Why do people like this generic anime swordsman?

Why do people like this generic anime swordsman?

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he cute

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IDK, he ugly

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He adorable

Men like swords and women like men and men like women liking them with swords and-

It all just werks.

>men like swords
is it metaphor

He doesn't have a down-B counter.
And he cute.

Dumb twink

He has solved many trials! he smart!

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You know being generic isn't a bad thing, right?

I honestly don't know, you should post more images of that character so I can try to understand.

he killed millions

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that's badass

uh.. ok

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He's cute, but I like this generic anime swordsman a bit more.

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How many video game protagonists are there out there that are like Link? Not many, at least ones that have stood the test of time. I guess Adol is basically red-headed Link but even he has changed over the years.

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His power is literally courage. He's just a kid with nothing going on that gets forced into stopping evil incarnate and then walks away without a word spoken. He's kino.

I think link is popular because he's very talented and knows how to use his sword. His sword isn't even that big but he'll make you worship it

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>His sword isn't even that big but he'll make you worship it
That's why Zelda loves Link

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He's the original

we need to get to the bottom of this

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Because he's Catholic

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cuz hes cute

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I think most Zelda fans have legitimate brain damage, if the posts ITT weren't telling enough tne you need look no further than the biggest Zelda fan of all time, Cosmo Wright, who somehow lead himself to believe he was a woman despite being born with xy chromosomes.

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Unless his religion has three goddesses

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Because he's cute.

There's nothing wrong about wanting to make a pretty boy your bitch Though realistically speaking, we'd be Link's bitch if anything.

Idk desu.
I thought the series was shit till BOTW, the aesthetic alone lets me actually enjoy the game.
BOTW struck a nice balance, it also had the best version of Link, the only likable one in my opinion despite being a mute bitch. Also fuck Windwaker.

That being said I don't think I initially expected BOTW to spawn such a lewd fan base for Link.

>Though realistically speaking, we'd be Link's bitch if anything.
Haha, who would want that?

because sometimes you just look at some boy and know he's the perfect subject for girl hormones experiments

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>That being said I don't think I initially expected BOTW to spawn such a lewd fan base for Link.

I didn't even want to fuck Link until BOTW. 2017 was the year that a few things combined made me just stop caring and fap to whatever made my dick hard.

Because he's a loser!

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falco clone

I honestly don't understand these threads. Zelda is clearly way cuter

Because soulless zoomer audience

What are you, a faggot?

It happens, pure lust that can not be tamed.

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Link is way feminine than Zelda. You might be a gay liking Zelda

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Because we want to kiss him.

I think you got gay frog'd

Because I want a cute Link bf.

As anime swordsmen go, he's not that generic, he at least has pointy elf ears and long flowing blond hair.

>2017 was the year that a few things combined made me just stop caring and fap to whatever made my dick hard.
Hello friend, glad to see we're on the same boat.

All I'm saying is that the addition of the ponytail was a small, but perfect change to his character design.

>long flowing
Not really, he's always been pretty shaggy under the hat, and the last few games have it messy.
Not really flowing until it passes his shoulders.

Autistic guys really love swords, like really like them. Hero always brandishes a sword. Sword=main character a lot of times. Cloud and Sephiroth are also the reason people like anime swords men.

Why do brainlets add anime on to anything Japanese related? Is this the new edgy? Where you add edgy on to everything that isn't cute girls?

I want to tend to his wounds and hold his hand

because all the swordsmen that came out are anime style. all the fire emblem, persona 5, link. All of the ones that have a sword is in an anime style that is warn out its welcome since Ike.

link is cute

He's a cool, strong, clever, and courageous young man.

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You forgot to mention his cuteness.