Why the fuck does she have 2 int?
Why the fuck does she have 2 int?
She's fucking retarded and worst girl.
you know why
cause shes white
is this game any good?
im disappointed there won't be a second season where akko becomes not good but a decent witch
for some reason japanese protagonists are always dumb or emotional, even tho their entire nation is filled with unfeeling high IQ bugmen
cute but stupid girls are cutest
she spent it all on str and luck
>Atsuko Kagari
You're all misunderstanding
how the fuck does she manage to have INT as high as 2?
learning magic increased her IQ by 100%
she's a brawler in that game and in the anime she also relies on brute force
0 * 100 = 0
Her academy isn't equipped for special needs and nobody's more special than Akko.
Delete this
If you have to ask you're as smart as she is
LWA is mediocre, just like most of Trigger anime.
Exactly, the fanbases are few but they are annoying as fuck and always ruined Yea Forums
Actually accurate
Trigger have 10/10 art and animation, but they have no idea how to write a long form narrative and end it in a satisfying way, their pacing always gets really rushed towards the end. The almost always default back to AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS.
Honestly I think they should stick to movies and OVAs or make a more episodic anime.
The first half was really good. Wasn't too into the rest.
Your INT is even lower.
0 can't be less than 0 user
So she's 4 int now?
That's the problem with giving creatives free reign, at least a lot of them. They need someone cracking the whip to keep them focused and on track. Without that teams like Trigger just throw everything at the wall cause they think it seems cool and fun. But then they also want to have a serious narrative with stakes, characters you care about and an emotional pay off. That can work, but it is so difficult that doing so is more luck that talent. Trigger hasn't been all that lucky with it.
superior taste
You tried so hard to be clever, but just couldn't quite do it.
it's really not. has fun character interaction though. not worth $40 but worth your time if you liked the show and can get it on sale.
Yours is you moronic waning dog.
OP has the specialest needs with all the nonsense his dumbass believes.
Balancing purposes, they didn't stop to think about the logic.
If you think you multiply by 100 to get a 100 percent increase, your INT is negative.
Are you guys ever gonna discuss the game? This is the first game where I feel like I need a guide. Where to find keys? What are the enemy drop rate and which enemies to farm? How to complete the fucking sidequests? What are the best built for each characters? Why is Sucy so shit.
Game was too shit the thread is just an excuse to shitpost some LWA deviant art quality garbage art
Is this a Hentai rpg maker game?
Your IQ is below average.
Monad and dyad (hilo) is what P1 believes. Tetrad is P100 cognitive ability.
The game sucked
You watched the anime, right?
I go to work and outperform my coworkers everyday because I'm way smarter than all of them just like I'm smarter than you.
What am I suppose to be looking at in this image, I can't see.
I'm an MVP and you're just a goddamn moron who got funded by our defective system.
Dropped on 5 episodes. Shit was fucking terrible
the grass is greener etc.
>Where to find keys?
Game's shit; don't bother.