Talk about Doom Eternal.
Doom Eternal
...I wonder how Bethesda will fuck it up just like they did everything else
Will probably buy for the graphics alone.
Im looking forward to it. the 2016 one was fun aside from the shitty multiplayer.
The HUD is awful.
its still just id working on it, modern id mind you but id all the same
I think this one is much more cartoony and i don't really dig that. I'll probably get it on sale when it's 15$. 2016 was great imO. Did the team back down on the mortally challenged joke ?
I'm starting to worry about this game. The new HUD looks like garbage and all the random OOOOFF grunts fucking WHY.
Doom is gonna gross over with Quake isn't it? Those guys look alot like strogg and they keep talking about the DOOM universe
The big flaming Barons with the blade arms are apparently called "Baron of Flame"s.
did people really forget how noisy og doom guy was or is it just the particular voice here that bothers people
Well everything that has Bethesdas dirty fucking name on it turns to shit sooner or later
So I'm expecting the worst.
game looks a little goofy
Like the new plasma gun look
Don't like the new chaingun look
That demon on the left looks spooky
if it turns to shit it will because id did a bad job
Am I the only person who like the new hud? Also there will probably be options to change it in the menu
doom IV was outstandingly awesome.
it'll be fine
do you think a 580 will be able to run it at medium/high? A 580 can run Doom 2016 at 120+ fps on ultra through vulkan.
>6 hours total length
Outstandingly bad. Maybe ULTRA NIGHTMARE or whatever the other difficult is makes it more interesting, but Ultra Violence took 6 hours to beat and I have no desire to play it again. It was a slog.
Doomguy was an airy "ehhhhck" but nu Slayer audibly saying OOOOOOH which sounds pansy as hell
it looks okay
Literally why a compass? There's an automap that is already overly detailed
Looks just as mediocre as Doom 2016.
Hayden is still alive, right?
He looks pretty fucked up in the trailer. I want to know how did that to him.
A safe assumption, but the game is looking good, still you should never buy anything until reviews/player impressions are out
So this is earth right? Where's all the human corpses at?
It's supposed to be even more optimized but who knows.
I just want the helmet
Bethesda just sell it without rest of the CE shit for 40-50 bucks
I'm not gonna pay 200 bucks for it and the classic weapon sounds
what about it? The gameplay looked good but nothing surprising. It's a continuation of DOOM 2016 which was good but not groundbreaking.