Are you excited for the Code Geass event in Granblue Fantasy, bros?

Are you excited for the Code Geass event in Granblue Fantasy, bros?

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no, i'm not a huge faggot

Only if Suzaku does the spin kick as his ougi



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Very good indeed sir.


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Yes, truly.

Out of every possible collab this was my NEVER EVER, I can't believe it happened. I have my gold ring ready.

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Its just the same type of event as every other collab.
Its not fun to grind this shit over and over again

How is this a never ever? They do basically every popular anime and Geass is one of the most popular.

That's why you don't grind every one. Just the ones you care about.

I'm more excited for the extra arcanum things
I hope the Samurai Shodown event comes back soon as well



How many times did you cum to Kallen back in the day?

NEVER because she is not C.C.

real mobage gamers are more interested in the GFL VA-11 HALL-A collab over this shitty gbf code gayass trash

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What the absolute fuck? How did a Chinese mobile game end up collabing with a Venezuelan indie game?

One has money the other needs money.

Which one is which? Either way I can't keep up with all these mobage collabs, I have Banjo-Kazooie to play. Games need to stop doing these limited time events that you can only access for like a week and then that's it, you missed your chance.

No i just want more arcanum points. the summon looks nice though.

I got burned out again, so no. M2 is so goddamn boring.

Anyone see the new Code Geass movie? How was it?

The VA-11HALL-A devs are the ones that need money. You can just buy an account with all of the units and skins.

Man, they still need money after how successful Valhalla was? And meh, the whole point of a game being free is that I don't have to pay a single cent for anything. I see this event doesn't start until August in America so I guess that gives me time to start that game and get warmed up.

is this campaign meant to be half AP?

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It is, but it doesn't start until RotB is over.

GBF plays vertically? Jesus

Well yeah, its basee on classic FF

How do people have this already? The event hasn't started yet.

Versus and relink when?

Just a teaser from Official Twitter.

>finally uncap my Gorilla
>try to learn banananana effect
Is it good?

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Oh, that makes sense.

Its 30% echo while gorilla is active

>30% echoes while Gorilla is up
Definitely worse ones out there.

He does spin in his ougi

That's why everyone plays Granblue. Because Granblue knows what the memes are.

Because of GBVS I started playing Granblue but damn it's hard to get into. Even beginner guides are full of really specific slang and terms like Magna (when word "Magna" is nowhere to be seen in the game).
And my stack of weapons is full but I have no idea which SR do I neeed to reduce and which to use as fodder.
I feel like a brainlet.

>Because of GBVS I started playing Granblue but damn it's hard to get into.
Grind daily Hards and Omegas once you've unlocked them. I think newfags get free weapons for completing the story now, so do that when you can as well.
>Even beginner guides are full of really specific slang and terms like Magna (when word "Magna" is nowhere to be seen in the game).
Magna = Omega.
>And my stack of weapons is full but I have no idea which SR do I neeed to reduce and which to use as fodder
Reduce gacha SRs, fodder dropped SRs.
>I feel like a brainlet.
Granblue isn't exactly user friendly so don't feel too bad about it.

gacha sr = reduce
grindable sr = fodder

I reached chapter 16 of the story, will try to progress later. Slowly grinding my daily pendants now.
Should I host Omega raids for leeching now or save animas until I can solo or at least MvP them?
>Magna = Omega.
That's what I thought. Any other frequently used Japanese terms used in guides but translated differently in English?

>Reduce gacha SRs, fodder dropped SRs.
>gacha sr = reduce
>grindable sr = fodder
Any easy way to find out which are from gacha? I rolled a lot of stuff during 5th anniversary and stopped playing until GBVS beta.

A lot of that jargon is like that because it's what the term is in the japanese version, for example:
Magna = Omega
Ougi = Charge attack
All the names of the eternals
Gizoku = Bandit Tycoon
Chev/Chevalier = Luminiera

Just search it on the wiki and it should bring you to the appropriate page.

is it too late to start playing?

>KMR lied
>nothing at E3 for FGC or GBFV characterwise
>demo was the beta build
>didn't even have Ladiva or Lowain in it
>E3 trailer was the GBFes trailer with subtitles
AnimeExpo is our last hope of knowing anything before Evo.

>>demo was the beta build
>>didn't even have Ladiva or Lowain in it
Well that's disappointing as fuck and doesn't exactly instill a lot of fate pre-Evo.

You guys think it's worth it to check out GBF's panel at AnimeExpo? I have to choose between Friday and Saturday, but it'd be nice to show some support for the game in person and listen in.

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>I reached chapter 16 of the story, will try to progress later.
Definitely do it when you can.
>Should I host Omega raids for leeching now or save animas until I can solo or at least MvP them?
Personally I'd say to do it now, you'll almost certainly have to open it up and hope that other faggots will kill the boss for you but you still get the host chest, which is important. You're going to be doing these for a long, long time as well, so you might as well get a start on it now.
>Any other frequently used Japanese terms used in guides but translated differently in English?
Eternals = Juutenshuus, for the most other common name variants look at >Any easy way to find out which are from gacha?
Not really, if you already mixed them the only way that I know of to check is to go to the reducing screen one by one and see how much they'd give.

GranBlue Versus is having a massive hall and a separate show, plus invite tournament exhibition at GranBlue Extra Fes in Sendai at the end of July. Osaka GB Extra Fes happens the same weekend as Evo.
KMR, Xseed, and GBFeng said that they were supposed to detail esports/fgc tournament support at E3 and share their "vision" of the game for NA. The second part kind of happened since they did the demos and shit, but we never got the tournament plans.
AnimeExpo is supposed to have GBFV stuff, but after they bailed on E3 for most of it I wouldn't expect anything. GBEF and Evo will have the character reveals and second beta info.

fucking retard

Something about that earth team setup seems funny to me and i don't know why.

Thank you as well.
Based on this, CheVira is light element Vira, right?
Thank you! I will start hosting my raids as well at least for the possibility of weapon drops.
Sometimes my raids get filled in seconds and sometimes I have to wait for 10-15 minutes, seems really random.

Two more questions if you guys don't mind:
5th birthday weapon trade - should I just get any "Regalia" weapon? Regalias are "Magna2", right?
Beginner ticket - I'd like to get at least one Vira but my Dark team I got from free anniversary rolls seems really strong (Forte, Renie, D. Jeanne, Vania, Narmaya). So Dark Vira seems like overkill. Should I pick Wind or Light Vira?

>5th birthday weapon trade - should I just get any "Regalia" weapon? Regalias are "Magna2", right?
Regalias are Magna/Omega 2. Get a Last Storm Harp (Wind Harp) or a Nibelung Horn (Earth Axe). The Harp is the stronger weapon but Wind's grid doesn't need the help as much as Earth's does, so the Axe might be the best long term choice. Do whatever feels best to you.
>ticketing Vira
Go with Light if you really want one I'd say.

I can't believe Lulu saved dark.

the fuck, it looks like srw with all the mecha shit.

>150 pots in the shop
good i've been starting to get too close to a thousand pots.

Rotten potato?

Of course, Kallen IS my wife after all!

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finally i have enough to 5*uncap tien bros


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>Based on this, CheVira is light element Vira, right?

Holy shit, unless the numbers on his kit are trash that's really fucking good.

>Go with Light if you really want one I'd say.
I just really like her design and seiyuu, that's all.
Thank you for weapon advices as well.

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Yeah I remember sitting there wondering why the hell have I heard zero versus info left, until I finally decide to just check out xseed’s channel and all that’s uploaded was an English upload trailer of the reveal.

Didn’t even hear shit about anything in regards to news at all. Didn’t even get a sentence of anything new

Just a reminder to all Kallen fags, she lost the bowl.

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I wonder why the translation of Granblue changed Magna to Omega. It's not like Magna is a Japanese word or hard to pronounce. It's so weird, especially since the game technically hasn't been released outside of Japan and has Japanese voice acting.

Please play Dragalia Lost.

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I'd rather play Russian Roulette.

It's never too late. In fact you should start playing RIGHT NOW because there's also free draws going on and if you don't do your draw in the next ~11 hours you will miss that day's draw.

I thought this was Granblue Versus. I was about to lose my mind.

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I never realized I had become such a horny bastard, but I heard that Dragalia Lost doesn't have as much fanservice as Granblue and that put me off playing it.

No one plays dead games.

No i already have my barefoot priestess and that's enough.

>free draws
Shit, how many have I missed?

Luckily none, it just started earlier today.

It started today, and it's just one free roll a day for the 24 million player campaign. you can use it now for a chance at light or wait a couple hours for dark.



I recognize that bulge.

So it just free single rolls? Damn i was excited for free 10 rolls.

Yeah, but hey, I got wind Heles on a single roll a while back so who knows, you may get lucky.

million player campaigns tend to come every few months so ten rolls would be a bit much. They are mainly preserved for special holidays. and major granblue themed events.

Later this summer


Any idea if that particular promotion tends to coincide with a Premium Gala? This is my first year playing and I'm hoping to spark soon.

I forget what happened last year but I'm pretty sure we got 10 rolls

The summer one tends to last for a pretty long time so i'm pretty sure it will keep going into a gala. Not to mention i believe they bring back the wheel for it.

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