He unironically did nothing wrong except for killing the ferelden wardens

He unironically did nothing wrong except for killing the ferelden wardens.

Attached: Loghain.png (640x415, 322K)

Didn't he sell his own people to slavers?

>plunges the country into civil war because "muh Orlais"
>nothing wrong
Without him the Fereldan wardens could have stopped the Blight and avoided the death of Cailan but he had to fuck it all up with his paranoia. Cailan was about to marry Celene and secure an alliance with Orlais before his bullshit.

His banter about his pet mabari was really sad

>killing the ferelden wardens in the middle of a blight
>did nothing wrong

Also this. Retards like to push this whole "Loghain is misunderstood!" angle while casually ignoring the stupid shit he did.

Only elven shitskins

Elves, user.

>Literal war against them about a couple of decades ago
>Somehow you think letting their army walk into the kingdom is a good idea
Have you ever read about napoleon and spain?

>Orlais army comes into Ferelden
>surprise attack kn Ferelden army
>both sides have tons of casualties
>now the Darkspawn dont even have to try to take over

>not knife ears
Get impregnated by a dark spawn horde user

More like
>Weakened army because occupation and blight
>Baguette army cones in
>Marginally helps because that's what usually happens when you fight for a country that isn't your own
>Sudenly you have french rapists inside on estrategic positions
>They cuck you for another decade after you suffer losses against the blight

>was told loghain can be useful
>doesn't even consider the option of using him as meatshield
>rage quits the party
The fuck was his problem?

Attached: AL.jpg (304x432, 48K)

He was a manchild who was too used to suck on duncan's bbc

He's right that Orlais armies should never be allowed on Ferelden soil even if it means the blight consumes half of the country.

It'd be like inviting the Chinese military into mainland US to deal with a zombie outbreak. Great, the zombies are gone, but now we're all a part of the social credit system and would be better off (un)dead.

>tfw good end for Alistair if you want to become a king yourself and have Loghain at your side

>he did nothing wrong except for those things he did wrong
Yeah, fucking brilliant.

Literally one thing wrong and it wasn't even his fault. There was no way to know wardens have to kill the archdemon because bullshit writing about muh secret ritual.

Dragon Age Origins is 10 years old this year.

And letting a good portion of his countrymen die in Ostagar.

Dude was just mad his daughter was a cuck.

>tfw playing it as a teen on release
>now married and thinking of having a kid
where did the time go bros?

>Implying anora wasn't fucking everything on her path while her husband was gone

He had the right idea (stop Cailain from selling the country to that whore)

He did it poorly. There was no reason to drag the wardens into it, and even if he didn't believe there was a blight, he withdrew his troops from the area and left a dangerous dark spawn warband roaming the countryside near civilian populations.

Orlais really was doing all the shit he said though.

She certainly wasn’t fucking superior Orlais pussy. Said pussy was gonna replace her as queen too.

I kind of liked taking Loghain as a companion I wish you got him earlier

Neither did he know anything about the enemy nor did he bother to find out.

Trusted Howe.


Sten is better anyway.

Loghain was had good intentions and loved his country.
Howe was a bastard.

>the battle at Ostagar would have been a total rout even with the Orlesians
>he missed a great opportunity to get a bunch of frenchmen killed defending his homeland

Did you know in Darkspawn Chronicles dlc, where you play as Darkspawn in a world where main character died and Alistair leads the group, Alistair convinces him to fight with them?

It's also a world where the flamboyantly gay blacksmith's buddy is a Desire Demon, so I wouldn't read too much into it

Betraying Cailan was arguably justifiable, but he decided to do it in a way seemingly designed to cause as much collateral damage as possible. Pretty much all the actions he took after seizing power were terrible ideas that further destabilized and weakened the country, and he didn't appear to have an actual plan to stop the darkspawn invasion. It's reasonable that he didn't know the wardens were 100% necessary to stop the darkspawn, but not that he allowed them to rampage through the country unchecked and made no real preparations to achieve a military victory against them.

It doesn't matter if he was right or not.

He was a backstabbing fag and added insult to injury when he made YOU, the Player, AN OUTLAW.

>literally didn't even have a plan to deal with the Darkspawn
>got a fuckton of his own countrymen killed when he has to deal with both Orlais AND a demon invasion

>He did nothing wrong
>Except murdering a bunch of people
Oh well that's alright then, just water under the bridge!

>gets his king, the army, and his countries wardens killed in one stroke
>brands the few survivors outlaws, and blames them for the kings death
Nah, fuck him. He's a cunt who deserves to get DARKSPAWNED

Loghain is the archetypal boomer "I know better because I'm older than you. Nothing personnel, kid" villain.
Without the Warden to chop his pompous head off, Loghain would have seen Ferelden fall to the Darkspawn, if not Orlais afterward, all because he really is that shortsighted.

He fought a war against them since he was a boy obviously he's not too thrilled about letting a foreign empire he hates march in there

It's better to have human enemies in your lands than the fucking darkspawn.

Better still to not have either. He had no reason to believe the darkspawn were part of a true blight because all of the real information on that shit is kept secret by the wardens. To Loghain it looked like that idiot boy Cailan was about to welcome Ferelden's most hated enemy right into the heartland to deal with some small darkspawn invasion that Ferelden could beat on its own eventually. With the information he had it wasn't a bad stance to have, he just fucked up in the execution big time.

He allowed the Tevinter Magisters to operate in Ferelden, the first to be allowed since Andraste won their independence. He made pacts with a Blood Mage to murder Arls and had Banns killed as well. He orchestrated the wholesale slaughter of the Couslands since they were the only other Teyrns and his sole rival for assuming power. He, to his knowledge, effectively wiped out the ancient Theirin bloodline which dated back to King Calenhad, the first Ferelden King.

And he did all this because he mistakenly believed that Cailan would divorce his barren shrew of a daughter, until documents from Ostertag proved him wrong.

Loghain murdered his brother, his mentor and tried to kill his surrogate father. And his punishment is to be given the highest honor that Alistair can imagine.

Just elves, nobody can really blame him

If the Wardens say a blight is coming, then a fucking blight is coming.

They're still Ferelden subjects. And Ferelden, more than any other country is anti-slavery and anti-Tevinter. The whole Chantry is built around Andraste, the Ferelden Saint who drove out the Tevinter to end slavery. That's why bringing up selling Elves to Tevinter is a huge blow to Loghain's chances of winning during the moot.

The Wardens have a bad history in Ferelden, Duncan's group was the first to be let in after being kicked out for a long time after meddling in political affairs there's reasons not to trust them

Ferelden just barely recovered from their fantasy 100 years war, telling Orlais to fuck off is perfectly rational.

Wardens aren't respected in the country for historical reasons and virtually everything they know and do is highly secretive to the point that no one could be blamed for believing they're bullshitting about literally anything and everything. You wouldn't trust such an organization in reality.

Nah, King Maric let them back in 20 years before the start of the game and the Fifth Blight. Loghain tells you as much at the beginning of the game.