>In a chat with Giant Bomb (thanks, Liam Robertson), Microsoft's Phil Spencer was quizzed on the chances of Game Pass coming to Switch, and his reply was more positive than you might expect:

>"I have said, over time, I'd like to take Game Pass everywhere... We're focused on the streaming side, at least, on Android, just because in some ways it's the hardest for us because it's so divserse in terms of the number of devices."


Attached: 220px-Phil_Spencer_Xbox.jpg (220x287, 17K)

Imagine, cheap Nintendo games.

Please Nintendo.

Keep your Cuck Pass to yourself, Xtranny.

I have a Switch and would enjoy game pass there.

veiled giantbomb E3 stream thread nice.

These guests suck ass.

I want this for RR if it never gets ported

>forcing yourself to fund bad games
>lowering what little quality incentive is left

Attached: 1559940511163.jpg (296x266, 7K)

How the fuck are you funding bad games with this?

t. seething ResetEra falseflagger
Microsoft and Nintendo are bros. This would be fantastic to have

Nintenbro here. Fuck off, Xcuck. We don't want your stink on us.

>Nintendo bros celebrating subscription services
This is the worst timeline.

There's no way it would include nintendo games.

Digital games are stupidly expensive on the Switch. This would be a fine as fuck alternative.

Plus it would add a messaging system if it worked like the PC version

If you buy games normally, you are funding games that are high enough quality and close enough to your preferences. Gamepass, Netflix, and other services functionally are you renting games on mass bulk for a discount; so, you are funding Borderlands, Arkham City and whatever other trash will end up on the platform.
If this stuff is normalized then games will only have to compete with being more fun than watching paint dry, instead of competing with the fun of buying an equivalent amount of Pepperoni Pizzas.

I could see them include some to drive people in.

Why would Nintendo accept this, it would lead directly to less software sales, especially of indies which is where Switch is thriving right now.

Yeah funding Shenmue 3 was such a good idea

It's not Nintendo bros, it's the usual /r/XboxOne cockroaches who scuttle here around E3.

Yes, please.

Subscription modela devalue the work over time. Look at the music industry and Spotify, even Taylor Swift complains abiut the money gained from there. You couls be a band with thousands of fans and earn penniea from Spotify, but because everyone is on it you also have to be on it and get paid like 2 cents a month.

When did I imply pre-ordering or crowdfunding was good?


this insult doesn't make much sense, isn't the stereotype that xbox gamers are college frat jocks and normies? kind of seems like projecting

Go check if the PSN isn't down and leave.

All my freinds have Xbox so this is actually muy kino

Sony and MS already give a shitton of games for free each month so it's not really that different. The difference is that this has a subscription so you're actually contributing with money.

Besides, some of the games on the gamepass are already 4 or 5 years old if not older, they're not selling much anymore.

>if the PSN is down

Brush up on your language skills, Calcutta marketer.

What about buying shitty games like Days Gone for 59.99 at release? Is that ok too?

If it was on the game pass you would at least know better before sunking 60 bucks on any overhyped AAA garbage to fund an equally shitty sequel.

I remember reading that dev are given a good amount of money to have their games on gamepass, and they get an extra bonus if their game reach a certain amount of downloads

user you don't fucking get it, that's only the beggining. Once you get users to a cheap market they won't let go even if unsustainable. Think of mobile and how almost every game is free to play because that's customer expectation for mobile.

No need to, shit fucks like you deserve the ESL phoneposter treatment. Eat a dick

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Like i said it's the beggining, it's not sustainable. Those terms will only last once gamepass has a market and people are used to getting a lot of games for 5 bucks a month. Once they have tbeir markets the honey stops flowing but smaller devs are now fucked because market expectations have changed.

oh no no no no!

Attached: based rod.png (1108x590, 794K)

I would say games are already at that point even on consoles, with or without the pass. People only buy digital games on discount or for free.

You are right but corporate cock sucking fags won't see it or care about it. Then when console games become free to play garbage you see on mobile, they will remember how good the 8th gen was and how shitty 9th gen become with everyone and their mom making a subscription service then killing vidya with it.

How about not buying bad games?
No money for trash
Full price for quality
Sale/eventual drop for stuff in between
Instead of giving small amounts of money to everything from kusoge to goty.

that's pretty cringe, but didn't snoy sponsor an entire pride parade? hmmm

and to clarify, by
>How about not buying bad games?
I mean just ignore trash instead of buying, streaming, pirating, watching, et cetera.

No. Makes me laugh how Xniggers need to lie to prop up their delusion.
>Biggest E3 ever Xchads!!!!!

oh...oh no...

Attached: 1528771114925.jpg (1024x944, 250K)

A small presence along with 50 other brands is not sponsorship, sub-retard.

Attached: phil the leader.png (787x436, 62K)

I'm so mad at myself for not having the webm but they definitely had a gay float in the gay pride parade.

Attached: 28423099_1796235500400102_6279612462252226461_o-e1520074752101.png (950x484, 19K)

Oh wow, a whole float, holy shit.

Attached: based aaron.png (673x625, 462K)

i'm so sorry user

Attached: 1528822641942.jpg (1190x400, 135K)

Damn even Xbots aren't safe. Nintendo is the only based company left except for NoA.

Oh did you think it was just a float? Lmao. Sadly Sony has become the most LGBT infested gaming company there is.

Attached: Tranny4.png (1152x932, 871K)

MS is telling people not to be cunts online while Sony is actively censoring games.
Im smelling some hypocrisy. Nintendo and MS has a good relationship since the GBA, so either you're a snoyfag trying to be flaseflag as a Nintendo fan or a Nintendo fan that's really underaged to remember that.

Oh shit, another token presence! Wow Sony really is the forefront of the gay agenda here.

I mean, you're trying to prove Microsoft is pushing the gay agenda with two images and then downplaying the obvious gay agenda being pushed by Sony in four images.

So what is the difference exactly?

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>This piss weak damage control

I don't think Sony were the ones bleeping out the Cyberpunk trailer. Don't be upset that actual Nintenbros think you're a cancer.

Attached: phil so woke.png (998x678, 622K)

is this the strongest material you can come up with against xbox, scouring through phil's tweets for bland shit like this? yikes, go play a game or something (assuming PSN isn't still offline)

>actually Nintenbro
Show me at least 2 Nintendo consoles you own.

>Token pandering versus executives promoting and extending wokeness in the industry

I know you're an Xbro and that makes you a massive mongoloid but even you should be capable of some perspective.

i could find the exact same mundane corporate progressive tweets from PS but i'm not autistic enough to bother mate

>I know you're an Xbro

Not at all. I play PC almost exclusively with a Switch as a backup. Also Sony has literally funded gay pride parade floats and actively censors anything remotely sexual now. Who do you think that censorship is for exactly? It's certainly not for the Japanese audience. It's specifically aimed at the SJW crowd.

Attached: 12734-027304-7.jpg (640x360, 48K)

>No counter-argument

Because you're an obese shut-in always at arms-length to your Xbone and a box full of Hot Pokkets doesn't mean everyone else is. Cope harder with your failure.

>Shills for Cuckbox
>Tries to call token presences "funding"
>Metro and DOA6 were uncensored and DMCV was inconsistent
Gonna have to try harder here, Xtranny.

>counter argument
Nigger you dont even have an argument for anything we have shown to you.
Wow, Phil said some things that hasn't has come to affect yet, meanwhile Sony is actively censoring game right now.
Kill yourself.

>Shills for Cuckbox
Suck it sonyfag. I haven't owned an Xbox since the 360 but I know projection when I see it.
>Metro and DOA6 were uncensored and DMCV was inconsistent
The censorship is very recent and, like you said, not totally consistent. Mostly involves visual novels because they can easily add light rays to still images instead of spending money on actually changing game models.

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Don't need one when you're reaching as hard as you are, bitchtits. Downplay Uncle Phil making your videogames even more woke in the meantime.
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

Found the sonygroid.

>this thread

jesus that was embarrassing to read, I almost feel bad for snoyboys

Attached: 1528775602520.png (1989x746, 1.2M)

>Still shills for Cuckbox
>His "muh censorship" argument falls apart

You've had another bad day.


Attached: 1546536215275.jpg (658x924, 127K)

>Shills for Sony
>Takes forever between replies because he has to dilate

Attached: 1488080503713.jpg (413x395, 32K)

>MS is """woke""" for having a female protagonist
Meanwhile at Sony
>replaced Nathen in Uncharted with 2 women
>replaced Joel in TLOU with a lesbian

Attached: IMG_20190209_190106.jpg (640x421, 50K)

Honestly pretty fucked up. If a a dog wants to kill a cat it will do it very quickly and easily which means this dog was mauled by a cat while just trying to escape. You wouldn't allow a dog that aggressive to live so the cat should be held to the same standards.

>The chat Nintencat
>The virgin Xdog

>charging for each platform separately
yeah no wonder they want it everywhere

$10 for game pass on xbox
$10 for game pass on pc
$10 for game pass on switch
$10 for game pass on ps4
$10 for game pass on android
$10 for game pass on ios
$10 for game pass on chromecast

or bundle them all together for only $50 a month

>Shitting on Xtrannies
>That means you're shilling for Sony
That's something else you retards try and pull as well. It doesn't work.

You clearly are shilling for Sony though. You only get worked up when someone mentions Sony. It's been a few minutes I think it's time to dilate again.

Attached: 4thePlayers.webm (640x360, 2.51M)

So, more pandering then? Thanks for continuing to make my point.
>Meanwhile an actual MS lead developer

Attached: based woke ralph.png (948x564, 552K)

>Shitting on Xtrannies for being Cuck Pass enabling, begging, projecting retards
>"Y-you clearly are shilling!!!"
Love how I've got you on tenterhooks ready to pounce, you sniveling little fuck. Go find something else to do with your time, like drinking bleach.

Jesus christ dude please reflect on yourself. You started with the shilling name calling. I'm literally the furthest thing from a shill because I only own a Switch and I barely play it.

But you have made it very very clear you're super sensitive about how SJW Sony has become and you have a hardon for bashing Xbox for some reason even though it's basically irrelevant. I guess you have to project that anger somewhere.

Attached: 1560359112269.png (860x782, 734K)

>meanwhile at ND

Attached: quote-it-s-nuts-that-we-ve-reached-a-situation-where-representing-female-characters-let-alone-neil-d (850x400, 96K)

>thanks to getting all access, my ultimate conversion gave me a three and a half year long sub
>eventually get xbox, pc, and switch games free for years
>by the time the sub ends, i probably won't care anymore anyway

Attached: 1555106218740.gif (497x465, 3.87M)

If they were really concerned about depicting a realistic representation of genders in video games then you wouldn't see women in any video games at all because almost all video games depict war, fighting, and violence.

It has nothing to do with the ratio of men vs women in the world. It has everything to do with the ratio of men vs women in the world who have fought and died in conflict. Unless of course we're talking about games like Life is Strange, women definitely have a place in those types of games.

Attached: 1551723491524.png (500x452, 262K)

No need to go as far as trying to humanize yourself with a self-portrait while your limp excuses and victimhood fall down around you, bud. This thread is just another Xtranny failure. You'll have many more.

I can tell by how intelligent you are that you're definitely part of the 45%.

BASED Phil always has Nintendo's back

Do it, Bowser.

>80 replies
>22 posters
>most are shitflinging /pol/tards (who are ruining this board and website daily with their nonsensical hurr durr gay tranny rainbow pride ur gay tranny discord shit

Awesome thread you guys. Perfect reflection of the state of Yea Forums nowadays.

New shill on shift, I see.