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Other urls found in this thread:

is this rule of rose?

Is that a US marine?



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>tfw Marine friend said he was hungry
>told him there were probably some crayons lying around

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Rule of Rose was so blatantly fetishizing it's loli characters and this was a game originally published by SONY no less.

You gotta love it.

TFW you realize The headmaster really was fucking the one of the girls.

That was a fairly disturbing boss fight.

these meme is older than Jesus

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Yes.... yes....

2007 will never die.

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I haven't even played the game, I just know because it was the only thing on the ps2 with this kind of creepy shit and a warm doo-doo-red color palette.

anyone who ever says they made something "marine proof" has never met the average Marine

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It's a fairly heavy AR so I guess that's something

So, what the fuck, Marine eat Crayons? What's the story behind this?

just a soldier meme.

It's an inside joke amongst military anons, they're calling them retarded.

the absolute state of military humor

Oh, I see.

You just don't understand. sibling rivalry runs deep.

They're calling them stupid, the ultimate irony is that they're all stupid.

It says it all that I thought it was a thing Marines really did.

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I will do you harm.

I will break my arm.

She shouldn't be smoking that many cigarettes.


Rule of Rose is the most unique game I've ever played, no other game has a similar atmosphere and tone.

It's got some janky combat, even by survival horror standards, but any gamer who appreciates unique, artistic games should play it.

It's a shame it doesn't have a big following among the "games as art" crowd and seems mostly forgotten today.

Or anything ELSE for that matter!

>doesn't have a big following among the "games as art" crowd
They only know of games that are heavily advertiesed to them. They'd probably hate this anyway because something something pedophilia.

>Boot Camp
>was allowed to see one day for an interview
>Guy near the front was staring at a seagull for like 2 seconds during the run
>fucker comes back with it 2 minutes later
Marines find a way.


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What did he do with seagull?

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Yeah, they wouldn't like the loli content today.

It could have gained a big following in the 2000s though, maybe even have been a bona fide financial hit, had it not come out so close to the release of the PS3 and subsequently got buried.

Let's remember the good times with this ambiance.

none of that is true at all except for the part about female marines being complete cumsluts
>boot camp
>drill instructors tell us we cant swat any bugs
>big ass fly lands on my buddy, he tries to survive, but eventually he sways it
>drill instructor makes him give the fly a full burial with military honors and hum taps as he buries the little fucker in the ground

They know better than to NOT do it, unless they're a queer pussy I tell you hwat.

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>be a hollywood marine
>talk shit about east coast marines for not having to do the hills
>be a east coast marine
>talk shit about hollywood marines for not having sand fleas

I don't know which is worse and I want to say the hills we've gone through is fucking worse a mile. I've never dealt with sand fleas but i can't imagine holding bearing with those fuckers biting.

DIs looked at him like he was crazy and I think he kept it. I'm pretty sure it was dead.
I fucking believe that
>day 1
>all the recruits are being processed
>DI shouts
>one guy actually did it
The funniest shit happens.

>except for the part about female marines being complete cumsluts
Are they really?

yes it's true but to be fair majority of junior enlisted both men and woman are horny motherfuckers for obvious reasons. my last unit had a total 7 female junior enlisted marines and 5 of them slept with one or more people within the unit. out of those 5 three got pregnant before i left. the last 2 remainder i don't know much about them. The female NCO's and SNCO's on the other hand... hooo boy. lets just say cumslut is putting it midly.

Interesting how a thread about an obscure PS2 game leads to a discussion about Marines.

This is making me laugh like a retard, stop before I join the marines

Rule of Rose would be FAR more beloved if its hitboxes were just a smidge more forgiving. That wouldn't make the combat good but it would filter out a lot less people. Personally, I didn't mind the combat so much once I found something resembling a method to its madness but even so there's just enough, and I do mean JUST ENOUGH, jank for it to override the appeal of its story and atmosphere for some people.

From the few days I was there, it seemed to be Police Academy IRL but I'm sure it's mostly serious.
>recruits on firewatch at their barracks
>had vomlette by mistake and was paying for it at midnight
>some recruit was doing his war cry in his sleep
I was told that was a common occurrence.

>The headmaster really was fucking the one of the girls
Let me guess
It was the overly sexual one right? Who does the skirt curtsy in a cutscene?

USAF is moderately not stupid but only because they're forced to hire more whites and Asians because of specialization and necessity for higher IQ.
I mean, you're still fucking retarded if you're willing to sell your freedom to the zog for welfare-tier taxpayer dollars.

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Nice try recruiter. Now fuck off, not everyone wants to shoot innocent brown kids in the middle east and come back without legs and fucked in the head.

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To be fair, there's only a handful of moments through the entire game where I would say the combat is truly frustrating.

Most of them time you don't even have to fight.

The only reason women join the military is to be a black hole for cock and welfare, they're not good for anything else either.

I bet you also say lol to make sure everyone knows you're joking. It ruins it, you know. You aren't sparing anyones feelings who matter.

Fukken saved. Thanks user.

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Play the game bro, it's good.

It's possible with her, it's implied, but there's another girl he definitely fucked and got pregnant.

He gave her an abortion, which is why you find bloody gloves and medical tools in the Orphanage's attic.

The dead fetus is also what's inside the drawer that the girl doesn't want you to open.

But yeah, it's also heavily implied he fucked the curtsy girl and that's why she has the bandage on her leg.

The game is actually REALLY fucked up, but most of it is read between the lines and implied than blatantly stated, that's what makes the game so great, the horror comes from looking back and those "ohhh shit" moments of realization.

Dude I met with those special forces called Kaibil. They're fucking nuts. They give them a knife and send them out to the jungle for a few days as part of their training.

I'd say the worst of it is the Hoffman fight, if only because he has ONE attack that just hits you if you don't stunlock him just right. This is around the time I learned that combo finishers are rarely worth it and spacing is God above all else but the jank makes it a real filter if you're just mashing away at seeming openings. Otherwise, it's still occasional but RoR still forces combat a bit too often for its own good like with forced arena mobs, the almost impossible to run past mobs right before the mermaid boss fight, and the entire point of the final chapter where you're trying to kill very specific enemies. I definitely get why people get frustrated with the game when fighting is never really fun which makes every instance it's necessary a chore if you don't figure out its jank, and that happens just a few times too many.

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redditors have to ruin everything, don't they?

>pinch a loaf onto dipshits face
Is there an imgur of all this shit or do you have it all saved?

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Yeah, the combat is truly pretty bad.

I think calling that old school survival horror combat in Silent Hill and Resident Evil "bad" is a meme that is not based in reality, but in Rule of Rose's case it's true.

It's such a damn shame, the game has such lush art direction, atmosphere and soundtrack.

It could have been a contender had they managed to make the gameplay better.

History would later repeat itself with Sony and The Order: 1886, which is another one of the best games I've ever played as far as art direction and atmosphere goes and like RoR it also has an old timey England setting, complete with airship.

But in The Order's case the gameplay was too simple and old hat, rather than broken.

Just Caps I've saved from my Forays into /k/

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Should have just gotten rid of the dog, you silly cunt.

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I don't hate what RoR tried to do with combat. Jennifer isn't a fighter and the game makes this abundantly clear, but the problem lies in how often the game forces its combat as it goes on. When you're allowed to run it works, capturing a sense of favoring flight over fight that I've never seen done better in a game that openly offers both options, but when it takes the option of flight away it risks falling apart. The Order is also truly lamentable as the TPS bits are actually solid when they do bother to show up. Of all of Sony's modern "movie games", I think that one hurts the most, it had so much promise.

Fuck you Wendy, Brown's a bro. Learn to share.

I'll never forget seeing Rule of Rose's opening cinematic on G4's Cinematech late one night.

It just totally blew me away, like "whoa, what the hell is this game?"

I feel like From could do something interesting with the ip, after all like Dark Souls it's another Japanese game with British voice actors.

these are hilarious. i wish was a /k/ammando back then but that board is slow as molasses

So are greentext stories like this common occurrences on /k/? Because I might have to start going there more regularly if they are

Depends if they have a humor, greentext, or MRE thread going. Which I find to be a bit uncommon. though, any thread their can turn hilarious as most of /k/ is either fucking crazy or some kind of animal.

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Did this game deserve the giant controversy it got? On one hand I want to say no because there's nothing explicit but on the other hand there is a ton of fucked up shit in this game.

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Sharing is for cucks.

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>I'm like Redd Foxx
I should be sleeping user. Don't make me laugh so hard.

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It's telling that the outrage was over a five second long kiss between two girls in the opening credit, and not over all the killing and other debased shit that went on in the game. I don't remember anyone making a fuss about the headmaster being a pervert.

Absolutely not, the EU overreacted hard on this one. The themes they were afraid of are present but it's virtually all subtext, there's nothing really explicit in the way of pedophilia/underage romance. RoR has you read between the lines more than outright showing these things.

No mercy

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>driving around
>sir I'm going to have to stop off at the latrine for a bit
>no latrine in sight
>drive for 20 minutes
>can see the sweat on this guy
>mouth is puckered
>finally make it to one
>sprints full speed and comes back 20 minutes later
>I'm fucking baking in the sun like a retard
>gets in
>sir I'm gonna have to go change
>oh did you shit yourself
>no I ripped my fucking pants off
>fucker ripped his pants off at the belt because he wouldn't have gotten them off in time
That's my last story.

Yeah, this is one game I don't feel guilty about savescumming and I would HIGHLY recommend playing it on an emulator in order to quick save.

In the naval school in my city there is endless, eternal conflict between mechanics and navigators. Kind of a school tradition now. Every male dominated society eventually grows to this thing.