Okay DQ bros, I want to start playing these games

Okay DQ bros, I want to start playing these games.
With which one do I start?

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Check the general over in /vg/ for comprehensive answers.

Depends on your inclinations. If you don't mind retro rpgs try out the snes version of 1. It's only about 6 hours long and it will give you a basic idea of what the series is all about.

Otherwise check out 8 or 11.

don't pussy out and play in it order, starting with dq1 on snes

>haha look mom, I asked again!
Obviously with 1. Can you niggers not count?

Just because dq is in smash you don't have to play dq games, clearly you didn't care about them until they got a representative in your fighting game so why now?

Being a huge fan of the series, I suggest playing in order. If you like 1, you'll probably like 2, and so on.

Highly recommend 5 on ds. 8 is also great, and is available for 3ds.

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Theres literally nothing wrong with that. I played the entire Castlevania series when Simon got in.

My favorite of all time is DQV

You are a good goyim keep consuming what they tell you, don't forget: don't think just buy

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>DQ bros are more friendly and helpful than FF and Megaten fags
Fuck, i chose the wrong fanbase! I should've been a DQfan a long time ago

Don't listen to these people. Start with 11 then play 8 after if you like it. It's a 60+ hour game.

1 is archaic and aged badly. I hope they will remake it someday.

Why the fuck is X never released overseas? Is it because of the MMO aspect?

Who are the fan favorite protagonists in Dragon Quest?

I sincerely hope you’re underage. Otherwise, you have no taste of your own. Play more varieties of games

V is the one that gets the most story/ character development, but he's a special case because he's technically not the standard "Dragon Quest Hero".

I replayed 1 a couple weeks ago. It's still perfectly fine.

okay zoomer
you can shut the fuck now

6 has the best pacing out of any DQ. It's about 40 hours. 50 hours if you want to side stuff and go after the secret final boss. 6 is also the perfect blend of the freedom in DQ3 and the more rigid story structures of 4 and 5. Has the best exploration and world out of any DQ.

>open menu to open door
>open menu to walk downstairs
Yeah nah.

Had a crack at the nes version of 3 then had a go at the superfami version. Liked the snes version way better. I will probably go back and get the 1+2 superfamicon and read the manual and play the series properly.

these games are all going to shoot up in price now aren't they?

They have all of them on iOS if you wanna start from the first, which is recommended(at least for me since it’ll make you appreciate the evolution the series has taken up to XI)

MMOs are an expensive venture, and they weren't sure if such a big one was really worth putting in the west

most early dq games have mobile ports, any reason only 4 is recommended?

+ it's the newest one, and is a loveletter to the series as a whole
- complete version isn't out yet

+ well loved classic, was the entry point for most of the Western fanbase
- hope you have a 3DS or can emulate

+ widely considered the high-point of the series
- strictly speaking, its story is part of a trilogy. Should probably play IV first.

+This is the one that cemented Dragon Quest into the Japanese gaming community for all time
- it's kind of old I guess? zoomers have trouble with this.

>not playing the gameboy version

Because they're mostly bad save 4. 4's added party convos for example.

Who's the protag with the halo in the Hero's final smash? What's his story?

The mobile ports of 1 and 2 are significantly better than the SNES version. They run on what's basically on the DS remakes engine as opposed to the archairc snes dq5 engine.

1 is old, but surprisingly easy to get into by today's standards. Just play the SNES remake on an emulator, and make liberal use of the speed up feature and it takes no time to get through. 2 is much harder to play this way though, as it gets seriously grindy around the end. 3 is a gem through and through, but it's much more worthwhile if you've played 1 and 2 before it, since they're connected plot-wise.

Nah, mobile is jank as fuck. The only reason to ever recommend it over the others is if it adds something substantial.

VIII, 3DS version patched to restore the soundtrack
or V, DS or iOS/Android version. Unlike Final Fantasy, the DQ ports on phone are good for the most part (except III and VIII)

My personal favorite is V but I think VIII would be more appealing to zoomers/people not used to jrpgs or DQ.

No. The mobile port runs great.

DQ9's hero, he's an angel who falls out of heaven.
He's a customizable character so his default design isn't as immediately iconic like III, V and VIII's heroes

He's an angel who was sent down to earth as a guardian spirit but lost his wings because Plot.
Travels the world with a cute gyaru fairy and a party of soulless automatons solving problems to get back to heaven.

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They should just remake the whole series using UE4 and DQ11's assets, hell the games are already half made for you since so much of the enemy designs and battle systems are the same.

Try number 8

How they play is way more important than how they run kid.

/vr/ said the GBC remakes were the definitive versions for I - III

And the DQ1 mobile port plays the best.

I can't believe Tien is fucking dead

>Clear 1
>Stared on 2, but got put on hold due to workload
>This was several months ago

Time to retrace the steps and get back into the game. Already got 3 on stand-by.

He's angel tier now. As strong as Whis.

No. They play mostly the same one just had godawful mobile controls and one actually feels good to play.

I prefer the iOS version for 1-2-3 since they're extremely similar to the SNES version but with a translation that's more consistent with the terms used in later games (Erdrick VS Roto for example) and more professional in general (Like DQ3 showing your full name in battles instead of just the first 4 letters). DQ2 and DQ3's fan translations both have a game-breaking bug too if you don't know what you're doing.

The mobile controls are beautiful for the Dragon Quest games. (except 8) Have you even played them?

I just finished Dragon Quest II the other day and I really didn't care for it at all. Too much back-tracking and obscure puzzles. Is Dragon Quest III any better?

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Release order
And that goes for the rest of you bandwagoning niggers. Not just with this, but with any franchise you are made aware of its existence through the inclusion of its characters or elements appearing in works outside of its origin.

Yes, and you're either lying or retarded.

2 is widely considered a low-point in the series, yes.

Definitely a gigantic step-up.

dq8 is the best one.
Skip dq1/2.
dq4-6 are all fine.

DQ3 on SNES has monster animations they for some reason removed from the mobile version.

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I just pirated DQ XI with the fit girl repack version. What I want to know is how the fuck do I play with a controller switch pro controller. Usually when I pirated games in the past I used the ps3 controller with a program, but now I have no idea how to connect this thing to the game.

Which one has the best story?

Can't wait to see the dracky.

4-6 has the best story as their stories are all part of a larger saga. You'll see references to the earlier games in the later ones and so forth.

does this have differents timelines like Zelda? because I dont really want to keep track of that shit

DQ1, 4 or 8

1 is a terrible game to remake, it's only good based on the merits of being old and the simplicity it brings

t. played 1

>romhacking communities have ripped all the game dialogue from IV's mobile port years ago
>nobody has figured out how to extract the party chat and transplant it into the older ROMs yet

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If I remember correctly, 1-2 are part of the same timeline, 3 is separate, 4-6 are all part of another timeline, and 7 onwards are all standalone.

>starting with DQ5
Aren't 4, 5, 6 part of a trilogy? Would one miss out on anything by starting with 5 before 4?

Like Zelda, each game is more or less the same overall themes in the same overall worldmap
Unlike Zelda, there's no real continuity across the entire franchise.
A couple games link together with eachother, XI is a sequel to III for example, but there's no time travel shenanigans explaining why VIII has nothing to do with IX for example.

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No, they're all self contained

Nothing important.
The endgame armor from 4 is a set of legendary relics you need to collect in 5 but 5's plot is wholly focused on the MC and his family.

Steam beta has switch controller support. You have to add the emulator as a steam app for it to work.

do I have to grind for level a lot in these games?

No. The Zenithian trilogy games have only the loosest of connections. I'd argue the that you shouldn't start out with V because it's very much a deconstruction of typical dragon quest tropes, but anyone can still have a good time playing it first and it leaves a good impression of the series.

Only if you want to complete the masochistic post-game bosses


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Mostly no. I a little bit, II even more so, but past NES era, including ports, grinding is pretty minimal, and will only make the games too easy. Metal slime enemies are pretty much there as a way to circumvent grinding when you might need it.

lets calm down, fellow DQbros, we havent truly won until Steve is also in, we did form an alliance with Stevebros after all

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The GBC version of 1+2 is identical to the SNES version, but the SNES version looks and sounds better. The GBC version of 3 has more content than the SNES version, but again the SNES version looks and sounds better. That pic needs to be updated. Me and some anons are working on it in /vg/.

I played both back to back for the first time a few weeks ago.

DQ2 (the GBC version) is one of the worst jrpgs I've ever played. DQ3 (the SNES version) is one my favorite games. It's insane how much better DQ 3 is.

XI is probably the best overall, I pirated it on PC.
Played 8 on the PS2, decent time sinker if you don't care about the story.

hold up doesn't the 3ds version of VIII have a bit more content than the ps2 version

Not quite, 1, 2, and 3 are all connected. 1 you play as the descendant of a great hero, 2 you play as the hero from 1's descendant, and 3 you play as the original hero of legend mentioned in the first game.

it was the same kind of "alliance" frieza had with frost in the TOP

Yes, but some people are really butthurt that it looks and sounds worse than the PS2 version, so both are there.

They removed stuff to(like hero going ssj)