Why cats hate Sony owners?

Why cats hate Sony owners?

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They pussy............

Because cats aren't ABAP.
Cats are backstabbing soulless devils.

Imagine being this intimidated by an animal

Because they know SNOYS are weak prey to be killed and hunted.

imagine being such a social failure you have to own a pet

i miss being excited on christmas morning
last year i had to listen to my parents argue for the whole 3 hour car ride home on christmas eve

t. sociopath

Not intimidated. But im not into animal abuse either.
Dogs are an order of magnitude better.

Because the human is presumably normally pretty quiet and suddenly started flailing and screaming, startling the cat who reacted to what seemed like an attack by defending itself.

>goes for the neck
based as fuck

Because onions boys can't handle pussy


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do cats randomly attack theur owners like that

>flails arm at the cat, scaring it
>probably letting out some elongated shriek
Why do I love watching idiot cat owners get smacked for fucking with their cats or stupidly play fighting with bare hands

Cats are simple if you have a single self-reflective bone in your body

Attack? Only if you provoke them
Play? Sure

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>Only if you provoke them
They feel provoked randomly. Fuck them cats.

Cats are the only domestic pet that can lose their shit are random and attack you, regardless of how well you take care of it. Cats can try to scratch you or smack you with their paw just because they're annoyed or think you're too close. I've had dogs and cats and I've had cases where the cats just did ungrateful faggot shit.

you just know


>Saying snoy unironically

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If you suck at raising animals any of them will attack you. Treat them like they are and not like a human baby and they will be your bros for life.

>Dogs are an order of magnitude better.
Lol, no

Even cats have that natural reaction of wanting to beat the shit out of a screaming s.o.y.boy.

Lol yes
You sociopath

Many cats can get overstimulated by too much physical contact and will lash out, though not more than a play nip or swat at first.

Some cats with dumb owners wind up being taught that hands are playthings and will scratch/bite hands. Don't play with bare hands, use toys.

Outright attacks are rare because cats are far more likely to run in real danger, but a sufficiently scared or sick cat in a corner will attack.

How do you know if you were swatted/nipped or actually attacked? An actual attack will be you bitten to the fucking bone getting IV antiobiotics to avoid sepsis.

>so onionized he can't even control a cat

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Dogs are niggers of animal world

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Cat ""people""

>if you like spending your time with other humans instead of animals you're a sociopath
go have a conversation with some plants retard


>Cats are the only domestic pet that can lose their shit are random and attack you, regardless of how well you take care of it.
I wonder who is behind this post

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Is that an ocelot?

>loyal and stay with you always

No one can control animals effectively.
If you are in a bad situation your dog or cat will bite your neck.

Why would you get excited for a game console as a gift? How poor is he?

>only cats randomly hurt owners!
Cats almost never attack owners. Getting swiped at for annoying a cat is not an attack

Also I can tell you've never owned a dog with a bred hunting instinct because those adorable cunts will flip the bug fuck out if something moves funny.

t. Fostered for bull terrier rescue groups

>Cuts out right before he murders the smaller dog

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>They feel provoked randomly
It's not random but their body language is different from a dog's and not as tuned with ours.

Only pits. Never been a fan of rotweilers, though. They've all been horrible, angry little shits.

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Lmfao dogs are so retarded but I love them. I also love cats too

>Cats are the only domestic pet that can lose their shit are random and attack you
>what are pitbulls

sounds like you just dont know how to handle animals
as expected from a retarded dog fucker

Niggers stayed with their owners too, and were loyal enough to actually fight for them when North attacked

the cat fucked the guy up lol


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>He doesnt know how to discipline an animal properly
If you cant inherently tell how to strike fear and respect into an animal at the same time you shouldnt raise a pet.

because sony hates pussy

It is entirely random. No one should feel provoked by a cucumber just lying around. No one should feel provoked over unrelated noise in a kitchen environment.

>never owned a monkey

Shitbulls are the niggers of the animal kingdom. You never know when they'll lose their shit and murder your baby

>he doesn't enjoy both

Pitbulls are only shitty because they're raised like shit. It's only common for pitbulls to be like that because it's usually the standard "tough guy" faggots that buy them for obvious reasons... or blacks.

>Cats are the only domestic pet that can lose their shit are random and attack you
>constantly molesting its hindquarters
>flicking its tail back and forth, probably making noises
>surprised when it breaks your skin a little
You were probably one of those dumb kids that fucked with stray cats despite all the warning signs.

>>loyal and stay with you always
What a dumb meme

>raging catfag projecting and samefagging this hard

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Faggot had to go to the hospital lol

They were scared shitless of being murdered, user. Accepting every order they give you so you and your family won't end up with a bullet between their eyes is not the same as being loyal.

Yes, lol. Cats are for lazy idiots.

You can raise a pitbull like a God and it will still somehow find a way to murder your toddler or smaller pet

What a dumb post

I feel sorry for you. You obviously never cared about other living being.

>its the owners fault

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Cats are obligate carnivores, they don't like söy.

God I wish that was me. I've always wanted a reason to choke a stupid ass cat to death.


Was this an argument?

Id agree with something like this but someone i know has a pitbull female and she is the fattest, most fucking retarded dog ive ever met. Not all of them are bad but most of them are.

This. Dogs have very intuitive expressions for people to understand and dogs are good at reading human body language.

Cats expect cat body language from you. Staring means annoyance or threat awareness, looking away is going "I trust you". A slow blink is a hello. Flopping isn't "please give belly rubs" (usually), it's "I trust you not to touch me here"

Cats are for basedboys and women
Real men have dogs

>studies show no natural signs between pit bulls being aggressive when raised even sub-optimal homes
>a whopping two-thirds of the hospital's dog-attack injuries involved just two breeds, pit bulls and Rottweilers.
>these two breeds tend to be owned by convicts or wannabe tough guys
>w-why are these breeds ruthless?

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>I'm outgoing because I own a dog
I bet you watch Game of Thrones

>They have been called one of the "worst" invasive species. And anew study published today inNature Communicationssuggests that cats are responsible for killing several endangered bird species in the United States, and decimating bird populations on islands all over the world. In the US, cats kill as many as 3.7 billion native birds annually, making them a bigger threat to these creatures than buildings, towers, windows, poison, and cars.

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Just like niggers


>source my ass

women only like cats for one reason

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And I bet you let guys fuck you in the ass. Cat owners are notoriously beta.

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based cats
t. bird as pet owner

>liking the niggers of the animal kingdom

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I've never cared about a non sapient animal. I eat them and so do you, hypocrite. You only like them because they're cute and stupid but they're no substitute for children.

>implying any woman would ever pick a cat over a 500 pound shitbull
Go back to your scratch-post sweetie

Any dog with a prey drive can go insanely violent under the right circumstances. Their brains just short circuit. I've seen a sweet dog deglove its owners arm. I've seen an 18 year old dog that never hurt anything in its life kill its best friend because it ran the wrong way.

Prey drive dogs are dangerous and that needs to be understood and respected by owners

Seemingly overnight my cat went from "my belly is a murderzone" to "I will contort my body 720 degrees so that your hand only rubs my belly forever".

I miss that little guy.

Because cats have super tiny penises? Even tigers and lions have like 3cm penises so I hope that's not what you're implying.

Owning a fixed cat has absolutely no relationship to whatever shit you just said


Why do colored and poor people like dogs so much?

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Because the dog is a bro and will never cuck his master. Cats don't give a shit and think they own the place, no respect.


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>my dog makes me alpha
Watches GoT, has a small penis, and drives a pickup trusk. Guaranteed.

A cheap way to keep your property secured

Yes it does. There are tons of cats that are feral and even fixed cats that are kept as outside pets still kill for fun.

He named his cat nigger man you fucking idiot

Lovecraft was a catfag though

Whoa there partner, that's a lot of projecting you're doing. Who said anything about children or eating meat?

This webm is satisfying as fuck.

Fuck pit bulls and FUCK pit bull owners. God DAMN I hope it was the owner filming that.

t. picked up an abused cat from the shetler, doesn't know shit about cats.

Fucking bizarre there are one or two snoy in this thread talking like cats aren't the easiest fucking pets to have. Link related doesn't fucking happen you little faggots, they aren't shitbulls: youtu.be/8LsPkYeaKBs?t=2021

>fixed animal



People who "own" outdoor cats are just shitty lazy pet owners
Make a fucking enclosure if you're that goddamn concerned about the cat being able to go outside

Cats are usually pretty chill and even to children will give extensive warning signs before they do anything. Even then cats don't usually "attack". They'll claw or bite and then immediately try to get away unless you corner them or something.

I've had four different cats since moving out and only one had something wrong with it and ended up being extremely aggressive to me and only me. I ended up having to choke the fucker out and leave it in the garden for my girlfriend to find a couple of days later.

Some animals are more worthy than other. It's the same with humans.


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Cats are still genocidal little fags and should be killed on sight.

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>tfw I was in Japan Tokyo and there were stray cats everywhere that was looking comfy as hell.
Is there anything more comfy than seeing a cat with that relaxed and comfortable look?

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Bruh white people have been breeding dogs for thousands of years. Niggers love pit bulls and betas love cats. Normal white people love dogs.

I've never met a man with normal amounts of testosterone that preferred cats.

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Got a better source for information?

Why haven't you taken the kiwipill Yea Forums?

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What the fuck is wrong with you? Based cat probably smelled the psycho in you and was protecting the gf.

I laugh at the tiger. They're going extinct in real life thanks to cool China. Good. I hope tigers, lions, and all great felines go extinct for their fur.

>being mad that birds are so fucking easy to kill a fat, domestic slouch with claws and bright colours can sneak up on them and chomp em down even in trees
If birds werent such utter wastes of space in terms of brains, they wouldnt be getting genocided by fatty catty, lemayo.

>pit bulllllllls!
All bully breeds have a strong prey drive and will fucking supermurder something if that prey drive gets triggered and they have the strength. People don't respect that possibility and just go "Oh not my schnookums he's so sweet nature doesn't apply to him!"

Damn you missed. I know for a fact I nailed it with the beta comment though.

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>I've had four different cats since moving out and only one had something wrong with it and ended up being extremely aggressive to me and only me. I ended up having to choke the fucker out and leave it in the garden for my girlfriend to find a couple of days later.
sounds like they're only chill because you abuse the shit out of them and they're forced into docile mode

Shut the fuck up you feline fag you should be grateful we don't massacre all feral cats

Why are dog-people always so insecure?

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Seeing an australian bogan with a handful of dead catniggers in a bag and happy cockatoos squawking happily in a tree

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Why do people even like this hideous thing?

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A crow or parrot would take a shit down any cat or dog's throat, intelligence wise.

You think I'm immoral but you practice worse things than me. You fail socially so you fill your yearning for companionship with dumb animals. You're socially retarded and a hypocrite.

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Reminder that properly trained cats are the chad pets

>wanting to bring fleas and dead animals and shit into your fucking home


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Any bird is way smarter than a cat you fucking uncultured swine

>posting the absolute most insecure loser/cat owner of all time as proof you're secure in your masculinity

C'mon dude.

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Reminder that cats are for people with high IQ. There is a reason why women and poor people love dogs so much.

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>had dogs for years
>moved out and bought a house with girlfriend
>now I have two cats
>can't get a dog because it's already a clusterfuck living with a girl and two cats

I don't hate cats, but they are fucking weird in the way they behave.

Tiananmen Square Massacre and Winnie the Pooh.

>Most widely owned pet in the world
> For people with high IQ
Room temperature IQ*

Nah. My other cats love me and always come over to cuddle when I'm playing games or whatever. This cat was just fucked in the head. One day it just caught me in a shit mood and I had enough of being swiped and hissed at just from walking through my own house so I took care of it.

It's perfectly normal to feel provoked by a long green object that wasn't there a moment ago because it is probably a snake and will fucking kill you
If you stop to check it out on the off chance that it's a cucumber some asshole put right behind you for shits and giggles, you're giving the snake time to strike

Damn, bro. Judging by your response, I assume animals just hate you and start barking/growling at you the moment they see you and the look in your eyes. They can tell you are an evil person. Seek help.


Holy Basado y Rojapilldado el gato

Barn cats are a pretty humane way to keep a cat. I grew up with several horses in the barn behind my house and we had a few cats who lived mostly in the barn who kept mice out of the grain. In a city I agree with you 100% but in rural areas it's generally safe to keep a cat outside.

>People who "own" outdoor cats
You don't "own" cats, you just make friends with them

You cant do it. Seethe harder.
>"IM SMART, IM SMART", says mister sprinkles the parrot, as he gets chomped to death by mister bubbles, the fatty catty

cats are dumber than dogs cause you have to have a bigger brain for understanding social hierarchy

cat owners like their weirdness, if you see a cat just paw a vase to the ground and break it, you can't really truly be mad and just think "awww".

fuck you delusional shitbull cuck

based cat

this though

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Reminder that men who prefer cats only prefer them because they are too weak to establish the pecking order that's ingrained in every dog. They're too afraid that their dog will someday challenge their authority and they won't be strong enough to challenge them.

They want a cat because they want a complacent room mate and they know that if they own a dog they won't be strong enough to be pack leader.

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Haha that cat is just playing. My kitten would do that to me if I started acting retarded too. It would think "fuck yeah time to fight!"

only if they smell onions

Wolfdog hybrid. Kill that thing before it wipes out all the fawns and destroys deer hunting for the rest of us!

Based tiger
Hopefully the dog died

Cats don't give a fuck a your pecking order, they're their own boss. Dogs are wimpy cowards that are completely subservient to anything that can dominate them.

Like a ticking bomb.

But I have both cat and dog, user.

No, animals love me. The myth that they can tell if someone is good or bad is also retarded superstition, you've only proven yourself as a moron. What's next, are you going to ask me the stars I was born under?
I don't HATE animals, but over breeding abominations as a companion substitute is retarded and you should feel retarded for doing it.


RIP dumbass boss cat lol.

This cat is obviously african american

>Xhy are cat owners so fucking retarded ?

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>literally every cat owner has been a numale incel
>dog ownerstalk about testosterone when they're a bunch of scrawny skeletons
>bird owners have been nothing but chads
If you don't own a bird your just a tranny

I once strangled a shitbull and kicked the ass of the owner after he came crying to me. Fucking retard let his dog out without a leash. In retrospective, I should have killed the owner and kicked the dog's ass.

>too weak to establish the pecking order that's ingrained in every dog
Even kids dominate dogs

>dog ownerstalk about testosterone when they're a bunch of scrawny skeletons

Do I look like a scrawny skeleton to you?

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Based and birb-pilled

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You can pinpoint the exact frame where that dog becomes a paraplegic. I hope it lived, death is too merciful for the nigger dog.

No. I'm not gonna ask you a single thing because those few posts you wrote tell me more than enough about you.

He's a good boy though.

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COPE. It twitched on the ground for about 20 minutes.

>bullies are dangerous
Did you have an aneurism?


Only bird owners I know are LITERAL trannies. Bird owners are the lowest of the low, as expected of traitors of the mammal master race.

Dogs are literal mouthbreathers owned by literal mouthbreathers

>those comments
Why do normalfags love dogs so much?

Odds are you're some hungry skeleton LARPing.

Wrong. They don't dominate dogs, the dogs simply respect their place in the hierarchy. Dogs are definitely not ignorant of their strength vs the strength of toddlers or even adults. The difference is dogs respect pack hierarchy whether or not they're physically stronger because the dog knows that your children are the children of the alpha male and therefore above him. Same logic applies to dogs that were bred to guarding sheep. They know that they could kill a sheep if they wanted to but it's ingrained into them that they should protect their flock.

>so insecure he took a picture of his stubby mong hand to try to win a Yea Forums argument

>gets repeatedly killed by an animal that can't fly

The only bird owner I know is my cousin's uncle who is a literal fag. Once again you retards don't know anything and just project your faggotry onto everyone else.

Is this what an adult autist is like?

> n.no!! U are the tranny !!!
>Acting like a parrot while hating on Bird Chads

Nah. Cats still get fucked up if they find the cucumber in a different room where no one is trying to ambush them.
Besides. It is still a fucking cucumber. It is inexcusable to get that heated over nothing. There is no reason to get mad over an inanimate object.

Cat's don't even have a concept of what a cucumber is. They freak out because they think it's an animal that snuck up on them.

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I miss the comfy /an/ threads. Now it's just the typical retarded contrarian baiting over dogs and cats.

>getting repeatedly killed by a jewish fly
Damn humans are so stupid amortie

Alphas do not exist.
Dogs do not use an "alpha, beta, omega" hierarchy, they use the same paternal hierarchy that humans use.

Even the guy who literally invented the theory went back and sais he had mistaken a family of dogs for an unrelated pack. The "alpha" was the father of the rest of the group.

>that gigantic flea bite
>obviously diseased skin
>shit tier keyboard with "gamer" key caps
I'm going to fucking vomit, dog owners are truly subhuman.

Explain why they attack dildos then

Well let's see those hands then faggots. Apparently you're so full of testosterone that you'll put my hand to shame so I'm very curious.

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>No. I'm not gonna ask you a single thing because those few posts you wrote tell me more than enough about you.
No. I'm not gonna ask you a single thing because those few posts you wrote tell me more than enough about you.

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You know what I miss?



Adam! Stop ruining everything, haha, you so funny

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Me too, it's a shame they died in the mid 2000s.

I've only had one cat who felt randomly provoked, and he's a particularly mental boy. The rest were pretty predictable as far as what pisses them off.


>"Dogs r betterer pets bcuz dey can do things cats cannot!"
>Pet; a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure.

Your dog being able to guard the house or come hunting with you does not mean they are a better pet, it means they are a better servant.

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Why do older women like big dogs so much? Most middle aged women I've spoken to always seem to be fascinated and have a love for big dogs, especially dogs like Great Danes.

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Dogs vs cats is the ultimate vidya topic. At least for as long as us catchads continue to tolerate the existence of dogsöys, but to be honest with you lads, we aren't very patient. Pet war now.

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Because their frail and they want something to protect them in their twilight years.

>Crazy cat ladies

>Alphas do not exist.
And yet dogs very clearly exhibit an acknowledgement of a hierarchy which has been seen in every dog that has ever existed. There have been many MANY such cases where the dog had a weak owner and has taken the role as alpha male in his "pack".

Most people who own dogs are using them for sexual acts. Notice how all furries are obsessed with dogs

>dog owners
>just like their masters they're a bunch of pussies who run away with their tails between their legs

Combination of maternal and sexual instincts.
Yeah it's gross but people are gross.

>flea ridden tranny skeleton wants to see my hand so he can masturbate to it and cum all over his cheap Chinese keyboard

>whole species
>1 breed

The problem I have with dogs is that you cant really leave them unoccupied for any longer than a day at most, and even then it isnt really recommended. If I want to travel or do something a dog is much less capable of handling itself without completely fucking up my house, no matter how trained it is where as a cat is a lot more independent, you can leave somewhere for 2 or 3 days and not worry too much about it, the amount of destruction a cat can do is nothing compared to the destruction of a medium sized dog. That said im an anti social fucktard who doesnt travel or anything so I have a dog and I love it to death

>Birdchads just keep winning