user, Raw/Nascent are not Dark Mind's equivalent, that's TBN.
WAR's Dark Mind equivalent is Thrill of Battle.
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't decide what dps to play for SHB. I like BLM but it is literally useless if it isn't top dps, and gets assfucked by movement.
Did the two anons find each other?
Will WAR ever not be the best tank? Not even like sweeping nerfs, just not blatantly the best at literally everything?
yall make 3 threads immediately after the other like its a general and wonder why the mods keep trying to shove you into /vg/
Fuck no the dude bailed out. I even asked him.
Was all he replied. Just said fuck it and left. Some people...
Dark Mind is a step in the right direction anyway, having a tank that could theoretically handle a magic tankbuster better than the other two is good job design because it sets them apart from each other. It's a shame that damage is so light in raiding though that it'll never come into play or matter.
On that note, fuck the fact that literally every tank is getting a gap closer now, it was a limitation you had to work around and had other tools that tanks did not to make up for it. Pretty soon, all tanks will be completely identical.
Let my thread die. I just wanna know if the two Anons found each other in the end.
I logged off after I didn't see you on the boat.
So I don't know what you're talking about
Shut up you dumb fat fuck
>PLD doesn't have a dark mind/camouflage/thrill of battle equivalent
bros we NEED buffs
I was gonna make a thread just to respond to that faggot
>sheltron/intervention=TBN=Raw I./N. Flash=Heart of Stone
Ours is Passage of Arms.
it's passage of arms, but its kinda shit as a cd
>anons never found true love
Such a shame
To be fair, all melee jobs have gap closer anyway so I don't see why one tank should be left out.
Though I agree that having stuff like Tempered/HG preventing knockback while DRK mitigating it with Plunge WAS an interesting design.
But clearly they couldn't be fuck to design encounters around that anymore.
When's the live letter?
Fuck man. That's sad. :(
I saw 5 different people on the boat.
Next when I told you to go to the AETHERITE next too the MOOGLE
I saw you come up to see me again.
AND Cover.
It's Shelltron.
>other tanks get neat personal mitigation
>we have to settle for having the best shield and the best raidwide mitigation
It's just not FAIR sometimes
Nah man. Someone's probably fucking with you on Yea Forums. I literally logged off after I said so.
Sheltron is Raw/TBN/HoS's equivalent.
SAM is more flexible but slightly less damage if you still want to do big numbers. I think you should stick to BLM since you say you like it.
Cover doesn't have any built in mitigation anymore, it's just a mechanic cheese button.
Yeah that sucks. I just wanted some cool bros to play with.
14 hours from now.
I'm with you. I'm happy I'm getting a gap closer on PLD but I never /really/ felt that I needed it. Also, being the only tank that could help other jobs prevent knockback via Cover was really fun. Felt good covering WARs in O8S and BRDs in O5S.
>Other tanks suddenly made not completely garbage
Why didn't ya show up though? I was waiting on the boat for a while then decided to dip.
Maybe they removed that to compensate for Tank master trait.
Bros I think I see him
I did show up. There were many different people there.
Fuck I meant 16 hours from now.
I know y'all aren't on Primal but I'll add anyone though I probably won't play with you once ShB launches
>continuing to falseflag after nobody took your bait the first time
>mfw PLD becomes the WAR of Shad
Yeah, it's definitely PLDs who have been head and shoulders above the other tanks for the vast majority of this game's life cycle.
>Ishgard reconstruction will have seasonal rankings
Thanks Yoshi
Can't wait for a fight to have frequent knockbacks and me and my paladin buddy gotta pop arm's length and cover one another for every other knockback
>Q: After going through all jobs, the impression I’m getting here is that anything you can do with one job can also be done by other jobs of the same role. So has the philosophy changed into creating differences through gameplay feel and the game experience through jobs instead of creating a difference between what you “can do with a certain job” now?
>Yoshida: That’s right. We’re see the differences in gameplay experiences as the jobs’ characteristic. Since the mechanics of each gameplay differs, the image would be something akin to “We hope you’d enjoy the gameplay feel of each jobs”, or “the rest will depend solely on the player’s skill to decide the competition”.
Covers mitigation was designed to offset that the pld would be in sword oath when not tanking. I know its not how the player base utilized it, but i am fully expecting this design philosophy to put us tank bros in a rude awakening when we realize next expansion will be easier than ever. Since we will always have tank sstance type mitigation up at all times.
As if Marketboard PVP isn't already bad enough.
Now I wonder which one was you. What was your IGN?
>PLD is less optimal for one expansion
Ranged don't need arm's lenght.
None of you fags will outIshgard me.
>Reconstruction of Ishgard is literally DoL Feast
Jesus christ, fuck no.
Can you make a fuck bunny yet or not?
I'd really like it if every tank had something interesting like that, but not in the same way. Basically make the fight change how you approach it depending if you have a WAR, or a PLD, or a DRK because each one has a unique way to cheese certain mechanics. I know they specifically don't do that to avoid making hardships for hardcore raiders who would "have" to level every class to be optimal, but it's not like it would be an undo hardship outside of obtaining a weapon for multiple jobs.
I was the roe. I was standing next to some armored dude.
>We want to curb synergy that makes job locked in!
>keeps Trick Attack completely the same and makes most jobs operate on 60s/120s cycles
What in BLAZES did he mean by this
Only in the benchmark, but you can export whatever you make to 5.0 when it releases.
Surely, SURELY you're not playing this card when WARfags will STILL cry about 2.0 to this day. Surely not.
>highest ranking players get dibs on the new housing plots
Oh. Next time user.
cute potate
I'm hoping she doesn't get trapped in Eureka hell again considering she doesn't seem like she'll be playing a major role in 5.0
>WAR slightly suboptimal for literally 5 seconds after patch notes
>nukes can be seen touching ground in the distance
Don't even play dumb you fuck, PLD and DRK always get shafted because of WAR babies.
Anyone on aether want to hang? I'm pretty bored right now
>For Yoshida-san, it’s more about correcting player mentality that trickles down from the elite raiding community down. The goal for him is for any job combination to clear any content in Final Fantasy XIV. Even in Stormblood, while balance wasn’t perfect, this was already achievable.
>The problem stems from average players trying to replicate what groups that are good enough to go for world firsts are doing. The debuffs are so useful for when you’re trying to overcome Item Level disadvantages and that was intentional according to Yoshida-san.
>However, the unintended consequence is that these tactics kind of became a “golden rule” or a default strategy for many teams.
>“Players are taking that functionality, applying it, and making it sort of like the ‘golden rule.’ Once we’re out of the period of racing for the world first, [players still] have that sort of fixated notion of: oh we need this in order to get through certain content.” said Yoshida
>Although some may miss this synergy, it also falls in line with what appears to be a general plan of sacrificing a bit of identity and player ingenuity for the sake of having a game that is as inclusive as possible to all jobs and player preferences.
Kill yourself
After losing goad and shade they didn't know what to with us anymore
As long as she's trapped in sidequests she's safe from getting killed off, so it's good enough for me.
i can't really see her being introduced as a trust or something, i don't think she's ever actually shown any fighting ability like the rest of these dorks
Nice guess I'm catching up then thanks bud
She did in Warring Triad questline.
>Alisae, Alphinaud, and Urianger are sidequest NPCs for coils
>got coma'd anyway
I wouldn't be so sure user.
I'll be on tomorrow user if you want to hang out. Where do you want to meet?
Rava are extremely based you tasteless philistine.
Veena must exterminated though
She's a conjurer and knows aero III.
Her weapon is Yagbrush
>PLD and WAR can just ignore Remorse while DRK is forced to do the mechanic and lose uptime
Almost heaven, Yoshi P
Cat girl erp'rs, Limsa Lominsa
Boomers are old there, older than the trannies
Tranny suicide rate sits in the low 40's
Yoshi P, take me home
To the place I belong
Cat girl erp'rs, Limsa Lominsa
Take me home, Yoshi P
>Urianger is sidequest NPC for ARR og Primals extreme trial
>also got coma'd
I wonder if you get some cheeky dialogs if you go unlock those after the he got coma'd
They're not dead are they?
user. I'll be there tomorrow. What are you gonna be wearing?
I wouldn't expect you greylets to understand but WAR is, and always has been the real victim. It was designed from the ground up to be a job that required an immense amount of skill, and there's always been considerable pressure to perform. It's for that reason that WAR players are quite vocal; we deserve preferential treatment because we put in the extra effort, go the extra mile to deliver. The rotations and awareness requirements are head and shoulders above both PLD and DRK. All the best players in the game main WAR; this is an indisputable fact because it's always WARs that are pushing content and their statics to the limit. It's universal; WARs in XIV and indeed in other games are all of superior stock than the regular player. Not sure what that is, I guess a hardcore job just attracts hardcore players. Shit only gets done because of us, and it's important that game devs keep us around or else their games will die.
Add Highlander to based and Lala to shit and you have my hempen camosile ranking, with Viera's racial gear already counting as lingerie
Don't play with me like that user.
You sure about that.
Is this legit?
I'll wear my sailor gear with a sailor hat.
Use the phrase: PASS THE ROBUTUSSIN to confirm each other.
You can actually use Plunge to mitigate the knockback, but the timing is kinda tight so most players wouldn't want to risk it.
Or RNG favors you and spawn ghost block on the first section so you can just use that to prevent you from getting blown off
Fuck that fight, regardless.
They're not, but as of current patch it makes no sense for a player to do MSQ then go back and do other side quests. It's safe to assume all side quests take place at the time they're introduced, much like the DRG job storyline always taking place before heavensward. It doesn't really secure anyone.
>keeping this image saved in your computer
For what purpose?
Yes. It's from an interview with 4gamer.
Ishgard Reconstruction
>We want to introduce the concept of ranking
>It'll be something short-term like Feast
>If you want to rank up and have a special title or a special glowing tool you'll have to craft a "very difficult" recipe
>Some kind of lottery system involved
>Progress unlocks new events which you can participate in and earn rewards
>Progress is server-based, not individual
>There are plans to rework the Diadem and involve it in the reconstruction progress
You laid it on a bit thick this time user but good effort
Trust. I logged off early because I'm downloading something on steam.
I'm a DRK main, I'm used to pain
A skirt and some nice leggings.
..Prior to experiencing the trial, when the Job changes were revealed for Scholar, I assumed that healers in general were going to see a major increase in healing duties since so many actions tied to damage output were removed. It only makes sense right? Not really. During my clear runs for Titania, my co-healers were pushing out as much damage as I was as if we were running a Stormblood trial, and the issues we had with low MP, if it came up especially for Astrologian, I noticed were from damage output and not because of healing. The trial of Titania plays exactly how FFXIV’s battle content has always been formulated for the normal version of trials.
Nail in the coffin. Healers are fucking dead.
>There are plans to rework the Diadem and involve it in the reconstruction progress
>>There are plans to rework the Diadem and involve it in the reconstruction progress
I get why, but I don't agree with it. It's an uphill battle to change the mentality of players, and you'll probably never be able to regress to an era where people tried tons of off the wall combinations and strategies on fights, but I can't abide by turning an MMO into something with all the variety of chess pieces, every job identical to each other in function. At that point, we don't even need the RPG function of the game because your role is so rigidly defined the moment you step into the game.
Good, I don't care now
please no
the rest sounds pretty neat but the diadem can fuck off
>ugly dumb races nobody plays or the race I like most
>generic races I kind of like
>popular races that I pretend to hate so I can be a hipster
Kill yourself
>race I really dislike
Don't hang with faggot sorry.
This sounds fucking horrible. Who the fuck asked for this?
Warriors are the absolute BASED job of choice. Thats why YOU, a faggot, arent playing one
no one cares tranny
Is there any job that could possibly match the DPS of Samurai? Let alone surpass its parse. And I'm not talking about a Samurai with both Shifu (Mind of the Samurai) and Jinpu (Rush of Battle), boosting attack damage and speed by 12%. I'm not talking about Samurai with Hissatsu (Hidden Technique): Kaiten (Turn the Heavens) boosted Midare Setsugekka (Chaos Slash— Snow, Moon, Flowers) either, and this skill is only usable by one who has mastered the peerless concentration of the warrior's state of mind, doing a total of 1080 potency. Hell, I'm not even talking about a combo using Hissatsu: Kaiten boosted Higanbana (Mourning Flowers), placing a DoT of 3510 potency, using Meikyo Shisui (Standing Water, Perfect Mirror Reflection) to instantly deliver a Kaiten boosted Midare Setsugekka and finishing with Hissatsu: Guren (Crimson Lotus), dealing a total of nearly 5400 potency in the space of a couple of seconds.
No, I'm talking about Samurai possessing the secret technique Hissatsu: Senei (Thousand Blades), a more powerful version of Hissatsu: Guren that does 1250 potency to a single foe, and who has mastered Tsubame-gaeshi, the technique of the REGEND Sasaki Koijiro, enabling him to perform Kaeshi (Reversal) forms of his most powerful abilities, which allows him to unleash his ultimate combo of Kaiten: Higanbana, followed by Hissatsu: Senei in the space between his next move Kaiten: Midare Setsugekka, and finally Tsubame-Gaeshi unleashes Kaeshi: Midare Setsugekka dealing 1200 immediately. Samurai has just done 7040 POTENCY in the LITERAL BLINK of an EYE.
Why not both?.
Yo user. Don't namedrop here go to /vg/ for that.
>people immediately get PTSD at the mere mention of Diadem
How did Yoshida do it?
>he thought he was finally going to be free of diadem
This but unironically. DoRKs might as well unsub
>There are plans to rework the Diadem and involve it in the reconstruction progress
Yeah it seems really fucking shitty
That plus indom getting fucking nerfed makes me think they might just keep nerfing healing potencies until healers DO have to heal more, which is just going to feel even worse as a healer
it might just be over for healers desu
Alright, you got me.
>almost exact same dps as blm
>more mobile
>5% dps buff (which actually boosts their "Dps" above blm)
why is this ok
BLM with 15 percent Eno is still shitting on you faggots
>Namedropping OH NOOOOOO
Why are people jumping to conclusions from NM trials?
>There are plans to rework the Diadem and involve it in the reconstruction progress
Immediately upon reading this I smashed my head into the desk. It kind of hurts, thanks Yoshida.
>they are positively hyped for Ishgard Reconstruction?
>bring back 'that'
>ywn be smothered in merlwyb's breasts while she reaches a hand into your subligar and huskily, only half-jokingly whispers that if you tell anyone about what's about to happen she'll have you and your family accused of treason
Because Yoshi P is either a retard or Faggyzaur has him in his pocket and forces him to keep SMN miles above the other casters.
Job needs to be fucking removed or put in the shed permanently.
a scholar player posted it originally, and you know how they are
I liked diadem for gathering and getting clusters
ALisae is going to be captured by yours truly. Also the sin eaters are used for sex.
>almost exact same dps as blm
it takes contagion to reach those kinds of numbers and G U E S S W H A T S M N I S L O S I N G
Wait user. I didn't catch your name. What was it?
The call that unsaved Ishgard
He's posting about a level 73 Normal mode trial, yeah I'm sure I could go fire up Ifrit Hard right now and write a dissertation about how much level 50 PLD sucks but that doesn't mean it's worth jack shit.
>Ishgard Reconstruction
When can we have a Uldah Mhigger Extermination event?
>Some kind of lottery system involved
>Progress is server-based, not individual
So now they're ruining crafters too, sasuga yoshi-p
Why would that be worse? You have to heal more so there's less time mashing your 2-button DPS rotation. Healing potencies should have been nerfed into the dirt a long time ago.
>but RNG
fuck that gay shit
>come back
>"lol do like 12 omega raids"
>He hyped?
>Dump it
Because Reddit is a hivemind and he knew he'd stir up some drama/upvotes by appealing to the masses.
That being said, if you think Extreme/Savage trials are actually going to be more healing intensive you need to get checked. This is the same team that thinks it's fine to homogenize jobs and remove player ingenuity in order to balance the game; there's no fucking way they make it harder than it currently is.
>tfw my FC leader used to take me and some other friends to diadem to fish for pteros and we just talked for an hour while fishing
I miss it bros
i mean a big dumb chatroom where you hang out and fish for dinosaurs might be kinda cool
it's almost certainly not going to be, but it might be
I went above and beyond by actually bothering to read the OP of that, surprisingly they were bummed by the loss of complexity but not enough to change over to another job or role.
user are we still meeting up tomorrow?
>Pointy ears
Is he an elf?
>loses contagion, meaning they can't buff other casters
>gets huge potency buffs to their own damage instead
It's not a fucking loss you SMN brainlet.
Brachiosaurus meteors.
>heals are too strong in this game
>they finally nerfed it
You can't win.
>FFXIV recreating Pre-SB numbers with 1mil active Characters
>Sub count probably bouncing around the high 900k
Alright Yea Forums given that Stormblood had a similar start and ended up dropping to around 510k-600k in the end what do you predict the retention rate to be here? Do you think the repeat of the HW formula for a 3rd time will help or hurt the game? Who here isn't part of this number count?
Because if encounter design remains the same it means that healing won't change.
>everything we gave... what was it for?
Protip Arbert, just because you gave it your all doesn't mean you are entitled to the same end result.
Your communist thinking is disgusting and your world deserves to be purge for your all was not good enough.
And now the WoL has must come save your world like the welfare queen and garbage man that he is always.
This is your femroe for tonight.
user? You still there?
Everything we did...
Everything we gave...
What was it for?
Yeah bro just dilating give me a minute
I mean during Stormblood, you were supposed to have been away from Eorzea during the entire Doma part of the story, it's not like this is without precedent.
>wanting fights to take longer
the hybrid damage+healing gameplay made playing a healer in this game more entertaining. I used to heal in WoW it was boring as fuck all you'd ever do is mash the same heal forever.
Oh great, the Elezen players are having an inferiority complex chimpout again.
>What was it for?
Cool as boss fight, of course.
The fuck?
I've genuinely seen a lot worse. Hairstyle's not flattering, but I've seen worse.
>15% polygot
blm is going to be top dps
is there a good place with all the E3 tooltips? any notable changes in general?
Yeah man imagine wanting to have long fights. Imagine wanting to play the game for a long amount of time. I just want to be done with my in game chores so I can get the loot and log off, that's what games are all about anyway.
She did WHM stuff and could probably stay that way as an option since Yshtola is now on BLM duties.
But you can still DPS. Yes, you have less tools to do it but you definitely still can help dealing damage.
Holy crap I'm at the boat at lowe LIMNOSA cactuar. That's it. That's what I'll tell you. You have 15 minutes to meet me.
>not complete garbage
All the fags complaining about the healer changes are going to keep playing healer, they don't want to lose those sweet fast queues
>blade wings
No THIS is your Femroe tonight
I'm not gonna log on rn. I'm about to head to bed that's why I said tomorrow.
>Yoshi you have to design new content, you can't just keep telling people to do Diadem
Tell me about Solus.
Why did he put on the mask?
Yeah user. I'm here at the aetherite. Poke me so I know it's you.
The problem is the style, it's akin to a bearded man in a dress or a woman wearing hipster flannel. The sickly green color isn't great either, but put the roegadyn in an outfit that should be expected of a big muscular woman, get rid of clown makeup and it is better. I see this shit a lot with elezen women too, a garishness and lack of fashion/tact that makes me think a lot of these trannies are intentionally drag-queeny. Nothing is as bad as that highlander """"TRAP"""" though. Holy shit that horror is seared into my eyes.
Someone post it.
More like they don't want to stop being rammed by tank cock because they're all cumguzzling faggots
You mean Emet-Selch, the truthbringer.
why would somebody make this
The fucking leatherworker station cracks me up every time I see this
i went back and watched the wod cutscenes recently and they were the high water mark of heavensward in retrospect
shit's gonna get real in the role quests
Not if they do shit like gut healing potencies. Also, pruning and simplifying damage rotations is dumb, it neuters the engagement factor of a job. I don't really like the fact that everything has been getting pruned and simplified for two expansions, healers aren't the only ones experiencing it.
He's a big guy.
Just resubbed. What the fuck do I do at level 62/63 now?
Can I just run story/patch content or pick up all the side-quest shit too?
user. Don't listen to the other dudes, I'm at the market board. Say TWINKLEBELL so I know it's you.
Who are you
>no 70 boosts out yet
they could learn from blizzard on this one
heaven on high if you want to level shit and aren't completely sick of deep dungeons
do your roulettes, challenge log, daily hunts
sidequests aren't really necessary for xp but it is an option if you ran out of everything else
What the fuck
Hamlet Defense is back?
For you
There is no meaningful difference between having one DoT or two.
I lose my shit at that part every time, the fuck is wrong with this person
Tell me about Shadowniggers, why do they love fucking over each other so much?
>I just want to make friends
>Everyone is just trolling
Kill me
I'm the lalafell
Are there any semi-transparent stockings in this?
Just do the main story, it gives you free gear.
If I end up sticking to healer it's because as usual the average player in XIV proves that they can't do even the simplest fucking thing, as always.
I plan to level DNC or BLM first instead of WHM/SCH but I fully expect that every healer I run into is going to be a turboshitter just like how it is now and I will eventually snap and just stick with it for another 2 years.
I totally forgot about the roulettes and hunts. Been since Stormblood launch I last got on.
I'll be your friend
>it's just one DoT!
I'm not even going to continue this discussion since you're either being a troll or just don't even realize that multiple jobs have lost multiple combos and abilities in the last expansion, and are set to lose even more.
How's GNB lookin? did they buff the potencies?
I'll be your friend!
>multiple jobs have lost multiple combos
Like what?
>Be young, like 12 years old almost two decades ago.
>Think how great it would be to see girls play video games too.
>Fast forward, 31 now.
>Get into XIV raids, literally half the participants are female.
>Shrill voices everywhere, vapid humor, they turn into complete harpies when mad, worse than any man I've dealt with.
They buffed No Mercy.
No Mercy also got buffed from 10% to 20%.
I'm not sure what you were expecting. Hopefully next time you'll think twice before trying to befriend someone from Yea Forums.
That it? the fuck, no sonic break buffs?
It's looking to be pretty fucking fun
Post your favorite underappreciated track
Epic post there dude.
Will we be getting Viera and Hrothgar naming conventions tomorrow, bros?
>11 Amdapor City Hard rolls on MB.
>Not a single one has been sold since early April.
Will they ever take the hint?
Overall nerf to Sonic Break lmao
>100p base potency, 90p per tick, 30s dot, 60s recast compared to media tour;
>300p base potency, 50p per tick, 15s dot, 30s recast.
>1000p new vs 1100p old
Frees up a GCD every 60 seconds though so that might matter.
Gnashing Fang CD down to 30s from 35s.
Sonic Break was already good (the English tooltip had wrong potency) but they buffed it by making giving it 60 sec CD so you waste one less GCD per minute.
I like having hots tick over but aspectic helios for diurnal AST feels piss weak.
>be me
>Just wanna help out a fariae bro.
>He never shows up
Well...okay then?
O'w Obolgywolgy the Hrothgar inc
What makes me more furious is bad DPS ending up not beating enrage timers instead of bad healers. You only need 1 decent healer to carry. But it only takes 1 shit dps to not clear.
You're not thinking about it in the right way.
Previously you'd have one under trick attack and no mercy and one clean so it would be 1215, but now you only have one cast under trick and a stronger no mercy so it's 1320 and that's BEFORE you consider a GCD that got freed up
>But I don't have trick
Primal Timbre and Spiral.
Owo Watsdis, the savior of Eorzea
Based. FUCK lizards.
Viera: Icelandic names
Hrothgar: Eh
I didn't have a fedora to mock myself with, so if someone could post one in my stead, I'd be much obliged.
But seriously though, I don't even give a shit if it sounds trite, it's the fucking honest truth. Having women in a group changes the dynamic, makes it harder to actually work together due to divergent personalities that don't mesh.
Consider it a dodged bullet desu
It was my favorite track in 1.0, wish they'd add the orchestrion scroll already.
That's fair.
I pug everything so having Trick is as rare as having a MCH.
hopefully this makes it in during shadowbringers, when soken needs a break from playing god
I don't give a shit if it's a woman or not as long as they aren't shit players.
>a prog-friendly and easy job
>a selfish dps that dishes out amazing dps
>a meta job that deals high dps too
tell me why you're not maining the 3 casters yet
After they add Heroes Never Die.
So this basically means that if I'm not an omnicrafter I can't even get the chance to buy small plot in ishgard?
How long does it take to grind 50 moogle tomestones for a pegasus whistle?
I can see why they trashed this if all the music was this bad.
Get ready for it in Toto-Rak Hard bro
HoH or potd easier to solo?
haven't played in a while and am thinking of getting back in for the new shit, is dragoon good? I think I'm at like level 55 and am wondering if I should level another class to get the main story EXP to 70.
1.0 was a better game than 2.X+
Why does Yoshi P hate Dark Knight?
Like 8 hours if you just spam lota.
Dragoon is good and looking to stay good. Use it if you like fixed rotations rather than priority systems.
HoH by a mile.
17 days if you do an alliance roulette once per day. Takes about 15-30 minutes.
Sounds like healers will be melding pie for ShB since Yoshi said pie determines how much MP you get back for each tick.
Yes please my lizard
are you kidding nigger
My nigga. One of my favorite tracks!
People still didn't play tank even after he put it in the game
Because it's shit boss
he knows very well that tanks are blring to play and he hates then for that
any new tool tips or info?
that one shit i can't find that sounds like a more somber version of the yanxia theme, it plays in a bunch of cutscenes
anyway it's good
really has a dystopian feel to it
GNB is the easiest and most appealing tanks have ever been, I know like 10 faggots in my DnD session that play that mecha game with the tenno or whatever that are hard switching to XIV for it.
Shoutout to the user who actually met up with me the other week just to give me money so I could get proper gear. Thank you again. ;_;
Fuck I miss coil
why the fuck have I been sleeping on squadron command missions, this shit is incredible for exp, I can just touch my controlling once every like 2 minutes after instructing the AI tank to make a big pull and just watch youtube or something
>11+ person party
Your DM is bonkers.
>They already have double the amount of pre-orders compared to Stormblood. They are in such a good state where they'll be punished by god if they ask for more.
We're split up one group of 5 another group of 6 we alternate every 2 or so hours.
How? I was struggling at Brayflox's Longstop as a DPS. Aiatar's mechanics were weird to deal with because I had to micromanage the tank and he ended up just dying.
I'm too used to that truck exploding or something.
I loved coming here
Not him, but just leave the last boss in the pool, because you do enough damage to him to offset the regen from the pool.
Is this normal? I've actually had like 2 disconnects today and I was ready to call up my ISP and bitch. I just assumed it was my network being shit. Is the game having d/c issues lately?
>Remove Largesse
>give it back to WHM as their capstone with a longer cooldown and pretend it's a new skill
PLD is fine what are you talking about
It's kinda random when you'll get 90002 errors, you might get one in a week and you might get four or five in a day. 90002 is the equivalent of a time-out error.
i was thinking of this one, actually
that one is really good too though
>need a level 60 character to unlock
good luck getting past the 100 post-ARR quests
Confirmed turning to WoW retail
im actually doing brayflox right now as DPS, Aiatar gave me trouble the first time but since he shoots the poison at only you, you can just run far away whenever you see him charging it up so that he doesn't recover and no one's stuck in the goo, and if you're extra lazy you can just run into the same poison spot over and over again to make him stack the pools there
it's also important that the second DPS you choose is ranged for that one, preferably archer because the AI is pretty fucky with casters
Isn't Yoshi nerfing the post ARR quests?
>remove convalescence
>give it back to WAR
Nice victim complex, are you Jewish by any chance?
Get fucking Viera out of there
>Doing Tsukuyomi
>Part where you have to defend Yotsuyu against all of those seeking revenge against her, the domans, the imperials, her parents, even her own brother.
>Zenos appears last, brushing everyone aside to deal the final blow.
>Gotetsu appears to defend her with his life, despite all the misery she has brought everyone.
Unironically the most kino scene I've seen in this game, shed a tear even of the only good memory in this monster's life holding back the unending torrent of pain she's feeling.
>remove protect
>give it back stapled to largesse
that is probably the most boring capstone I've ever seen, at least Dissipation gave you full aetherflow on top of bonus healing
this ability is fucking broken btw
Isn't retail WoW an unbalanced mess?
I still don't get why people act like the post-ARR quests are such a big deal
if you really want to get through it just skip the cutscenes, it'll take you like 3 - 4 hours to get to heavensward
as far as MMO grinds go this shit is babby tier
Why is this allowed?
>preferred world
>just grind to 60 in no time
I'm being lazy about it and I'm already 43 and just past sylph-management in maybe a week. If they work like the SB jobs, just get to 60 and log off in gridania when the day comes.
Got a source on that? I haven't heard anything.
>skipping cutscenes
I so wanted her and gogetsu to be able to find peace from all this shit far away somewhere.
I really wish they stuck with the 1.0 theme
God, SB had some fantastic tracks. Call it the weeb expansion all you want but the music was on point.
All the healers' capstone abilities are fucking boring this time around. At least they look pretty, I guess.
they even made dissipation a little bit better by bringing the fairy back immediately so you don't have to spend time resummoning. Sure, they already made it a bit moot by making summon a regular cast instead of revive-tier long but whatever, less I have to think about.
>Tsuyu must survive
Yeah, yotsuyu might not deserve happy ending but Gosetsu sure fucking did.
I thnk it's just that they're really boring
No child left behind policies, please understand.
Because if WAR isn't the best then they shit their pants in rage.
>Vengeance no longer 15s
wtf WARbros why do they keep nerfing us
why is THIS allowed
Are these new tool tips or from media tour?
100% correct, at first I absolutely hated how it felt like they were trying to cram in redemption arcs for Yotsuyu and Fordola but that moment made it worth it
Because Yoshi P thinks healers are faggots.
>trying to catch up to play eventually the new stuff
>going through all the later heavensward stuff
Well this is pretty damn cool..
>an end to the song
I'm going to cry right now
That part was okay but the rest of that entire plotline was fucking awful
it's a better use of your time if you just skip cutscenes in game and then watch it on youtube while sitting in duty finder for 20 minutes
>kept unique animations for the 30% skills
>got rid of shadowskin even though it was just rampart
give it back
wtf WAR needs buffs
how can they expect us to compete
If you wanted to be the best tank what job should you pick
He just wanted a family again...
Remember to do the rememberance quest to visit a special place!
I don't know about you faggots complaining about Diadem since you niggers don't have fun groups or are autistic anti-social fucks. Durng this moogle event I got Pegasus quickly running Diadem and some other cool shit from there.
If you join the Diadem discord it's quite fun. Finding all the NM's and if you have a lot of people for EM that also gets funy. Diadem is pretty comfy and it's nice kicking the shit once in awhile.
Yet, you faggots can't appreciate socializing.
Yeah I did them recently and it wasn't that bad. I think it's just that it all comes after ultima weapon which feels like it would be the end of ARR. Then you start collecting tea leaves for Tataru. It doesn't help that almost no one playing today gets the payoff of doing Coils anymore.
WAR and SMN are best friends, both are the biggest bitches in this game.
Must be something in Limsa’s drinking water.
Probably warrior
Fuck Discord and fuck you.
if you're not the best at everything, you can cry until you're firmly on top again
Repeat every expansion as applicable
because it's an obvious beta build typo
so you're saying we nerf combust II
you were close but it's SCH
I think Yotsuyu losing her memory and regressing to childlike behavior is fine in terms of redemption arcs because if it was just her becoming good because of Gotetsu being nice to her, that would have been bullshit. But yeah, Asahi was fucking shit and I would have been super mad if I didn't play those patches back to back with the Varis plot since that was a lot more interesting
Why? It's being reworked it might not be as bad as it was before...even though it wasn't that bad to begin with.
You're forgetting that once you seppuku your fairy you wont be able to rely on its (shittier) heal, Fey Illumination, Fey Covenant, Whispering Dawn, summon Seraph, Seraphic Illumination, or Seraphic Veil until the timer counts down on the Dissapation penalty.
stfu nigger
>shuriken lost 30% damage
>double mudras are now mandatory
Poor east coast
>she remembered everything after that motherfucking Asahi brought in her shitty parents
>still went home to deliver the persimmon to gogetsu
FUCK ;_;
Goesetsu earned his honorable end and Yoshi pissed on it by bringing him back for this travesty. Hope I never have to see that cuck again.
Other way around really.
Hrothgar will have the Old Norse names.
Viera never had Icelandic names really, Fran just had a faux-icelandic accent done by an Austrian VA.
Not him but I dislike Diadem, Eureka, Air Force One and Leap of Faith simply for being instanced.
Especially Air Force One because it's a solo instance in Gold Saucer which is best when you're watching 50 people get snorted off a stage.
This is supposed to be an MMO, the less instanced content the better. I understand the need for instancing raid bosses and dungeons so I won't complain about it there but the ones I listed just feel needless and counter to the game's design.
Fran, Mjrn, Jote...
Look, gaijin pig.
If you don't stop complaining I'll be removing shadow wall in 6.0 too.
>He instances his raids!
>He doesn't fight to the death with a hundred people just to make it in the door, let alone complete it!
BA's instanced content, fella.
You mean, join a discord led group and listen to 20 minutes of instructions? And halt all progress until random people who join leave?
He didn't earn it until he lost his "second chance" and finally moved on
This. The Doma Castle ending was honestly better, both for Gosetsu and for Yotsuyu.
Why do so many people hate Varis now after the master race speech? He's not even preaching Garlean superiority or anything like the rest of them yet everyone frames it as some kind of racist ideology instead of the more reasonable worry that billions will die for the sake of achieving it.
I snuck in three times and did nothing but avoid AoE and heal myself, much to the detriment of everyone in there. If they're going to make it that hard to even get to the content, they can't blame me for being a selfish bastard and seeing it to completion any way possible.
Ok faggots for real though. ShB is gonna be the most kino expansion yet, I feel this is pretty inarguable at this point.
>Alliance: We should improve society somewhat.
>Varis: Yet you participate in a society. Curious!
Good taste.
Ah, OK. So can I really just use Squadrons until 60 then? Is there no point to dungeon with strangers or PotD?
Honestly, at this point he's no less reasonable than the other city state leaders
One is a shortened Francisca, the others are purely fantasy names. Nothing Icelandic about them.
Icelandic names would be like the Hrothgar Helion's queen's, Gunnhildr.
How did I not realize sooner that Varis is one of those "hmmm really makes u think" guys
I think reworking Diadem for the ishgard reconstruction could be neat. If they remove the need to be in a party and get rid of requiring an item to queue up and instead just let you join solo and form parties in the instance like Eureka, that would solve a lot of Diadem's problems right off the bat. But if it's about crafter bros hanging out farming materials to progress the server-wide ishgard restoration instead of everyone grinding for irrelevant gear then it could be pretty comfy.
How? Gosetsu would've died instead of spending the rest of his life helping people to atone, and Yotsuyu would've died as pure evil instead of dying after having regained some semblance of humanity.
it slows down at 50 so PotD is better after that until you unlock sohm al for squadrons
Unlike other people, he is actively trying to defeat Ascians, he is taking a very indirect approach of doing it. I am extremely curious on his plans in ShB.
For real, I'm not buying it unless they unfuck the heal/tanks
Based and Ravapilled
Well, that second point is why I'm against him. Merging everything back together sounds neat, but not willing to do it at the cost of everyone's life.
just do regular dungeons you fucking faggot jesus christ boot up ff12 instead if you want to play with NPCs
>we live in a society
where is it
But regular dungeons are full of NPCs too.
Seriously I've noticed way more bots lately.
She just wanted to be a good daughteru
>try to enjoy MSQ's since heavensward, stormblood now
>1/4th into level MSQ suddenly turns red because I need to reach next level
>lmao go do worthless side quests for literal scraps of xp or fates for still pathetic amount of xp for the amount of time it takes because 99% of the time you'll be doing these alone
>all good xp like roulettes are timegated
>repetitive potd/hoh crap is the only viable option
The game makes the loss of life a bigger deal than the one true race thing, but they do go on about how the differences between people are what makes society special or something like that, and the player base have definitely latched onto the master race parallels as if that's the main concern even though the actual goal is much more akin to transhumanism or something like that opposed to racial superiority
I really don't believe you. This is pretty much impossible these days.
I never got people who don't do side quests.
Or do your level relevant dungeon?
When doing big pulls in a group with melee dps, with large mobs that push each other around, I should ne limiting my movement as much as possible right? Should I take AOE hits as to not move the mobs too much?
>trannies aren't real they can't hurt you
do you not have the shadowbringers aetheryte earrings? I beat stormblood in like 3 days and the roulettes were more than enough to get me to 70 without grinding
Do your daily roulettes.
fuck your melee dps unless it's NIN desu
Source? Also % mean nothing without actual numbers.
>poll the LGBT community
>"wow what a bunch of mentally ill faggots"
I'd believe it. I'd assume most healthy people aren't sticking around for shadowbringers.
Everybody's botting anyways.
And the ones that aren't are shit.
>Sample size of 1000 players
>We've hit the 1 mil mark
Yeah nobody gives a fuck what some hrt popper asked his FC and discord. That sample size is pitiful.
So what was Urianger's vision if it was the future? That the source would end up just like the first?
I don't really hate Varis all that much, but like most Garleans, I think he's oblivious to certain aspects of XIV's world. It seems like because Garleans can't use aether, they just bury their heads in the sand when it comes to esoteric concepts like the lifestream. Even when dealing with primals, they only fear them for their ability to cause direct, widespread destruction, and not for the fact that they're sucking up the very stuff that allows life to exist in the first place, which would eventually choke out the world.
Any plans he makes against the Ascians are doomed to failure because he can only rely on conjecture based on what they've revealed to him, which is always misleading at best and flat out wrong at worst. The understanding they've given him was most likely purposefully shaped in such a way to put his thought processes exactly where they wanted it, making him an unknowing, if reluctant, puppet in their schemes. Compare this to the archbishop which still maintained enough knowledge of aether to formulate a strategy for overcoming the ascians in direct combat.
They polled specifically LGBT players to get their demographics.
>imagine being a White man and merging with a nigger, spic, sandnigger, poolinloo, yellowniggers, kikes, lgbt, women, libtards, commie, criminals, degenerates
>imagine having to live though the experience of them ooga booginig and chimping out and seeing why those non Whites never accomplished a single thing through out history
>imagine being told that those same non Whites is equal to a White man
Melees also have AoEs, they can adjust just fine
There is no fucking way that there are more women on ff14 than men.
Well now I'm just going to need a joker edit of Varis
>no source or hard number
K. I can make a google pie chart too
The only time you want to be concious of your melee as you dodge AoEs is if you have a NIN and they're dropping Dotons. Keep the mobs inside that and continue as normal.
The only time you should be eating AoEs is on DRK and that's if you need them to pop your TBN.
>52.1% of the LGBT community are cisgendered
Gosetsu was looking for a death after failing Hien's father in the past
Yotsuyu was vile until the very end, willing to bet on killing everyone with her in that castle and staying true to being the Witch of Doma, showing that a tragic past wouldn't redeem her
Gosetsu resisting the gunfire and saving everyone while telling the whimpering, defeated Yotsuyu that he wasn't a fan of gambling, followed by the castle colapsing on them was one of the most kino moments in the game. Unfortunately it ruined by both of them surviving.
what's the difference between a cis and a nonbinary? I swear I can't fucking understand all these terms
I pushed through the entire ARR MSQ and only had trouble around 35-45. One roulette usually got me two levels of experience, though I did have to grind the shit out of PotD for a couple of levels before I could do Stone Vigil.
Unless you literally do all of 2.1 to 2.5 in a day, you'll also likely build up so many levels from roulettes as to put you close to 60 before HW even starts, same for SB.
Bis aren't real gays and should be excluded from any statistics. It's LGT
The piano in the launch trailer is fucking wild.
what do you think gays and lesbians are
Shut up retard
People are smoothbrains with the Garleans. Make him a mad scientist elezen from Sharlayan and nobody would think his unifying the races speech was nazi-esque. They would assume it's a tower of babel or antedilluvian style dream of a golden past fractured into a flawed present. It'd be standard pseudo-gnosticism common to anime. I understand doing so tongue in cheek because I went and photoshopped a mustache on Varis' face for how much big blonde imperial leader talking about perfect races is optics wise, but it's all aesthetics.
That being said I expect Yoshi is going to up the third reich comparison once we go to Garlemald and we'll see concentration camps for Hrothgars or some other indigenous race and other shit.
Also I like how Yea Forums bans me from posting images because uploading from this IP has been 'abused'. The fuck did I post that was abusive. Literally even says "Yea Forums pass can bypass this". I'm not buying your damn pass hiromoot.
>Tsuyu deserved a kinder fate.
>Her happiness was not to be... not in this world.
she knew from the start that there would be no redemption or happy endings for everyone involved
cis just means they don't wanna cut off their balls or tits
Trannies are a tiny portion of the population even among the rainbow parade dude, "cis gender" shit means "not fucked in the head and believe you are your birth gender"
Closet trannies.
Yes but they have simplified each class in the process to where as every class has anything the other class has.
Mad gay-curious fag located
I'm ok with this, don't want to be associated with those faggots and trannies.
Atonement through death is the coward's way out, Gosetsu got what he actually deserved. Also Yotsuyu dying after feeling regret is a more painful death than dying as a Saturday morning cartoon villain, so she also got what she actually deserved.
I've reached the point where I hate faggots who derail threads to screech about trannies way more than I hate actual trannies.
Why can't my Warrior of Light just EB with Yugiri already, Yoshi-P???
Your ISP has been used for proxy spamming, that is all.
you talk more about trannies than the actual tranny board
We'll see but this job adjustment shit is going to make everything unchallenging
>have like four words filtered
>thread suddenly has half its replies auto-hidden
Hmm, I wonder what we're talking about for the thousandth fucking time. I hate you faggots so much.
To be fair since Doma is totally notJapan atonement through death would probably be a respected thing.
What are illuminati deep gobdip and taut gobwine for? I thought they're the ones used for restoring artifacts but I got jewed by Rowena.
Wew. This thread really isn't any different from the /vg/ thread.
Mods should continue nuking these.
>have words filtered
>still reply to them anyway
When are we getting them, bros?
Either way one day she would have regained her memory and justice would be dealt, her parents merely sped up the process. It had to be this way.
Nobody on Yea Forums can just ignore shit they don't like.
They're used for the Eikon sets
you're not invited to the LGTBBQ
They are for upgrading gear sold in the shire. The eikon equipment I believe.
Yeah, I think it was fine even though I almost always hate anime redemption arcs of mass murdering bad guys since Yotsuyu died anyway, and not as atonement or anything like that either. Which is probably way better than what we're probably going to get with Fordola.
Well fuck me I'm glad the jackass who used the proxy didn't spam anything serious. That's a fucking shame, but at least it only impacts Yea Forums.
Hopefully never. But probably 6.0.
Why is Range LB strictly inferior to Caster LB?
Well that's initially why he wanted it, because muh traditions. The first SAM questline also somewhat makes a case against just atoning through death, with the master making amends by raising a successor first before he died. The "dying is easy, living is hard" mentality is a pretty common trope in modern Japanese media.
At that point they'll be adjusting themselves to the mobs. Just dodge normally.
Get me out of this hellhole.
I anticipate them homogenizing the magic and phys ranged lbs in the near futures
>going to get
Bro you already got everything with Fordola. Because of splitting between Ala Mhigo and the Far East they reduced post-occupation Garlemald to a single fucking patch and a single individual whose redemption arc is pretty much just helping us to fix Lyse's mess.
'Death is lighter than a feather duty is heavier than a mountain'. I'm more a fan of TENNO HEIKA BANZAI goddamn I miss Rising storm 1 it was criminal how much fun it was to be a WW2 Jap.
Is that at all useful when I have full Shire set? Or did I just wasted 700 tomestones?
I legitimately have no idea. It not only does less damage but targets a smaller area. It should either do bonus damage or have some other effect like a trick attack debuff or reducing the damage the targets deal.
I wish the jobs had their own unique LBs instead of reskinned identical AOEs.
It's only useful if you want to upgrade them to the dyable sets that they can be used for.
>Arguing about which job's LB is the most meta
No ty
It's weaker than Shire gear, but hey, if you want dyed Eikonic gear, it's a good investment
Orchestrion roll never ever, good old days of crafting shit right after getting the Darksteel Ore node. a special track.
My theory is that physical range dps jobs do less DPS than casters (not sure how MCH and RDM compared though) so by letting the caster LB, you sacrifice more rDPS, that's why their LB hits harder.
>Atonement through death is the coward's way out
You know that thinking was spread from (((them))), right? Those same (((them))) that control the world and turned the modern world into a degenerate shithole.
LB was a mistake and needs to be removed, not dived into. It's an utter crutch that only holds back the game.
It would be fun, but there's no fucking way YoshiP and co. has it in them to properly balance 18 different LBs at this point, even if literally the only thing different about them was an effect on top of having the same potency across the role.
I wonder what happened to Gosetsu’s sword.
Alphinaud blew all the Scions money on it to return it to him, but turns out he’s all burned out and can’t use it anymore and becomes a wandering monk.
I'd post the vocaroo of the user screeching about how shitposting is (repeats based and cringe like a lunatic) but the (yous) would make the mods kill me. The user's autistic screeching aside it fit.
I realized when this site shuts down I'm going to be like the nig at the end of gladiator.
What's a good warrior of darkness themed glam I can use as a healer?
They only have to be as 'unique' as every other job difference in the game. BLM LB could be a free-target AOE, SMN LB could be an AOE centered around your target, MCH could be a cone, BRD could be a line, etc.
that's my attitude towards healers, tanks, and mid-fight rezzes instead of people being smart enough to handle damage on their own
I've had this discussion before but I would like LB to be reworked into personal meters that are overall less impactful but offer more fluidity with usage and utility.
It'll never happen for the same reason I just mentioned, but it's a fun thought.
What's the fastest 50-60 these days for a dps? Still PotD?
Plague Doktor.
So are you just going to kill yourself to spite (((them))) now? Since apparently that's the based and redpilled course of action? Are you actually retarded?
might wanna give gw2 a try then. also I heard they are removing magic dps rezzes. big if true
That's spooky I was just on that page for xiv style. Was going to link it to user but I decided nah I was lazy.
He'll get it from St Mocianne's. I'd check that site for other options, healing edgelord user
Yep, after daily roulette bonuses of course.
Saturday morning cartoon villains die thinking they were right and cursing the protagonists. In the castle Yotsuyu was just a wounded, defeated woman, crying at how powerless and helpless she truly was her entire life as she is going to die alongside the one she despises right next to her.
It was painful and melancholic, giving a sense of consequences to the narrative that we haven't really seen since Heavensward.
Is the exp better than it used to be or is it still like 40-50 runs?
PLD, because they're looking fuckin spicy next expac.
Take this and dye it soot black. It'll give a nice fallen healer look.
Honestly, since SB we've had way too many 'not actually dead' characters. I would have prefered if she just stayed dead the first time. She was in a pretty bad place when she died and it was handled better than a 'Saturday morning cartoon villain' at that point than it later was anyway imo
God will rebirth you into a better time line or be in Heaven for eternity.
It's a win win.
There's plenty of ways to look dark. Depends on the level of edge you want. You can go from plague doctor to bargain bin ascian.
35 runs from 50-60 if you have 100% armoury bonus.
Do Gubal Library Normal to 61 if you have a tank or healer to queue with and you have the 30% Aetheryte Earrings.
Stormblood was shit compared to Heavensward. Just because you get one good scene doesn't make it all great.
I felt more emotion between Nidhogg and Shiva.
And she thought she was completely in the right, so basically died without regrets. Then she comes back and feels regret before dying, making her death more painful than it would've been, which is a more proper punishment for her crimes. We already had Nidhogg wanting to cause destruction until his last breath, so Yotsuyu's death was a change from that.
I'm more keen to that than the current system. But how do you retain its impact on the individual level?
Yes, Mizzteq be a fag
So true, it's not about dying. It's about dying well. Becoming some oldfag and dying is not virtuous nor honorable nor does it serve God.
>They'll re invent Diadem
Please Yoshida, just fucking stop with that bullshit already.
Mizzteq is a thot
>complaining about jews while posting this shit
/pol/ is so fucking retarded I swear. And I'm pretty sure the bible bans suicide and tells you to tough it out because poor people have a better chance of getting into heaven or some shit.
Mind sharing how you did it? I'm not doing this shit correctly.
Well, any suggestions? Got some cool pics of what I should get?
What starglobe is that?
I wish we could get dyable diabolic healer gear.
I've seen a lot of people walking around with the Hellfire fending set. Mostly on girls because it has a chest window, but still.
I use the fending greaves and pants on my DRK set.
The head piece looks kinda dumb, though
Mizzteq is a cute!
so good
non-glowy moogle one.
>new testamentfag
What does she look like?
Will Titania is Alisaie fags shut up now?
Also, how shit are people if they needed to nerf the fight?
>People think they'll bring back the combat parts of Diadem.
It's crafting content. They'll probably repurpose Diadem into some kind of gatherer Eureka. There will likely be mobs, but probably not ones you're supposed to fight.
I'm friends with a bunch of market board overlords and they generally agreed that the non-combat parts of Diadem, such as the gathering and the treasure hunts, were alright and sometimes even somewhat fun.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with all these poetics now that I'm past augmented Shire gear?
Honestly I have no fucking clue. I can't think of a way to implement them that doesn't completely change how encounters would have to be designed.
I suppose if I had to pick between the current system, no LBs or badly balanced/designed personal LBs I'd rather have the current since it's at least something and aside from some glaring issues it's relatively balanced. I'd like more for mechanics to require or be cheesable with Tank LB.
I use 4chanX. Go into your settings>filters, then under general just place whatever terms you want to filter between two '/' like so /buzzword/.
extremely normal