is Yea Forums willing to admit this shit is a scam?
Shenmue 3
can't scam me when I pirate, so no
Since the beginning we’ve known he wanted to do like 11 games.
>won't complete Ryo's story
Yu have already stated he wanted to make more. this isn't news. if you just found this out and you backed this game already then your dumber than a sack a bricks.
There’s no fucking way they’ll get to make a 4th game. Why not just end the story now instead of wasting everyone’s time?
zoom zoom
They can make a sequel on the money Epic will give them alone
>release free version on pc
i could of sworn i saw promotional material saying "finish the story" or someshit
The scammed you of the hours your life you wasted.
Well you clearly know nothing about Shenmue OP. You big faggot.
Do we know how much Epic pays for exclusives?
Haven't played the series and not interested in 3; but, I would have thought it would make sense to go out with a bang after the long awaited return. Did Huber delude Yu Suzuki into thinking Shenmue would become a successful franchise suddenly?
This is so depressing.
I never played Shenmue, should I? I like Yakuza.
Yeah man you will love it.
You deserve every bad thing that comes to you when you give money to cuckstarter.
i mean they already have the new models,they can easlly make more games now
It's way less actiony and has way less minigames and stuff, but it's just kind of relaxing and pleasant in a way that the Yakuza games aren't really.
Nobody said it was going to conclude the story
They offer to purchase a certain number of copies. That's their "minimum sale" guarantee. Usually a couple hundred thousand though it might vary from title to title.
Wouldn't be surprised if they received a hefty paycheck for Shenmue considering the hype/interest.
well i assume they planned the story since the start
and dont want to rush what they have had 20 years to build on
They thought they would do 16 of those
I wonder if epic & the publisher told them to cut the ending.
Makes no sense not to finish the story on this game since we might never see an another Shenmue game.
no. people who says it's good are people who grew up with it. there are serious issues with that game. both games suffers notorious terrible shitty late game, its infested with QTEs, and tedious errands. But if you can appreciate slow pace games then maybe you should try it.
Dogshit game.
How long did you play before you dropped it?
All of it
Why would someone do that?
i backed mighty number 9, as my first and only crowd funded thing.
while im content that it even released (except vita/3ds), i will say im glad im not the retard my friend was who paid for the face in the game tier because holy fucking shit
16-act story told over multiple games, not 16 games. Even they weren't THAT insane.
>ONLY 40% of the overall story
So you can tell people thevgame is shit with a solod ground. I fucking hated. HATED Human Revolution, its an insipid bland piece of shit with terrible writing, but i finish it because now i can say for sure that it's shit. It took like 40 hours with quest and everything but i did it. And its a shit game.
Suzuki's current plan is something like 11 chapters in 4-5 games.
But if you played through all of it you must've liked it...
i have always wondered why they left 2 out?
can someone explain
Wish it had stayed dead, don't you?
Isn't Ryo's goal to kill Lan Di? What could they possibly do after 3? They can't drag this dumb ass chase out for longer than 3 games. Hell, if he doesn't kill Lan Di in this game this would be one of the most anticlimactic games ever released. And it took nearly 2 decades to come out.
Its a comic you unlock in 2. The Xbox version has it. Don't know about hd.
>takes your money and runs
Glad I never backed a kickscammer in my life
It turns out Lan Di had a son who will then pursue you like Majima pursues Kiryu in Kiwami.
Imagine crowdfunding over six million dollars ($6,000,000 USD) for a developer, for them to go to a publisher for even more money, then SNOY handing them even more shekels, and THEN selling out to Ebin Gays for no less than another two million dollars ($2,000,000 USD). IMAGINE.
No user. I hated it. I didn't just played it, i endured it. Fuck that game, but i can say that with a clear opinion of why i didn't like it. Im currently playing Yakuza and i fucking hate it but you damn well better know im finishing it so i can say i hate it with proper evidence as to why.
I finish every game i play user, unless of course it's an arcade game or something that doesn't have an ending.
200k copies
>he likes the game enough to play it for hours and hours
>claims to hate it
user why don't you play games you actually like? Are you a fulltime gamer?
Wow you're an idiot
It took place on the ship to Hong Kong. It was probably deemed inconsequential to the overall story, and Sega had serious financial problems by that point.
Epic isn't going to fund Shenmue 4. Between Epic exclusivity and the game releasing in a completely packed November I doubt it's even going to do well enough for anybody to back a 4th game, especially after the Kickstarter backlash.
user you can play something you dont like. You simply keep on playing even if you dont like it.
>full time gamer
I wish, i haven't played anything in weeks. Although to be fair i been working on design for my own game and also looking for a job, so i been busy.
>16 arcs
>in 4 games
Were they expecting Shenmue to sell more than MARIO?
But why would you spend your limited time playing things you dislike? Life is too precious to waste on such things. Play what you like and nothing else! Eat, drink and be merry, for tonight your life will be required of thee!
if Epic Chinks are paying 100-200k copies worth, that's 6-12 million US dollars.
weren't you?
Shenmue 4 is going to be a lunch title for Segas new console
sounds tasty.
I play games i dislike because even negative experiences have something to teach me.
For example i may not like Yakuza 0 in a holistic sense but i do like a lot of it's design ideas, lots of games i dislike ended up teaching me about what is good or bad design even if they weren't my favorites. And the more i learn about videogames the more i hope to learn about design for my own games and my own further understanding of the medium. I don't play games just for fun, i play them out of passion for the artform, user.
I was going to question your sanity, but
>I finish every game i play
That part I can respect. Understand no, respect yes. Keep being yourself, user.
Unironically based.
yakuza is pretty much based on shenmue but ended up being better
Jap forklift and cupboard opening simulator.
so is EU gonna sue?
Not so based when Yu Susuki himself shows up at his door and beats the shit out of him.
Reminder that Lan di did nothing wrong. Ryo should just break the Phoenix mirror and be done with it because we all know he won't actually kill lan di since that would make Ryo just like him.
Shemue is the most overrated SEGA game ever made
Even more than Sonic Adventure games
Theres absolute nothing shenmue is better than Yakuza
Its actually 5-10 million since epic gets 12% from their own bought copies
Yu said its 11 chapters a few years ago, not 16. But new interview recently he states the end of Shenmue 3 will bring the story up to 40% complete, so it doesnt really make sense.
I really hope they try to kickstart again just so they can get btfo
>Comes out in 1999
>Don't even go to china until the second game
>Don't finish after two full games
>Don't wrap it the fuck up when its clear Sega is fucked.
>Fans beg for a Shenmue 3
>Sega can easily have released a multiplatform Shenmue 3 by 2004 at the latest.
>Come back after 18 years
>Still don't wrap it the fuck up
The creator deserves it to bomb, which it will. And the faggots who begged for it after 2004 deserve the shitty unfinished game/story they'll be getting.
Shenmue has always sucked.
Do they mean Ryo's story as in getting revenge? If so that's shit. If they mean Ryo will still be alive afterwards and could feasibly go on new adventures, that's fine.
Maybe a game about him trying to get chinese pussy. Like the game begins and Ryo just turns towards the camera and goes "Man i been searching for so long i need a break to eat pussy" and then the game is just like about chasing tail you know.
That's a really shitty way to write a story, especially in a video game.
Why would anyone invest knowing this?
If you didn't grow up during the era, you probably won't enjoy it. It's been surpassed by games like Yakuza and Deadly Premonition.
On the other hand, if you like Big Trouble in Little China, you owe it to yourself to play both Shenmue games in English.
Shenmue will literally be never be finished and I'm okay with that. Yu will die eventually and Ryo will never kill Lan di.
I just wanted a third game at least. But then this shitfest happend.
The HD version does have it, can confirm
I disagree with you saying HR is bad, but are absolute fucking retards. The whole
>play a game to the end -> "you must have liked it"
>quit playing it early -> "it gets good xx hours in"/"how can you have a full opinion of it when you didn't play the complete thing?"
arguments are ridiculous. Yeah, don't 100% shit if you hate it, but for just finishing the story of something, it doesn't take that long at all. Only some casual redditor faggots would respond the way they did to you.
Not him but you can have motivations for playing a game beyond simple enjoyment. Wanting to complete it for the sake of completion, hoping it gets better, curiosity, stubbornness, pure spite, etc. I've done it a few times.
You know that's how actual game designers work, right? They play bad games to get experience on the good AND bad of everything. Bad things (movies too, for example), have plenty to teach you.
My guess is that it will still be an enjoyable game. You'll just have to wait an extra year if you don't want to install EGS.
Apparently Shenmue has a really ambitious story arc plotted out, 9 parts or something and the firat game was just the first part, 2 is another two or three.
Shenmue 3 is looking like shit, too. Like it's stuck in the past, with its stiff animations and graphics. There seems to be no polish anywhere.
Will my boy Ren finally get some of dat ching chong dynasty treasure
Is 3 basically just going to be a watered down Yakuza?
I'm not saying he must've liked it because he played it all the way through, I'm saying he's an idiot for doing something he doesn't like for that long just so he can possibly win an argument one day. If you don't like something enough that you want to stop playing it, you already have your criticisms of the game. There's no need to endure it beyond that.
Read the posts before you quote them next time, stupid.
I've said this since day one. Even had retards on here say shit like they were giving even more money out of spite.
People with more dollars than sense.
Epic store sales tactics exposed.
So a JP publisher has spilled the beans exactly how Epic games boosts numbers of sales on their Epic game store, they buy copies of the game themselves through their own store with that fortnite money. Hundreds of thousands of copies in-fact, they guarantee hundreds of thousands of copies will be sold if they move to EGS.
"Now some people have been confused about the reference of the platform holder being guaranteed payment for hundreds of thousands of copies in exchange for exclusivity. What this means is that the platform holder would guarantee that ‘X’ amount of copies would be paid for on behalf of the platform. So even if they don’t move ‘X’ amount of copies organically, they would still be subsidized through the deal to make up the difference."
so basically, when you see "x game sold so many hundreds of thousands of copies on the Epic game store", they are the ones buying them lmao
>it doesn't take that long at all
No, 40 hours is a lot of time to put into something you claim to hate.
Probably because it would have succeeded if Sega didn't shit itself.
>lunch title
Imagine being at computers.
Can't wait to see what happens when they release 4 in 15 years
>Build up big bad villain
>You literally don't even see him
It's outdated in every sense, which is great for the couple of diehard fans who think the series is a masterpiece. Everyone else will realize it's a mess.
How the FUCK do you have over 100 hours of gameplay through 3 games and STILL not finish a character arc?
Shenmue 7 when?
you won't like it you'll get bored 100% like most yakuzafags do
user what?
There’s practically no chance of a Shenmue 4. Why can’t Yu learn to consolidate or pull a Yoko Taro and have canon stage plays and shit?
4-D chess my fren
No, but I jump good.
Martial Arts and Revenge is serious business user.
I mean to be fair Ryo's way too weak. He was weaker than his dad and Lan Di killed his dad like he was flicking a booger. He has a lot of ground to cover to realistically be able to beat Lan Di.
Stfu Chang.
Meanwhile Samurai Showdown 6 is gonna be awesome and chinks are angry that based SNK told the EGS store to fuck off.
why would you ever play these games when yakuza exists
Isn't SNK owned by Tencent?
>nearly 2 decades to come out
Shenmue 1 released in 1999, it's been two decades alright.
If this game didn't exist Yakuza wouldnt. I know it's better and all but I think we all can respect that at least.
No they're owned by gooks. (Koreans)
3 games in the span of almost 2 decades and ryo is only good enough to be lan dis bitch
If so powerful is Lan Di... why run?
No. They are owned by 37games, which is a competitor to Tencent in China.
Well chinks still angry.
lel, no wonder Metro sold more than the previous one. Ebin bought all the copies.
I never pre-order or throw money at kickstarters. That said this is disappointing since I've been waiting since my teen years to finally fuck up Lan Di.
This, pretty much. Lan Di would rip Ryo in half fairly effortlessly despite all the shit he went through in 2. If Lan Di knew everything about the two mirrors Ryo would be pretty dead I suspect because they would inevitably cross paths again quickly. Right now Lan Di is fine with letting Ryo walk a road of revenge to reach him, it doesn't really matter to him.
Most of the gameplay is basically doing minigames to get enough pocket change so you can play the rent.
Yu pulled off the smoothest scam of all
Exactly how I feel. Going back to 1+2 I can strap those nostalgia goggles on or overlook it due to age and enjoy myself. This new one is coming out decades later and looks janky as fuck compared to most titles today.
The Kickstarter money was just advertising though.
stop posting this fucking twitter meme
>mikubros on Yea Forums
I'm very damn underwhelmed desu, i was expecting a more revolutionary pitch again after 2 decades like Shenmue did in the 90s.
I mean, a game bustling with SOUL with its minigames, social interactions and general tomfoolery outside the plot like TWEWY managed to wrap up the story and even make a spinoff alternate ending in one game in like, 2010, why can't Shenmue III?
At least as long as Lan Di is killed by Ryo's hands in this installment i'm content, because fuck blueballing for 3 straight games in a row in which 2 of those games had like 4 discs
Search your feelings. Its been 2 games and the faggot hasn't gotten his revenge.
It will undoubtedly end with nothing accomplished again.
I seem to have heard YS's worst case scenario is posting the script to the story in a pastebin should the chance of making a sequel is confirmed absolutely nil.
Yoko Taro's a special case even in the 'niche-game-goes-popular' category alongside Toby Fox.
Yu is a con man. If I had been at e3 I would had thrown rotten tomatoes at his face.
Kek, might as well just wait for Lan Di to die of old age.
>Another cliffhanger
I can only imagine what it must feel like for the original fans, it annoys me and I only started the saga back in October.
Do you think tweeting at him winnie the pooh will get him sent to prison?
Being a Sega fan is suffering. We're used to it.
feels like i'm the only person on /v who loks forward to play third game
Forklift job was fun, though.
I wouldn't say I'm excited but I am interested. 2 really ended on some weird shit.
Yu Suzuki has said before that the third game wouldn't be the end of his story so I don't know why anyone is surprised by this.
>tfw i failed a QTE (the one just before entering the warehouses for the first time), let Ryo be kicked by some punks and now i feel guilty
I'm looking forward to enjoying the city more than anything else, desu
Really captures the chinatown feel, just want to see what kind of minigames and martial art practices there is
I'm still terribly disgusted by the move to epin but i do have a PS4 to switch to
Because they're different games.
Lmaoing @ your life, bro
I always wondered how Xiuying would fare against Lan Di. I mean, who's a better fighter? She's fast as greased lighting.
Because i loved the second one and haven't played Yakuza. Feel like i should finish Shenmue first.
no? i cant wait to pirate it and play it too
i hope she's in the new game. she was so hot AND cool.
Yu Suzuki is just using this as an excuse for why the game won't have a clean ending. He cashed out with Deep Silver and Epic Games, and the amount of ill will he's earned from the fans ensures that there will never be a 4th game anyway. Maybe the plan the whole time was to bury the game flopping underneath an engineered outrage, and then collect a bigger paycheck while everything is burning down?
This kind of thing follows you around and I doubt Suzuki is naive enough not to realize it. The moment he announced his extramarital affair with Epic Games, he converted hundreds if not thousands of his fans into haters who are going to always be there to review bomb anything with his name on it.
I wish this wasn't the way Shenmue ends but I guess there's just some things you have to live with. It's not like I can get a refund. I'll be sure to day 1 pirate though because there's no way in hell I am installing Epic Lawnchair / ePig Store.
i dont mind that most reports says it plays like 1 & 2 and hasn't been "modernized" at all, but it's almost intolerably ugly looking. should've just kept the sixth gen graphics and maybe cram more chapters of the story in there
This is a fucking retarded answer.
First of all, it was their decision to make him a martial arts chump to begin with. Second, even if you want a realistic powerlevel progression, Shenmue is supposed to be a cinematic game, there's nothing preventing them from implementing skips and shortcuts. It's 100% Suzuki's fault for insisting on the games having this glacial pace because he wanted his retarded 16 games-long story.
Enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. They're still chinks but Tencent is the big problem right now.
It was never going to be 16 games, user.
>Hey guys, we are going to make more games! How awesome is that?
>Boo! Fucking scam
Several hundred thousand copies, apparently. The Metro devs said they were paid so much that they didn't need to worry about acrually selling any copies anymore.
So its at least a million dollars.
Who the fuck cares about games? Grow up.
the implication is he would end the story with iii, because it's obvious to everyone there won't be a fourth game ever even before all the good will evaporated
I think the actual number was 6 but he was lucky to get a third game at all. The responsible thing to do would have been to just make 3 be the final game and then use the good will earned by the project to do something new. Instead he's burning bridges with his own fans while keeping his head in the clouds (except he doesn't realize the clouds are actually smoke).
i know how to piss y`all off
Every time something bad happens with Sega I just think "well why did I expect anything good to happen anyway?"
Please God, let the Genesis mini be good.
nozomi is cute. Joy is nice too.
my first (and last) waifu
Why would anyone think they could finish the entire series in one game? Watch the intro to the first game again. The real story hasn't even started yet
Hey I'm not saying it's right, he could've just done a little time skip or something too. I wanted 3 to be the last just as much as you.
Yakuza is better anyways.
Yakuza took SEVEN games to finish Kiryu's story!
Yakuza became everything Shenmue wanted to be, including a multichapter epic about one stoic guy's journey.
Kiryu's story was done in 2, but they kept dragging him back into the spotlight for no reason
Just buy a leather gimp suit and spend your days crushing your own balls. It sounds like it'd be up your alley.
Shameful display.
>Shenmue 16.
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See who's singing “Baka Mitai [Romaji]”
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Lyrics: Baka Mitai [Roma…
Yakuza / Ryu Ga Gotoku
Baka mitai, kodomo na no ne
Yume wo, otte kidzutsuite
Uso ga, heta na kuse ni
waraenai egao wo miseta
I love you mo, roku ni iwanai
Kuchibeta de honma ni bukiyou
Na no ni, na no ni doushite
sayonara wa, ieta no
Dame da ne. Dame yo, dame na no yo
Anta ga, suki de, sukisugite
Dore dake, tsuyoi osa-ke demo
omoide ga,
baka mitai..
Speaking of Yakuza, is Judgment still coming out?
Comes out later this month IIRC
I mean he always wanted to a do a gabillion of them. Got to make time for all that sweet forklift action.
Honestly, a lot of games and consoles surrounding Sega are mostly just "it's a cool idea in practice" but it just never pans out correctly.
Suzuki pretty much wanted the player to play the game continuing on from the previous one. IIRC he wanted you to play Shenmue 1 and carry over everything you did all the way to Shenmue 7 and that's a pretty cool idea. If you missed some one of a kind move in Shenmue 4, well fuck, you missed it bud, nothing you can do there. However, if you were able to get it and train the move and then meet some guy in 5 who would've improved the move and turned it into a more powerful move, then well done to the player.
This is pretty much what he wanted, a continuous story that the player could go through, training Ryo and getting better and actually seeing him progress from some kid to an actual master of the Hazuki style to defeat Lan Di. But that was never to happen.
Is Peter Moore in charge of Deep Silver?
> If you missed some one of a kind move in Shenmue 4, well fuck, you missed it bud, nothing you can do there. However, if you were able to get it and train the move and then meet some guy in 5 who would've improved the move and turned it into a more powerful move, then well done to the player.
That sounds like a great idea.
Shenmue 1: Chapter 1 Yokosuka
((Chapter 2: Boat (cut)))
Shenmue 2: Chapter 3 Hong Kong
Chapter 4 Kowloon
Chapter 5 Guilin
Honestly somebody should tell the fucking gooks how to properly end a story they all do this shit of making great characters and dragging them to hell and back forever and ever
The mechanic still exists in 1 and 2, if you were to not buy some move from the stores in Shenmue 1 you might've missed it for good with no way of getting it back by the time you play 2, although training it to become a better move didn't really exist in 2 as far as I know.
I know you were joking, but I wanted to keep the thread up.
But I'm not. Why would you think I'm joking? Carrying things over from game to game was one of Mass Effect's biggest selling points.
Yakuza re-uses assets shamelessly, has a wonky camera, text-speak, and clunky menu system.
It's hardly cutting edge.
I don't know, just the way it sounded in my head, almost like you were patronising me or something. I stayed up all night finishing off the hunting side story in Yakuza 5 so I'm pretty beat.
Something about the graphics look off, it's devoid of any soul, In a creepy way
The end if Shenmue 3 is Lan Di escaping on helicopter. Screen cap this
> Peter Moore fucks over US Dreamcast owners by selling off Shenmue 2 to Microsoft just so he could get a job at MS.
> Epic Games does the same to Steam users 18 years later.
The gameplay videos they released have soul.
Does Ryo shout "GET TO DA CHOPPA" during the ending?
Well if you're than insecure, maybe I was just messing with you. You will never know. I'm not though I like the idea
You are aware Peter Moore assfucked US Dreamcast owners with Shenmue 2?
This is alas nothing new.
It's kind of why I hope the Shenmue autism from the fans will be able to mod 3 to have some form of transfer from 2. I imagine there will be some form of moves and items that are in 2 and 3 that can be traced back to 1 and such, potentially removing or improving upon them depending on how the player plays.
It's why I'm glad Shenmue 3 will be on PC, people will be able to create mods that will improve the game so much, and potentially add things Suzuki had to remove due to time constraints and console differences and such.
Fellas I'm not gonna lie, if Yu Suzuki put up a kickstarter tomorrow for Virtua Fighter 6 I'd pop my crowdfunding cherry instantly. I don't care if he released it on the epic store, the ubisoft store, or inside of my dead father's asshole. I'd get to that game and I'd play it.
Shenmue isn't some epic take with 60 characters over generations, it's the World's Blandest Man finding a Chinaman to punch him. Absolute insanity that this WOULDN'T all be resolved within the first game and then adding some awesome twists and revelations for sequels.
Yu Suzuki is an actual creative genius with ridiculously ambitious ideas, those ideas were what put Sega on top in the 80s and 90s. He literally invented the Sega brand (when it was an actual brand).
Without Suzuki Sega would have sunk without trace and died in the 80s. Sega were always a shit company, it's just that Suzuki, Kodama, In a etc elevated them above what they deserved.
Whereas Miyamoto and Kojima wheel out the same thing in different skin, Yu actually comes up with Batshit ideas. This is why he isn't able to get given money automatically like the Todd Howard's and Kojimas of this world.
I mean, Square Enix should have poached Kodama years ago and let her make Dogs for them.
I always wanted to play VF5, and i just learned that you can play it on PS4 thanks to Yakuza 6, in the in-game arcades, which sounds too good to be true.
Virtua Fighter is pretty much dead,that's the only way it could happen, sadly.
What's so good about Virtua Fighter?
Speaking of VF, does anyone here played this?
I honestly hope somehow he manages to keep going and do it all. I don't see how, with how awful #3 looks, but I do hope for it.
Oh fuck, i was confusing Sarah with Nina Williams. I should go to sleep already.
a stupid fucking move. this better not end on a cliffhanger. there isn't going to be a shenmue 4 for another 20 years.
Is that Nina Williams?
I guess not then.
All the characters have big, diverse movesets that create a game that's both interesting to watch and to play. It's also just fun to mess around in because there's such a large universal kit that no character feels completely foreign to play, and it's not a chore to learn matchups.
Is it as fun as this looks?
It's far and away my favorite fighting game. A lot of people knock it because the characters are "generic" or don't have "personality", but in my opinion they're fine in that department, and I think they show more of their personality through their moves than most other fighting game characters.
It's dead though, unfortunately, so even if you wanted to get into it there's nobody to play it with really.
I didn't like it because it looks like shit and lacked the comfy trappings of VF4 EVO.
That's not the reason, but yes. Why must I suffer so, just because the Dreamcast was my favorite console?
This shit is officially Yakuza for retards.
>Inb4 YS gives a lame ass apology asking backers to prease understand the situation then it's swept under the rug with zero refunds
Haven't played Yakuza but judging by the webms, Shenmue has better combat.
I feel bad with Yu Suzuki. Escaping sega just to get caught with Deep Silver bs. He makes Mikami looks lucky working with Bethesda.
Shenmue = Virtua Fighter
Yakuza = Tekken
What's next, future PC versions of YAKUZA get snatched up by EPIC?
I wouldn't matter. The series peaked with 5 / Ishin / 0.
So Yakuza has the SUPERIOR
Was he embarrassed to have his face in the game?
It's really going to blow your mind when you find out Sarah and Samus are canonically the same person (Sarah has amnesia and only remembered the first two letters of her name).
I didn't play 4 that much because I feel like the controls only started to make sense and work well in 5FS. Even in 5 there was a bunch of nonsensical stuff like low throws being 3 buttons while normal throws were 2, it was just kind of clunky.
Is shenmue the Les Miserables of our time?