Is this what they mean when they say the grass is greener on the other side?

Is this what they mean when they say the grass is greener on the other side?

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every time I look at screenshots from this game I get even more excited. 9 months seems so far away

>delays game so their devs don't want to kill themselves over deadline
why can't gamefreak learn from them

oh god is rolling log back?

gamefreak will underdeliver no matter how long they get.

it's nice that they're treating the AC devs well though. Hope they do their best work and make a great game.

If you're building the town from the ground up, does that mean this is a prequel?

I never mind the rolling log effect, I actually liked it when they added it in Wild World.

P.S. Been a fan since 2003 with the gamecube.

Yes, and shops are now menus instead of physical.

the rolling log has been in every game except the first one you dumb boomer. get used to it

But the first one was the best one though. I never see anyone supporting rolling log. There are people that are neutral to it but most seem to dislike it.

the initial shop is. hopefully when it expands it'll be physically laid out.

I wish they'd give us a few more crumbs of mid to late game progression. Or at least tell us some of their plans.

>But the first one was the best one though
>I never see anyone supporting rolling log.
Then you must not talk to normies
>There are people that are neutral to it but most seem to dislike it.
No lmao

Because GameFreak is an inherently shit company. I don't know if it is because of the incompetent workers themselves or if it is because they slavishly let themselves get whipped up and down by the shareholders. Still, it's a fucking disgrace to Japan as a whole that the flagship game of their highest grossing export is of such a low quality. Notice how when Nintendo needs more hands on a game they reach out to other companies like Platinum to give them a boost? Game Freak is so incompetent that Nintendo has never and WILL NEVER EVER go to Game Freak for help on anything. Wasted potential.

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>start your own island

Does that mean I get to be El Presidente?

Why would anyone support rolling log? It makes the world feel, just odd, I don't know how to explain it exactly but it's the opposite of comfy. Makes me uneasy. AC is supposed to be comfy.

I bet Iwata shamed GF so fucking hard with GSC that they're terrified to ever approach another studio for help lest they show their shame again

>Why would anyone support rolling log?
why wouldn't you?
>It makes the world feel, just odd, I don't know how to explain it exactly but it's the opposite of comfy.
It is the embodiment of comfy. It makes the world seem unique only to animal crossing. Plus you can see the sky.

>the initial shop is
They aren't going to devise multiple different systems to handle shops. They're menus now, but on the bright side they have a larger variety of wares. They've already confirmed that there are no new personality types and that the design feature is back. Resetti got laid off and is going to be doing something else entirely.

Yes. This is Animal Crossing, where you can be whoever the fuck your twisted mind can vomit up.

Idk I like it. Its a bit of visual flare, lets you look up at the sky and makes the town feel like a planet of its own where you can chill with your animal buds.
this guy seems like a huge faggot though

>They've already confirmed that there are no new personality types and that the design feature is back
sounds like I missed an article. where was this

Get your head out of your ass

will turning the saturation up on my TV fix these god awful colors?

What's wrong with the colors? it looks fine

Game freak is completely incompetent. You can look up how fucked up the games are behind the code because of simple shit they couldn't figure out.

They cut like 100 pokemon out of the first gen because they couldn't fit them in. Now that sounds like the limitations of technology, but its them being awful at coding and scripting. This is how iwata managed not only make gen 2 fit on the cartridge, because gf couldn't, but also included all of gen 1. It wasn't limitations of old technology. Game freak is LITERALLY that fucking bad that a single man can rewrite both their "oversized" games into one cartridge in an afternoon while they couldn't in the 10 years gen 1 had in dev time

thank ye kindly

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The dude who made Pokemon is an autist. So...

Oh and I forgot to mention that these same people are the ones still making pokemon games today

Everyine jerks off to nostalgia of MissingNo. but shit like that is absolute proof that Gamefreak was always incompetant.

I want to see more animals as villagers

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>bat villagers
>shark villagers
and finpilled

You could hand pokemon to literally ANYBODY and they would make a better pokemon game on pure skill alone.

Imagine the worst, slowest, most incompetent studio. They would do a better job than gamefreak
>no way fag
Yes way. Gamefreak literally don't know what the fuck they're doing and anybody else would produce a better working product. Would it be a better game? That's a different matter and probably the reason why Nintendo doesn't dare fuck with what works and doesn't just snatch the ip away from those niggers

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>shark villagers
But you can fish for sharks, that would be kinda weird

i dont think bethesda would do a better job but other than that u prolly right

What are the odds this game can't be duped by changing the system's clock?

Every animal crossing game is self contained
For all we know every crossing game could be happening at the same time

No weirder than NOTW where you play as a cat person while domesticated cats runs around

You can catch turtles and there are turtle villagers. There is a hamster cage and bird cage item despite having villagers of those species.

Can't you catch Octopi? And 5 bucks Nogami puts in squid villagers to reference his new baby.

was that the guy who had a squid in his inventory in the treehouse segment?

You can also fish for squids and octopi.

They already put in Splatoon themed villagers in ACNL. One of them is an an octopus based off of an orange inkling in squid form.

And frogs

Can I use my Amiibos with this?

fpbp. All you fags keep crying. This is going to be one of the best AC games to date.

Do those kebabs on the grill have meat on them?
If so, then what animals in the AC universe are slaughtered for their meat? Are there entirely different species that function as "normal" animals aside from the villagers?
Do they just send all of the retarded/genetically deficient ones off to slaughter for the sake of harvesting their meat?

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huh I always thought they were saying the garss was greener on the other side

It's like Zootopia, it's all some combination of fish/bugs/faux plant meat

you can have a pet hamster as a furniture item. maybe there's animal-animals that are below villager animals.

either that or everyone is vegan, idk. I know a lot of villagers obsess over foods (at least in wild world), but I'm struggling to think of an example of a food they list that includes meat. it's usually candy and desserts.

They had as much time as the BotW team, they must feel bad just for asking it.

Imagine if they handed Pokemon to HAL

IDK, Black Flag was pretty good. Excited to try out the new take, wonder how good the animal guard AI is.

>have this art style in an animal crossing game, no big deal
>have this art style in a zelda game, everyone loses their minds

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He's the lead for both AC and Splatoon.

Aren't those llama characters completely invalidated thanks to the new crafting system? They'll probably have to find new functions for a lot of NPCs actually.

I'm a little worried they're gonna stuff him in the leather Agent 8 outfit now after octo expansion. But him being back at all hinges on amiibo support being back, which isn't confermed yet.
The moment it is I'm ordering an Ankha card before the prices can spike.

I'm hoping they at least make all Villagers more varied in Dialogue and not just say the same things over and over again like in new leaf

This, I got so tired of reading the same "recycled dialogue + food item"

depends on how many things you can craft with the crafting system. I really hope it's limited to DIY-looking wood stuff and doesn't go the whole range of all different types and series of furniture.

I never knew but that makes a surprising amount of sense, now I'm really looking forward to the next Armored Core. Imagine what it'll be like with the new knowledge they've learned from making Splatoon.

The kanto maps are smaller in gen 2, but yeah. Gamefreak are hacks.

Remember The Gamecube? One moment your helpig them solve a maze, the next they're talking about Redd

also a psuedo Romance system like Roomates/sleepovers, etc. Making it E-friendly and can be done regardless of gender of course

Just add the grass texture back and people will stop bitching.
Not even joking. That is subconsciously why everyone is complaining.

>Shop are menus
Yikes. This kills the Animal Crossing

It looks great, but I'm really worried about the lack of shit we've seen regarding Villager interactions.

if anything it's an improvement, imagine waiting 30 mins to change a chair's color

Wow, Pocket Camp 2. I can't wait.

they're consciously making it a very different experience from PC

Reading interviews it's obvious that Gamefreak prioritize two things with Pokemon, small development costs and regular release cycles.
As long as Gamefreak are a self owned company you will never see them do any of the things they need to do to make Pokemon the best it possibly can.
>work with an external developer to build an engine with the tools and tech necessary to get Pokemon to look good, run well and play well
>hire someone with an actual vision to leverage technology advancements to improve the core gameplay, level design and world building
>move past a basic library of pokemon assets and upgraded it with unique animations for every potential action a pokemon can take as well as things like reusable generic assets, architecture and flora
What a joke.

How are they going to put physical things onto the shop floor that you are supposed to craft. The space where the shop is is reserved, it probably expands into a full shop.

Seriously? I was starting to think the triangles being placed all over the entire grass was getting obnoxious. I'm glad it's a mix of realistic and a bit of triangles placed here and there.
Animal Crossing fags need to stop being retarded.

Oh Iwata :(


I want a platypus villager.

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It doesn't look as bad as the previous games in some scenes. I feel like the camera pans a bit closer to your character now


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It doesn't even have any connectivty to pocket camp though.

Why exactly is it that people dislike rolling log? I never see substantive arguments against it, or for that matter, any arguments against it other than
>ugh, rolling log again
For me, I prefer it to the gc camera because I can see the sky, foreground and background at the same time.

>Nogami said that when you first arrive on the island through Nook Inc. Deserted Island Getaway Package, you’ll arrive with two or so other random Islanders who chose to participate in the package as well.
RANDOM. Lol no fuck you I'll just re-roll. Rather have a cat as a neighbor than a flamingo or whatever.
>However, Kyogoku said before they choose a spot for their home, they’ll check with you to see if it’s okay. If you don’t like where they settle down you can tell them you don’t want to build in that particular spot and move their house location to wherever you see fit.
That's more like it.

what does rolling log mean?

You know the perspective of the game, when you walk around its like you are on a log, it spins. I always thought it was a weird nitpick. I honestly never even noticed it until people pointed it out.

Allow me to play devils advocate for a sec here. If Bethesda KNOWS that they're only given one shot to make the best possible game? It might turn out alright, if only because if they did poorly they would never have a chance to grab some of the 90 BILLION dollar pie.

Dumbshit gamecube zoomers, pay them no mind.

user, we didn't get the N64 version, why are you trying so hard?

God FUCKINNG damn this game is gonna be so comfy to play on portable mode.
Along with Rune factory 5 if they go with the Handheld style of gameplay instead of the console type, tho I'd much prefer console style.

The first truly HD Animal Crossing that is still playable in bed? I feel like the Switch was made JUST for this!

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Animal crossing better have lizards and possums in

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Animal Crossing isn't part of a multimedia franchise on a very specific timeline for when products need to be out.
>inb4 Pokemon shill
I'm not saying it like it's a good thing. Pokemon as a franchise is too big for its own good and Game Freak's recent efforts reflect that more than anything else.

>Can finally place shit outside to keep neighbors from parking their house anywhere they want

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are we actually gonna have our own house or is it all in a tent?

They'll just move in on top of your nativity scene that took three weeks of grinding craft materials to build.

Correction: They said that villagers will now ask where to live.

Source: Scroll up, someone already posted the interview link.

>Those other Islanders that arrive with you can’t be forced off the island, but they can leave if it’s their wish, Nogami said.
oh god PLEASE don't tell me islanders still eave for not playing the game everyday

Animal Crossing, you halfwit

>Isabelle is in smash
>Doesnt even have a skin version even though it would be easy to put
>Everybody asking if Isabelle is in New Horizon
>No website ask if he's in

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the tent is just a short period thing until you get your house built, not sure how short period prob a few days.

>Decide where villagers live.
Awesome. I will probably make a paradise on one side of the island and a horror containment zone on the other side.

I know this won't happen but I want multiple towns/save files.

Sable says hi from the void

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the first japanese one, the first us one, and the second japanese one dumb dumb

Just create another account

I'm going to have to get a second copy and a second switch for my gf

Will this game allow me to be a tenant.
Letting villagers live in my house paying rent or stay in for few days.
Hopefully, they add sleepovers as an option that would be cash

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>AC looks like AC
>Zelda looks like AC
Gee, I wonder why they complain.

>it's nice that they're treating the AC devs well though
I bet the AC team has a ridiculously high ratio of female devs compared to other big studios

Finally fanart of them that isn't Yurishit.
I wonder why faggots always interpret friendship as gay love.
A shame it's right wing fanart garbage but I take what I get

I've known of this series for years yet I never looked into it much, can any fan here tell me the appeal of AC? From outside it just looks like a little kids' game, is it like dog's life and its secretly mature or is there something else that makes it good?

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It really boils down to the comfiness, most people play it in order to relax or take a break from more demanding games. That's not to say there's not a lot you can do in the games, it's just that there's mostly no risks, if that makes any sense.

I see, but what really do you do in it that makes it interesting? I mean is it just fetching item x and y or is there a story of sorts?

As a guy who's played it since the very first, the overall tone and pace of the game is unique to most other games. It's a good game to play when you need to relax or get comfy.

For me, the customization was one of the things that kept drawing me in. As such, this new game seems to be going in the direction that quenches my autistic thirst for choice and creativity

Same guy as If you like autistic levels of landscaping and town planning, you have a shit ton of things to do every day. The furniture you collect can be used to decorate your home (and now your town) As well as other items that breath life into it as well (flowers, trees, bamboo, paths, etc.)

I mean despite how many people like animal crossing I cant imagine too many really play the multiplayer and see digby often.

I think what draws people in is the fact you can freely choose what you wanna do, whether it be fishing, bug catching, making unique clothing patterns, etc.
Speaking of custom clothing patterns, a lot of people love the customization the games provide them with. NH in particular looks like it'll allow for a much more customizable town in comparison to the other games in the series.
There isn't really any form of plot in the game, though some special NPCs talked about their backstory very briefly in the older games.
I think New Horizon's early game in particular will be pretty interesting since you'll have to gather resources in order to craft the town of your dreams.
People also like the cute character designs, if that counts.

Sorry if this post was written kind of sloppily, I'm pretty tired at the moment.

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It's all tofu

so what's the big cons?

because as far as I know this is basically the sequel to the original gamecube game i used to play with my mom

please reply and no bully I really want this to be the game i've been waiting for to not be on a fucking handheld.

Anyone know of any japanese animal crossing artists on twitter? Finding their works on that site is pretty tough.
>Unlocking the market street North of town.

The bloom doesn't look too good, and it's a bit less traditional when you start, although it's suppose to feel just like the old games as you get the town going.
The lack of symbols on the grass makes it lose soul but the leaves in the trees look great.

It has a lot of good things, and a lot of what people wanted. I'm excited to see more.

It is a handheld.

>he says this while posting Lillie

Building stuff instead of buying? Tom Nook GETTIN DABBED ON

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Really? NO giant complaints other than grass and bloom so far?
fuck this is looking good.

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Nah the buildings you put later on will be the classic shops. Read the article.

Basically everything this user said , the rest of the complains are just nitpicks from boomers who grew up with the GC game and despise every other game in the series for not having "m-muh soul"
The game looks pretty fantastic otherwise, just needs some more visual upgrades which it will get during those 9 months.


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I am excited by the video we have so far. Fences, paths, manual control of house placement. This is exactly what my OCD needs to allow me to enjoy Animal Crossing like I should.

I've found myself accidentally scaring bugs away when travelling south since the camera is positioned in a way that you can't see two squares in front of you. It also makes it harder to see fish in the ocean on the south beaches.
Essentially, it's current implementation makes doing anything south of you unnecessarily harder, even if just by a little.

The crafting system gives me worrisome vibes too, but there's nothing to hint at it being a full substitution of the shops, or that it's necessary, and it does open up more room to make items which is always nice, I personally like working towards making things.

They can potentially fuck up the museum and shop layout, there's a big barren square in the middle of the map which might end up being market street, which might not be great, but, if you can move that around (As it seems you can move just about everything else around, and even determine where villagers put their houses) then the game is looking to be top notch.

>muh deadlines
the game is 90% finished and could have been sold with a few "upcoming DLC roadmap" like splatoon, but they just didn't want to compete against pokemon this winter.

What if we can individually place all of the shops and interconnect them with the improved paths and fences?

animals eat each others all day, why would they care?

as far as we know crafting and if the game cube one is the last game you played then the rolling pin world could turn you off.

Crafting not a negative thing per se just depend on how you feel about it since it can save you starting dosh at least since then one can spend a tad on decorations.

The rolling pin again is a personal thing since playing other animal crossings for me i never really liked that change though for a hand held i understood why they would do that. So personally pissed it is in the console version. Hopefully there maybe an option to toggle it off and on.

Oh and just remembered but during tree house they showed off some cheevo type shit which apparently can be used to gain something or other not really to explicitly said during the stream. So again depending how you feel about that could be good or bad.

None of these are straight up cons but if the gamecube one is the only one you may have played then at least as far as i know shit are the biggest changes that one should be aware off that depending on how you feel may either be a plus or minus personally for you. Since visual wise i dont want to judge shit yet given how far off it is and maybe they will change shit around to look better or hell may look even worse to early to tell really how it will end up.

Is grass deterioration gone?

Have we seen the actual full size of the island yet? I'm really really hoping its not small...

So they're going to compete with FFVII?

Looks like it, I don't recall seeing any dirt whatsoever

I'd very much like that. The barren spot shown MAY have just been player made, so we'll see with more evidence later what they have planned, but, the emphasis seems to be on YOU making YOUR OWN choices and design plans, and so it'd fit the philosophy to do such a thing, and with the delay, it's possible they'll take into account the feedback if it wasn't already planned.

More than likely, due to digging your own paths being a thing.

giving game devs 9 more months to work on a game that's mostly finished is a revelation. this game is gonna be great.

This game looks so damn clean

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It looks to be a little bit bigger than New Leaf's towns, but not by much. Though that's assuming the acres are the same size. I kinda wish it was a bit bigger though. 10x10 or even 6x8 on an island would be perfect while also giving plenty od room for whatever replaces PWPs in this game.
I hope we're not locked to the smooth, straight edges path. I actually liked the roughness of the paths in New Leaf.

>No sea related villagers at all
>Fish and see largest fish youve ever seen
>Pull it out
>”Owwwowowow, what’s the big idea”

link me to a clip of this rolling pin you speak of

Who's to say that they'd have started at all on the villager interactions and writing dialogue for all the languages yet. Everything we saw the characters do and say was placeholder text about being in E3.

I didn't say that the buildings won't be there, I said that the "shops" are going to be you walk up to an NPC and they open up a shop menu. The physical storefront building will likely still be there given the current information, it's just that once you go inside you won't be walking up to individual items to buy them. You'll be talking to the NPC selling the items. They aren't going to devise multiple different systems to handle shops (i.e. physical and menu-based) since the presence of one makes the other redundant. If there were physical item buying and menu-based item buying, playtesters would just go to the menu-based system because it's faster and more convenient. What ends up happening is that nobody uses the physical item purchasing because there's a more convenient system to buy the exact same item through. We have proof from the treehouse segment that menu-based shops exist and there is no evidence of physical item-buying existing.
If you look here, they've fleshed out the shop menu with category changing, scrolling, tooltips, and pricing in an organized grid format. They would not have done that much work if it was a one-off NPC.

>didn't say that the buildings won't be there, I said that the "shops" are going to be you walk up to an NPC and they open up a shop menu
Quote me where they've said this

I'd like it if they expanded on the custom designs you can put on the ground, perhaps give them their own folder so they don't take up all the personal design slots. Perhaps also have items for pathways and make the world a bit more to your taste.

Please read my whole post.

In the gameplay footage where they go to Nook and it opens a list to buy furniture and tools.

Unless you don't go out, LA has a distinct "diorama" look going for it. It's why the environment has a more "solid" look to them.

You seem to have misread my post. I was asking you to quote where Nintendo said all shops only use a menu screen for purchasing. I want to see your source for this big claim you're making.

I mean, even in the older games they had those two different menus like the Nook Catalog.

They meant that the female humans somehow look hotter in this game. Well that's what I think they meant.

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I drew this for a thread last year. I still don't know if the original requester saw it, but here it is again just in case they're lurking.

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it's the way they move their pupils, makes them look more soulful

it's just a screenshot but this looks weird to me, almost like the characters are made of clay

I like that you can place furniture outside.

>muh gamefreak

Is this the same guy over and over or is there really more than one person who spouts off about "gamefreak" (one word now, apparently) in every thread about every unrelated game?

>So they're going to compete with FFVII?

Is that on the Switch?

It's clear Sword/Shield with its just-before-Black-Friday November release date is Nintendo's big Christmas shopping season title here in 2019.

I don't get this mindset, it's like saying IRL doesn't make sense because there are humans and monkeys living at the same time.

Damn, no new personality types is worrying. I really hope the writing's good.

What Facebook game is this?

have they revealed the conditions needed to recruit Isabelle?

she probably shows up along with a building. My guess is she becomes the mayor of your island

It just hasn't been the same since For Answer.

still no third person camera?
Shame, i had hoped they would move on from the one directional rolling log. Game still looks pretty good i guess

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Can you place every object yourself? Can I finally fence in the cute female villagers so they can never ever leave my BDSM torture island

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Which game would you recommend for a newcomer, 3ds new leaf?

>I made the bashful and innocent dog say a bad word isn't that comical

Will this game have verticality such as cliffs etc ?

Just think of it as her not even knowing what the words mean and just thinking it's a cute t-shirt with funny gibberish on it

>Hunger matters
>Bees matter
>Your health matters

imagine if Nintendo had the balls.

That's much more humorous.

Yeah, either that or the original. I don't think there's many reasons to play Wild World or City Folk anymore

I wish I didn't need online pay for multiplayer

>Game Freak didn't leave any documentation on how the battle system worked
>When making Pokemon Stadium HAL had no idea what the fuck to do because Game Freak's code was a jumbled, broken mess
>Iwata single handedly reverse engineered and improved the battle system in a literal week
This is the funniest fucking thing for me. Iwata was a god and I miss him every direct

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>I don't know if it is because of the incompetent workers themselves or if it is because they slavishly let themselves get whipped up and down by the shareholders
Probably both. Even by the standards of the time the early Pokémon games were broken messes, and every non-Pokémon game the company has made has been mediocre at the absolute best.