>Accessory boosts defense when HP is critical
Name something you hate in RPGs
Other urls found in this thread:
>accessory boost maximum hp when hp is low
>accessory boosts max health by 100
>also lowers defense by 10%
How much damage do enemies usually do and how much health do you normally have?
>random battle enemies spam status effects
>random battle enemies use instakill moves
>random battle enemies can steal your good items
>giant skill trees where most of the nodes are shit like 1% increase to attack
>Action RPG
Literally ONE game did this right and it wasn't very "action" for an RPG.
Killing God.
>class specifically designed to inflict status ailments
>all bosses and mini bosses are immune to status
Ys I+II Chronicles
Ys The Oath In Felghana
Ys Origin
Soul Blazer
Illusion of Gaia
Tales of Vesperia
Secret of Mana
The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
>game has multiple status effects
>they don't work on bosses
>mobs are too weak to use it on
Good rpgs that get blogged down by bad devs pandering to lolicons or other niches, quit doing it
Can break the game if they allow you to abuse it. Remember 55 monks in GW?
>You still have to unlock party members
>You still can't use the cool guy that joins your party temporarily for the whole game
>Secret of Mana
Man of culture. But no, I meant by nowadays standard of action RPG.
>Get end game maximum-level skill
>every monster in the game is immune to it
>random battle enemies can steal your items
>killing the enemy doesnt return the item
>Single use stat boost that disappears after a fight
Why would I ever waste a turn using this shit, they're only good for shop fodder
>bosses and enemies spam insta-kill moves when low on health
>mp stealing skills give so little it's never worth using instead of elixir
>boss used party wide attacks before you can learn a party wide heal
>boss has an insta kill move
>enemy attacks apply status that carries from battle to battle
>buy equipment for someone, they leave the party within 30 minutes of gameplay
>scripted impossible to win battles occur multiple times in the game
>mana restoration items are finite and cant be bought
>status doesnt work on bosses but works on enemies that you 2-3 shot anyways making them menu fodder
>using a move to hit multiple targets reduces its damage output by the number of targets
last but not least
I really fucking hate it when the party exp becomes uneven.
Something minor, not hate, but I really wish some games would make it easier to compare gear upgrades in some games and what numbers exactly the stat increases are without having to write down or memorize stats when you compare. It's quite easy to put in
Sitting there and taking damage.
I get that's who point of the whole thing, but it always felt kinda lame to me. I get hit in other games all the time but atleast I have the option of getting good enough to not get hit, rpgs you just stand there exchanging blows unless you want to waste a turn shielding.
>final boss has 5 or more forms
Good skills being locked behind a wall of trash ones
>game has random encounters but was made after 2000 and doesn't use pokemon's way of visualizing encounter zones
Instant drop. No excuse anymore. It just tells me that the developers did not care, and if they don't care then I don't care.
>a bit more dps OR a lot more defense
Is MGR an RPG now?
>Multiple resources for using skills (things besides MP)
>Random drops and enforced farming
>Leveling is the only form of growth (equipment and skills don't do enough) and enforced grinding
>Hit and critical rates, especially in action RPGs for the former
>Uninspired dungeon design
>Random encounters in puzzle heavy rooms
Holy fuck, this.
Enemies who have the sole purpose of inflicting status ailments on your characters that persist to the next battle. Alone, they would never be able to kill you, they are just there to annoy you and drain your resources as you cleanse their debuffs.
i hate it but theres lots of games that let you avoid this like paper mario
Fights that are so one-sided that it makes you think you're suppose to lose, but isn't.
could be good depending on how HP and defense are related to each other
could be good if it provides a flat bonus to low HP characters. could also be good if it prevents low HP characters from being one-shot
could be good if it provides a character with a large relative HP boost (say someone with just 100 HP) and low defense already to begin with
status effects are fine as long as they don't persist between battles or if there was enough foreshadowing that players are expected to have had stocked up on cures for that area
instakill moves are fine if there is a tactic to prevent them
stealing items is fine if you can recover them
agree though levelling up could be designed so you quickly accumulate a lot of nodes. 1% is extreme though
Baldur's Gate, NWN, and Dragon Age all pulled it off pretty well IMO though
Where does this happen?
This is fine if there are battles lasting more than a few turns and the stat boost is significant enough
again instakill would fine if there's a way of preventing or mitigating them
mp stealing not giving a lot of mp would be fine if they could be used to prevent enemies from casting skills (i remember mp drain being effective against certain non-INT heroes in DotA)
one of my biggest frustrations is never knowing when to invest in better equipment since the next area might just give you upgrades as drops for free
>by the time you level up to use a particular item it loses it's effectiveness
>Name something you hate in RPGs
Black people
but that adds the difficulty of preparedness and resource management to break from the monotony of dps fights and weakness spamming.
>voiced protagonist
>x damage reflected on the attacker
NAME ONE! ONE! One game where this wasn't a way to shit up an item.
>Final Boss has 7 forms that use different tactics depending on how many limbs he currently has
>boosting max hp when hp is low could ever possibly be good
i think you missed the point.
>Revival can fail
>Revival can critically fail and turn the corpse to ash
>Game has multiple elements and even status have different elements
>Game has two with very common instant death moves, light and dark.
>If protag dies it's a game over. Make protag immune to both light and dark so no random instant death bullshit.
>Fucking succubus has a charm based instant kill so it is neither light or dark.
Fucking succubus
Vandam wasnt even that cool
Oblivion because with 100% you take no damage and the enemy takes all
Similar, but different.
>character designed to have the two variants of the instant-kill moves and nothing else
>bosses are immune to these attacks
Fucking Naoto. The only way they could buff her in Golden was to give her literally every strongest attack in the game.
I was specifically thinking of one of the Tales games actually but it also applies to Dickson and Alvis and Mumkhar even though they only had 2 attacks each.
Love it when the RPG actually has depth
Stack HP
Ring gives huge defense boost because low %
Tanky because you actually have a large number of HP left
Use weapon that scales off your max HP stat
>Class has a bunch of moves that generate resource A when they use them.
>Has a bunch of moves that cost resource B to use.
>Nothing costs resource A to use, and almost nothing generates resource B.
Which are... what? It's hard to have a discussion if we're using different terminology.
What's an action RPG if not an RPG with real-time action combat?
It's funny I can't think of any specific examples but I know exactly what you're talking about.
>Series has a feature that's made completely useless because of the player's ability to save and reload but the devs haven't modified that feature in over 20 years
>can pause and drink potions with no downside
what game
>enemy inflicted status effects remain after battle
why is this a bad thing again? otherwise they're basically pointless since regular battles barely last a few turns anyway
Cool abilities that are crappy unless you use them in a lame, unintended way.
>Game requires backtracking
>Zones you backtrack to have the same weakass enemies you fought 20 hours ago
>They still actively chase you and force you into boring battles where you just basic attack them to save MP while they do 1 damage to you
>Sidequests hidden in areas you have zero reason to backtrack to for a limited amount of time before disappearing forever
depends on how it's implemented, if there's like 40 different status effects and your inventory becomes completely bloated with 80 different bullshit cure items like "cure blind+stun", "cure charm+para", "cure charm+stun", etc. then it's just tedium for the sake of it. Pokemon is a good example of it done right for the most part.
SMT3. It has Hama/Mudo skills as expel/death like most other games but succubus has multiple mind-attribute instant kill that if i remember is unique, or at least unique to the race (which is rare to encounter to begin with)
The game also likes being a dick so it was after a dungeon with no mind-skills used inside at all
because it means a 2 turn encounter will affect your character until you take the time or resources to cure it. meanwhile your status effects inflicted on enemies will only last as long as the encounter. its a complete imbalance of power
What games are like that?
Switch and/or teleporter puzzles.
Because at no point are these enjoyable.
Situation 1: Standard RPG economy. Your basic "remove poison" or even "cleanse all negative ailments" item is cheap as fuck so you can buy it in the earlygame. But as more and more expensive weapons get introduced and your income skyrockets you can now buy like 100 of these items easily. Removing status ailments is extremely easy, requires no investment or preparation, and just wastes your time as you have to go into the menu, scroll through like 70 items to get the right ailment removal, then use it.
Repeat after every battle.
Situation 2: You have no shop or you can't buy ailment removing items in shops(or they're just ludicrously expensive). They're very rare and should be used carefully. At this point getting poisoned by a mob is a good reason to just reload and retry that battle because poison removal is rare and you want to save it for minibosses or bosses. Being heavily encouraged to save-scum or screw yourself over for upcoming boss battles is generally pretty shit.
Another problem is that now moves that completely fuck the player party over are basically useless for the player. Having mobs use status effects that will never kill you(but might make it harder on you 4 battles later) with zero regard for their own well being just feels stupid. At that point they're not even trying to win.
>game gives you a limited number of mp healing items so you never use them
>super rare enemy that have a ridiculous amount of health or defense but can drop rare items or equipment
>can run away
Fuck the person who thought this was a good idea
oblivion yeah
Having to grind a ridiculous amount of time to win the next boss battle.
>the main bulk of the optional endgame content is gated like this
This killed any enjoyment I had playing Skyrim.
She got to be OP in Q.
situation 2 could actually kind of work in an in-story context though
ex. the enemy forces understand that you're an unstoppable force of nature and that no one of them would ever expect to defeat you alone - but they might be able to make the fight easier for the next group you encounter
>boosts attack power when HP is low
It could, but it usually doesn't. Especially when you're fighting random fucking bandits or some mindless ooze thing or just hungry beasts.
>All you get to keep are a handful of unique items
>random encounters
it would be something if the enemies would atleast be meaningfull, but usually its just
>slime appears
>spamm x as fast as possible
tales of is no action rpg.
tokyo xanadu, ys, dark messiah (well, i can atleat name three)
>Accessory boosts stat that does nothing
>have to play multiple gaiden chapters to get true ending of the game
>they never tell you how many gaiden chapters there are or their unlock requirements
>every gaiden chapter in the game has an annoying gimmick that makes you want to just skip it but you need all of them to get to the true end chapters
More useful if there is difficulty levels. Early game on the hardest and stuff like that can be worthwhile.
It makes sense but makes for a shitty gaming experience.
>Boss isnt challenging because its challenging, but instead is challenging because it has a bullshit attack that nearly 1 shots you that can wipe a party
I think I've seen this in a tabletop RPG, but never a video game.
>playable character leaves your party forever
>Having to sit through cut scenes you can't skip
>cast raise dead on a human man
>comes back as an elf with big tits
Wizardry mate. They eventually dropped it and went with the tabletop standard of losing a point of END/VIT with each revive.
>stat for how much health you have
>stat for how much damage you negate
>both are functionally the exact same
You're overthinking. They aren't the same.
And they brought it back for the MMO, of all things.
Biggest offender for me.
>Game has status effects
>Useless on bosses except one or two gimmick bosses
>Normal mobs die easily to a few attacks
>Outside poison generics enemies don't inflict status either
Why even bother putting them in the game. Is it such a trope that RPGs have status effects that you have to include for the sake of it?
no clue, maybee to look more like a rpg from the outside.
some games allow you to make use of status effects on different gamemodes
Christ on a fuck this
>item power/attack/dmg level
>is a colored bar about an inch long
>stick a fucking ruler up to the screen to compare two items
Status ailments not working on enemies (especially bosses) is also stupid.
And fuck getting a game over just because the main character is dead/statused (usually petrified). There's no reason the game shouldn't let you attempt to revive the MC, especially when there's usually plenty of time to do so.
It happens in the original Wizardrys
Being ashed is thankfully not uncurable, but you have to pay the temple an arm and a leg to do it. There is a free spell that can help it, but that too can fail and permanently eradicate the character.
There's a mod that makes menus not pause the game.
>Playable character leaves your party forever
>They also take all their equips with them
>enemy attack has chance for instant death
>they can also surprise attack you to gain an extra turn
>literally nothing you can do if unlucky
>party wide randomized status attack
>skips big hitter's turn/kills big hitter
>HP recovery when HP is below 30%
>heals 1 per second
post hidden
stop acting like a little bitch
big words from a guy so sensitive he thinks not reading his faggot essays is being a little bitch
yes a rogue will use mana instead of energy to do a backflip
are you retarded?
I didn't write it. Ignorant people are cancer and although this board is rife we need to start somewhere.
>Debuff boss
>Boss one-shots your party as a debuff-specific counter attack.
I know some faggot who feels the need to reply to everyone at once has nothing to say that's worth reading, and neither do you.
Suck it, bud.
>Party member turns on you
>You can take all of his good equipment just before the fight making him a total pushover
Wild Arms 3 Final Boss have like 10 forms, though it is literally going through the 'origin of life' evolution theme.
>Scroll to bottom of long inventory menu
>Pressing down again doesn't take you back to the top
>Boss is unkillable
>The gimmick of the fight is to just survive for X amount of turns
>He has an attack that literally kills your entire party in one hit and can use it any time he wants
seems like every time this is implemented in games it ends up being broken as fuck
danger mario is the first example that comes to mind
Its the only way to make it worth using. Im not going to sit around on 5% health for a meager as fuck damage boost.
And it have a unique theme music for each form.
Compulsion is a sign of many mental illnesses.
>Pressing down again does take you back to the top
>Pressing up doesn't take you back to the bottom
>cool character joins party so late they're not even worth leveling
>most classes get fucked over against the optional boss fight because it uses a mechanic that isn't used anywhere else
>character joins the party early but they're entirely dead weight until the late game
>Game provides you with a dozen abilities that have a chance to inflict status ailments, up to and including instant death
>Status ailments rarely work on regular enemies
>Status ailments never work on bosses
>When they do work they rarely provide any tangible benefit over just spamming your regular attack
>mmo event
>xp boost for everyone
>can't opt out
Friend just lent me Ys VIII. Is it fun? Never played the series, but I got Tokyo Xanadu on sale for $10 and thoroughly enjoyed that a while back.
>game gives you an mp restoring ring
>it only works if you use it like a consumable item during battle
>using it outside of battle makes it break, but doesn't tell you this
Is this actually in a game? I need to know so that I never play it.
>Boss is a push over for 90% of the fight
>uses a nuke attack that one-shots your entire party if unprepared when it's almost dead.
Less talking but the fighting is much smoother. You will probably love it.
>early game enemy has insta-kill spell
>game gives you seemingly useless (or worse than readily available) usable items
>There's a finite number of them
>They're linked to optional content or secret endings
>You've used them all not knowing what they do
>play Pokemon Crystal again recently
>you can get wild Phanpy early on so decide to try for that
>it only spawns in the morning before 10am, during which it only has a 1/20 encounter rate, and when you do encounter it, it will almost always run in the first few turns
>Party member betrays you
Golden Sun has a few rings like that, but it's just completely random if it breaks, and it does tell you. They can also be repaired at any weapon or armor shop.
>Boss has a bunch of shitty minions
>Game puts you in a unbeatable situation just because it can
>Spec for mobility, die in 1 hit
>Spec for defense, die in 2 hits
T-thanks nioh
>regular enemy can one-shot your entire party
Dragon Quest's version pretty much make the ring have a chance to break when using it.
I love Duster, but fuck this shit in Mother 3
>item disappears and can’t be repaired if you let its durability reach 0
>If MC dies it's game over
>Despite your allies have resurrecting items
>Despite your allies having resurrecting spells
Had a few issues with that in baldur's gate
but I suppose it makes sense because the absolute moment you die bhaal absorbs your essence
>Cast any buffs
>Boss automatically get a free turn immediately to remove all your buffs and can even interrupt a combo to do so.
>forced to have MC in your party
>can't leave vacant slots in party
>muh lolsorandom loli is ackshually a gorillion years old
>to learn an ability you have to equip an item and use it for a long ass time until you "unlock" the skill permanently
>game gives you choices
>what you choose makes no difference and the choices are usually just "yes" or "no"
>gear has upgradeable stats, rarity, level and even gem slots etc
>ugly gear is always the strongest / meta
>grind & abysmal droprates
>new gear costs too much
>the equipment you can buy is always obsolete after the next quest
>retarded "rage", "overdrive" & "trance" mechanics
>luck stat
>once in a playthrough missable keyitems that can be consumed so you can't finish certain miniquests / story paths
I could go on and on
anything with a 1% increase
like why.
>In-game character is unstoppable killing machine.
>In cutscenes character becomes weakass pacifist that surrenders when surrounded by 3 weakest enemies in game.
tales of maj'eyal(with forbidden cults)
Atamathon the Giant Golem and Hypostasis of Entropy are the only enemies in the game with more than 60% resistance to all damage, and only a handful of classes are good at dealing with that.
>have to solve a pushing block puzzle or some other shit while there's still random encounters in the room
dialogue choices. yes or no is fine and stop asking.
>Boss has a move that removes buff/debuff
>Only uses it when the buff reaches a high enough level
>Strategy is to have the buff one step below for max damage/survivability
>Braindead ai teammate you can't remove pushes it to the max
>character's learned and seen more than enough to know the predictable twist hours beforehand
>still acts absolutely shocked and shaken in the cutscene
reminds me of that scene in Final Fantasy X, where the team storms Yuna's wedding, but surrenders once someone aims a gun at them despite having beaten gun using enemies in encounters like a thousand times beforehand
>in-game character can survive being impaled by bigass robo stingers, explosions, electrical discharges, gunfire. Even if it dies in game it can be instantly resurrected by item or spell.
>In cutscenes character dies from single sword hit and other characters do a fucking funeral instead of using one of resurrection items or spells.
Play Wizardry or Elminage dude, in those games normal enemies want you dead and actually try to kill you
>Shop menus don't compare the item you're buying with the item you're wearing
>Game takes about 20 hours to beat
>Some enemies can one-shot you if you aren't prepared for them
>Your save is deleted if you lose the game
>every time you die to a boss you have to watch the cutscene again, because death sends you to the last time you saved
I like this, especially in FTL.
>Progression shifts focus from options to binary dice rolls
Looking at you darkest dungeon. ACC becomes so overwhelmingly important that you shouldn't take trinket sets because you need every drop of chance to hit as possible VS enemies that will grind you down otherwise
>spend hours getting a character which main reason to get is because of the paralyze status effect
>all the new bosses just ignore the paralyze status and attack anyway
You are still useful Tweyen, but no point in bringing you into the party half of the time.
>main character can't leave the party
>item with
>booted back not just to title screen, but the opening logos
>have to wait for the opening FMV to load just so you can skip it
>then have to wait for the title screen to load
>then have to load the file select menu
based and redpilled
>Need to go back to starting village
>About to get something like a ship that will make it easier to go back
>Cut off point when you get the ship
role playing
The people that play it.
Sounds like a typical korean mmo.
>Game gives you Literal superpowers
>Game revolves around you single-handedly carving a path through enemies
>Game allows you to dare enemies to retake your captured locations for a harder fight and better rewards
>Cutscenes and plot insist you are ever in any danger or can be threatened by these enemies
The disconnect is real and I hate it
>Devs made 1h and shield fighting style fucking boring and useless.
You are my nigga everything on there is fucking horrible.
Except luck stats. A luck stat that actually does something like in the original Fallout games is great. I remember doing a minimum luck guy with the Hjinxed perk. Every other move he would break or drop his weapon and it was hilarious.
>>Game allows you to dare enemies to retake your captured locations for a harder fight and better rewards
Is this that one Far Cry
>Go talk to the entire town
The first one, just add "must have that item equiped to use that skill" and you have one of the worst weapon/armor mechanics of all RPGs
...yes. Not an rpg but still garbage. When you casually capture and strip a place three times from increasingly harder mobs you've moved beyond being threatened by them. Even the fuckoff twins
>game keeps them at arms length to belittle and insult you
>Each dies in less then a minute to your hulk mode and a baseball bat
>game has powerful recovery and revival items on sale from the very beginning, but the shop will never restock them and if you use them up you need to pray for random drops from dungeons hours later
>game has no flavor text for its weapons and equipment, they're literally just stat sticks and pads
Diablo loot
>Best gear is missable
>Time locked missables
>Enemy completion based missables (ie, rare enemy that appears once)
and the cherry of pure autism
>0.001 chance to encounter secret boss
>to learn an ability you have to equip an item and use it for a long ass time until you "unlock" the skill permanently
Sounds fun
>gear has upgradeable stats, rarity, level and even gem slots etc
I like gem slots especially if you can remove them and put them in other weapons. I've never used the item world in disgaea because they game's over before you need it. Why upgrade a weapon when you can just buy a better one.
>Best gear is hidden
examples of the first one?
>insta kills only your MC
>this gives you a game over despite having lots of teammates with revives
>MAIN character
>Forced to be in your party
>attack speed grows as your HP goes lower
>0.001 chance to encounter secret boss
what game(s)
>game has no reason to go with a one handed weapon
>you are actively penalising yourself if you don’t have either a two handed weapons or something else in the other hand
This one always bugs me
Dungeon Siege
but it just becomes a dps race where you rush to kill them before they cast anything
why do you hate that
>forced to have MC in your party
>if he dies it's game over
>two elemental weaknesses, one with instant kill spells
>his weapon is melee so he's worse in the safer back row
>game has a XP feeding mechanic letting your MC to have x1.5 LVL of the rest of the party making the whole difficulty shtick a joke
PQ2 on risky is stupid
They are if negation is percentage based.
I don't, I thought the image would convey amusement
Yeah I was thinking Dragon Quest 8. It's been so long since I've played it, but I'm almost certain the ring will never have a chance of breaking if used in battle.
>key items take up inventory space
>remain in your inventory after they've been used
>can't be removed
>you permanently have less inventory space
>taken by an item that does absolutely nothing
>thread topic
>magic is in some ancient or fictional language
>no spell descriptions
>the enemies are static sprites that don't react to anything, so you have no way of knowing what the fuck a spell just did
is about statistic negatives and positives
i don't see you complaining to the +30 others who've made post similar to mine
>encounter the secret boss by accident when you aren't prepared for him
>he kills you and undoes hours of progress
I hate this but I cant even think of a game that does it. Earthbound maybe?
I single you out on purpose
It was relatively common in 8-bit RPGs.
not 0.0001 but fiend fights in SMT4 are like 1/256 chance to spawn every time you enter specific rooms
and then when they finally show up after an hour, you exit the room on pure muscle memory
>try to run away
>game says you can't run away
>skips EVERYONE'S turn
It's meant to be about what you hate
>This shitty skill tree setup that every open world game uses.
>>item can be bought for 1000+ gold but only sells for 10-50 gold
pretty sure thats a hint to not sell it since it is rare
>Pick up a stronger equipment piece
>have to grind a separate exp bar on the weaker equipment first before I switch.
>mc is a generic male self insert
what is the best alternative here? obviously you can't do the thing linear games do where you progressively unlock abilities that let you progress
>crit damage increase 2.5%
>crit percent chance is always very low and no way to increase it reliably
>Target self with buff.
>game over if MC is incapacitated
>enemies have one hit KO abilities
>first couple hours feel impossible
>after that it becomes so easy you can basically sleepwalk through the game
>insta kill abilities work on bosses
>annoying meme character gets forced into the party
>the party member you actually liked gets kill off half way through the game while the meme character gets to stay to the very end.
>Big Bad sends countless mooks carrying powerful items to deal with you instead of doing it himself
actually something Etrian does well.
>game has gear constantly dropping
>multiple party members to manage
>clunky menus that take too many button presses to get anything done
>no "optimize" button
>boss can completely heal itself when it's almost dead
>the only to way to stop it from doing that if you can't kill it fast enough is by using a move that blocks their action 50% of the time
>shops offer gear upgrades
>item you bought is found in the very next area
>in-game tasks tied to real world time passing
>true ending only unlocked if a certain item is obtained
>little to no indication that this is the case
>when selling trash to vendors only the character currently interacting with the shopkeeper can sell items
>have to spend 5 minutes manually dragging items to inventory of your party member with the highest bartering stat after every dungeon run
Not the guy you're replying to but here's your (you) you fucking bitch now dont reply to me
>RPG game mechanics, combat, numbermongering being a shallow afterthought with story and muh nonlinearity coming first
>only 3 classes: warrior, mage, rogue
>optionally throw in a cleric in there
>points of no return
>missable equipment, spells, skills, features that cannot be gotten any other way
>saving system which breaks the game's balance
>character/party building system which hides crucial information from the player (Last Remnant, I'm looking at you)
>little to no side activities, places to explore, optional bosses to hunt
>content from above point but streamlined with a handy checklist present at all times (what's the point then?)
That's just from the top of my head
OS2, fuck the combat is good but the rest of the game just piss me off
>game acts like you have the choice to spec between multiple skill trees
>doing anything other than focusing on one tree horribly gimps your character
why even let me fucking do it then
this shit made me drop God Eater
The strangest thing about Navi is how she talks to you without pausing the game in the crater. Why the fuck couldn't she do that all the time?!
+100 exp
Party Member A Level 10
+100 exp
Party Member B Level 10
+100 exp
Party Member C Level 10
+0 exp
Party Member D Level 9
There exist skill trees and skill categories done right though.
Unbearably slow speeds
Clerics/Priests feel extremely worthless and are dead weight that you have to drag along with you and babysit so they don't keep dying with their shit tier defenses and can't kill anything, except for very slim scenarios where you feel punished for not having one.
In fact, I am convinced that that class is the longest running in-joke of RPG developers.
And another. In here you have multiple skill categories with usually 4 skills in each. You may learn further skill in the category if you put at least 1 point in the previous one. You are actually expected to choose several skill categories to invest in.
>shit tier defenses and can't kill anything
>Open chest.
>"You found Useful Thing x3!"
>"You're carrying too many, so you put it back."
>open chest with high tier lock
>get 10 gold a stick and an empty bottle
has there ever been an rpg where a low hp build was viable?
I don't mean one with a low hp total, I mean one about getting your hp low to trigger buffs and power up skills to become more deadly.
Yes, they sadly don't perform like they do in pnp the majority of the time.
Path of Exile. But it's a game that made any conceivable build idea to be possible to play.
Since this is a Jrpg thread I might as well ask, I'm thinking of playing Etrian Odyssey, but are the characters fun, all I can find is how good they are statwise
Forbidden Cults has some horseshit
>That one boss whos literally unkillable unless you activate all the altars
>Said altars are basically unreachable unless you have a reliable teleport thanks to the hundreds of horrors blocking the way (and the fact that the boss can just body block you in the 1x1 tunnels)
The berserker class in DFO used to have to be at 30% HP to do the most damage. They got rid of it because the game wasn't actually balanced around a class being that low all the time.
>resistances 124% all
So basically you gotta stack penetration or you're fucked?
>Doing great with perfectly leveled up party members
>2 hours of progress lost because of unfair RNG
Atlus: kek
one of the if not the most busted strats in paper mario, and especially in ttyd
>Enemies that spawn enemies which can also spawn enemies
>sneak attack guy with no armor from behind
>doesn’t die in one hit
At least scale the sneaking difficulty. If I get a chance at someone’s bare neck or even their back, they’re either dying immediately or they’ll be too weak to fight back.
>events that require your presence to activate
I like how Kingdom Come did away with these
>quest markers instead of detailed instructions given in-game
etrian odyssey baybee
>all of them give EXP and loot
>items/abilities/shit that increases exp/gold gained
I fucking can't stand this shit, makes me feel like shit anytime I kill anything without them.
like just let me fucking play.
the unfair rng is not the problem, it's your autism
How is isolating an opponent into another plane that you're most likely immune to in one way or another a crap ability?
>Turn based RPG
>enemy debuffs you: debuff is active for X turns
>you debuff the enemy: debuff is only active for X seconds
>timers are counting down while youre choosing your attacks/navigating menus/waiting for attack animations to finish
Wazy with Magius MQ for up to 200% extra damage
Heres the real question, how do you divide xp gains?
1.Active party and backup party all get equal share
2.Only active party get 100% xp, backup gets 40%
3. Active gets 100%, backup gets nothing
4. Only killing person gets xp
Barely any games do this right
3 but with an item part way through that gives you 1
2 or 3
oh i fucking love that shit, crystal chronicles remaster can't come soon enough.
Buffs that only last for 30 seconds.
Highly situational items or equipment.
Equipment that has good stats but looks awful.
Messy, disorganized dialogue trees.
No clear indication of which dialogue options will advance the conversation and lock you out from the non-critical parts. Unfortunately, this is extremely common. I really liked how Mass Effect put the optional stuff on the left and the plot-advancing stuff on the right. I suppose it might break the immersion a bit, but so does having to go back and reload all the time because I accidentally advanced things before I was done with all the optional stuff. Also, having constant anxiety over whether or not a particular option will accidentally advance things makes it much harder to enjoy the dialogue.
This. It's a terrible system that combines the worst of both worlds.
There's an entire meta in the Mario RPGs about lowering your max HP with tradeoff badges until Mario becomes an unstoppable god; a god that just happens to be made of porcelain
>Icon of Sin in Doom 2 decides to call in a Pain Elemental
>the time it takes before you're overrun is now basically cut in half
Play some WRPGs. Most of them have actual movement around the battlefield instead of the two sides just standing still.
It's not a traditional RPG but Symphony of the Night has a secret mode that maxes out your Luck stat but reduces everything else to single digits. You crit like a motherfucker but tend to die in one hit.
>Baldur's Gate, NWN, and Dragon Age all pulled it off pretty well IMO though
They're good despite RTWP, not because of it.
uki makes the best feces
I'd love Persona/SMT a lot fucking more if not for this exact goddamn problem. Especially since your MC is literally just another party member according to the game, by design the game just gives you a 5% chance of losing completely just because. It's the most retarded thing in JRPGs.
Persona 3 at least has the excuse of Death escaping your body if you die, but in the other games it just seems to be there for the sake of being there. It sucks.
this is common in old final fantasys but fixed in every hardtype
tome is underrated
If only there was some way of protecting yourself against specific kinds of attacks. I bet you could make an interesting mechanic around that.
>Just have light and dark immunity on every single persona just in case you get RNG fucked
What a great mechanic
Not to mention skill inheritance is random in P3 so enjoy wasting hours trying to get resist dark and resist light onto every single persona you have and then doing it again when you're fusing something new.
There are also mods that make drinking potions require going through an animation, as well as mods that can make healing potions work over time and not stack. Dynamic Potions is good for the latter.
>could be good if it provides a flat bonus to low HP characters. could also be good if it prevents low HP characters from being one-shot
>missing the point, and missing logic: the quote
Let me spell it out for you: How will a raise in HP when HP is critical ever prevent you from being oneshot, when being oneshot by definition never allows the boost to happen in the first place?
>ambush enemy
> analyze it and bolt out of there before it can attack
>now know everything it can do
Never got insta-killed outside of bosses in that game.
They also did that individual runaway thing in some early JRPGs, that was pretty awful.
The greatest mechanic was handing over all companions to an extremely dumb AI.
>Open chest
>Your inventory is full
>Items from said chest are lost permanently
>cutest party member is fucking useless
tl; dr Turn based BAD, action based GOOD
Either broken as fuck or woefully underpowered.