Will the people that didn't like Awakening or the Fates games like this?
Three Houses
>nu-Fire Emblem
At the very least they apparently confirmed that there will be no time traveling children this time, and I think the time skip is only 5 years, so hopefully that means there won't be a focus on dumbass romance shit while they're in the middle of fighting a fucking war
A lot of the characters they've shown off so far look really fucking gay though, I hope that changes after the time skip. I might wait and take a peek at the full list of character portraits before I buy just in case they all look retarded again like in Fates
As someone who prefers pre awakening FE, I initially dismissed this game but what theyve shown looks miles better than anything post awakening. I'll wait for impressions but I'm actually curious now.
Of the nu-Fire Emblem games, I only played Awakening, but from what I've seen of the Treehouse streams, this game looks pretty kino. A lot of the stages appear to have alternate win conditions. Characters have way more actions in their arsenal. If you're an autistic micromanager like me, you're gonna fall in love with this game's school system.
Only thing I really didn't like is that you can reverse time, something like 3 - 5 turns? If a unit dies, this allows you to go back a few turns before they die. I prefer selecting a Casual Mode or a Hardcore Mode in the beginning of the game. Reversal mechanic makes preventing death far too easy.
>there won't be a focus on dumbass romance shit
there is that picture of edelgard and dmitri holding each other while dancing pre timeskip, might not be neither here nor there but it could definitely come back up
Did they make the default artwork shit on purpose just to sell more limited editions?
>A lot of the stages appear to have alternate win conditions. Characters have way more actions in their arsenal.
This is why I'm curious again too.
They've seemingly done away with that dumbshit pairup mechanic too which is great. Even weapon durability is back
At least its not as lazy as pokemon's boxart
Seems like it could be interesting. I've been meaning to try this series for years anyway, so I'm debating on just playing this one or play a couple older ones first. Want to play some that came before Awakening before I give Awakening and beyond a shot. That is, unless I just decide to play Three Houses next month.
The last good FE was 12, and I'm on the fence about TH. The artstyle is trash and I'm worried about ISIS actually pulling off what they're trying to pull off, but if they can manage it I might like it.
I just want the writing to be alright again, it was never amazing but it set the tone.
>there will be no time traveling children this time
>that means there won't be a focus on dumbass romance shit while they're in the middle of fighting a fucking war
Both completely irrelevant things that have nothing to do with Awakening and Fates' lack of quality. Typical FEfag. Storyniggers should be gassed.
It has a serious impact on the tone, the gameplay already looks better than Awakening and Fates anyway.
I just need the maps to be at least Birthright tier, not expecting 6 but at least that
Where do you get the steelbook?
It looks great but we ultimately have no idea until it's in our hands. Fates had interesting story concepts that had me excited pre-release and then executed approximately none of them properly. An A+ story trailer isn't proof of good writing.
according to the website I got that image from, korea
>Muh tone
So irrelevant shit then.
>gameplay looks better than Awakening and Fates
how ?
Romance is in. So enjoy.
How unfortunate