Has an evenly arranged, aesthetic roster

>has an evenly arranged, aesthetic roster
>has tier lists
>”he’s good but can he defeat the final boss?”
>some characters are spammy
>some aren’t actually good they’re just a meme
>is entertaining to people who don’t play the game
>to the ones playing, its everything
>has npcs that support different characters

pic unrelated. smash thread

Attached: 2FB2E54A-EB25-44FC-96CA-91FAB0194576.jpg (1334x750, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Will all join forces to defeat that great evil that is destroying that is conspiring with a greater evil afar.

is a single person on this attracted to adult women?

Where's Hil?

>'member Obama?
>slightly lighter Obama
>gay Obama
>'member Obama?
>female Obama
>Shillary but somehow worse
>white Obama
>based but bluepilled
>zoomer meme

>play identity politics so much that everyone breaks into factions and starts killing each other while the evil overlord watches
this is more likely

I like you.

Who Yang Gang here?

Will this be on twitch?

/ourgirl/ Tulsi will be the first to get booted, won't she?

Based Yang go get em

The Democrats are doomed aren't they.

Attached: 1547562098666.jpg (4096x2304, 921K)

Yang is the only dem candidate that's openly against tribalist tactics, is cautious about government interventionalism, and will actually give straightforward answers to things.

I literally do not give a shit about UBI. Hell I think it's too much of a solution for not enough of a problem right now.

But if a Dem is gonna boot Trump out, I want it to be him.

In a hospital somewhere

Attached: Hillary.webm (640x360, 2.59M)

Why do the Democrats love white men do much bros


That's a big if. Not even shillary could take him down. A literal who has no chance

Nobody actually liked Hillary. She lost because she generated zero excitement and couldn't be bothered to campaign in the rust belt.

What do any of these people disagree on?

>Not even shillary
You think she's the best there was to offer? Everybody hates her fucking guts.

which minority group deserves the most money

Hillary was complacent as fuck, she made no effort to bolster the rust belt which Trump found vulnerable to a flip.

They're all gonna lose to Trump, and you know I'm right.

I would give a fuck, if it werent for the fact of being that no matter which candidate gets elected, they will be absorbed into the Washington political machine, if they werent already, to get the big party-establishment-friendly planks pushed through and have the actual planks they ran on be neglected

Foreign policy, economic policy, civil liberties, etc. The only GOP candidates that make the rounds who aren't in lock-step with the rest of the party are the Pauls.

>/pol/ppet confirmed for butthurt that he's working for the bad guys.
How's it feel to be a mook?

>How's it feel to be a mook?
only fools think the truth is an evil. that's why you will lose. because like in the past you refuse to look at reality.

They have 7 minutes each of debate stage time to signal about how much the hate blormphf, want to implement anarcho-primitivism and kill off most of humanity as their economic policy to save the environment, expand the welfare state to absurd proportions while simultaneously allowing unlimited mass migration, and tax white people more just for being white.

did you forget what the DNC did to bernie sanders? it's going to happen again

I don't trust chinks

And who're the good guys?

Who exactly will they pass the crown to, Biden?

>Pokemon Go to the polls!

Most likely but all I know is that dems are gonna trip each other while Trump has no opposition

i don't know, but votes won't matter until the actual presidential election, and even then there's going to be fraud as always

>don't care about UBI
>don't care about the end of petty crime
>don't want a source of passive income
>don't want a slice of the gibs that would otherwise be given "fo dem programs"
>don't want a safety net for the displaced working class

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Never voted in an election before and I don't plan to during the next one because I'm unmotivated as fuck, but if I do vote for someone, it will probably be Andrew Yang. I would have voted for Trump last time. I'm very against the two party system and I also see pretty much every politician as corrupt.

I don't have many political stances, but I believe in UBI for low income households and I'm against illegal immigration.

>pic related, smash thread

Oh shit, my bad. I'm excited to play as Hero. I hope his menu switching abilities aren't a hassle. I love the idea. I've wanted Black Mage or a more traditional FF character alongside Cloud for a while, but I'm okay with DQ Hero filling that niche.

he's a chink
you can't trust chinks
fuck China
kill all commies

Quite a bit. The 0%ers like Hickenlooper are neoliberal capitalists that are terrified of Sanders and to a lesser extent Warren, so they basically just exist to try to weaken them for Biden. Dem primary is going to actually be pretty interesting because of how many pawns are on the field simply to keep Bernie from being the nominee, it's fascinating.

As expected of the group that continues to want to collude with Russia.

This is my prediction too. i think Biden is gonna implode, and it's gonna come down to Harris and Sanders.

When it does, Harris is gonna go scorched earth on race and gender on Sanders. It'll get her though the primary but scare white suburbia back into camp Trump. (unless he's imploded the economy or blundered us into an Iran war.)

>born in new york
>is taiwanese, not even chinese

>last name happens to be yang

pic related is you. Taiwanese people absolutely hate china, but I guess all slant eyes are the same to you.

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giving free anything has never solved any problem. one of the reason parks don't allow feeding of animals or exposed edible waste is that it causes population explosions that force the park rangers to kill animals to maintain a environmental balance. what happens if the things aren't allowed to be killed, like humans? society collapses.

The NEET shall rise

Very much accurate

You can't live off of 12,000 a year. It's meant to be an economic stimulus package as well as to ease the burden of new businesses, not universal welfare.
This will work wonders for the family unit, as women can now afford to stay home and nurture children while collecting a small income, while at the same time correcting the toxic work atmosphere.

Yes, all slanty-eyed fucks are the same, all niggers are the same, and all jews are evil

no, you retard. it is what happened last time, and it's going to happen again because identity politics requires a chosen candidate based on committee, rather than one with good ideas that appeal to real people. that's why bernie got the shaft by the DNC even though he was had more energy in his camp.

Clintons had rhe DNC on a leash. None of the candidates has that much power this time around.

>You can't live off of 12,000 a year
giving people money they didn't earn doesn't make them suddenly more responsible, it makes them more extravagant and reckless. they're going to spend it on tvs and vacations not children because society has taught women that they don't need to be at home and they don't need to have children

>Implying Biden doesn't have some sort of pull or if Clinton left the scene completely

>they're going to spend it on tvs and vacations
which is great for the economy. Most of the money in this country is stagnating in some Executive's offshore accounts, this will add a small boost to the flow.
We're headed for a post scarcity society where aquiring goods will no longer be an issue, and man will finally be able to pursue the arts and realize his dream of conquering the stars, don't you want that?

Literally /ourguy/

>and man will finally be able to pursue the arts and realize his dream of conquering the stars, don't you want that?
no man has ever braved a frontier with the belief that everyone should be given a handout

Absolutely. Only thing I disagree with him is his stance on firearms but I can accept a compromise there given how great he is in every other department. Shame that he has almost no recognition from the idiot Dems

If you live in a first world country, your existence is full of handouts, whether you realize that fact or not. Or are we saying only certain people are worthy of those handouts?

Has Trump officially confirmed he's running again? It's expected but it does happen.

No I expect he won't. He has a seriously low chance of winning again. Also, I'm pretty sure he hates being the president.

>your existence is full of handouts
surprise me, how is my existence not paid for by the labor of my family or myself?

I know Biden is the Grappler, which one is the zoner?

Read this: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-scarcity_economy
It's not a handout if it isn't rare or doesn't hold market value. The masses will be contented while we advance our species

So what things will they talk about other than "We have to stop Drumpf!"?

Attached: TrumpVSHillary.jpg (1440x796, 117K)

Clintons literally bought out the DNC in 2016. They saved them from going bankrupt in exchange for full control. Biden doesn't have that much money, and there's no way that the Clintons would dish out that much money to someone outside the family.


only a literal underage would think this. Trump will basically anally destroy in the debates again, guide right into a win

You dont unlock her until october

he has stated in interviews that he is running in 2020. hell, just watch any recent ones and you'll hear he would gladly run against any demorcrat nominee

You are a literal fucking retard. UBI will turn society into brave new world, not stark trek

let's not talk about planning based on something that hasn't happened yet

Trump is a zoner. He throws insults at people and then capitalizes on their sub-optimal dodges.

this will be the bloodbath from the hunger games, a lot will drop out after the first debate but Trump is winning the general election anyway.

he couldn't even beat the serial killer

>society into brave new world
What is the society of brave new world like? Nice?

I know grappler is because he loves groping bitches, but his campaign strategy is that of a zoner. That nigga is trying to just keep his head down and avoid speaking as much as possible because he knows his polling craters whenever he speaks.


Gun control

We're already going down that path anyway, might as well get paid for it.

Everyone takes drugs and anti-depressants to try and feel some sort of sensation before eventually killing themselves

If the Democrats fuck Sanders out of it again I'm voting Trump again. More over if one of those moronic reparations (a racist pandering policy with barely any public support) candidates gets chosen then Trump will absolutely win again.

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We really aren't if you take your head out of all the subreddits and shit.

Do you think the Democratic party has learned anything since the last election where two fat fucking nigger bitch BLM supporters rushed his stage?

>Everyone takes drugs and anti-depressants to try and feel some sort of sensation before eventually killing themselves
Okay but he didn't ask what reality is like now, he's asking about the Huxley novel world.

he wont beat trump and he wouldnt have last time either

has any democrat came out and acknowledge the crisis at the southern border?

Is that not where we’re already at?

Yes, keep trying to distract from the fact it's your side that conspired with a hostile power, and he admitted he'd do it again. And the way how he phrased it this time would mean he breaks the law in process.
But keep defending him because you're butthurt on minor issues.

too pro-immigration and too pro-blacklivesmatter

They're all for gun control and immigration though. That just leaves healthcare and education as the only "debate" topics.

Free money baby lets get it #securethebag yanggang 2020!

Will 2020 beat 2016 in terms of action?

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If the current Democratic party gets it's way then yes you can start saying that we are on the path, what with them being a party of fascists that want to suppress all dissenting opinions, even within their own circles

Literally every politician is for immigration. Hell, Trump is for immigration like the good goy that he is. There's shades of gray in that though.

After the recent election I lost all hope of our country

>Loses by 3 million votes
>Still gets elected president

Is a joke

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Can you imagine how obnoxious China and other asians are going to get if both China and the USA are ruled by chinks

only if the skelegates rise

Trump 2020 bay bay /pol/ always wins your debates are irrelevant

there is a reason why we have electoral colleges.