Games that will never get sequels.
Games that will never get sequels
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Half life two
Thank God
I hope you don't want it
good. Too Human was fucking shit
I want it, goddamn what a shame
Nostalgia goggles. This was probably one of your first games.
I remember being hyped at the concept, but the game was atrocious
I played the demo for that game. I thought it was pretty okay I guess. I don't know what the actual game was like though. I don't care enough to buy it but from what Yea Forums says it seems like a love-it or hate-its-very-existence kind of game.
Might as well post another Silicon Knights game.
God i loved Too Guman
>I don't care enough to buy it
Its literally free on the Xbone/360 marketplace.
Huh. Maybe I'll try it.
Maybe it's for the best. I don't know.
>it's getting added to xbox live backwards compatibility and being given away for free
Game was a massive trainwreck mocked by everyone at the time
the 2nd one sucked ass.
I thought they deleted the fuck out of this game everywhere
A shame too, Too Human has promise
At least it got ported to PS4, that's the best I can ask for.
Personally, I wouldn't want to see a sequel, mainly because there isn't a company today that would do it justice.
Muh nigga. The game was a solid 6/10 but I was so goddamn into it. Learning the new characters was a ton of fun.
What are you talking about? It's easy. Just make an RPG, then throw out half the code so the game doesn't run, and bam, you've got Alpha Protocol 2.
They did. During E3, MS made it BC and free
i remember there were tens of copies of this game at cex for 50p each
it still felt like a waste of money
That game was pure shit.
I'm talking about writing quality, especially with characters, story, and dialog. I don't believe there's a single company out there that could either meet or surpass Alpha Protocol in those regards. As far as gameplay goes, however, that'd be pretty easy to do.
>As far as gameplay goes,
>the most important part in a fucking video game
Surpassing Alpha Protocol's gameplay, specifically the stealth mechanics, wouldn't be a difficult thing to do when compared to ensuring that the other qualities are up to quality
>Western RPGs
>Gameplay being important
This game will never get a true sequel that meets it or surpasses it. System Shock 2 was it's own style of gameplay and narrative, rather than following SS1's footsteps (and was admittedly worse than SS1)
DMCV's director and capcom are interested in making a sequel. They had to decide which game to make first so they did DMCV. They're probably working on DD2 as we speak.
So were you but you don't hear me complaining about it.