Alright. I want to get into dragon quest. Which ones are worth playing? I already plan on picking up dragon quest XI when it comes to switch. I hear 1-8 are on iOS. And I also own a 3DS.
Alright. I want to get into dragon quest. Which ones are worth playing...
Other urls found in this thread:
Release order.
They're all worth playing, just be warned that they're like 600 fucking hours long.
Also don't play them on an iphone you fucking retard
If you don't like random encounters 7 and 8 on the 3DS are pretty good choices, although I'd start with 8.
If you don't mind them I've heard 4 or 5 are good starting choices too.
>600 hours long
I and II can be done in an afternoon together. III is 10-20 hours.
IV-VI are 30-40 hours. VII is the longest at 70+ hours. VIII is 35-50 hours. I can't remember IX but because of the post-game quests it has the capacity to be really long. XI is quite long at 50+ hours just for the main story.
No, stop trying to get into our series, all of you smashfags will get bored of it because it is the most classic turn based J-RPG, and it's ok if you don't like our game,you are used to your button mashing shit afterall but you are the fucking loudest faggots on Yea Forumsand you will keep making a bunch of threads bitching about our game and how it bored you
Convince me that clerics aren't the most useless class in any DQ game.
You can play I to IX in your 3ds if you have cfw and a ds flashcart, be warned that the vest version of IV is on mobile
1 is a charming, fun and simple game. If you like it, you'll like the other games too. The mobile ports are good and convenient ways to play the games, I started with 1 on mobile and it was a good introduction. It's basically Dragon Quest (and JRPGs in general) distilled to its most core, basic elements. Just make sure you talk to NPCs or download manual for the game.
For other entries, 3 is considered THE Dragon Quest game because it's essentially the genesis of everything that would come afterwards. 5 is another beloved entry, 8 is great on the 3DS. XI is my favourite. They're all good, 2 and 6 are the low points but they're not that bad.
I'd recommend I, III and XI in that order. I introduces you to the series, III adds a ton of depth and also ties into I's story, XI takes all that, adds even more and gives it the polish of a game made today. It also ties into the story of I and III.
This but unironically. If you guys really think that a place that complains all the time about turn based RPG and JRPGs will even get into this series with such classic formula, you are naive. What will happen is a huge disappointment and threads about it.
Dude fuck off. I welcome more people playing DQ. Good or bad opinions, I don't really care. I welcome more discussion. Also nest time post best wife.
1 and 2 are grindy as all hell, takes me weeks just from the sheer amount of running back in forth in front of towns you need to do
Oh fuck off, I got into DQ by randomly playing VI, almost anyone can get into DQ if they like something so widely liked like Pokemon
IX made sages shit also Insulatle or whatever is called
People like pokemon for the pokemons.
I want to marry Madchen
Snes, ds, or IOS 3-6 are all good. 1 and 2 are okay.
NES 3 and 4 might also be worth checking out if you like that style better.
honestly, just fast-forward on an emulator in this day and age
No I liked Pokemon for the exploration and gameplay, when they had it
Is there anyone that could, please, link me a safe place to get the apk for the mobile versions of the games?
Do you really want another long spell without localisation? It's worth the cost of having DQ hate threads.
>which ones are worth playing
Depends on how old of a game you're willing to play
DQ3, 5, 8, and 11 are generally considered the best ones. 5 has a 3D special edition for PS2, 8 can be emulated to look very very pretty, and 11 is new.
3 you just have to deal.
Don't listen to people saying to play all of them and try not to burn out.
Personally I'd play 8 first. 11 has QoL improvements you'll miss if you go backwards
Its better for them to try at first then to not try at all imo
Made this for /dqg/ a few days ago
Play 4-9 on your 3ds. All of them are available on ds or 3ds. The first three are kind of old and boring.
>Don't listen to people saying to play all of them and try not to burn out.
Bullshit, I played I-IX plus monsters I-II and Joker (except VII) in one year, what a good year
Yup, this. Play them on Android instead.
Play 5, 8, and 3.
Avoid 7.
Do whatever you want from there.
What's wrong with 7?
Thank you so much.
It's long and has a slow start. Generally not a good place to start with DQ, despite still being a great game.
No prob user.
It's an odd one
>no battles for the first hour
>barely any exploration since you go onr little island each time
>game is pretty boring until you get the classes
>no random encounters in the 1st world map
It's still a great game but I will call it the anti 3 and 3 is what defined DQ
Really, REALLY fucking long. That alone wouldn't be so much of a problem, but I personally found the story and characters to be as interesting as white bread overall as well. Alltrades Abbey is a ways into the game as well from what I remember.
Some people swear by 7 but honestly I don't see much reason to play it unless you NEED more DQ.
This is what I love about 7 the most. Every island is depressing in some way. Even the resolutions are all bitter sweet.
IV, V, VIII, and XI are my recommendations.
I'm so happy this is happening. Start with 3, always start with 3.
If you ask this just because you are a smashtard, just play 3, 4, 8 and 11.
They are all good and you will have a bond to the DQ heroes which are actually in Smash.
Still, DQV is the best one and you have a color for him in Smash too.
DQ4 is underrated as fuck, best party with some delicious brown twin sisters
I was just asking because I played and liked 7, at least the 3ds port.
This. Also the dark overworld theme is Kino
Play these first:
III on SFC with fan translation (if you have a hacked 3DS, you can play it on SNES9X, doesn't work on the stock VC emulator because the translation is 48Mbit and the VC only supports up to 32Mbit)
V on DS or PS2, I prefer DS because it looks better and it's handheld but PS2 has orchestrated music. The translation styles are different, if V's accents on DS bother you a lot play the PS2 version with the fan translation.
VIII on 3DS. PS2 looks better but just play the fucking 3DS version. Quality of life improvements, no random encounters, 2 new party members, and a high-quality post-game make it worth it. If you have a hacked 3DS you can and should patch the orchestrated music back in.
Most people caution against starting it first as it might turn new players away.
NO NO NO NO, You must play 1 before 3, 3 is the best but you must play it after at least playing some of 1
Which version though?
Literally the only thing I know about DQ is that another game I am fan had a parody character literally called Yushaaaaa in it. I guess I will start by playing 3 for the first time today.
I came into this thread thinking IV would be a unanimous favorite. It’s my personal favorite. Bit surprised to not see it recommended all that much.
Do you play JRPGs at all? What type do you like to play? The battle system is essentially the same from game to game but there are other elements that always change. Do you like building your own party to your tastes? III or IX. Do you want the story to shift focus to different party members in a chapter system? IV. Do you want to recruit monster a pick a wife? V. There's a lot of variety depending on what you want.
This was going to happen to whatever series got the Smash invite, a bunch of secondaries coming in and trying to get into the games because the hype game them the extra push. There is literally nothing wrong with having more people in a fanbase as long as you recognize and ignore the blatant shitposters and retards. Know when and where to gatekeep.
Oh and then...
If you liked III the best play IX. It has the best gameplay of the series by far, taking III's class system and VIII's battle system and skill system and putting them together. Best post-game in the series, game is like 70% post-game actually. You'll probably need a save editor to experience everything since it has some streetpass-like stuff that's obviously hard to get nowadays.
If you liked V the best then play IV. It's another story-driven one, simple as that.
If you liked VIII the best, play XI. It's sort of a spiritual successor, it has the same kinda feel, with its character driven nature and voiced dialogue.
8 is really good, as is the newest one
4 and 5 are the ones you're going to find the most fanart/references to
Beautiful overworld theme. 7-9 was peak Sugiyama.
OP here. Thank you all for your recommendations. VIII is looking like a for sure pick for me. Might play IV-VI. Definitely want to play V. Might play 1-3 on my phone
They made one for the Switch, too?
Too bad X is a fucking mmo
Slime controller is eternal. I only have the PS2 one, but I want get them all one day.
Yeah, I was surprised about this too when I started the DQ series a few years ago.
There is no love for DQIV in Yea Forums when it's actually one of the best starter, full of great ideas, with lovable and cult characters and a great antagonist (who inspired fucking Sephiroth)
Lol yup. Read into how it’s a tradition. Might have to pick it up now. Looks too goofy to not have
Are the mobile versions worth it?
I usually recommend 3, 4, 5, 8, and 11 to start with, but I linked a pic earlier in the thread since it was easier than typing. 4 was my second DQ and I love it.
Only 4, you could get them for free at the Chinese app store but fuckers now want you to sign in but I'm not even sure if that's the case because the message is on fucking Chinese, the game runs in English though
Yes. 4-6 are ports of the DS versions and 1-3 are good versions. 3 is missing some content, but it's minor stuff. Just a mini game, monster animations, and a bonus dungeon that was added in the GBC remake.
The GBC one or the SNES one, your choice
So DQ8 on 3DS or PS2?
Great, this might sound weird, but I don't want to deal with emulators for some reason. I also dont mind skipping buttons as I am a very patient person.
Quick question, I'm not a DQ fan. All I've played were the GBC ports of 1-3 like a decade ago. Has the fanbase gotten worse since the Smash reveal? pic unrelated
sadly the graphical downgrade is worth it
Hack your 3ds to patch in the orchestral soundtrack for the port
I can never get used to Jessica's new voice. I think I'd miss all the old meta skills too like Twin Dragon Lash.
Whats wrong with the mobile port?
I played DQ3 years ago and loved it. Now I’m playing DQ1 for shirts and giggles, and while I do like it it really feels... barebones? Obviously it’s the first in the series but do you ever even get party members? The HUD makes it look like maybe you’d have more people join the party. Or is it just your one guy out there fighting one monster at a time?
Dragon Quest 9 is my favorite.
That's perfectly fine user. The mobile ports of DQ1-6 are some of the best mobile ports ever imo. Very quality stuff.
Man the nerf to Twin Dragon Lash hurt the most.
You're completely on your own the whole way
I personally like it, makes the whole thing more personal
Good taste
One guy fighting monsters at a time, somehow is still better than 2 throwing hordes at you at the beginning
It lacks battle animations and all the content added in the GBC version. It has a better OST though. And it's also slower like the SNES version.
Gonna start playing DQVII (PS1). How different is it to the 3DS version (which I've already played on release)?
That also the one where Enix tried to break back into the western market with and it went over about as well as a wet fart. They wrote it like 50 episode anime series, every episode clearly as a beginning middle and end and it has like three arcs in the game itself, pic related this is what it looks like on paper.
Based. It's been years since I completed it and I never did too much post-game content, I need to go back and start anew.
or something, it has been a while
I'd read that shelf
>neon grass
I pity anyone who played through the entire 3DS version.
Ok which DQ games are the best in these three categories:
8 is the easiest to recomend, if you like it try out V and XI, whichever one you like of those go play the ones similar to it
You don't get hints about the tables and the first "dungeon" has no encounters also you obviously don't get the random dungeons mini games
play 1 on the GBC to get that threesome at the inn
who will be the next anime swordsman in smash? Unless Nintendo is willing to give FF another rep the options are starting to become scarce
5 or 7 if you like episodic stories. 11 is also good.
4 with party chat or 11
7, 8 and 9
They removed the extra Timbrel of Tension you could get from the second Sun Crown too. Helm Splitter got the shaft, Dragon Soul is the same but requires higher level I think? It does sound like it makes for a miserable experience.
I don’t think about you at all
You have my sympathies.
V is where its at when you fucking want nonstop suffering and trust me when you think you finished suffering, theres more suffering.
Classes weren't nerfed into the ground.
DQ1 will take you less than a week to finish e-z, you should do it just for the prestige, it's a neat little game. 2 has a strong start but once the world opens up it gets annoying, use a fucking guide or die. The ending is worth the struggle imo.
I'm currently on 3 and it's obviously the biggest and best of them yet, you gotta do it for Erdrick.
Also, if anyone's like me and can't fucking decide what to name the heroes ever I've unearthed an ancient post with good suggestions based off material Enix has put out:
>Dragon Quest I.
CD Theater: Alef
>Dragon Quest II
CD Theater: Allen
For Cannock Prince:
CD Theater: Conan
DQ IX: Princeton
Itadaki Street: Cookie
For Moonbrook Princess:
CD Theater: Nana
DQ IX: Princessa
Itadaki Street: Pudding
>Dragon Quest III
CD Theater: Arel
Remake opening: Arus
'Erdrick/Roto' is NOT this character's name, it's more like a title.
>Dragon Quest IV
Novel: Yuril.
CD Theater: Rei, Ray
Game book: Yuu, You.
Remake manual and guidebook: Solo (boy); Sofia, Sophia (girl).
Remake official site picture: Soro, Solo.
Solo seems to be the most accepted name to the point it's near canon.
>Dragon Quest V
CD Theater: Ryukeiromu eru keru Guranbania (Ryuka), Lukeirom el kel Granvania (Lucas)
Hero's father suggestion: Abel in jp, Madason in eng
Remake manual and guidebook: Abel
Remake official site picture: Abel
Abel seems to be the most accepted name to the point it's near canon.
The Boy:
DQV Remake: Rex
The Girl
Manga: Sora
DQV Remake: Tabatha
>Dragon Quest VI
Novel: Izuurâhin (Iza, Îza)
CD Theater: Wiru, Will
Manga: Bottsu, Botts
Monster Battle Road, DS development pictures: Rekku, Reck
>Dragon Quest VII
Manual, official site picture: Arus
For 8 and 9 you're SOL, there have been only the traditional numeral references used for their names and nothing else to my knowledge.
Can you keep all abilities and spells when you change classes like in VI?
8 is easily one of the best RPGs of all time. I wouldn't even be mad if someone had it as #1 because it is THAT debatable
How long is V?
only on base classes and monster classes
on the original you kept everything from every class
I'm at the half way point in XI and the big event that is a lot like FFVI feels really tedious and "been there done that". I'm struggling to continue.
Im near the end of 2 now. Gotta grind some more before the final castle.
What does everyone here think of 2? I like it more than the first. Party members, extremely open world, and just a certain amount of creativity to it. It can also be more frustrating than the first though, looking for relics reminds me of the same lame relic hunt at the end of metroid prime.
It’s weird, the game isn’t that long and I’ve really enjoyed it for the most part, but boy am I ready to be done with this game.
What do other anons think about 2? Yay? Nay?
>on the original you kept everything from every class
Nice, I'm actually keen to play the original now. That was my favourite part about VI.
so i just remember i got VI a long time ago and never finished it, should i get back into it?
What did they mean by this?
Which Dragon Quest game is the darkest?
to be fair you do relearn everything you were supposed to know on the higher tier jobs so it only matters if you want to make some kind of broken combination
Is the most comfy game in the series. If there's any complaint I have about the game is that Alena and Ragnar still only spam attack, but they really don't need to do anything else, and that the DS localization lacks Party Chat.
But if anything DQIV goes to show how you don't need a complex battle system at all to have a very enjoyable RPG.
It's long, boring and depressing. I5's not the worst game in the series but it's very unfriendly to new people that are trying to get in, especially the original. I wouldn't push yourself to see everything the series has to offer all at once because the games are all fairly similar with their gameplay, style and tropes. Maybe give 7 a skip at least until you're really thirsty for DQ
The problem with 4 is that the DS version is garbage cause no party chat
VII, not even a contest
2 is shit without a guide
With a guide its pretty fun
Fuck honor, I play videogames for fun
Why did Kiefer leave me for pussy
I thought we were bros
>People want Reimu in Smash
>Could be cool but I've had to deal with obnoxious secondaries for over a decade
Smash is a fun game but the faggotry it brings along with it isn't. Also what's your favourite DQ and why is it V?
All of them get pretty darn sad at some points. DQV only gets a pass because how well everything ended, but if you try t put youself in VR 1st person perspective of the Hero the game is almost pure suffering. Specially the timeskips.
Def a tie between V and VII
V if you want to see one person get fucked over numerous times in their life
VII if you want to see a bunch of worlds with depressing scenarios and bitersweet conclusions
Call me crazy but I thought the game was saying that Aishe was the reincarnation of Kiefer with some of her party chat lines.
3, 5, and 8 are the real heavy hitters. Sorta like ff6, 7 and 9. Of course your favorite could be whatever, but those three would be the ones to start out with. or 11, why the fuck not.
DQ3 needs a modern remake so bad. It becomes a slog after a while.
I shouldn't have turned the Priest into a sage, holy shit. Her being underleveld and not learning new heals is not worth thr Bikill
I also should have reclasses the female Jester into a Sage instead, but I fear someone might suspect me of being a casual if I don't beat the whole game with a female jester.
>Got far into 2 but stopped for whatever reason
>Lost all of the notes that I had made on where plot-centric items were and where to go
>Don't want to replay because it was really tedious
Maybe some day I'll go back and play it
Also the male party member you get is worthless
Asking again, does anyone know how to fix this? I figured I'd play the SNES versions, but they seem pretty janky.
The party chat system in VIII and XI was a mistake. It was so much better in IV-VI.
Dude...shes his daughter
It better to have a mage and level it up until it gets bikill also jester only exists to get sage, is useless
Wonder if the switch version would have the old school party chat with its 2d sprite version
No one has ever actually played DQ2
What's the difference, the presentation? 8's party chat was sparse at times but the 3DS port seems to have added a lot, especially with Red. Not so much with Morrie but getting him earlier than Rhapthorne's castle appearing is super RNG dependant in the fucking arena. Doing the last rank without the three Golem team is always a crapshoot.
SNES Dragon Quest 2 is buggy as shit on emulators, your best bet is scrapping it all and doing the NES one.
Literally could not finish the game cause of a bug
>SNES versions
You're fucked, the fan translations are notoriously jank afaik, especially 3.
Do the game boy games or mobile.
I know. But I am gonna do it nonetheless. Because ain't no one calling me a casual.
Ain't no one.
not quite a mistake but definitely lacking in depth in comparison to the DS remakes
DQ3 Snes ran perfectly for me, DQ2 always has problems
What are the big merits to the 3DS version of DQVIII?
Yeah that's the issue I'm having. Everyone glitches into a river, and the screen goes off center. Even DQ1 had some issues.
Alright, I'll slog through the GBC version of 2 and 3. Should I try playing 4 on the NES?
2 brand new party members, you can fuck jessica, more dialogue
Probably some extra post game stuff
Try it on ZSNES, unironically works better with most Romhacks and fan translations than more accurate emulators. For whatever reason I think when people made these hacks they made them on ZSNES so all it's emulation quirks are required for it to play smoothly without crashing or hanging up.
Again, try it on ZSNES.
Yeah, I know that she's related to him, but that doesn't explain the deja-vu she has of the palace, and while I don't remember the exact phrasing she feels a kinship with the old man who wants to turn into a bunny girl at Alltrades Abbey and a few other things. If I had the saves still I'd post the lines.
Start with Fortune Street kek
Fucked by horse.
Kill her fiancee
By the end of the game all 3 seem pretty damn good at what they do. The guy you just called worthless can oneshot monsters it takes the mc multiple turns to kill, as long as he uses a powerful enough spell.
There’s a sort of ebb and flow to which party members are most useful, learning a single new move can really change your disposition towards the allies.
But user, those were taken on ZSNES.
5, 7, or 11
Its probably based on genetic memory and I wouldn't really trust a localization to faithfully translate all party chat dialogue.
I played the whole way through SNES 3 and had no glitches.
If I were to start with dragon quest V, what would be some things I should know from IV story wise? Seeing as they are part of a trilogy, but don’t know if I’ll play IV.
Which patch version of DQ3
>Its probably based on genetic memory
That's a hell of a fucking stretch.
>and I wouldn't really trust a localization to faithfully translate all party chat dialogue.
Outside of muh accents I haven't really heard much in the way of complaints about the translations for DQ.
Is being able to fuck Jessica a good thing or do you fuck up the story if you do? Because some remakes tend to do that.
>playing on ZSNES
haha, faggot. then try SNES9x/BSNES usually whever these problem arise it's down to you not using whatever emulator the hack was designed for
>4 on the NES
I'd say no to that, mobile 4 is the most content complete version of the game that has party chat in it. This was in the DS originally, removed for the US localization and re-added for mobile.
If you can't stand the localization NES is your only shot I suppose. There's a PS1 remake but it has no eng translation.
I know I've heard there is a glitch in DQ3 fan translation from someone before, I looked it up and found there's some corroboration;
>The SNES only have a fan translation, that has some freezes and glitches, there's one in Portuga that cost me a small amount of playtime.
So it's up to you if you want to risk it or not. Might be fine, might be fucked I dunno.
user, I appreciate the help but this sounds like way too much effort for DQ2 of all things. I still need to play 4/6/and everything after 7.
imagine being married to Debora.
Start with V. It’s the least complicated and has one of the best stories, and isn’t ridiculously long.
>least complicated
Dunno about that man.
This make you appreciate the improvements that are in every game.
Well usually your non-savestate saves should be compatible between emulators, it's as easy as opening up the same .smc and .srm files in the new emulator and waltzing over to the crash point from wherever you last saved. I imagine that would be a deal easier than restarting the whole game on an other platform.
For smash fags that might not want to dive directly into immense RPGs, what are some good alternatives? I nominate Rocket Slime.
>it's ok if you don't like our game
>No, stop trying to get into our series
Make up your mind. You can't have both. If you're not a petulant child and you feel it's ok for somebody to not like the thing you like, you shouldn't mind people trying it.
Dragon Quest 1.
Having to go through menus to get to the chat rather than pressing a button.
It's not a trilogy in that sense. In IV-VI the chosen one gathers Zenithian armour pieces and the sword which is a plot device used in all three games because of Zenithia, the floating castle in the sky.
The only way we even know what order the trilogy goes in timeline-wise is because of this one castle that takes up part of the plot in each game.
There's no connection between characters or the story of each game. Although VI has a cool post-game thing.
>least complicated
How about who you marry decides Parry's stats
Or how about missable sidequest due to the timeskips
Or maybe the fact that you can actually recruit Metal Slimes. Good luck with that.
I saved this image from another thread
XI is coming to switch though
The original was way too tedious and I never finished, I played the mobile version which is the most "casual" version of it and it was quite enjoyable. DQ2 isn't a game I want to play the "hard" version so to speak. The extra EXP, the world map and being able to see items on the ground makes the game much more manageable.
Also, the princess has a surprisingly high amount of fanart and porn.
You can easily beat the game without worrying about that shit though.
I loved VII on 3DS because I’m a sucker for class systems
>requires you to have at least one friend with a copy to have ANY fun whatsoever
I disagree. I played the whole game without even noticing the multiplayer and it was still a solid DQ in content and plot, it was just the characters in your party lacking.
This is more informative than the one I posted in the other DQ thread, but it's also more dated. This will help with the one I'm writing. Thanks user.
>You can easily beat the game without worrying about that shit though.
As with most if not all of the DQ games. Still not the least complicated.
You should try VI.
>9 basic classes
>7 hybrid classes
>Abilities & spells are kept when you switch classes
Gemma get out
>Recommends 3DS over PS2 VIII
Nah, discarded.
crikey thats a bit rude
>get out
but she's your wife.
>Alright. I want to get into dragon quest. Which ones are worth playing?
all of them
it was my number 1 for a while. Right next to golden sun
Not my Eleven. He stayed solo. Too dedicated to the Luminary title to marry some child hood friend who never expressed her feelings. You snooze you loose Gemma.
But you don’t need to do any of that shit. It doesn’t fucking matter what stats they have, you can beat the game with any combination of characters.
Ehh you can do the main quest in IX and have a gay old time. The fact that you can fully customize all 4 party members to be varying flavors of Trunks and Videl is a huge plus.
i play DQ1 every year at some point.
That doesn't mean that the game is not complicated. Dragon Quest IV is a game that's not complicared as nothing you do in parts 1-4 have any major repercusion, sans maybe cheesing things with Torneko's merciless jew of a wife, out of the 3 most optimal party members 2 of them only ever spam the attack button (Alena and Torneko) and even the post game stuff is very straight forward.
In DQV once you get the boat and marry someone the game doesn't give you any clear direction and you're left to wander the world on your own, which can be pretty tedious if you lack a guide.
some advice for the noobs
J-just wait, Horii will make her playable in S as monster tamer type
this guide was made by a fag.
>I have never encountered a problem with the fantranslation of the SNES port ever. Patch your game correctly and use the proper version. The mobile version are fine.
>LOLOLOLOLOL the 3DS version of DQ8 has more content but is missing the EXCELLENT Voice acting and Orchestrated fucking score. Climb a wall of cocks. The PS2 version can even be emulated at this point and is DIRT CHEAP
>11's definitive edition is coming to switch, but the PC version is very very pretty.
nvidia ansel was the best part about dqxi
Yeah I don't like the tone for that at all.
>missing the EXCELLENT Voice acting
Didn't they only replace one VA?
Do we have nicknames for all the Dragon Quest MCs? The ones I know:
>DQ1: Warrior
>DQIV: Zenithian
>DQ5: Madason
>DQ11: Luminary
I don't recall if DQ3 Hero was supposed to be THE Erdrick or just a descendant.
V on DS
VII on 3DS
IX on 3DS
XI on PC with the orchestra mods
DQ3 is THE Erdrick/Loto/Roto
that's why it's a trilogy, you finally meet the hero of legend from 1 and 2 because you are him
I never played DQ2, does that guy has a name or a title? Also can we agree to call the DQ8 hero "The Captain"?
Midenhall or Prince of Midenhall
Madason, Five, or Abel is you go by the manga
Rex, Botsu
That's what all the DQ fans, myself included, call them.
Idk, Prince of wherever he was from?
Nope, they’re all call “Matt” because that’s what I name them.
What's wrong with 10?
It's a JP only mmo. That pic is garbage btw. The tone sucks.
DQ3 is THE Erdrick, but "Erdrick" isn't a name, it's a title. In fact, if you try to name your character Erdrick, the game will tell you to use a different name.
I've never been to a comunity or forum to strictly discuss DQ, but people really just call them by the number?
I guess it makes sense, though, given that a title like "Luminary" applies to both Nine and Eleven. I'm still calling the DQIV Hero the Zenithian.
y u take such low res ansel tho??
The SNES, GBC and Mobile versions of DQI-II-III all have their pros and cons and any picture that attempts to tell you one is better than the others instead of just listing the differences and letting you choose is shit.
Yes we do. It's just easy. Even the JP fans call them all by number. They never really have "canon" names anyway.
This. When I finish my write up for another rec pic, I'm gonna list the features of unique versions and let the person reading choose for their self.
It comes from the devs, in trailers and streams they name the protagonists by the games' number. They did it on the Treehouse stream too.
Alright FAGS show me your prefered party from every DQ game you've played. Other anons judge them
I played 4 on NES, its fine. personally i prefer the 8 bit graphics to ugly DS 3d
Hero, Martial Artist, Sage, Sage
Hero, Ragnar Psaro for post game, Alena, Kiryl
Depends on who I marry.
Hero, Bianca, son, Saber
Hero, Debora, son, daughter
Hero, Terry, Ashlynn, Milly
Hero, Maribel, Ruff (Gabo was a better name), Aishe
Hero, Yangus, Angelo, Red
Hero. My best and most fun fun was solo
Hero, Erik, Jade, Serena
Is no party chat that much of a dealbreaker in DQ4? I just finished the tower and got the kids with Ragnar so Im not far. I could try to get a different version since while I like 4 its a little simple and for a dq game the story has a weird start so far.
in 5 you change a lot over the course of the game, and in 11 i changed a lot because it's a really balanced party
I constantly moved characters in and out during DQ11, my line-up rotated and shifted constantly to suit the encounter and current situation. You wouldn't even lose a turn if you switched them out at the right time so anyone sticking with one party was definitely doing it wrong.
It's not a deal breaker, but it adds a lot of charm to game since it fleshes out your party members more in the fifth chapter.
It really doesn't matter that much. Most of the lines are either just to help you in case your forgot what you're supposed to do or the characters reminding you of their one-note gimmick personality.
Start with 8 on the 3ds
Thanks. Also I'm just going through the 3ds versions because I have hall of them from 4-9 on the 3ds/DS.Is there any installment where the DS/3ds is not worth it. I bought like almost every main DQ game and my retarded ass got the farthest in DQ monsters for the DS than any of the other installments kek.
>I wanna play DQ which one do I start with?
Number fucking 1. It's short, inoffensive, simple and you can play it on your phone. I'd tell you to skip it, but playing it is a requirement to understand the main twist of DQ3.
DQ2 can be skipped somewhat safely, it does introduce a lot of mechanics and setpieces that would become mainstays in DQ games, but it doesn't realise those things particularly well. The game feels a bit bloated, like they ran out of content halfway through development and still wanted to make the game longer. Also it requires some hard fucking grinding closer to the end. It's also relatively disconnected from the plot of the Erdrick trilogy, being the latest in the timeline. So just skip it unless you're looking for a history lesson rather than a fun vidya experience.
DQ3 is a shining jewel and a massive leap forward for the series, PLAY IT.
There's only one problem with it - the version choice. The choice is between the mobile version and the fan-translated SNES remake (because the remake was never officially released in the west). Mobile version features a good localisation (arguably), an option of auto-combat and it highlights items hidden in the cities and dungeons with little sparkles. The remake has animated monster sprites, a somewhat fun boardgame style minigame, you HAVE to class switch into a thief at some point just to learn a spell that helps you find aforementioned hidden items, and the fan translation is janky as fuck, a fact that will probably impact you if you're trying to beat the game without walkthroughs.
It's a shame that we don't have the "definitive" version of the best DQ out there, but that's how it is, make your choice. Or just play both versions, I did that.
After 3 just play them all in order, they're all great to good, with part 6 being the lowest point of the series past part 2 (still decent, but you'll learn to fucking hate the game if you try to get deep into the modified class switching system).
>DQ3 is a shining jewel
I found it kinda underwhelming and trite, Seinfeld effect I guess.
The only bit I thought was clever was the part where you get to be king/queen.
Fuck the party chat, the DS version has a better camera.
>mfw pressing L/R
I love this in psuedo 3d rpgs
With 3 and 9 you have the job system, which you can fuck up. With 8 and 11 you have the character builder, which you can fuck up. With 5 you can just use whatever monsters you accidentally recruit and be just fine. Stop trying to find a reason to disagree.
Hero, Warrior, Priest->Sage, Jester she's just spamming the stone at this point
Hero, Alena, Maya, Kryl
Hero, Bianca!Son, Slime Knight, Golem
Warrior(Hero), Priest, Rouge, Dark Mage
Can't decide if I'll play 6 or 8 next.
Not that user, but you can respec very early into DQ11. You can't really mess that up that bad.
Let me summarize party chat for you
>Ragnar: I have a scottish accent
>Alena: I have a Russian accent and I am dumb
>Kryl: I wanna fuck Alena, but don't tell her
>Borya: Focus on the mission, jesus FUCK
>Torneko: I am an old pervert
>Meena: I am the only normal person
>Maya: I wanna fuck a rich old man
This guide is awful. He seems to have got especially butthurt about 8
Alena dabes.
Also Borya has some fun lines, especially when he compares himself to yggdrasyl or goes nuclear when you face the frenchman in not-moscow castle. It's a shame he's objectively worse than Maya and most endgame mobs just resist all of his spells.
Soundtrack, visuals, voice acting, and game balance are all better in the PS2 version.
You can mess up, it’s just not this permanent thing that fucks your playthrough. But it’s still a thing you have to think about. You basically don’t have to think about jack shit in V, it’s very straightforward.
>>You can mess up
Not really every branch is pretty viable unless you're playing with a bunch of draconian modes on.
In the Switch version you'll actually be able to respec from the beginning.
>With 3 and 9 you have the job system, which you can fuck up.
It isn't exactly hard to beat the game with anyone in 3, and the class switch can allow you to course correct characters. It is more a case of if you set out with a plan you can get a super strong party rather than a strong party. Plus if it really mattered that much to you then getting a new party isn't even difficult
Really? I went Maya and often I found myself sometimes wishing I had Oomph. By the endgame it was rare to find stuff that was still weak to Kafrizzle and Puff! Does fuckall. Then again, you get Kaboom just for the final boss so it was all k'.
Still I feel it's better to just have Torneko, Meena or Ragnar instead of Maya or Borya. Magic in early DQ being constant damage instead of scaling off a stat make it very weak very quickly.
You can beat DQ3 with just the Hero, Warriors and Monks by mashing the A button. Gonna take a while, though, if only because it's very expensive to outfit the Hero and several Warriors
what you can fuck up harder than classes is personalities, actually
So I've got a stupid question.
11 I get, because he's the newest one.
3 I also get, because that's THE Dragon Quest game.
8 I slightly get, because that's the closest to mainstream success in the west the series got.
Why is 4 in Smash? If it's because of that trilogy, isn't V more well liked by the fandom and the people in charge?
That's the thing, Oomph is literally the only usable spell on him, all of his frost stuff gets resisted pretty much by everyone. And (at least in my opinion) the main point of packing a mage is doing lots of aoe to groups of mobs, while physical fighters focus on single target. If you pack three physical dudes (hero, alena and torneko for expample) then you'll get shitfucked by strong caster mobs, since you won't be able to kill them fast enough. It's not a single battle loss, but something that accumulates fast over several random encounters, since you'll be taking a lot more damage from them than usual. Or it can happen even during a single battle, if you run into those heads that spam thwack while summoning endless waves of their friends. There are mob encounters in this game designed specifically around killing them with AoE rather than one at a time.
Maya on the other hand has kaboom line of spells, which is rarely resisted, nice fire spells and she even has kafrizzle to help out with bosses, compensating some of the damage the team loses out on due to lack of oomph.
It's probably just a matter of preference, like kyril/meena thing. I will always insist that kyril is better, insulate ain't worth shit without multiheal and glorious thwack dunks on swoosh line any day
I hope that if they ever remake DQ3, the Jester class has proper Allure and Entertainment skills.
IV is I think one of the most sold games and probably the most recognized worldwide. V is kinda niche and the MC technically isn't even the Hero.
Yeah I probably don't appreciate enough how much Maya's Sizzle and Boom lines helped me in conjuction with the Hero's natural spell set.
I prefer Kryl to Meena mostly because he can equip heavier equipment, specially and shields, and can equip the Miracle Sword so he less prone to accidental deaths. Meena can dick around with her fortune telling, though, even if it often does nothing.
In V the main character isn't the Hero and while he does use swords in-game, almost all official artworks have him with a wooden cane instead. He has the cane in the Final Smash too.
>Local CEX selling Dragon Quest 8 near me for £10
Should I do it or emulate the 3DS version?
"Hero" in DQ isn't just a title of the main character, it's an rpg class with it's own set of equipment and unique abilities (some of them at least). All of the DQ mc's added to smash belong to that class, so it makes sense for them to play pretty much the same, even some some abilities like kackrackle slash weren't present in earlier titles.
And not every DQ mc belongs to a "hero" class. 2 is a pure warrior with no spells at all, 5 is a monster master, a hybrid class that has mostly priest spells and canonically whacks people with a staff rather than a sword (in that game your son is the "hero", that's the whole twist of the game), 9 doesn't have hero as a class at all, instead your mc starts as a ministrel and you can switch to whatever other class you want. This feature alone makes me like that game, now the MC can be a fun class instead of a boring usual warrior +
100% but I urge people to try the mobile shit because
it's the most accessible and it's intended for ease of access to new players.
Also for DQ IV, V and 6, they are all just better fidelity on mobile. The graphics are sharper and the music is higher quality not to mention the party talk in DQ IV that's missing on DS.
But the DS has dpads and a button.
For a classic rpg I'd argue buttons do not make a big difference but if it's worth it for you go for it.
Yeah it's charming as fuck.
Is the PS1 version of VII fine? I ain't got a 3DS
As much as I loved that twist in the game, I'm bummed that it means my favorite character is limited to a Final Smash.
The monster-less intro is like two hours long in the original version, even including a whole dungeon with no enemies in it. They seriously cut down on the bloat in the 3ds one (it's still about an hour).
Just emulate it lmao.
I hope the DQ XI DS version will get a fan translation at some point. I really want to play the game on my DS.
are the fantranslated games ok or do they really have that many bugs?
With the switch version technically being the Portable one, that's kinda a dead dream.
Is the left one the 3DS version? How did they butcher it so bad?
To be honest I really think him being usually depicted with a staff rather than a sword and shield was the bigger influence for choosing 4's hero over him.
Erdrick has a Purple and white color, so it's something.
The PS1 version takes about 120 hours to beat, the 3DS version takes about 80 hours, and it's not because the PS1 version has more content.
I heard horror stories about DQ7. Were they true that it took about an hour to get to the first battle?
The main bug in 2 is a certain cutscene getting stuck in an endless loop. It's an optional cutscene, but you're very likely to encounter it through normal play. However, you can get around it by loading your savefile in a Japanese rom, do the cutscene, save and load it back in the translated rom.
The main bug of 3 is once you reach a certain part of the game all the text gets fucked and it corrupts your savefile. This happens when the translation is patched incorrectly. If you download a pre-patched rom online, it was most likely patched incorrectly.
So what's the difference?
Improved loading times, or does it allow you to speed up battles?
>Dragon Quest MMO never ever over here
it's unfair bros
Yeah, it's about 45 minutes to an hour before the first encounter.
Yes, see It's completely remade so it's not like they made the old one faster, it's just that the new one is faster in general. Battles go faster, they removed some of the useless shit you had to do in the Shrine, severely reduced how much you had to grind AND reduced job requirements, traveling in general goes faster due to the game being in 3D.
Look at it this way. Madason may not get in Smash, but he at least gets a movie.
you know it will be bad since it's impossible to cut stuff without affecting the story
Alright thank you. I have the DQ games as .cia files and DQ is I and II in one file.
What cutscene is the game which I should avoid?
I've never played DQ, so which versions are the definitive versions you should play?
From what I can gather:
DQ7 - 3DS
DQ8 - 3DS for content, PS2 emulated for graphics
DQ9 - DS
DQ11 - Switch for content PS4 for graphics
What about the rest?
10 is and MMORPG? Does it matter?
4 is probably best on the mobile, because it's the DS version with party chat added back in.
you can't play 10 at all if you're a gaijin, all you need to know so skip it
and you can play DQ11 on PC
Is that the girl that has sex with a horse?
Fucking ntr obsessed japs
Sucks a lot. I really want to play the 3DS one. Hopefully someday maybe a hardcore fan will bother.
It's a meme born from an event that happens in the game. If You're curious, play it.
Whats the consensus on 9?
sooner rather than later mobile emulation won't be as bothersome, maybe it's good enough now for at least the ds tier ports.
worse one
The Switch version includes the 2D mode and is portable. Did you specifically want the low-poly 3D?
It's kind of a love-it-or-hate-it game. What can I say is that if your favorite FF is 5, you favorite DQ will probably be 9.
I dont have a switch yet and I like playing games on my DS. I will get one in a few years.
>PS4 for graphics
PC, but not really for graphics since both are fairly close, 60 fps, ansel support and orchestral music mod are the big PC only features.
PC Modded:
Your main character can switch classes and it's not just a stat modifier that adds ability bloat like in 6. Other than that it's not great, but not bad either. If you ignore the ridiculously grindy secondary quests (due to extreme rng often required to complete them) it's downright good. Just play through the main game, ignore side quests that look un-fun (they probably are), ignore the random dungeons and you've got a fun little game.
>worse one
So it's like DQ1 but worse?
Maybe it's because it's on a 3ds
Is the event that she gets fucked by a horse?
It looks fine, people who complain about the graphics should be shot.
What's the best version of 3?
Seems there's Famicom, Superfamicom and gameboy versions
Nah, it's above 1, 2 and 6. Personally I'd place it above 5 even, that game does very little for me outside of it's plot
There is a post discussing just that in this thread already
>DQ7 - 3DS
In terms of content yes, but the text boxes make it a slug otherwise in the western (or European, I forgot which one) version. Every single one takes a short moment to actually appear and display the text. Since it's the same in battles and menus, you have to be really patient to play the game. The Japanese version supposedly runs smoothly though.
I re-played through the supposedly jank SNES translation recently and I don't recall it being that bad. Never had any crashes or locks either and it never bugged out and most of the text seemed fine as far as fan translations go.
I had played through the SNES remake before way back in the day, like mid-late 1999-ish or early 2000, before it had a fan translation but I had a .txt gamescript from the NES version that I used in conjunction with a FAQ from GameFAQs and that got me through the game. I didn't remember it very well though which is why I went back and played it again.
>why aren’t people more excited for dragon question the west?
>bro wtf stay away from my game REEEE
Just emulate it and hold down the unlock framelimit key, that's what I did.
You get like 10x speedup to breeze through stuff like that.
there was one instance when I returned to a beginner town while in the lategame, where a female NPC somehow looked like a male NPC, had garbled text and crashed my game. With frequent save states it shouldn't be an issue at all.
Just don't start with 7. And don't tluch the ps1 version if you do.
I love that game maybe my favourite Dragon Quest. But its a slow game. Really slow.
It's mostly just a matter of taste. Mobile DQ3 localisation is done in the same style as the later DQs - everyone has a silly accent, japanese town speaks in haikus, but some hints are also worded far better, in the fan translation they often just look like random statements that have no relation to anything.
I know some people absolutely despise that style of localisation, but I like it.