In the eyes of media CDPR is racist and transphobic

>in the eyes of media CDPR is racist and transphobic
>creator of Cyberpunk praises them for their depiction of minorities

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Who gives a fuck?

>Poland is a racist shithole

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Imagine a cyberpunk future without trannies or leftists

Oh wait that's not dystopian, nevermind!

>tell your racist uncel Bob to STFU for a change
Do white American liberals actually do this to their family? I don't know about you fags, but my family has no fear speaking honestly about filthy niggers, jews, gooks, spics and arabs.

>insane twitter trannies double down and call mike pondsmith "uncle tom"

He is based and his game will be GOTY

Now that is some based black man wisdom right there. Diversity for the win!

Same, shitting on turks is family tradition for us

does mike pondsmith have dragon energy too?

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>Now that is some based black man wisdom right there.

Until he says something that you don't like and then it's right back to calling him a nigger.

it is, and that's a good thing.

anything is better than full time niggers like you.

Pretty sure those trannies hate women and minorities who don’t agree with their bullshit more than straight white males

>L-look Pepaw, I called him a nigger! Ain't I clever?

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It really is sad that white people feel the need to step in and get offended on behalf of minorities who don’t care


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Please. PLEASE.
Let these faggots cast the first stone already so we can wipe them off the face of the earth with extreme and justified prejudice. They are running our society into the fucking ground and they need to fucking GO.

Why do you think those in power are pushing this so hard? You don't really think they want these people around in the long run do you?

They've been throwing boulders for years and yet people just sit back and take it. Nothing will stop them and you know it.

>most of the people hate gov
>somehow they still voted for them in EU elections



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why cant i find this post, its like hidden

Hey Grzegorz, whatcha doing?

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Probably the op was downvoted to oblivion

swiat klauna

Of course people in Warsaw are protesting current gov.
Like everywhere in West, capitals are massive leftie hives full of ((diversity))
But that's beside the point of people voting not like you are not demons.

>social justice warriors
>well meaning
they're insane witch-hunters who are constantly looking for the next person or company to burn at the stake

Seething nigger

>Why do you think those in power are pushing this so hard?
Because it encourages idiots in the lower and middle class to fight among themselves while the rich and powerful continue to take more and more control of the world for themselves