Would you exchange having no friends or social life for being a powerful persona user?
Would you exchange having no friends or social life for being a powerful persona user?
Typically your Faustian bargains are meant to have a downside.
power is only useful if you can exploit it in the domain you operate in
For what? Most Persona users can't even summon them outside of specific contexts.
I'm already that, free Persona pls
Exchange literally nothing for being a persona user? Yes. Absolutely.
I already did that and didn't gain any power.
Fuck yourself.
I'd rather get a stand.
Id be locked to a single ability but at least I can use it everywhere at all times with no drawback.
>get a persona for free
>Puts Killer Queer instead of based D4C
Can't exchange something I don't have.
Better hope you don't get one capable of fucking you over then
power contingent on being liked by other people is beyond worthless
Why would i want to lose all my friends who i spend a large amount of my time with?
>power of friendship is supposed to be really strong
>it takes 4 friends to defeat a friendless incel
Explain this, personafags.
I don't have either already so when do I get mine
shouldn't have taken the blue pill
>He didn't solo adachi, the literal easiest boss in the game
>He didn't watch the anime where yu just runs up and decks adachi and continues to kick his shit in without a persona
I qualify for a free Persona, now how I do get into a loving relationship and start a family with Yu "Chad Ziodynecock" Narukami?
What is notorious B.I.G
I don't have any friends
Most Personas are conpletely useless outside of fighting so no.
You can't even use them in the outside world.
>no drawback
Or that fucker from part 4 that sticks to your back and if someone looks at it you die
So, I give nothing away and get powerful persona powers? Sure!
that is a bitch ass nigga
You can use a persona anywhere at all times
I'll take you up on that offer. Not much of an exchange though.
Wow its the same post over and over again!
It sure is funny and original, boy i hope someone else posts it, that would be hilarious
>be me
>no friends
do you have friends user?
It wasn't suppose to be funny, but truthful.
By the power of equivalent exchange, I hereby grant you your Persona
Exchange what? I got nothing to give, sorry.
Not worth it, you can only have it out for 5 seconds about 20 times a day or something to have to throw out a fireball or lightning bolt or something, maybe make you faster or stronger for about five minutes.
You honestly can't tell me you fags actually don't have friends, EVERYONE has friends
Don't take the piss and say "not me :("
Yes you do, i refuse to believe there are people out there who don't, even autists bundle together
The only reason people say they don't have friends is to get pity points or some shit, but regardless it's so stupid
If in all honesty this many people have no friends then this site is more of a cesspool than i originally thought
nice Youtube thumbnail faggot
Personas are literally willpower, people that are shitbat insane have a really strong willpower due to them being delusional.
Be our friend!
Hi BrutalcumPowder. Why haven't you uploaded lately?
Shitty stands only happen at shitty people.
Where do you think you are. Either that or its full of people that are surrounded by love and friends but they are so pessimistic and up in their own ass that are unable to see whats around them. Dont know which kind of person is worse.
For what purpose? So I can go into some other world and beat shadows forever? Woo fuckin' hoo
I assume they are the latter, which is much worse.
I cannot fucking stand people like that, hopefully their shitty attitude makes them actually have 0 friends.
Power gets you a social life and friends.
So yes.
>wake up
>go to school/work for 8 hrs
>go back home
>sit in front of computer for 7 hrs
It's not particularly hard. To me it would seem hard to do anything besides this.
You can summon persona IRL with some practice according to P4A.
But I would for a stand
online freinds dont count
I have 0 real life friends or even anyone I could hang out with in real life
If people don't make friends at work or even back when you were at school then you are literally one in a thousand
It is so fucking ridiculously easy to make friends, people like talking.
All you have to do is speak to them and not be a fucking sperg and presto, they talk to you more and invite you out to do shit.
>sit at computer for 7hrs
in that time your friends introduce you to their friends and then they end up meeting you with theirs and so on
that or you could go outside for one brief fucking moment and do something even if it's going to a fucking arcade, cafe or bar
There are people everywhere who will talk to you as long as you aren't a massive faggot
Obviously don't literally approach anyone you fucking see, use your common sense to tell what people are open to talk, if it doesn't work whoop-de-doo, you will most likely never see them again or care, neither will they, just try someone else
P3 cast can summon their persona in the real world.
P4 & P5's cast could too but they don't bother.
It's just way easier doing it in the dark hour/tv world/metaverse.
I kinda wish I didn't have my very small group of friends so that I could get pity points. It would give me an excuse to be who I am right now.
Imagine being this much of s clueless normalfag. These are the people telling you that you don’t have a gf because you don’t shower.
I had freinds but lost them due to being a loser.
I'm getting pretty pissed off that I have to buy another $60 game so that my avatar can fuck my wife.
>Persona user
Look at this faggot. I'd rather have a COMP like all the cool kids who kill their asshole friends do
No guarantee your stand will be useful (it could even be inconvenient). All these niggas ITT thinking they'd get the broken ones like The World or D4C when they could just as easily get Cheap Tricked to death
Lots of people lose contact with the friends they made at school when they get jobs.
This results in people without friends
also as people get old and any friends they have die this also results in people without friends
I made plenty of friends at school, but never at work. I now have none
My current "friends" only interact with me when it's convenient for them so I guess so.
cheap trick isnt that bad, gives you a neutral k/d ratio so thats a plus
Perona are easy to summon when reality is fucked, thats why everyone has personas in 1 and 2.
most stands arent bad
its rare for them to be detremental
Imagine life being this easy. I’ve worked different jobs for the past seven years and not once have I been invited out somewhere by my coworkers.
Do not take the OP on his suggestion. I offer you the one true equalizer, the COMP. You do not need to give up anything. Simply show what you will do with such power.
>If people don't make friends at work or even back when you were at school then you are literally one in a thousand
Even in grade school nobody wanted to be my friend. Can't tell if it was because I was autistic or ugly or whatever, but it just never clicked, and they would pretend I wasn't there when I tried to talk to them. I think I could've outgrown being bad at people with enough practice and effort but I took the easy route of just playing games by myself.
>Immediately wrecked when facing actual persona users instead of drugged women.
They are only shitty if you have a shitty personality.
Old people it's understandable but if you are under 60 you have no excuse to not have atleast a single friend
I'm just going to believe that a bunch of people in this thread just pretend they don't have anyone to be more like adachi, as if thats a good thing or something.
Bunch of edgy self loathing kids who joke about killing themselves but are too cowardly to go through with it
I bet you’re the type of faggot that preaches about how there’s someone meant for you. I guess it too hard to assume that the world is not a nice place and some people will be lonely faggots for the rest of their lives even if they are decent people.
>Simply show what you will do with such power.
I just want Hey Ya
in a heartbeat yeah, and I'd probably copy adachi too by killing teenage women in japan
Well, yeah, why would your friends humor you if it was an inconvenience?
Out of pure curiosity I googled "no acquaintances let alone friends" and all the results were posts by normalfags talking about how they only have acquaintances but no friends.
It's good being part of the sub 1% I guess
If you are this autistic I would bet money you have no real friends but are too socially retarded to take the hint
Altruism? Surely you've been there for a friend even when it was inconvenient to you, yes?
Nope its actually true, lots of people (not realative to normies but if you were to count it would be a very big number) end up with no friends
I havent made a friend since I finished school, eventually all the ones I had are no longer in contact with me due to them moving on in their life
Id say its very hard for kids not to have friends, but for an adult it happens fairly easily
Stop giving him (You)s, he's baiting.
>sending a random exe through email again
I'm not falling for this again you fuck. You put Bonzi Buddy on my Computer last time Stephen.
To think, everything would have been solved if Adachi got laid.
Yes, but once I become invested in helping out or whatever it stops being inconvenient and more of a goal to see it through.
Same could be said for like half the mass shootings that happen these days. The BSA needs a branch that hunts down radical incels and fucks them out of violence
>radical incels
but then you would still be left with over 130 homicides in baltimore in 2019
That's par for the course though. The authorities would be concerned if there weren't any shootings there
over 200 homicides in chicago so far this year
You could make a living fighting shadows since they drop money
Wouldn't change much
Here's how it's done
Stop trying to act as if persona 4 was well written and deep
Why did he kill himself?
Yeah haha what a terrible change... Haha
I sometimes get the urge to kill myself when I have to deal with absolutely shite customers.
>I understand other people better than they do themselves
Go fuck yourself, faggot.
Honestly if I had a stand arrow in hand and my outcome was either get a stand or die i would stab myself with it immediately
If i'm not worthy of a stand, what's the point of living?
persona 4 is a well-written and deeply profound work of art
Having persona power is no different than having a gun in a gun forbid country. The only good things you can do with that kind of power is overthrowing the government and world domination.
it's been years and i still fucking hate how goofy this art is, shame because his sprite in that game is great
Bad bait
sometimes 13d50 but also sometimes 1d1
Hell yeah, I already have neither.
My childhood dog and I guess my mother are my only friends. I'm a NEET who has zero social media presence though.
>Father pissed at son for being useless
>Tries to scare him straight by plopping a gun down and telling the kid to off himself if he's so miserable
>Father didn't realize the son's problems were real, because he snatches that gun up like it's Halloween candy and blows his brains out
>becoming a powerful persona user for free
I already don't have friends or a social life so yea, hook me up with those powers
more pages have been archvied on this board about persona 4 than about lolita and fight club combined. it is a masterpiece
Someone didn't watch the animation
Literally got told "do it faggot" by his own dad so he went ahead and did it.
I have like one online friend and I would totally give him up for supernatural powers.
Quantity doesn't guarantee quality.
Isn't the power of friendship pretty cruel and unjust? It's basically just ganging up and beating on less fortunate people.
Dumb normalfag parents, don't even feel bad for them at all.
one in a thousand is not so unlikely when you consider the fact that there are billions of people
just like real life
Through my middle/high school years i literally had no friends.
Why din't i get a persona?
lol retard
reminds me of that comic where the villain gets beat up and bullied as a child in his backstory only to then get beat up and bullied by the hero and his friends.
Because a goddess never touched your smelly ass.
fucking retarded boomer parents
nothing of value was lost
I take showers everyday.
>invite you to do shit
yeah no
fuck no are you kidding me
>have friends for most of my life
>all of a sudden fall down a huge fucking depressive spiral and ghost all of my friends because i think i'm just bothering them
>isolate myself completely
>only talk to immediate family members and hookups
>out of the blue get added to a group chat with some of my closest old buds
>realized that my isolation has crippled me socially and made it near impossible for me to connect with people outside of a shallow level
>don't know how to broach the conversation so
i just never post anything
i would never ever fucking give up a social life if that meant gaining a persona that's not equivalent exchange in the fucking slightest
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I already don't have friends, so why not
I like how he slaps his dead son's head, assuming that the dude took a shot at his pops and missed before realizing the shocking truth.