Based on the Steam avatars, which team do you join?

Based on the Steam avatars, which team do you join?

Attached: teams3.png (1451x1875, 873K)


I trust in the todd

>a frogposter or lyin’ Tom
Right or you’re retarded desu

Left, least amount of waifushittery.

I uninstall the game because both teams are cancer, and telling of the game's user base.

>small tits Tifa and Reimufags

Team Todd

That guy on the bottom right looks like a trustworthy teammate. I'd join his team

Right. I don't want to have to deal with Smashfags or frogposters. Toddposting is based. I would try to convince Keanubro to ditch his team though.

>Tifa and Grug for STR
>Lord of Deception Todd Howard
>Reimu as party's cocksleeve
>e3 memegirl as support
Best team

>I don't have to deal with smashfags
That Reimu pic has a smash letter

Right will probably lose, but has funnier dudes and I'd enjoy myself more

Neither because I've dropped Steam just as hard as they dropped "School Setting" VNs.

Left. Thighs > small tits

Left, anybody with a wojack variant as there pic is sure to be a massive faggot. I know Pepe is on the left but that's a really old image so he could be cool

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>1 waifufag on the left
>3 on right
Choose left. It has two less dead weights in the team.

>A has one memelord
>B has 3 and a touhoufag
A, not even a contest

>using steam
kill yourself


>3 memelords on the right

Attached: 1541430154316.png (1451x1875, 910K)

>good sense of humor
confirmed bait

you'd fit in perfectly with the retards on the right

I play with matchmaking like a regular human being instead of circlejerking around in a shitty 24/7 server

Attached: HorribleSubs_Hachigatsu_no_Cinderella_Nine_08_1080p.mkv_snapshot_00.12.33_2019.06.10_21.27.0233.jpg (300x300, 30K)

>cancer faces on both sides

Fuck teams, I work alone.

Right, just because of Sweeney.

>Not hanging out with your Yea Forumsros

>good sense of humor
Back to tumblr with you, landwhale.

Attached: cunt.png (1307x944, 765K)

> cyberpunk and pepe on the left

>wojak variant
>good sense of humor
A happy player is more often a better player.

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The right team, Tim Sweeney just kills the left team completely

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Attached: chet here, need some incest porn.png (588x333, 211K)

I think the winning move is not to play

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left, although todd and reimu drive a hard bargain

Vote for team scramble

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i report frogposters even if it's thumbnails

Attached: snapshot20090325032942.png (704x396, 158K)

This man gets it, Todd is probably the only funny human on the Right side. Waifufags are always a bust and Right has two compared to Left's one. Wojak guy is definitely going to be more cancer than the Pepe, at least it's an older pepe and not a peepee variant. Banjo is a smashfag but at least he cares about videogames, same for Keanu except instead of a Smashfag he's a normie, which is close enough. Tim is probably as funny as Todd so there's no real loss. Replace the left side waifufag with Todd and it would be a clear blowout.

Attached: 153780094452.png (900x900, 79K)

Attached: nobody cares.webm (710x400, 2.67M)

Fuck frogposters
Fuck wojakniggers too, but to a lesser degree

monkaS Pepe is probably just a twitch kid while that wojak is probably someone from here. So the left since wojak is pure fucking cancer

Always bet on Todd BABY

if my thousands of hours of dota taught me anything it's that the left team would shit stomp the right

This can't be real. I refuse to believe it.

>Both sides have anime avatars
I leave the server.

taco spotted

Attached: 1541697181023.jpg (313x382, 93K)

right wins

Attached: 1532461842068.png (1451x1875, 963K)


Sweating pepe is the only acceptable one outside of apu so I'll go with right because fuck reimufags


Left, indubitably

left has John wick. the choice is obvious: left lol

What's the logic for wojak being less bad than Pepe? I'd say it's the other way.

Pepe is long gone and is mainstream now so everyone knows him. That specific Pepe is even notable on Twitch. Chances are reasonable that it's just a kid who knows it from elsewhere, which is inoffensive to me.

With Wojak he's not nearly as mainstream so you can be more certain that it's probably some shitcunt manchild who thinks reposting badly drawn MSPaint shit here constantly is the height of fucking comedy.

>ironic weeb that doesn't watch any anime but jojo but posts about "le waifus and animemes xd"
>normalfag (1 K/D at best, irrelevant)
>pepe (either underage twitchfag or sperg that laughs at his own jokes)
>smashfag (is totally Banjo's #1 fan despite never touching his games, probably wasn't even alive when they came out)
>Sweeney (probably the best guy in the server, is pretty skillful and has good banter, cares more about having a good time than winning but still puts up a fight)
>boomer who's just glad the remake will come out in his lifetime, doesn't care about tifa's redesign
>wild card, probably a trannoid who lives vicariously through the e3 lady. basically "omg so cute she's just like me xd"
>dogshit at the game but loves to grief people by teabagging, taunting, or flaming them in chat. useful as a distraction or meat shield
>another cancerous smashfag who thinks reimu will get in. probably """ironically""' shits up 2hu threads with armpit posting.
>obvious Yea Forumsirgin who happens to unironically love fallout games. knows better than to spout epic Yea Forums maymays like the wojak and reimufag. silent, but competent teammate who keeps sweeney in check
Right wins. Sweeney has too many faggots on his team.

We're more similar then we like to think.

what is air?

That's a spanish anime woman talking about an extreme right political movement in Spain

Have to choose right, the lesser evil

I'll take team 2 for todd alone

dilite by having sex


>Skilled tier:
Anime girl
>Mediocre tier:
3dpd jap
>Dogshit tier: