reward ones and the 1.0 ones.

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>MCH harness the power of Alexander to stop bullets
Why are they so fucking inept at making jobs cool.

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Did it really have to have a single 123 combo with nothing to it?
The waiting time of the summoning the queen/rook is dumb.
>tfw Musketeer didn't become the class for the Scholar Job back before ARR launched.

No, some random THM controls the switch

take the cardpill

Attached: cards.jpg (537x520, 52K)

>fire gun
>lmao have the bullets stay in place please

>tfw Musketeer didn't become the class for the Scholar Job back before ARR launched.
What, you wanted the musketeer to be a healer?

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>lead shot
>fire a bullet straight up rather than just fire it at the enemy

And I know she will

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What's the fastest way 15-60 these days? Excluding jump potions

It was exactly that in HW, Stormbabby. All the basic shots and the OGCDs were trick shots that you could reasonably do in real-life, even.
I agree all the SB animations are beyond retarded, though. Completely ruined the job for me.

Palace of the Dead.

The answer is always Palace of the Dead. Tanks and healers can do dungeons with the 30% Aetheryte Earring, but PotD is always faster.

I already cleaned out every quest except feast of famine holy fucking shit a few months back so I'm ready for Shadowbringers.
I was impressed how almost every single side quest had some kind of lore or worldbuilding to it or was simply entertaining, such as rescuing the kitten from the roof of the house. Hardly any of them felt like genuine wastes of time. It was also cool getting two free thavnairian onions I didn't know about.

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I always thought it was called that way not because you were "leading" the shot, but literally because the bullet is made out of lead, because lead is toxic, hence the dot effect.
Are you trying to jape me?

Well, that sucks. Guess Lyse isn't completely retarded after all.

>When them horns hit for the first time
Still gets me

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Get ready to have your soul crushed by monotony.

I hope you have your leveling Earrings.

Do you just do 51-60 over and over?

He's just probably saying shooting bullet up in the air so it hits enemy is retarded.

>That shit job was never good, even back then during HW.
Found the salty BLM that couldn't outdamage a MCH in HW

>Virgin Stormblood vs CHADowbringers
Stronger than ever baybee


I'm leaving Feast of Famine for last because I know that shit is going to take forever, though I did get lucky and caught the Titanic Sawfish on my first double mooch.

The worldbuilding is nice. I like seeing the different characteristics of the NPCs around Eorzea.

I was surprised about getting an easy Thavnairian Onion from a quest too. Looking forward to the second even though there's probably no way I ever get my Chocobo to a high enough level to require them.

Yes. It's as soul-crushingly boring as it sounds. Throw on a podcast or some music and strap in.

If I could shoot party members with healing bullets. Think of it like a mix of chemist thrown in.

Fun. Do you mix in roulettes at all as a dps? Or do the longer queues offset any bonus exp you'd get?

But in this case, the name of the skill has nothing to do with the way you shoot it, instead implying the quality of the bullet fired.
Lead shot, as in "shot of lead"

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I just reached Pagos, any tips?

>Literally anyone from the HW crew
Thank god Tataru is protected by mile thick plot armor but I worry for the others, especially Ishgard.

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Yes, at the very minimum do your Alliance Roulette every day. You can throw in Leveling and MSQ Roulette once in a while if you feel like shaking things up.

Find someone willing to carry you to NMs until you get at the very least the top left Aetheryte. Learn to walk past Dragons.

>f I could shoot party members with healing bullets.

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Rewatching the WoD arc from HW I can't see how it was ever in doubt that Hydaelyn was a primal.
All the signs are there.

And people keep saying you can't shoot with Gunblade.

shadowbringers job action trailer already has 1.2m views

stormblood job action trailer has 1.7m after 2 years

Welp, should probably go unlock my alliance roulette, then. Off to Mor Dhona once work's over

>That part when Urianger strikes an elaborate pose complete with a sound effect
Why is he such a dork, holy shit

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Mid-late HW MCH was a fucking monster, though.

As an added benefit you currently get some event tomestones from the Crystal Tower raids and MSQ dungeons which you can turn in for some decent rewards like a mount from Diadem, among other things.

Google "Square Enix account mog station" then follow the instructions that are clearly labeled there. You're going to have to register your code to the correct service account.

I can't decide bros, which one should I level up first to 80, Summoner, Dancer or Dragoon?

>that dub
Glad I changed to nip within five quests at the start of HW

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You know he's awesome.

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Get SMN to 80 first for your free healer and neato job skills, then do DRG and then DNC last so you won't be stuck with that many other DNCs while leveling.

>Louisoix is considered to be a faggot in Sharlayan for not leaving everyone in Eorzea to die, and the Archon Scions are treasonous for giving away their knowledge freely
Fuck Sharlayan, should have had Dalamud fall on them

>1 million active subscriber
Man XI cucks would jump through the roof


>NA has the most players
>They still won't put a server on the east

haurchefant, he's such a good bro to me. I love his cutscenes where he tells me to warm up by his fire

The answer is clear.

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Please don't make another split happen.

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Why the fuck isn't there a single story solo-duty that requires you to use AoE?
Couple of these would do wonders to help retards find their AoE buttons.

SMN and DRG are ass while DNC could still be good and looks like it will. Become what you must.

But it's a good dub. What are your grievances?

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Is single target only DPS really that common of a problem?

I want to copy FFXIV from HDD to SSD.

Is it just a simple copy and paste to the program files(x86) folder in the c: drive and then running it?

blankity blankity blank anything is a common problem.

I think I ended up having to reinstall the whole thing for some stupid reason.

>SMN ans DRG are ass

SMN is going to be so much fun now.
Dat two min rotation squeezed into a one min rotation with another step added.

Please let the new version of whatever Eureka is for 5.0 be open world with multiple of the same area like channels when they were testing Ixion and world server shit instead of a locked away Instance where you can't access shit like Crafting/Party Finder etc.


SMN and DRG are fine, the fuck are you on about balancecuck

Copy paste should work.

>Thancred in the new trailer in Japanese: sounds shaken to the core, confused at having his long-held beliefs challenged by an enemy
>Thancred in the new trailer in English: sounds nonchalant and carefree, as if he is making a quip from a Marvel movie

It's extremely noticeable once you start tanking or healing and you get two faggots who refuse to AoE. Even just one DPS AoEing is enough to speed a dungeon up by a couple minutes so it's extremely obvious when you've got two smooth-brained melee sitting at full TP the entire time and you can hear the SAM spamming Midare when there's 5+ mobs.

Just reinstall it. Just log in game first to save all your settings to the cloud thing first and from the launcher somewhere.

They are smug only because their isolation protects them, they'd be singing a different tune otherwise.

I kind of hope when we go there eventually it turns out to be a corrupt shithole.

>Run lvl 70 dungeon as PLD
>Pull to the wall
>Spam Total Eclipse until out of TP
>Spam Holy Spirit while gaining TP
>Spam Total Eclipse until out of TP again
>Enemies at 25% while both melee DPS are full TP
It's more common than you think

Is there an english version of this?
I can't understand what the skills are, I want to build my hotbar in preparation for ShB

DWT and Firebird Trance shares CD so you still have a 2min rotation

I know this feel, I had a smn just yesterday that refused to cast fucking painflare or boosted tri-bind OR FUCKING BANE, the mouth breathing troglodyte was recasting the dots on every single mob and told me that "Fester dose more damage you noob".
Now take a wild guess if this guy had a big fat yellow crown next to his name or not.

I am also finally in a FC

Do people here group up to do roulettes, or is that considered a /vg/ thing?

Before you do, save your config files and back them up in-game, just in case you fuck it up

We had that Sharlayan guy from the AST quests to show the corrupt side, but overall Sharlayan doesn't seem like a bad place, it's just extremely isolationist and wary of sharing information with other states. From the lore book it's a place of unmatched equality for its citizens.

Some ledditor will probably make an English version soon anyway.

>Combat starts, pop tri disaster and dreadwyrm, after 15 seconds summon bahamut, who lasts 30 seconds, 15 more seconda fo firebird, 30 seconds of phoenix
A minute and a half at most, 2 summons instead of only bahamut

>he "fat man" who shows up in the middle of the trailer is the head/leader of Eulmore and he cannot say if we'll be fighting him or not, but the fat man was provoking us and he would like players to speculate if he's really just a friend of the sin eaters or being controlled by someone.
MrJanny got mindbroken by Innocence? The opposite of the usual fat-man doujins.

Estinien experienced something similar from a direct source, and remained composed despite being an angry cunt
Thancred, in comparison, has been depicted as cool-headed, and wasn't confronted by a notorious shitposter
English is fine in this scenario. If you want to complain, try the actual casting choices instead

>tfw you know the lala in that comic

>Yoshida: To be honest, i didn't want to go on stage during E3 at first. FFXIV has reached its 6th year and it's continuing to grow, but for general console gamers who attend E3, they are probably like "It's an MMO right? it has nothing to do with me so move on" and i was against going on stage in that atmosphere, but unexpectedly, i was welcomed with a huge applause and it really helped. At the same time, i felt the honest passion from those who are cheering for SE.

Hell, Shadowbringers got as much cheering as the FF VII Remake.

Holy shit is that what that guy looks like?

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It's always the downs crowns that are vocal about their ineptitude. They're worse than sprouts that reee about advice because sprouts might actually learn better, but mentors see the crown and are self-assured that they must be right and will probably play like dogshit forever. Here's to hoping that with TP being removed shitters might finally attempt to AoE.

Ultros isn't so bad but we have a particular mentor who loves to talk about things they clearly know nothing about and I've almost been kicked by them twice for arguing when they were obviously wrong.

>be the only DPS using AoE
>they other nigger's TP bar barely has a dent in it
This is why I just goad warriors or something.

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For now I just copy pasted it and did not remove it from the HDD since I have a lot of space still available in the HDD anyway, like 2TB so having the game is still there is fine and a backup just incase the ShB update fucks up the one in the SSD.

There was no complaint in the post, it was pointing out the stark difference between the characters in Japanese and English.

Can someone link that GNB simulator that one user made please?

For me, it's usually female characters being superior in the English dub (especially Lalafells as in Japanese they're the usual cutesy high-pitched VA's), and the males are superior in Japanese.

>"don't use aoes because they do less damage the more enemies there are"
actual quote from a smn in expert ROULETTE

Bahamut and Phoenix only lasts for 20 seconds idiot. Not to mention that Firebird Trance and Summon Phoenix is the same thing so it's more like DWT(15s)>Bahamut(20s)>Ruin 3 spamming(25s)>Phoenix(20s)>More Ruin 3 spam(40s) >repeat

>retard doesn't even know his own tooltips
0:00-0:12 DWT
0:12 - 0:32 Bahamut
0:32 - 1:00 filler
1:00 - 1:20 FBT/Phoenix
1:20 - 2:00 filler

Holy fucking shit I am sick of stupid cunt sprouts who just instantly boost to 60 and don't have a single clue on how to play their bastard job. It always seems to be tanks or worse, healers.

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Phoenix and Bahamut only last 20 seconds.

That's why I hope it turns out to be a corrupt shithole in reality. The lorebook passages rubbed me the wrong way, you have all these place all over Eorzea struggling with their problems and trying to do the best thing in difficult times, and then you have the isolationist nation of superhumans where everyone has three degrees in aetherology, it's a complete meritocracy and they basically invented everything.
It's shitty and obnoxious writing, they're like LotR elves, except Sharlayans don't even have the excuse of being explicitly created to be superior by the deities. That's why I hope they end up being more like Silmarillion elves and end up being just as corrupt and fallible as everyone else.

is yoshi p forced to accept all picture requests?

How should I go about leveling crafting and gathering classes? I have only gotten miner to 50 but feel like this is the wrong way to do it. Should I really level them all at the same time?

I lovde it when I got a tank in Aetherochemical Research Facility who didn't know to use flash or turn a stance on.

It's on leddit.
It's also not working correctly right now.

>thinking he won't turn Alisaie into his mind controlled cocksleeve

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Wait until we learn about the changes to them tomorrow because they're probably about to get a lot easier to level in Shadowbringers.

Generally though you want to level all of them if you want to craft seriously.

Found it, thanks

I didn't get that impression from the lore books, they obviously have their own problems and failings and their isolationist views are always portrayed in a bad light. I think it's good to have places that are different from everywhere else, every city state being just a terrible place to live is boring to me now.

Had a boosted tank in AV yesterday who would constantly spam Overpower on single targets and, without fail, use Rampart AFTER every combat. Not before, not during, but after, so it would fall of by the time we reached the next pack.

>tfw Shadowbringers is going to break my feet mods

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>Chilling with your bro, Aymeric, eating dinner.
FUck me, if hw wasn't the most comfy shit ever

Attached: Snug.png (280x242, 125K)

me want be shiny dark knight for shadowbringer

>jp: final fantasy! (x) character!
>german/french: final fantasy! (x) character!
>na/anglo: marvel! meme references! ye olde english!!!
England and America were both mistakes, try to prove me wrong fags.

fotm chaser fucking shits get away from my job

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God bless you. I always wish I could Goad you back when it does happen since I know the other melee won't (or the ranged won't pop Tactician even though I've asked FIVE FUCKING TIMES and they just ignore it).

You can do your gatherers whenever, but it's recommended to do them concurrently with crafters so you can get your own mats.

General rule for crafters
>get everything to 20-30
>get CUL 38
>WVR to 50
>CRP to 50
>everything else to 50 though in my opinion you should do ARM, BSM and ALC first

After that you can do whatever you want since you have all the baseline cross-role skills necessary.

Use leves to level your crafters and grind your gatherers until they can do collectibles. Find a guide for more details.

I honestly can't wait to replay the entire MSQ with the NG+ option after I finish 5.0. I'll gladly take the ARR-HW slog.

>german/french: final fantasy! (x) character!
>na/anglo: marvel! meme references! ye olde english!!!
>he doesn't know

I didn't realise people on primal were so redpilled

Don't worry, they will all be orbiting GNB.


>PLD and GNB both look super fun to play
>DRK is getting even more boring
Don't worry, you'll get to be a special snowflake in the shed

>DRK in snowcloak
>Hi guys first time here

Attached: t1BJ980.jpg (819x895, 133K)

Are they translated from the English version?

I meant CUL 37, but you just want Steady Hand II ASAP.

I am also curious.

idk about that user, but around the job action trailer
>PF Gayorzea meet-up entry #572
>following six entries below it saying they will never be a woman

All city-states are good to live in, though. They're just portrayed in a realistic manner so not everything goes well for everyone at all times.
Also, Sharlayan isolationism is being portrayed as a bad thing for everyone else, not for them. You mentioned the AST quests yourselves, the entire crux of that questline is that Sharlayans are trying to prevent other states from learning their super secret magic that is better than everybody else's. It just compounds on how insufferably perfect they're supposed to be.

>me want be shiny dark knight for shadowbringer
This but unironically. But i decided to go through every dungeon at least once, starting from Sastasha) so i could get used to my skills. At least i got some of those event tomes too.

>finally at the very last step before Happening and Heavensward begins
>but still three levels away from Culinarian 50
Goddamned extra dialogue

At least he talks so is probably receptive to advice and will communicate. Straight up mutes who won't respond are the worst. It's particularly a problem playing EU since there's a good chance you get french cunts who completely refuse to speak English even if they know how.

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Koji's translation fuckery makes it into them as well

>WoL keeps observing the buttler at all times with anxiety and refuses to drink

Attached: 1550004881140.jpg (796x712, 60K)

No, usually French and German are more similar to JP version than English.


Thanks for making the effort, user.
Already places you leagues above the rest.

I'm running an alliance roulette right now, and more than half of the people here are complaining about MSM and cancel culture and shit

God i hope he turns me into a mind controlled cocksleeve.

Should have chosen Light

Your right, I never looked at anything else than the tooltips and its not that clear that FT replaces DWT.
But on the other hand it dose feel like kinda of a good thing as now I know where to put those ruin 4s and egi assaults.

Thank you crafting friends.

What is MSM and cancel culture?

English only fags don't even know how bad they have it. I have a couple of burgers in my FC and they constantly go on about how that line was stupid and that joke felt out of place, and they keep being surprised when I tell them that it wasn't even there in the original text.

No, it's portrayed as a failing for them like everyone else, especially in the AST quests where the pursuit of it makes them murder each other. The city states aren't really realistic and realism is something I don't care about much in fantasy, I'd rather it be interesting than realistic and having a place where its citizens are equal and generally content would be nice for a change. Though I am pretty sure they would follow the same pattern as always and portray it as you would like if we go there.

>paranoia prevents him from drowning his sorrows in drink
>payment for saving the world desensitizes him to coin
next upcoming vice: sex

I don't understand, why are french people such scum?
They're legitimately bad people. Not all of course, but if someone sucks at the game and is also a smug cunt about it, 9/10 times you can see the F highlighted in the party list.
What causes this?

>Fatman mind controls Alisaie
>user expects to be cucked by MrJanny
>Innocence appears and FUCKS Alisaie while the Sin Eaters hold you down
OH NO NO bros notto dissu shitto again.

Attached: (You) and Niggocence.png (2000x1036, 2.24M)

You dont have to tell me about how effing retarded the frogs are, I even made a fucking SPSS document to count it out. Results were kinda... retarded.

MSM is probably MainStream Media? Don't know the other one.

You could have done dailies and got to 70 way before it comes out you know.

Attached: 1552873659398.gif (511x512, 106K)

That was such a great touch for that scene too, showed how wary of everyone the WoL had become.

I advocated moving to avoid getting lumbered in with those useless fuckers but my FC didn't want to uproot sticks and I didn't want to start fresh elsewhere since my FC is otherwise really, really good.

Alisaie becomes the pole dancer slut in the leak

Just so long as it's sex with Alisaie

Fuck off you NTRshitters. You're like a goddamn plague.

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>They finally decide to put a server on the East coast
>They choose Crystal

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It's impossible to keep them out. They can latch on to pretty much anything.

I didn't buy a jump potion desu, i just wanted my shiny dark knight for ShB is all. But still didn't want to jump to higher dungeons without getting used to my skills, hence running copperbell/sastasha/tam tara a couple of times first. I really don't get how people like jumping to max level like that.

>implying they'd settle for Alphinaud-in-a-skirt

Attached: 1557705652494.jpg (951x709, 105K)

I have a legacy character on Excalibur but when ARR launched and server transfers from legacy worlds were locked, I started over to be able to play with friends on Gilgamesh.

I will forever regret losing that legacy tattoo...

I know right. A lot of burgers and anglos/english only faggots hate or dislike characters that are vastly more bitchy in english and they miss out on Estinien's character going from "don't get in my way" "maybe you can do stuff decently" to calling you his partner. Instead they get le warrior of light and overly long dialogue that misses the point. Sad. If those burgers are like the usual english only fags they still said "yeah but the english version is better" or something similar right? or were the burgers 100% normalfags that don't even know there's a difference.

>get sprout WHM
>he doesn't know what any of his cooldowns do
>he's fishing for freecure procs while the mobs are kicking my asshole out through my mouth

I fucking swear the one or two situations where freecure is actually handy isn't fucking worth it teaching retards to play the job so badly.

Alisaie isn't Alphinaud in a skirt, Alphinaud is Alisaie in pants. That's why Alphinaud keeps getting mistaken for a girl.

the game data files are independed from the config files you should have in the dokuments folder where your os is installed
so just copy paste it and u good
t. did just that multiple times

This guy really perfected the ugly fat fucker look with his fucking meter long mullet.

Tiny, insular community. French that speak English and are willing to are almost always fine to play with, at least relatively. The one's that don't are stupid nationalist retards that never communicate with anyone outside their sphere of comfort and never find out how shit they truly are.
You'd have the same problem with Germans that don't speak English, but those are infinitely rarer so it isn't as noticeable.

This. Why go for the inferior version when you have Alphinaud himself?

>It begins
That's what you get for shitting up threads you subhuman waifufags.

Attached: 5123.jpg (400x563, 40K)

You can always gain new friends, but you can never get that tattoo again

This years rising will feature Legacy Chocobo, Tattoo and Goobbue.

Oh ok then. I went from Paladin to Dark Knight a long time ago and I say welcome fellow dark knight bro.

Glam friends
Is there something like a sun vizor that I can use with my bikini glam?

Statistical proof about the retardation of the frogs, do share user.


What? Can you clarify on this? The tattoo is going to be for everyone? Because I sure fucking hope not.

I see this now

Shut up, fujo

He is making a joke because last year's rising gave away a 1.0 exclusive item and everyone bitched about it. Yoshi said it was a mistake and they won't do it again.

No, no way they're doing it again after Yoshi apologised for adding those earrings.

Just wait until they give everyone the reduced sub fee for life.

Does anyone even like these early level equipment?

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With all the shit online I'm not sure what's even actually in the translation anymore and what is people just spewing memes. Or if there is even a difference.

Some of them are mad at how bad the localization is but have no choice. I have some 100% normalfag bongs in the FC as well, though, and they love all those epic references to pop culture, let me tell you.

>They already have double the amount of pre-orders compared to Stormblood.

Shadowniggas is gonna be huge

Attached: preorders.jpg (1266x482, 42K)

Pre-ARR gear is kino and the highest graphic quality gear in the game.

People slutglamming their roes maybe?

Good. People shouldn't be rewarded for playing 1.0. If anything, they should be punished. At least they are branded.

It must be because I get more commends aoeing through ghimlyt with DRG/RDM than practically anywhere doing anything else


Imagine if Xbox did get access to XIV.

That's what you think.
Blizzard has timed patch 8.2 against ShB release so all the WoW refugees will cancel their preorders and go back home to run Mechagon over and over in the hopes of a titanforged gnomic mechano dildo.

You wouldn't have had the game you have now with legacy players. Respect us. We had to deal with the worst of times.

If I see a DPS actually doing some thicc AoE damage in Expert they're probably getting my commend unless the healer fucking killed it as well.

This is all good and all.

But are we going to have story quests EXTREME versions again? I don't want to experience Raubhan EX again.

We'd get like 10 more active players out of that, nobody owns an Xbox anymore except people who play sports or racing games.

Its not much proof of anything as the "retardation scale" was based on my own arbitrarty thoughts and sadly I lost the spss file back when my license ended and I turned in my work laptop.
But from what, I can remember every single time you had a party member that was a total incompetent muppet he had F in is search info at about 78% of the time.
This was spread out over about 200 dungeons, trials and EX stuff so its not any proof about anything but I do feel that is somewhat of a fingerpointer.
And it tells me that french players are fucking retarded.

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>all the WoW refugees will cancel their preorders and go back home
please god let this happen

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Console players don't play MMOs

Calm down Asmongoloid

I said it before and I'll say it again. There is a HUGE influx of WoW refugee's who are sick and tired of BFA and failed to get into the Classic "streamer" beta. With this coinciding right before Shadowbringers coming out it's the perfect time for them to get in and try and catch up in time for a brand new expansion.

The WoW team must be shaking.

It's almost a guarantee that whatever the first lengthy solo instance is will become a bottleneck for MSQ progression again.

He didn't buy it, he brought it.

>each time they try this they fail
Wouldn't be surprised if they're the ones behind the constant DDoSing too.

Legacy players caused it go on longer than it should have, making it take longer for them to realize that it needed a complete overhaul. Wear your brand of shame so we know who to blame.

They do in Japan, albeit no one plays an xbox in Japan.

How can you be from UK and still dont know how to spell "trial"? You say "trail" in tje OP like a fucking retard

Try putting the code on your MOG station acc same login info as your ps4 acc

>all the new players who preordered and got HW for free get stuck at Raubahn EX again instead of bottle necking new content because they aren't getting Stormblood until Shadownigs comes out
bravo jewenix

I swear if anyone has MP problems in shadowbringers I'lll fucking cry, considering they reduced Lucid Dreaming cooldown to 60s

They'll all look shit save for the AF and CE won't they?

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I think a decent amount of the early gear blows the fuck out of other MMO's leveling gear in terms of looks, people just sleep on them because you end up running around in so many mismatched, clown colored sets. I'll never understand why all the early vendor gear sets are dyed random colors.

Because he's a phoneposter just like you retard

Alpha/Beta forums for 1.0 told Tanaka not to release it and tell him to change the engine and shit, but that dumbass wanted to compete with Cataclysm expansion.


A reddit post about the recent Titania E3 demo claimed that SCH and AST had MP problems from spamming too much Broil and Malefic and not having enough recovery even with 60s Lucid.

All of the SB primal ones will be shit because of the Asian theme. Hopefully the normal leveling weapons will look good.

Depends on how far in it is, really. Raubahn Ex was such a problem because it happened like an hour into the expansion so even the most casual of casuals would reach it on their first session and be stuck. If it's, say, 8 hours in, the playerbase will be already spread out more by then.

>Be a melee DPS in dungeon
>Do AoE on pakcs of 3+mobs
>Use a Goad macro to tell you used it on the other DPS/Tank doing AoE
>Swim in all thoses commendations

I sure will miss the easy commendations once ShB hits but I'm looking forward to use Kaeshi Gokken in dungeons

Attached: KaeshiGoken.jpg (70x70, 2K)

Please no. I love all of them

need another red chocobo reckoning in shad msq

I remember some interview with him where he expressed confusion over a question about players wanting to have a jump button.

It wouldn't surprise me since they're changing piety to be MP regen, so they probably want to make it a useful stat to get.

No, Wada wanted to. Wada was a massive fucking tumor SE took WAY too long to excise.

WoWniggers have such powerful Stockholm Syndromes you're probably right.
And that's a good thing. I despise WoWfugees.

Who is Wada?

I hope they show some DNC and GNB weapon stuff in the LL later today.
Yoshida mentioned showing some glams and mounts.

I mean I don't blame you for not understanding jp shit. I can't read it but I understand (most) of what people say at least. The issues are mostly with characterision and overdoing the dialogue to the point where the context and emotions disappear. Fates and similar content being memeshit is more than fine but messing with actual characters to appeal to normalfags in the west is really bad imo. The difference isn't a meme but how do I put this. from what I've heard German and French was dubbed but largely the same while English got a localization (meant to make it more understandable/relatable/etc) which changes a lot of things around. "Americanization" of sorts even if a lot of voice actors are bongs.
Yeah I get it if they have no choice. I'd say most people, especially normalfags/people that are more prone to being good at maths than languages will be forced to settle. The le epic references and overdone fluffed up comic-tier localization is beyond sad though. engfags will never get to experience Estinien going from a cunt to (You)r bro properly. Anyway this post feels like it'll be a wall of text so I'll leave it at that for now.

Why is it so hard to find a decent ulitmate weapon re-clear group on EU. Joined team that supposed to be on suppersion phase but they have problems with destroying nails. I just wanted more glamours before 5.0 release.

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>game reaches the tipping point where it becomes acknowledged as larger than wow even by normies and average gamers
>cancerous wow streamers migrate over
>their 10,000 cancerous followers come over as well
literal flood of darkness

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I think he meant Yoichi Wada

This will be a dark day if it happens. I can imagine nothing worse than asmongold and his ilk jumping ship. Thankfully they will probably stay relegated to NA.

When did a Namazu show up in the Gold Saucer Cactpot area?

>but I'm looking forward to use Kaeshi Gokken in dungeons
It's literally just Gokken buffed with Kaiten, you're just doing 2 Gokken in a row.

Former President of SE.

At least the expansion is fitting

Nah too "weeb" for them.

The main reason why Square Enix went from a celebrated developer in the late 90's and the early 00's to the mess it has been for over a decade.
They've gotten a bit better since kicking him out but still. FF VII Remake looks promising but it being split up into multiple games is worrying me.

Make it Rain event.
There's a bunch of other NPC around too, like the relic guys playing the hammer minigame, or the 3 idols dancing.

And so a new patrician MMO will be created, and the cycle will continue. Balance must be maintained. I fucking hope not tho I love final fantasy and I don't wanna see this game flooded with cancerous streamers and zoomers.

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Random characters from your adventures will appear in places throughout the gold saucer.

Because of the event, you can see a lot of minor npcs.

I think he hated the idea of ffxiv having a 2s gcd in general and liked eso so i hope we're safe

>Yoshida: To be honest, I didn't want to go on stage during E3 at first. FFXIV has reached its 6th year and it's continuing to grow, but for general console gamers who attend E3, they are probably like "It's an MMO right? It has nothing to do with me so move on" and I was against going on stage in that atmosphere

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I'm not aware of how bad WoW streamers are, but can they really be that much worse than MrHappy and his troglodyte followers? I mean, having even more people at that level would already be bad enough, but still?

Dont remove manashift please

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Too "weeb" and the game is anti-zoomer in every sense of the word. Shitty arena seasons (the feast) is the closest 1:1 they'll get.

OP, I presume you've solved your issue by now, but in any case, as far as I remember there was a service menu for your PSN account where you had to add the game somehow. Should work then (also since you already have the free trial you don't need the disc to start it).

things turned out pretty good so no sad times

I wonder if Yoshi watched that one Blizz presentation thing.

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They have random story NPCs appear in the Gold Saucer during Make It Rain. This year I've seen the Namazu, the U tribe catboys, Gerolt and Drake, the Thaumaturge guild lalafells, and the Redbills with Cait Sith.

You have no fucking clue how terrible the mainstream WoW audience is. Imagine Mr. Happy's audience but 10-20x larger, and they never shut the fuck up about XIV being "weeb" "anime" game.

I know it's nothing special, just another AoE skill to use on packs.

The Redbills and Cait Sith always have a chance to show up at the lounge, even without the event.

I've been playing wow to kill time before shadowbringers launches and it's improved my view of FFXIV's community tenfold. I don't even want to fucking imagine what the retards who follow wow streamers are like.

That'll be the that i will be thankful for the strict moderation in XIV, i can't wait to get them all banned when they act up in-game.

Yeah that's why we don't have to worry about them invading. Even if they got over the "weeb" aesthetic long enough to actually try it, they won't even get a quarter of the way through ARR.

If I was at home I'd post a picture but generally
>Target bar stays in place
>4 hotbars at 90% size stacked in the bottom center, only use 3 on most classes though
>HP/MP, class bars, and self buffs/debuffs above the hotbars
>Party and enemy menus moved halfway between the edge and center of the screen

I would remove manashift just to see you suffer, stinky.

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