This is NOT a lobotomy corporation thread. This thread will be used to SHITPOST cute WAIFUS and argue about what characters from other franchises could be added as DLC.
I repeat, this is NOT a general, but has a VERY specific purpose.
Post cute Malkuth and lewd Laetitias, DO NOT DISCUSS THE GAME.
This is NOT a lobotomy corporation thread...
user are you fucking retarded? why would you still put the name in the OP?
****LESS GAMES****
thread reported for being offtopic
Stupid fuckers trying to push this out of the board. All the smash threads and yet this has to leave?
For me, it's the Big Bird.
Don't put the name of the game in the thread. Use some reference or do some meme shit that people can easily tell that the thread's about the game.
Doesn't matter, the smashfag mod with the hateboner recognizes these by OP images only at this point. Blue star and Gebura posting both got killed yesterday.
Isaac for smash when?
Yeah next time just use a QoH fanart and title it magical girl games please, or something like that. Putting lobco in the thread OP is asking for it to be closed again.
By the way mods, if you DO pay attention enough to close this thread, have a look at this.
>not vidya/disguised as vidya in a "what are some games" way
>twitter/social media/politics/ecelebs
There are 5 Pokemon threads at the time of this writing.
There are also 36 Smash threads at the time of this list being created. 14 are caught by a simple filter of the phrase "smash."
Guys, we are the problem, thanks to this thread there will only be 24 smash threads instead of 25, nintendo will get mad at us.
There's a startup general here. We should secure a foothold because we're gonna get pushed out eventually.
Fucking typo
this isnt a video game board.
Yes, I'd love to be a member of a dead thread on a dead board bumped every 15 minutes by 10 people who just can't let go. I'd rather let the threads die than be reduced to the pathetic state of the threads of that board.
yeah, no
I'll pass.
A huge amount of the enjoyment from these threads is talking to new players, not having a dead circlejerk of bumping a zombie general every 15 minutes with a single image.
asking again, current version is, right?
Lets just try again tomorrow anons, goodnight.
bumping every 15 minutes wouldn't be necessary if they made a /ga/ board for all gacha bullshit threads.
Probably for the best. See you then.
Shut the fuck up, tripfag.
This, let the threads happen naturally as there's interest in them, don't put it on life support on some god forsaken cesspool of a board. Besides, even if the threads die out naturally, WE WILL MEET AGAIN AS STARS
oops, didn't mean to quote.
I want Lobotomy Corp DLC with banjo kazooie and steve from minecraft
Just keep this thread alive long enough so EUbros know what do for future threads
Or just had one general for the lot of them like the former mobage general.
As it is I already know how much of a pathetic mess Etrian Odyssey General is, so I know what a dead general is like.
Little Red for Smash !
Yay smash my fav game !!
artfag here, I might draw another one of these tomorrow, recc me some things to draw over
Fuck i never played Lobomoty Corporation but i want to bury my face so deep in her social clothed ass that whoever took my face out of her ass would be crowned King Arthur
I have such a big fetish for girls with suit dresses or pants because of my childhood feeling the smell of it while i was in church
Yes. I think if you use a cracked version it should update/be updated already as well.
I just enjoy talking about the game. If we can't talk about the game here there's not much else we can do about it. Still, if you all really don't want a general then whatever.
These mods, I swear.
Make one of Dur Shotzputz
Or alternatively one of Nothing There but the gun is just his handmouth.
Can you do a punishing bird version of that "we just dont know" gif with the question mark over the bird?
Laetitia aiming the gun at an employee with her present stuffed in the barrel.
Got banned and my post deleted for telling mods to do their jobs. Its only one mod thats power tripping. If you wanna ban me again fine but fucking prune these threads while you are at it
It's a janitor temporary block, not a mod ban. Apparently one of the new hires is a massive faggot.
For the user who asked about the ealy WAW abnormalities i had, it was a bug, i got stuck on day 49 for not completing hokma and binah cores, but at the same time i had to pick 2 abnormalities, so when i went back to day1 they appeared instead of the one sin, which caused it to look like this.
The rest of the seraphin forcing tephireth to do drugs.
Yea I noticed La Luna instead of One Sin before the thread got deleted and thought maybe plague doctor. Didn't know about a bug like that.
>make a recurring thread
>get surprised when it gets pushed to the recurring thread board
The funny part is that since i had an "extra" abnormality, every new one was unreachable, until the game decided to fix itself like this, putting my extra abnormality on a corner that shouldnt have a door to a room.
(top left)
Aha, that's amazing. Clearly there was initially supposed to be a spot there but it was disabled at some point, also the doors are adjusted according to the room's spot as well.
The threads were already starting to slow down, one week from now on there wont be any threads.
And the previous case.
The filename is wronged. Those aren't clerks
Hod > Angela > Malkuth > Myo > Gebura >>>> Binah
Well, nothing lasts forever. Besides, they'll come back when the sequel comes out, so it's not a huge loss.
hokma > all
I was talking to the mods so they stop deleting threads.
Gebura > Hod > Netzach > Hokma > Binah >Tiphereth > Yesod > Malkuth > Chesed
We are talking core suppression rewards, right?
Based old man, killed my chad when i paused during core suppression
I'll change it then
Shhhhhh, this is waifu thread not LC, we don't talk about the game here
So, uh,
What is lobotomy corporation?
Does Hod need to get choked again?
It's just another monster girl waifu simulator, carry on.
>We are talking core suppression rewards, right?
I hope not because You list is awful. Netzach is bottom of the barrel and put Malkuth higher.
Where do I get it?
Spoonfeed me.
A game were you try to manage abnormalities, harvest Energy from them and try to suppress them if they breach.
Also there is a story.
pirate it or buy it off steam
Steam, pls try to support ProjectMoon
>Passive healing everywhere
>bottom of the barrel
user, please.
Come on, post the continuation, i dare ya
These time limit missions are killing me. Or more accurately killing my employees.
Also fuck bees. Every time I've tried touching that thing my entire base gets overrun.
There's a continuation?
Really? I love the bees, just herd them toward a department you want cleared, and boom. No more clerks.
I guess if you don't have the gear to deal with them, they'd be a pain.
Check the archive there's a link somewhere
Maybe on sale later, games this pricey need a demo.
Yeah but it's porn.
Fuck, I meant Yesod.
Netzachs reward is super.
The only thing that is bottom of the barel about Netzach is himself.
Yes, but it's NSFW
Lmao, here the standalone game cost less than $10, i managed to get both the game and art book for $13.26
How could you say that to this handsome lad
Well someone obviously didn't read the board rules.
Read the the board rules, as well the the manager manual.
Go to bed, Tiphereth
What the fuck is this garbage looking game and why is it always on Yea Forums?
Can you take your trash to /vg/ ffs
why is she so angry, shes literally just a kid like go play with some boxes and calm down
Time wasted playing is time that could have been spent working, and mocking the upper Sephirah
I heard the grammar is pretty bad, but how bad is it really? Is it like a copy pasted machine translation? Or really just bad syntax here and there, but still mostly understandable?
Malkuth is too good natured to realise she is being mocked.
Better than earlier. You understand what they trying to say for the most time.
The worst case is Binah solely for the lack of capitalising what is suppose to be an actual term in the game, since halve she does is pretentious double speak.
It's a little janky and vague at times, but there only a few straight up errors in translation.
It's totally understandable, there's just lots of little hiccups here and there that a native English speaker wouldn't say. I find it charming, but some of the tips are poorly translated, which I've heard can throw people off.
It's readable, but stilted and awkward at some points.
There are a few translation errors, most notably in Porccubus's managerial notes. It's not like Alirune.
>can't have a thread about literally [any game] unless its the same 4 or some twitter screencap
what the actual fuck is wrong with jannies and mods? Why is this allowed?
I'd say the absolute worst offender is Crumbling Armor.
"(CAUTION)Let the employee with Crumbling Armor-01 work on the attachment. Then, when the employee enters the containment room, Crumbling Armor-01 disappears and the neck is cut off and the employee dies."
And she doesn't have to brush her teeth or clip her fingernails anymore!
>And she doesn't have to brush her teeth or clip her fingernails anymore!
Every sephirah doesn't have to do these thing anymore, user
Why are you obeying biased jannies? The moment you start to change your behavior for them, you've lost.
Just have the name of the VIDEOGAME on the op of a thread about the VIDEOGAME on a VIDEOGAME board.
>report to my supervisor that there's an Aleph in the observation room
>my department Sephirah tells me to stop being delusional, it's NOTHING THERE, vomits up Enkephalin, then apologizes
>Control orders me to go to the observation chamber to prove it, and report back to them
tell me about binah
why does she fill the bucket?
That sounds super appealing, where do I sign up?
>its only third trumpet
How would Dyatlov fair in LC?
>Do Not Touch is actually Korean A3-5
what's the easiest midnight to suppress? i keep getting wrecked by violet when i'm do tiphereth's supresseion
Every midnight is easy.
You dont have to kill the ordeal on Tipeteth suppression, just survive it. I had purple one and just finished the meltdown meter while dodging the ordeal
Only losers would need a manual lmao
>Smash, Final Fantasy, and WoW aren't games
>Strongly implying with your post that these threads aren't as much or more fapping over waifus as any other softcore thread on Yea Forums
Your services are requested to perform Insight work on the Scarecrow.
Here's what I think of your fucking manual
I can't fucking beat white night. He always has those scythe fuckers inside his room.
You can skip midnight for Tiphereth by just rushing the meter when it's 1 bar away from finishing 8. Order 13 works at once and it'll start midnight and almost immediately afterward hit 10 and clear the suppression.
If you absolutely have to suppress a midnight, Amber is time consuming but easy because you just park all of your employees inside an elevator and wait until a nearby room has a big worm in it.
There's a cap on the amount of living dusk worms the big ones can spawn so eventually it'll hit the cap and the big worms can be slowly whittled down safely.
After you kill both, you can clean out the dusk worms.
To add to this: If you've got King of Greed you can let her breach before amber midnight starts and she'll clean up the dusk worms for you. I've seen her kill 4 in a single corridor.
Just don't forget about her once she's done eating all the worms and you'll be fine.
thanks, didn't even cross my mind to just try and skip it
But user, they all got their bodies back thanks to Angela in LoR, presumably their original ones as well due to some hardcore TT2 time + Seed of Light energy fuckery.
did she make it?
Should I do Binah or Hokma's suppression first?
Binah and then memrepo to get your dead employees back. The other one is easier to do with no casualties.
Angela takes care of her slaves
Wait does this game have slavery mechanics?
I'm looking for a game to LARP out my fantasies
not unless you're into boxes with legs
Yes! The named head slaves are human originated AI boxes doomed to repeat the same thing for tens of thousands years and your lower slaves are humans archieved and revived to die horribly to keep the corporation going.
Sorry about the spoilers.
I'm confused here, does this pander to my fetish or not, or is it just computers with backstories?
There are billions of different fetishes? What makes your special?
I just like slave management quite a bit, especially if the slaves are cute girls.
Like I said, not unless you're into boxes with legs.
They do have human forms and two have humanoid bodies inside the boxes, some of them just want to die. The workers don't really realize their predicament and believe they are working a prestigious job for one of the most important companies in the world.
N o
I'm ready for my attachment work, Manager!
I don't get how this works, knowing the reality. Is M just that insane?
Reminder that the manager should only love Angela
Does anyone else hear a quick blip of Dreaming Current's soundclip on the SYNCHRONIZING etc. screen before the day happens?
Go back.
But he loves Malkuth.
I want to experiment on Malkuth, and injure her further
It's perfect possible to do both without causalities.
The Manager is a serious man, he has no time for affection
Being with Binah is only kinda okay since it's all in the name of love and hate
I've got no fucking idea what Binah is talking about 95% of the time.
What's not to understand about buckets and drawers?
Either she’s schizophrenic or the translation is bad
Sounds about right
>literally stated that she's doing something that normal mortals would go insane within a few minutes of attempting
>she's fucking done it for over literal ten thousand years.
Can't blame her. Jokes aside, she's mostly describing the process of Cogito and extraction during her days, with the Bucket being the subconscious/non-reality, the Well being Cogito itself and her team as the drawer's. Haven't checked her dialogue in a while but I remember during day 46/47, Abel explains it alot better.
I think something's wrong with my agent.
Don't be delusional, user
Abel was truly best A.
She probably was reseted a lot if time because of that.
I personally have a soft spot for Abraham because of his likeness to Chesed and Netzach, who are my favorite Sephirahs. Also because he brings the best OST
For Binah's suppression, I assume I still lose EGO weapons from employees who died that day right?
Yes. Just make sure no one dies.
Justitia is easy to farm and seems really useful, is there some sort of catch like with the magic bullet?
Yeah, you have to deal with Judgment bird's pale dmg during containment work/breaches
For me, he doesn't do much else aside from that. It's not too big a deal, and his armor gives 1.0 Pale resists.
Also Justitia is a combo sword so it hits faster than it shows
Wait never mind, his suit gives 0.5 Pale resists
Oh trust me, the pale damage when he breaks out is nothing, because chances are a breakout from him is going to end up with a bird party.
I'll have to eat all the eggs.
I like Chesed but Netzach is probably my least favourite Sephira.
Yes, even less than Yesod.
speaking of the two departments should I get blue or red first
>blue mist
It doesn't really matter but take Red anyway.
oh yeah thighs
red it is
Don't talk to me until I the third abnormality escaped
The soul edge is the best sword
that reminds me, if these aren't clerks then why are you executing her in the middle of combat with the Knight of Despair and some other abno?
Reminder to report, ignore, hide and execute any clerks that post things unrelated to the corporation.
Reaching day30 on my second run
I don't get why he stretches and wiggles so much in containment
>report rule breaking post
>mod noticed rule breaking post in a rule breaking thread
>mod closed the thread to resolve the report
Solid plan, manager
Gotta give his peck neck a good stretching to keep it from going stiff
It would be bad if he injures himself while doing his hourly pecking
Bros I don't want LC to go
Cute feet
Send help already.