Refusing to support the epic sotre cannot be justified by “personal choice...

Refusing to support the epic sotre cannot be justified by “personal choice.” You’re endangering the free market and the rest of the consumers. Your right to your “choice” ends where it harms others. Or as they say: “Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.”

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Is there any real loss to selling it on both?

Unless they tax you more

epic is gay and so are you lol


>Buying games
Fucking zoomers i swear to god

Im glad Epic is killing steam, steam is cancer

Refusing to have sex with me cannot be justified by “personal choice.” You’re endangering the sex market and the rest of the consumers. Your right to your “choice” ends where it harms others. Or as they say: “Your right to swing your fist ends where my dick begins.”



The fuck is a sotre?

this but ironically

>Refusing to support the epic sotre cannot be justified by “personal choice.”
of course it can
what type of stupid fucking nonsense is that?
we aren't robots; we can do whatever we like
I choose not to buy anything on the epic store because either it doesn't interest me (and therefore there is no point) or I don't feel like installing yet another meaningless drm program
>You’re endangering the free market and the rest of the consumers.
no, we're endangering the epic for the win store
>Your right to your “choice” ends where it harms others.
this is a loaded statement that's completely invalid, because it can be considered true or false depending on the context
I'll tell you one thing- me not supporting a store I have no interest in doesn't directly inflict any personal harm or injury to anyone, so once again, feel free to suck my cock

shit thread


You're not even trying with your bait, dumb phoneposter. Run a spellcheck next time.
>endangering the free market
>by making my own choice in said free market as to what to purchase
hurr. 300 replies ommitted, click here to view.

>killing Steam

every single Steam user who made an Epic account still has a Steam account, and Steam still has more games

lmao at you thinking we *have* to support a shit store that has shit games at shit prices
the free market is making sure the epic store ends before it can even begin

>buy my products or else you're discriminating against me
Is this unironically the future of neoliberalism?

>capitalism is good user
>companies start pandering to them chinese bucks
>nooo how can this be happening

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I think it's French

The worldview that creates this type of thinking is not necessarily representative of facts.

The market isn't a "Free market" if everyone with a major share in it happens to be a globohomo cocksucker who thinks the holocaust actually happened.
Also because the Free market requires money to work, and money is created and managed by banks - private institutions. How's the invisible hand of the market gonna fix money itself being privatised?

>free market good! b-but choice bad!

Communists don't understand capitalism and it's adorable.

Fuck the chinks

reminder games sold on epic give a bigger cut to the dev so buy there instead of steam. For devs you want to support.
>incoming kneejerk reacting zoomers

communist doesn't exists anymore, just because china is not a predatory ultra capitalist system like the amerimutt land it doesn't mean they are communists.

kill yourself chink

Supporting the Devs through Epic is not just "using another launcher" as so many put it.

I am not voluntarily giving my information to the Chinese government.

Here's a fact for ya.

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as if tracking purchasing data is any different in the west

Epic is the one harming competition by purchasing exclusives to draw customers rather than provide a better service. Steam never had exclusivity clauses on any games on their store. Only valve developed games were only sold on steam (same as fortnite on epic store), or games where the dev or publisher simply opted to only sell through steam. If you want an example of actual organic competition, look at GOG.

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I'll bite, unless there's any real incentive to purchase off of Epic over steam beyond the small discount, Epic has no ground to stand. It's a digital platform. Much like the early console wars, without exclusives, their praise to the public about developer interest don;t mean shit.

>buy CD key from another site
>redeem on EGS
>Epic can't leak your personal info because they never get it in the first place
This also applies to KS backers

>Not choosing a product because you prefer a different product is endangering the free market

Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Repeatedly?

The West is not the Chinese.

Fair play. I might make a burner EGS account and do this to it. Didn't think of it.

>not supporting commies endangers the free market
Shut the fuck up socialist scum

I'd rather just pirate at that point.

The entire point of the free market is that I can buy shit where I want to buy it. EGS is the antithesis to that, which is less than surprising considering it's run by chinks.

Epic is endangering the free market by trying to brute force a monopoly by making all these goddamn exclusivity deals. They are literally trying to twist your arm into using their garbage storefront.
Take that Chinese pencil dick out of your mouth before posting next time.

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>I might make a burner EGS account

If you're willing to make an EGS account, then why didn't you make one last December? You could have 16 games by now, without giving Epic any credit card information, let alone any money. I'm not saying you should BUY games from the Epic store, but making an account AFTER they give away over a dozen free games is pretty retarded.