Killing a woman is the evil option

>killing a woman is the evil option
>drugging her and sending her to be some guy’s sex slave for the rest of her life is the good option

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God Dishonored 1 was so fucking bad

Well that's definitely the good option for the guy!

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she gets to have sex like 60 times a day when I never will even once, it's not fair

>its been 8 years and mouthbreathers still mistake chaos system for karma
arkane games are too big brain for g*mers apparently

Adding on to this iirc when the Old witch lady has the bandit guy all tied up and is about to kill him for some sacrifice, hitting her with a sleepdart and freeing the guy counts as lethal, which fucked me out of my no kills acheivement that I had shaped my whole playthrough around. But freeing the bandit beforehand and letting him fight the all-powerful witch with a shitty knife is the non-lethal way to handle it. God what a fucking joke of a morality system, I've ever seen a game that became actively worse near the end because you tried to take the harder route through missions

I read the gameinformer article for this shit when it was announced years ago and the developers themselves describe it that way, of course they also hinted at a new game+ mode that never came out. Samuel even comments on whether you're a good or bad person based on the chaos system.

Neither were good for the target. Dishonored 1 is all about utterly fucking over those who fucked you over. I think the only one you can choose to not really fuck over is Daud, but more show him who the big dick assassin magic man is in town.

Its just outright killing them leads to complications with the rats and such.

Is there more porn of girls with horns getting their poems grabbed?
I fucking love the idea of it

She actually later escapes and they kill this guy.

Based good option, I wish that were me.

>game let's you get paid to lure a little girl out to be kidnapped and sold into slavery

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I'm still mad that they decided to make sparing him canon. The person who actually is responding for killing killing Corvo's lover is walked free with just wrist slap.

but it makes so much more sense if you think of it as a panic meter rather than moral choices. Thats why you can kill all the targets and still get good ending

>game doesn't let you kill children
>but you can trick a little girl into leaving her home and follow you being full of hope and dreams and then have her become a sex slave

>Is there more porn of girls with horns getting their poems grabbed?
What did he mean by this?

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I don't know why but my phone autocorrected horns to be poems

>Killing a guy is the evil option
>Rescuing the guy is the good option
... yes. That's how it normally works.
Why did you make this thread?

What fucking game is this and why does your main character do this? Dishonored 1.. and why would you ever fuck over a child?

name 1 fucking game that does this. Go ion, im waiting

That sounds like Fallout

Fallout 3

well the "sex" part isn't straight out mentioned, but when you sell a little girl with a salve collar to some old dude, guess it's implied

>What fucking game is this and why does your main character do this?
Her home sucked. Both her parents were negligent. She's living a better life as a sex slave.
You need to stop thinking that sexual servitude is worse than a nuclear meltdown. It's just sex.

What game?

>>drugging her and sending her to be some guy’s sex slave for the rest of her life is the good option
It is good...for my DICK!

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Fallout 3

>killing the woman villain is the evil option
>making her your lover is the good option
What are some based games that do this?

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