Battlefield 6: Korea
How would it work?
Battlefield 6: Korea
How would it work?
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Like modern korea or 1950s korea?
How bout Battlefield 6: Cold War Gone Hot
Starship troopers only with Chinese.
i said BFV was my last one but if they do korea or vietnam i'm in
if they do korea it should just be a paid standalone/expansion for BFV
I mean the technology was basically WWII gear with early jets in the air. The terrain would be well korea. So basically BF5 with chinks?
Empowered black women fighter pilots killing soviet MiGs
It was basically ww2.
Would rather have a mercenaries remake
This please. I just want 1980's Cold war gone hot.
>Battlefield game set in Western Germany in a cold war gone hot.
The trailer would show East German T-72s breaking through the Berlin Wall, Panavia Tornadoes doing strafing runs down the Brandenburg Gate, POVs of West soldiers with G11s and G3s fighting off the invaders, then ending it with a white ball of nuclear fire engulfing the city Akira-style
All to the tune of 99 Luftbaloons
it'll be terrible no matter the setting. bf5 is garbage,they need a new engine.
Yalu River map, and if the Chinese don't push the objectives in time, MacArthur nukes the north of the Yalu River
I'd love to play as Best Korea whilst blasting REAL k-pop out of my Soviet tank
exactly what I've been wanting!
I've been keeping my fingers crossed on this since before battlefield 1 was revealed, new battlefield vietnam + cold war gone hot would be a dream come true.
It'll never happen because asians (especially chinks and japs) will get mad as fuck since a game that is about killing mongoloids will trigger them
There is a game like this coming out, 1984 or something
Its pretty impressive that Frostbite is both their in-house engine and they've been working with it for a decade yet clearly still have no fucking clue how to utilize it.
Checkout Escalation 1985 and '83
Just remake BF2142-'45 you fucking hacks.
and conveniently ignore the rampant mongoloid on mongoloid violence!!! why don't they ever address that huh???
>Rush game were you run away from the enemies while being shot at from afar
bf4 already exists
The most heroic thing you could do in a Korean War game would be taking out B-29 bombers in a MiG-15. The bombing of North Korea made the bombings of Dresden and Tokyo look like a joke, with the USAF literally running out of targets and wiping out roughly a quarter of the NK population.
Why did everyone have such a war boner after WW2? What happened too "muh never again" and "war is hell" bullshit?
Stalin was being faggy
I mean fuck north korea tho
>Battlefield: Alternate
>has a CF-105 mission
Would literally sell 5 million copies in Canada alone
desu 80s cold war gone hot has the best aesthetic but 70s would be the most fun
by 1985 ish the soviet economy tanked internally and then they bankrupted themselves on nukes, so did the us but the us could recover, economic disparity would be too great for a believable worldwide ongoing war, not that the ussr was weak but that they'd probably not do anything more than a defensive war groundwise, anything else would just be nukes
70s on the other hand saw the soviet economy at its peak and on par with murica's, that and with nukes and satellites not being tossed around means it's a much more engaging ground war where both sides can afford their losses
Certain military-industrial (((interests))).
You're in Korea
It's a piss easy game with automatic movement to points of action, autoaim, very limited loadouts with a context-sensitive Push X to Awesome that throws a grenade when the game detects you're in a good position to do so,
and there's seamless integrated microtransactions in the game so that you can always pay a bit more to get a bit of a boost. It even shows at the end of the match which of your team contributed the most to the victory, and your team will automatically cheer for you if you managed to earn that #1 spot with your well-timed airdrop :)
You realize violence and war has dropped like a rock after WW2 right? We're living in the longest peaceful time in human history.
>b-b-but muh brown people in failed states with endless civil wars!
eh who cares. Cut all funding and aid and they'll sort their shit out.
5 million dead in Korea, 3+ million dead in vietnam, 1 mil+ dead in Iraq alone, who the fuck knows how many in the other 7 countries being bombed and civil wars happening.
Not to mention all the African genocides like Darfur and South East Asia genocides like Myanmar.
Dropped like a rock my ass.
Battlefield 6: Hong Kong
British Commonwealth vs China during the 1980s
How would a Falklands War game work?
>Suicide is Painless starts playing
Play Project Reality and find out
80-100 million dead in WW2. No major conflict since then, just proxy wars. Also the lion's share of what you named happened before 1980.
Violence is down, despite what liberals would have you believe there is no need to start a new war with Iran, China or Russia, we're good on the current course.
>despite what liberals would have you believe there is no need to start a new war with Iran
Holy fuck, that absolute brainwashed irony.
Please be a hypocrite elsewhere.
>despite what liberals would have you believe there is no need to start a new war with Iran
We would have had WW3 and been dead for two years by now if Hillary won, thank your lucky stars.
Your feelings told you so.
By deranged democrats acting like absolute retards, exactly how he got elected in the first place.
What other significant 20th century wars haven't been covered by video games?
Russo Japanese war.
the balkans, emu war, bay of pigs
>Bay of Pigs
This was in Cod Blops
Balkans and Russo-Japan wars would be interesting though
>dropped like a rock after WW2 right
>you named happened before 1980.
>No! no! no! that doesnt count!!!1
And you do realize that today the Republican government blamed Iran for the ship bombings with no evidence and is inching closer to war with Bolton salivating at the mouth? After having threatened them multiple times, asked for 120,000 troops less than a month ago, and completely destroyed a deal created by the democrats? I genuinely hope you die in a fire.
The Balkans are a hell of a thing.
The Troubles
I swear the world would be a better place if Anglos and Chinks were wiped out. 99% of racebaiting threads are filled with these faggots.
Not a lot of games covering Six Day War, Yom Kippur, or any other israeli conflict.
No Iran-Iraq either. Surprisingly few about Soviets in Afghanistan (outside of utterly terrible Russian made FPS games, unsurprisingly.)
>Soviets in Afghanistan
Does Squad count?
female protagonists
MGSV had Soviets in Afghanistan, though I don't think the real war had giant mecha and psychics.
You realize 100 million people dying over the course of 6 years is a significantly larger event than 20-30 million people dying over 25 years, right? I mean you took math in school I hope.
It's funny that the leftist here is calling for somebody they never met to die horribly. Really makes me think.
>if u dont firebomb cities it doesnt count
While I do like Vietnam or Korea scenarios, for a Battlefield it would be better to have more variety
Also, I'm still waiting for a cold war gone hot game covering an invasion of Cuba or some shit.
Go tally up the kill counts from Korea and Vietnam(these are the major conflicts the thread was discussing if you forgot). They're a third of the deaths accumulated in WWII if you are generous and over a five times longer period of time.
We live in a good time in history, try not to rock the boat buddy. We just got out of the century which saw communists kill 100 million of their own people, we don't need your kind in the future.
Hopefully you die in Iran soon.
I'm too old to be drafted, so this is an extremely unlikely wish. The draft will not hold up in modern times anyway.
Ya you Republicunts love to push for wars you dont have to fight in.
Good stuff
Right, that's why the leftists have been screaming about Russia and Russians since before the election and trying to instigate a war with anyone they can.
Meanwhile, Trump has done more to move towards peace with North Korea than all other presidents before him.
Funny how that works.
hey I just wanted to take a quick second to type this out so I could tell you youre a fucking retard.
peace with best korea!
LOL kim is playing trump like a fiddle and has done nothing that he promised
North Korea are the heroes and you play as a disabled transwoman of color fighting the forces of the evil Harry Truman (basically the Drumpf of the 50s)
no u
You should probably go check some news outlets that aren't CNN or NBC, or vox, or vice, or WaPo, you might learn that a lot of things happen that your favorite propaganda outlets don't report on.
Oh the NSA, CIA, FBI, and all friendly foreign intelligence agencies are leftists now, I forgot.
Oh hey, remember that time Trump was threatening nuclear war with North korea and antagonizing him while literally TODAY his own cabinet said NK is lying about adhering what they said?
While at the same god damn time today a different cabinet member was blaming Iran and pushing for war.
I hope you fucking turn to ash while you are trapped in your computer chair because you are too fat to get up.
daily reminder that battlefield 5 is fun
>He doesn't know!
The koreans will be black.
>he doesn't know
user the next battlefield game is a reboot of the bad company series
yes please link up some fox news for me bro
>left pushes russia collusion because orangeman wanted a better relationship with our enemies
>last president did nothing while russia land grabs.
>last president did nothing to stop the rising of ISIS because going back would look bad for him