Final Fantasy has become this disgusting melting pot of people that fight all the time...

Final Fantasy has become this disgusting melting pot of people that fight all the time. In the end Final Fantasy rightfully belongs to the turn based/ATB community and they should have never had to share with other demographics in the first place. This idea that "trends have changed" is a bullshit lie they've perpetuated that gets shot to hell everytime it's put to the test. When ports and remakes outsell new games of theirs, when turn based Dragon Quest continues to break the all time sales record in Japan it proves that the execs with Square-Enix don't know what they're talking about.

We're never getting another new Final Fantasy game until all these guys are fired/retired or it's bought by another company. FF is destined to be what Star Wars was under George Lucas, 30 years of hating their product till finally somebody makes an actual FF and then people will be cheering at the departure of the people who butchered it for so long. It's obvious the FF devs don't want to make FF, so why don't they call it something else? It seems like Bravely Default and FFXIV have inherited FF's legacy, while the main series has mutated to become something else entirely.

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Shut the fuck up.

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The last real Final Fantasy game was called Lost Odyssey

Imagine being so retarded that you look forward to the remake.

Nah, the last FF was 9.

Shut your mouth

try being a breath of fire fan
look what they did to my boy

razorfist pls

>FF is destined to be what Star Wars was under George Lucas, 30 years of hating their product till finally somebody makes an actual FF and then people will be cheering at the departure of the people who butchered it for so long.
you took this from reddit/resetera did you

>It seems like Bravely Default and FFXIV have inherited FF's legacy
Bravely Default I understand but how did the MMORPG that playe nothing like regular FF inherit anything at all?

MMO status and gameplay aside, FF14's story and characters feel a lot more traditional than something like 13

>story and characters
Is that what FF is to you? Endless warriors of light saving element crystals with slightly different backgrounds in each game?

Here's a hotter take: Final Fantasy has been dead for over a decade and Final Fantasy VII Remake is its last chance as redemption. Once every four years for the last, like, 12 years, we get a new numbered Final Fantasy that turned out to be hot garbage. All the spinoffs also fucking sucked to the vidyakino known as Final Fantasy Tactics.

Who fucking cares what combat system the current games use. I just want a solid game at this point.

17+ mins to get out of the reactor
really stretchin that source material

>Endless warriors of light saving element crystals
That's a gross simplification and really only applies to a handful of the older titles, but you know that.

Are you a fucking moron? That has been the concepts since the first game

It's what I assumed you were referring to while praising FF14's story and characters.
Admittedly I don't know much about 14 since I don't play MMOs.

How many people that are going to play remake do you think actually played and beat the original? 20%? 30%? I guarantee the vast majority of people excited for it have seen the movie and claim to be a fan, which is a shame considering the original is still good to go back and play but no one would give it a chance these days because of the graphics most likely.

Yes that's my point. Why would you want it to stay the same conceptually all the way from the beginning to the end? Especially when they've already abandoned those worn out concepts once already.

Nah when I refer to the story and characters I mean things like Vivi in IX struggling to accept that he's an artificial construct, Zidane and Steiner learning to respect eachother. That kind of shit.

And yeah honestly for me the story and characters are what have always elevated Final Fantasy above its contemporaries. The battle systems have varied from great to godawful but you could always count on some fun characters going on an adventure that you'd grow to care about

Now keep in mind - I'm talking about good stories and characters by JRPG standards. I'm well aware that something like FF8 is no literary masterpiece but it's a fun journey to go on.

The music and overall quality of production is also a hallmark of the series, which i think has still survived. 13 had a fantastic soundtrack and looked gorgeous, and I even liked its battle system after getting used to it. But you couldn't pay me enough to like characters like Snow.

I forgot to mention Cid from FF7 when talking about good characters


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Too bad it's going to take the better part of a decade at best to fully be out. That alone will probably harm the FF VII remake.

13 was shit but at least it had turn based combat.
What the fuck is this new shit?
I didn't buy 15, and I'm not buying "7"

13 had the worst characters
worse than 1 and they didnt even talk in 1

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You are literally talking about this game and nobody bought it fucking lol

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nazi kitty :3

>no marketing
I'm gonna emulate it one day I promise. Just gotta get through this gigantic pile of games I call my backlog.

>turn based

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>but no one would give it a chance these days because of the graphics most likely.

This, unfortunately. I have a friend who's only 5 years younger than me (I'm 30). He tried FF VII and quit before even getting to the Guard Scorpion. After seeing the E3 footage, he refuses to ever give the original the time of day because "It's going to look better and play better. Why would I play the original?" At least another friend of mine is more interested in playing the original since he won't have to wait years to actually finish it.

Oh shit it's made by Sakaguchi, is it any good?

>grouping turn based patricians with ADHD riddled ATB babies

This image has overstayed its welcome, why didn't they use the battle models for this? These aren't even the lowest poly Cloud/Tifa models available.

>you couldn't pay me enough to like characters like Snow.
But I'm the hero, right?

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I have NEVER played this game but I’m not a graphicsfag. Going for it tonight

>waaaah, i can't put in commands quickly

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>literally the most popular console of that generation
>inb4 nin10yearold
I'm an idort but I'll give you that no one knew about it at time of release. I wouldn't even know where to start marketing this.
Yeah, Good luck finding it for cheaper than this though. I think Wii's are easy and cheap to hack though at this point.

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There's really nothing wrong with his position, except that he's being naive. It will look better to him, and play better to him
but they're going to change shit
fundamental shit that was part of the real FF7 experience

things that will be cut because they were "janky" or "not streamlined" but were kind of a core part of playing the original.

And you bet your ass they're going to change the story too
In the trailers we've already got Sephiroth openly acknowledging Cloud at points where he isn't even supposed to know or care who he is

So in a perfect world where FF7 Remake is EXACTLY the same experience as original FF7 except with overhauled graphics and gameplay, he'd be right. But we both know that won't be the case.

I'm not going to lie, I'll just play it on Dolphin.
I used to own a Wii but sold it a long time ago.

Yeah the wii was popular but not to the audience that would play The last story I think.

remember NOT to attack when the tail is up

shit dont play him like that

>careful, he's gonna laser us to death
>...*sigh* attack now while its tails up
>of course not, genius

Yeah, that's what I said. There's going to be so many changes that they're going to be different games. It'll be like comparing RE2 to REmake 2. It's not quite the same as playing something like many Dragon Quest remakes which are just updated games, there's not a lot of reason to play the originals in those cases aside from curiosity.

Slight graphics fag here. I didn't play this game when I was young so I can't for the life of me get past the Roblox character models. How do I get past this to enjoy the games story?

Try to find the charm in them. Beyond that you just have to deal with it.

There's nothing wrong with that though, really. He'll have a different experience of the game but still get 90% of the same thing probably - and in a way he enjoys. Maybe later in life he'll get curious and play the original.

The problem that will arise is we'll have people posting about the original game who have never played it.
>yeah I played FF7
>original or remake?
>just the remake but who cares they're the same shit
will become a thing

im pretty sure it will be exacty like remake2
People wanted supposedly just a remake like remake1, just more weapons and better graphics i guess but same gameplay, then they play remake2 and they notice its much, much better
Same stuff will happen with ff7remake

I've never played 7.
I've played, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 11, 13, 13-2.
My favorite is 8. (I know, I know.)
Don't know if I'll even play this remake as it isn't turn based or even ATB based.

I don't know, I can't really call REmake 2 better for certain and I'm not even the biggest RE2 fan. I like them both and they have different bros and cons.

Well then just play 7
it's turn based and good

what i try to mean is, people just dont know what they want.

>My favorite is 8
Because it is the best one and never let anyone convince you otherwise

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I'm listening to MaximilianDOOD talk about the FF7 Remake right now and he's fucking beaming. He's speaking so highly of the game and making it sound incredible. I'll take his word for it because it looks good and I know he's a huge fan so I'm sure he'd know if they fucked it up.

>taking a fan's opinion instead of forming your own

not him, but technically he NEEDS to hear another opinion because maximiliandoo actually played the demo. You have to hear his word before anything.

Because I can't play the game demo and he already has

>youtube guy told me it's a faithful remake so even though I've never played the original that's my opinion now
>youtube guy played the original he knows what he's talking about
it begins

The last good FF was FF Dimensions. Fight me.

never heard of it

Lost Odyssey was a Dragon Quest game

The last true hope for the franchise is the revival of FFT/TA/TA2

I mean... yeah? Until I can play the game, there's literally no way I can have my own experiential opinion on the game. He's seen parts of the game that aren't even publicly available yet. You're trying very hard to express that you're a free thinker but ultimately we will corroborate to come to the most sound conclusion.

Yeah I kind of misread what you were saying, sorry
Obviously somebody who's played the demo has a better grasp on if it's good or not than any of us

I thought you were somehow extending that to judging the original

I expect that eventual sound conclusion you're talking about will be that both are worth playing for different reasons

Well of course. I don't think the Remake could ever truly "replace" the original game. I think a lot of people are going back to play it right now after seeing more FF7R at e3. The biggest thing that bums me out about FF7R is the fact that it's episodic. Is there really no way Square could have done this otherwise?

Not without delaying it for so long that nobody cared about it anymore, I guess
People have sky-high expectations like wanting Midgar to be expanded and fully explorable and basically akin to its own open world game, but at the same time they want the game tomorrow

I don't envy SE for having to ride that line but they are the ones who decided to make it in the first place

>Boomer hates new stuff because he did not grow up with it
Whine and Ree bitch thats all you fucking faggots ever do.

they could have easily done it otherwise
a long time ago they made this game called FF7 and it wasn't episodic

lemme just dust off my modded wii and get this shit going with usbloader

I don't think that's a very reasonable comparison, user.

it will happen to you too

Pirate it and play it. It's a damn solid classic style FF game. I would kill for a PC port so more people can play it.

yeah, you're right, they had way greater limitations back then
should be even easier now

In reality the George Lucas of FF left years ago (Sakaguchi) and that's precisely when it turned to shit.

You know what really needs a remake/remaster? Fucking Chrono Cross

That game is fantastic but the graphics and battle system being overhauled wouldn't bother a single soul because they were terrible to start with