Why is Yea Forums okay with faggots but not trannies?

Why is Yea Forums okay with faggots but not trannies?
They both need a bullet to the brain.

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probably cause trannies are 100x more unbearable then fags


Not confirmed he’s a faggot, faggot
You don’t have friends so it’s not like you’d know if one died

What does your question have to do with cyberpunk?

Why do you think faggots need a bullet to the brain?

I don't see how a man who just likes to fuck other men could be harming you in any way.

>White man
Choose 1

At least fags have the courage to be men.

One is a simple sexual preference unless it's a fag that treats their sexuality as a core part of their identity and flaunts it in public, in which case they're no better than trannies
The other is pure delusion and are almost always among the most insufferable human beings on the planet

Because it's not fair that they get to be themselves and fuck men and I can't.

I can only imagine how sad it must be to be a homophobe in current year. I truly pity you and your kind.
A group of people that doesn't even want to interact with you lives rent-free inside your head.

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Dumb third-world shitposters like you need a bullet to the brain before anyone else.

I think it is fine to have fantasies about being a woman/man and everything, but if you act on it then it should be kept in the house/bedroom. I wouldn't go outside thinking people would take me seriously.

Humans are visual creatures. Most gays are visually indistinguishable from a normal male. In fa, many look better since they ussually take better care for themselves due to additional difficulties in finding a mate (another gay)

Trannies hoiwever look visually gross and disgusting most of the time, hence it's harder for normal people to strike a rapport with a trannie and hence they're more commonly though of as mentally ill people, even though if you take the modern framework of evidence based medicine both are mental ilnesses

>I don't see how men who spread diseases and fuck their kids to turn them to faggots harm you in any way

>I wouldn't go outside thinking people would take me seriously.
But that's the thing, they do. It's completely acceptable to be gay at most places in the world. Sure, in some places it's still a crime, but no matter the language the internet is always going to be global. Your only hope of finding a group of people who hate homos on the internet is to find one that is dedicated to hating homos on the internet, and then you will talk about nothing about your hatred of homos.

This is just people in general.

Being gay doesn't mean you're a pedophile or a bioterrorist. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't.

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Being gay should not be tolerated.

spoiler aplies to any fetishist really

Yea Forums is mostly closeted faggots and a vocal minority is just angry that theyre too poor, ugly, and/or cowardly to go through with HRT and actually be themselves

I know fags who dont let the whole being gay schtick completely define them and can banter back. Trannies are just mentally ill.

This is what religion does to the human brain people. Take note.

Do you plan on having sex with a faggot?

Not very surprising considering there are still people who are against vaccines to this day.

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Can someone post the tranny billboard? I wasn't around for it.

Yes, I do now. This thread changed my mind.

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Sure, I'll try to find it in my folder.

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>I dont see how men becoming women harms you in anyway

Kill yourself sub-human.

That's just the way the cookie crumbles

That was about homosexualism, not transexualism. Please pay attention.

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>many look better since they ussually take better care for themselves due to additional difficulties
AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no literally 98% of faggots are the flamboyant overly effeminate high pitched voice ones. Hence why you have fags like Jeffree Star and James Charles who chase straight boys because they KNOW this truth that most faggots, just aren't men.

Kill yourselves or get aids

The fuck how is he gay? Only a closeted faggot would make that conclusion.

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no one is okay with any of them. its just that you get persecuted for not pretending to be okay with them.

Both apply

>confirmation bias

Nobody in this thread thinks that user.

>only religious people hate faggots
The delusion is real

no u

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Your pathetic kind will never be accepted, ever.

Oh, you're retarded. Got it.
In case you're capable on understanding it, let me try to educate you. Homosexualism denotes to men or women who identify as their gender of birth, but are attracted to the same sex.

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Fags arent pretending to be something theyre not

I'm sorry, but we already are.

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It's an anti-Christ ianity world, what do you goys except.

And you're fucked in the head and always will be.
Both trannies and gays are sub human qualities fit for euthanization.