>Doom 3
>completely misses the point of Doom
>Doom 4
>completely misses the point of Doom while trying very hard to convince you that it hasn't
Which was worse?
>Doom 3
>completely misses the point of Doom
>Doom 4
>completely misses the point of Doom while trying very hard to convince you that it hasn't
Which was worse?
What is the point of Doom then?
>Completely misunderstands doom
>is the worst
pretending you are better than others
To be the purest expression of pizza thrash in ludic form.
Doom 3 and 4 are great games. Doom 3 maps are ridiculously good too so get wreck beta bitch boi
Doom 3 was atmospheric! Shame about basically everything else though.
Technically speaking, it was a tech demo for the WAD file and nothing more than a means for the player to change the game as they saw fit. The hellish demons and copyright-skirting music are nothing more than placeholders for whatever you want them to be.
>Makes a whole new thread because he's a butthurt fag instead of just posting in the thread that's already up
a smart game for smart gamers
try playing it, zoomer
A fast-paced puzzle shooter based ultimately on level design with clear weapon and enemy roles
The only really problem with Doom 2016 and probably still with eternal is it's lock-you-in-a-room-and-enemies-start-spawning gameplay. Totally kills it for me. That and I would prefer a faster movespeed.
>puzzle shooter
This. I was disappointed as fuck to see that they're still doing this for Eternal.
blame consoles
cringe epic based kino kek tranny janny seething dilate have sex copulate oh no no no
it's fucking stupid how Eternal has all these new amazing movement options but the main gameplay is still these shitty arenas. At least with the movement the arenas will be a bit more fun to traverse now.
Make wordfilters great again
And Doom 2k16 fails at this because?
>puzzle shooter
go back and try again
Its not a puzzle shooter
you basically described the gameplay loop
I know you are baiting
puyo puyo doom
You got me user im baiting.
I dont know, i like all Doom games so far, im not OP.
>puzzle shooter
you're just making shit up
>>completely misses the point of Doom while trying very hard to convince you that it hasn't
This is better than completely missing the point at all. It's Like Deus Ex Human Revolution which was a good game in its own right, but not quite as good as the first Deus Ex. Compare it to Fallout 3 which absolutely completely missed the point of the entire series.
Doom 4
Doom 1 enjoyed enduring appeal for:
>its unique, colourful, clearly hellish aesthetic
which was not replicated by Doom 4's brown shit filter on everything and Master Chief protagonist.
>its high levels of moddability and custom content with WADs
which Doom 4 somehow failed to do, with a terribly limited level editor and NO MODS
>fast paced gameplay and satisfying gun damage
Not replicated by Doom 4, which constantly makes you sit and watch animations play out of Doomslayer(tm) open doors and console terminals, and locks you into rooms with bullet sponge enemies who the PLASMA GUN barely tickles. If you want to move quickly, rather than doing so from the getgo, you have to collectathon upgrades.
>fast paced skill based multiplayer
Again not replicated by Doom 4, whose multiplayer was outsourced to the people who worked on CoD: Ghosts, and was critically panned by longtime fans and casuals alike for its molasses slow movement, Mario Kart-tier RNG powerups, wallhacks, and horrible loadout balance.
Bethesda-Zenimax's new "id" completely missed the point of the game people liked in the original Doom. The entirety of Doom 4 is likely based on a "RIP AND TEAR XD" meme they saw browsing Facebook meme pages.
>Doom 3 maps are ridiculously good too
> Mars external sections with limited air
> good
Bro Doom 4 lets you rip and tear demons and shoot the shit out of them like a mad man. That is literally what Doom was about.
Here's my argument as to why I liked Doom 2016. Ready to hear it?
It's fun.
Doom 3, even if just for the sole reason the lighting system was actually revolutionary thanks to carmack.
doom 4 least 3 was being its own thing
>That is literally what Doom was about.
>completely misses the point of Doom while trying very hard to convince you that it hasn't
you are the retard the OP spoke of.
>Doom 3 maps are ridiculously good too
boring corridors with very little going on in them doesn't make for good level design
The Plasma Rifle barely tickles enemies in Classic Doom as well.
>puzzle shooter
What did he mean by this?
No, it isn't. It's shit, repetitive, and not fun. It's slow as hell until you get all the upgrades, it constantly breaks up the action by making you watch canned animations, and what action there is is mostly in the visuals and not the intensity of the gameplay itself, it's boring.
Running through a level at high speed 1-2shotting large groups of enemies and dodging waves of projectiles is fun.
Walking through preset arena after arena fighting small slow bullet sponges is not fun.
Then what WAS Doom about numbnuts? Doom has always been about killing demons and being an unstoppable killing machine.
Alright well fuck you I had a lot of fun playing Doom 2016. I'm gonna buy Eternal too. What are you gonna do about it nigger bitch?
>No, it isn't. It's shit, repetitive, and not fun.
most people had a lot of fun with it, the game was extremely well received even here
why does that trigger you so hard?
>play Doom
>you can't even jump
If you do not like this new generation of Doom you can always play the original. While the rest of us have fun with the new games.
Monster closets.
You need to shoot enemies for about 3X the amount of time to kill them with a Plasma Rifle as you do the Plasma Gun. It's piss weak.
>I Had Lots Of Fun (Really True I Swear) Playing Excellent Bethesda(tm) Published Title. That Nullifies Every Legitimate Criticism You Have Made. Bethesda Good Company.
Yeah, okay Bethesda marketer.
>the game was extremely well received even here
This historical revisionist bullshit can especially fuck off.
It's more about dodging and exploring levels, combat is pretty quick in doom and you kill enemies in just a few shots.
Rip and tear? That's what I want to do. Guess I'll be buying this game after all.
What is your fucking problem? Why can't you just accept that some people like NuDoom?
>Why can't you just sit down and passively accept Bethesda using the board you post on as free marketing space to advertise bad video games?
Go shill your game on Facebook Bethesda, you aren't welcome here.
>if I call you autistic it makes the game stop being a repetitive and badly designed piece of shit with no multiplayer that's not worth the asking price
Ok Todd, got any more bridges to sell us? If you want a safe space where you can advertise your shit games without any criticism try Reddit two doors down.
>if anyone disagrees with me they're a shill!
a u t i s m
I'll readily agree that Doom 2016 was a let down and inferior to the original Doom games (besides 3). But once it really started to pick up (meaning once you got the SSG), the combat moved on from being slow garbage (which I blame mostly on the shotgun being weak) to getting progressively more fast paced and exciting. Cycling through weapons to shred enemies, and deleting big bads with the Gauss Canon were two of the best parts of D44M.
Was it shit that 90% or more of the worthwhile fights were in arenas with most everything between being slow walking through linear levels? Obviously. Were the upgrade systems shit? Yeah, I mean, the alt-fires themselves were cool, but the unlock system added nothing of value and weapons felt weak without them. Were the several, unskippable story segments a bad idea? Sure. And glory kills shouldn't have been as vital as they were.
But the actual fights from the 5th or 6th level onwards got progressively more fast-paced and fun. And that's the whole point. A lot of the stuff that was bad about the game didn't detract enough to outweigh that.
>most people had a lot of fun with it, the game was extremely well received even here
I've seen at least as much hate for it as love.
Doom and doom 2 were about the geography and level design. Doom 4 didn't really capture that.
Yea Forums doesn't count.
I like classic Doom a whole lot and D44M is fine.
It's okay that they didn't exactly replicate what doom was about, there was no need to obviate the originals or the endless works of fans over the years.
id has nothing to offer for you, but there is literally no shortage of quality classic Doom content, so why give a fuck? Why did you fucking bother making this thread? Get some fucking puss brah.
what is the point of doom in your opinion?
honestly asking
based post
i played both doom 1 and 2 on release, 2 is one of my childhood defining games
i also enjoyed 3 and 4, for different reasons
things change, new games from old ips are different than old games from the same ip, this will always be the case
Doom 4
Removing hitscan is a good thing
What does it mean if I like all of this
Doom 4 is better than Doom 2.
I like both Doom 3 and 4. They're very good games on their own right.
As an out of the box single playthrough unmodded experience Doom 3 was worse but it is still overall a much better game because you have the ability to fix it. D44ms unmodability means there's no fixing it.
I absolutely loved Doom 3, it felt like a event horizon-esque FPS. Are there any more games with the same vibe? I already played Dead Space.
to be fair Doom 2 missed the point of Doom as well
not to mention the god awful map design.
>Romero misses the development of Doom despite claiming he didn't
>Robin dies despite making it
Doom 2's additions broke the enemy tiers from the first game, but it was worth it because even though it threw out the balance of the first game it's enjoyable regardless.
Prey maybe (the original one, the new one is good too but probably for different reasons)
System Shock 2
What ever happened to that Blacklight game they tried to kickstart. They canceled the kickstarter and said they'd have actual footage in a few months, but it's been like three years. And now they're coming out with an isometric mafia game
Seriously. All OP needs is an HD texture pack for OG Doom and a hooker.
I stand by thinking Doom 2016 was dull, but at least Eternal seems to be learning from some of its mistakes.
You mean it fixed them, by adding more mid-tiers with unique behaviors
What broke Doom 2 was removing the inter-episode inventory reset. Playing it from pistol start is pretty interesting.
Backtracking and color coded keys. Sure is fun.
Is Doom 2016 worth 15$?
The Revanant, chaingunner, and as much as I hate to say it, the Archvile, all felt like good additions to me, despite there being maps that abused them. Pain Elementals can go fuck themselves though.
You sound like a fucking idiot. Fun is completely subjective. People consider grinding in games fun.
yeah, i have no idea why they felt the need to shoehorn in all sorts of weird mechanics that don't jibe with the feel of the original game at all like the fast enemies, melee attacks outside of the chainsaw, the arena fighting crap, the color coded enemies really kills it for me personally. they could have used the same graphics and just made it more doom-like and it would've been just as good but no they need to deconstruct everything nowadays.
For sure, it was still one of the most fun games released in the last few years, I'm just critical of decisions that held it back from being phenomenal.
Even though I still like Doom 3, Doom 2016 is closer to the originals. The "Doom is a scary horror game bruh" line is true, however that was relatively short lived and only when Doom was first released, and a good part of that was because people weren't used to an FPS handling like that (Compared to Catacombs 3D and Wolf3D) so being an awkward klutz makes things scarier. 2016's still fucky in some ways but it's a decent enough stab at a modern Doom. People who get huffy that it isn't better than Doom 2 apparently aren't considering that Doom 1 and 2 are the best shooters ever made so it's a big fucking ask to try to top or even equal them.
What exactly was the point of doom? Like really. It's a fucking fps where you have a guy running at sonic speeds and shooting demons in maze designed levels.
Maybe that's the point, user. I mean that's good enough for me. There's no other game like it as far as I'm aware.
Ohnonomo zoombros
Doom as a scary game was mastered in Doom 64
Its a shame 64 doesn't get enough recognition in the mainline series, I understand that while it doesn't count as an official because it was made by Midway, but its still the true Doom 3 in my eyes and my favorite Doom at that
>puzzle shooter
This is the first time in my life I've ever seen anyone using the term puzzle shooter. Even if it was somehow a real thing, that term fits Heretic way more.
>The "Doom is a scary horror game bruh" line is true
Does this still apply to Doom 2016? I want to play for the cool designs, but it looks scary horror too. Fallout is spooky enough for me for instance if you want a standard.
It's definitely better than Doom 3 or nudoom
Actually you're right, Doom 64's peak "Scary Doom". Sigil's not too shabby either (Making sure you're in software so you can see in the dark spots) due to Romero's ambushes, but 64 is actually the best moody Doom while still feeling Doom-y, which 3 takes a long while to kind of reach.
I assume you're talking about Fallout 3 and 4 for spookiness, and I'd say 2016's probably not as spooky, especially if you're not playing on the hardest difficulty. Enemies won't immediately clobber you and I don't remember there being any jumpscares or anything, and moody atmosphere doesn't impact you much since you're shredding through everything.
You must be nothing short of the dumbest, most stupid gorilla nigger if you think that the WAD was the point of Doom as it was designed.
I'm glad they redesigned him in the new one
>It's a fucking fps where you have a guy running at sonic speeds and shooting demons in maze designed levels.
Yeah, and nu-doom has you plodding around slowly from arena to arena in a linear line
got a pic?
Okay, now can someone write really good things for the right and really bad things for the left?
>puzzle shooter
what the fuck
He's in the E3 trailer, looks much more like the original now
Wait what, why did they do this?
okay this is totally badass
Because it looks gud
>Beady jewish eyes, not the flaming orbs of the original
>Generic sharp monster tusks rather than human teeth which are more horrific on a monster
>Wires through his belly, not strands of muscle
>Exposed ribs, so pathetic he can't even cover his own bones
>Metal crotch rather than 100% organic demon dong
YIKES, who fucking buys this nuDoom trash?
Doom is one of the greatest games of all time.
NuDoom, rather than trying to compete 1:1, decided to base itself off of the modern pop culture idea of Doom, frankly I think if nuDoom tried to mechanically succeed Doom it would have fallen flat on it's face, Doom is nearly perfect at what it wants to do, so instead nuDoom goes for a different angle that allows it to have it's own identity, and succeed on it's own merits
could say the same about Doom 3
This is the original clay model. I can't really tell if the stomach is muscles or wires or what. The teeth aren't very human though
doom 3 has soul in it's own right. Switching between the flashlight and weapons was fun and reading all the entries, e-mails or listening to audiologs was pretty comfy and a great way to get into the story. If it was named something like "martian nightmare" instead of Doom 3 it would be remembered as a classic horror fps.
fuck doom3 bfg and fuck le rip and tear.
There's another one on the leg that I'm pretty sure is a wire so maybe they're wires.
if you want to go ahead, I don't think Doom 3 is any worse than Half-Life 2, they're both kind of shit games imo but they have very similar design goals, yet one is a masterpiece and the other a blacksheep. rly makes u think
Actually agreed. It's a haunted house tier monster closet for most of the game but damn if that isn't exactly what I need sometimes. Doom 3 and the originals both have memorable levels. The memorable stuff in 4 is mostly things like the bridge and the tower.
I feel like Nu-Doom (or Zoom for that matter) its all show no substance.
Like, whats the point of the Parkour and air mobility? The Grappling hook? The 1 ups? (thats the most retarded imo) The Shoulder cannon? Why even have a melee button if everything is a glory kill pretty much.
The parkour is very obvious that is just going to be to "add depth" to exploration while outside of combat, since you wont be using it in the middle of a fight, Extra lives are retarded because, even if you die with no lives, you will restart at a checkpoint, its pretty much a free soulsphere. Why not just use soulspheres repurpose them to make it as the 1up or even better for Temporary Over-Health that goes beyond 200%? Feels more like fucking Painkiller than DOOM really.
Fucking hate Brutal doom, it pretty much ruined doom forever.
>which was worse?
They’re both the same. Enemies and level design can be more threatening and surprising in Doom 3 while the gameplay is a bit more fun in Doom ‘16.
NuDoom spawned some horrible fucking fans though so I guess it’s worse.
I too enjoyed Doom 3 for these reasons, though the game wears out its welcome a little over halfway through.
Hunting keys, hazmat suits, and sliding into pits
The thing with doom 3 is that it wasnt trying to be a copy of the original, it went on with its own tangent.
>they have very similar design goals
How so?
I know what you mean but word it in a way that makes sense next time. Also Doom 4 does have elements of that even if they're not as strong and focused.
I always hated that his suit is green
Traversing big maps with intrincate design and fighting demons left and right in NON SEGMENTED combat. Knowing how to manage your resources because, unlike Doom 4, enemies dont explode in health and ammo.
Are you kidding the plasma melts everything.
Clearly never played Doom.
Fuck off, zoomer.
I dont know a single pesron that completed nu-doom.
I've tried but grew bored at second hell set of levels.
The locked monster arena concept quickly overstays its welcome.
Would Doom 2016 be the way it is if Brutal Doom never existed and reddit never latched onto the rip and tear meme?
nuDoom is great
fuck off faggot
t. 33 y/o
They were both very focused on pushing impressive technology for one, but beyond that, HL2 and Doom 3 wanted to leverage technology to create a more immersive kind of storytelling, one where the player is rarely taken out of the action (though Doom 3 still had a couple 3rd person cutscenes) Janky physics puzzles and diagetic computer screens and all that shit was meant to usher in a realer kind of FPS, not in the sense of literal realism, but in the sense of simulating a believable game space. To further the connection, they also have a lot of environmental narrative, the opening of Half-Life 2 is a more dramatic than anything in Doom 3, but they both do it a lot.
I beat it but I had to take a big break at the second hell visit too. I flew through it until the end when I picked it back up though and honestly the last part of the game has become my favorite.
>I dont know a single pesron that completed nu-doom.
nigga it's like 6 hours long
>Fucking hate Brutal doom, it pretty much ruined doom forever.
i agree. Doom it's about collecting keys, powerups and exploring levels while killing enemies. Brutal Doom standardized the "it's all about blood, gore and killing hordes of enemies" image the game has today.
fuck brutal doom.
Saying "This thing you thought was good actually has several imperfections and therefore you are wrong and it's not good" is not an argument.
>Your fun was fake fun!
>My no fun allowed is real, though!
>You could only like it if you're shilling!
>My hate is unquestionably genuine though!
Damn this makes me want to play Doom 3, how long of a game is it? Maybe I'll finish it then move on to Doom 4. How spooky is it?
You for making this thread
Honestly DOOM 2016 got boring as shit near the end. Might wait for a sale as opposed to spending 90 CAD in an already stacked November (I’m buying Kojimas game and possibly that Jedi game if it isn’t a complete dud.)
You fucking faggots would complain about anything anyone released under the DOOM label unless it was literally an exact copy of the original DOOM game.
No you retard.
There are tons of room for improvement.
very spooky.
I've played like 60 hours of Doom 2016, all on nightmare. Would've been less had they not added arcade mode, but arcade mode cuts basically all the cutscenes out and gives you high scores to shoot for so perfecting every map on nightmare was a lot of fun.
Its not THAT long.
Its pretty spooky at first but once you get the hang of things its pretty much just another horror-themed shooter.
If BTSX was released with a pricetag it would be a sick ass new doom game.
skill, accuracy, puzzles, platforming, planning.
DOOM(4) has only two of these
maybe 10 hours the first run. It's spooky, you're in a station in mars and there's no electricity so enemies jump at you from the dark. There's this nice gory cultist atmosphere too full of blood pentagrams and writings on the wall. The lack of electricity makes lights go on and off making the scenes look terrific. Have you seen this movie called Event Horizon? the game reminds me a lot of the photography and art direction from this movie. Doom 4 took a lot from this aesthetic but without the "almost no lights" concept.
And yet you would still complain about it even if it were improved. Just because a game was revolutionary in the 90s doesnt mean it would be fun in 2020. Literally the only people who play DOOM in the current year are beyond autistic and the type of "fun" they purport is colossally dull and excruciatingly vapid.
Explain why it would not be fun in the current year
Walking around a map after you've killed all the enemies looking for keys would not net you any reasonable amount of revenue as a video game company.
8/8 b8
>Not fun in the current year
>Mod Scene still kicking and game still has a big following 26 years after its release
And DOOM has none of this
>it constantly breaks up the action by making you watch canned animations
doing those on ultra-violence and up will just straight up get you killed as they don't give any invincibility frames. plus the enemies gib health when you kill them regardless so you could literally never do them if you don't like them
>And yet you would still complain about it even if it were improved.
Faggots always complaining is irrelevant. Might as well not ever fucking improve anything, right?
>Just because a game was revolutionary in the 90s doesnt mean it would be fun in 2020
You know what’s fun? Killing demons. Not platforming, walking through long hallways, or not being able to skip cutscenes unlike the prequel that has MORE cutscenes.
t. Bethesda Fanboy.
>doing those on ultra-violence and up will just straight up get you killed as they don't give any invincibility frames
Does that change on UV? They definitely give iframes normally, plus the enemies will wait for a bit before attacking you
>its unique, colourful, clearly hellish aesthetic
Have you played Doom 1 or 2 lately because there is a ton of brown and gray in those games, especially in the later campaigns
>Doom 4, which constantly makes you sit and watch animations play out
unless you mean cutscenes, no animation is more than like, 2 seconds long, and the finishers are all about 1 second long
On UV and Nightmare yeah, they’re a lot riskier to use. Should’ve kept it that way too, the upgrades for faster kills + insane range are OP.
Running around the map looking for the way you're supposed to be going, finding a key card, all that shit is a slog and cuts into the action. Furthermore, relying on mods to argue the merits of your game does not make the vanilla game itself fun. If Fallout and Elder Scrolls games can't get away with that argument then neither should you. I've played through DOOM 1, 2, 4, and Brutal Doom. At the end of the day, I recognize that the OG Doom is the father of FPSs and a fantastic game but if it was released today it would be colossally shit. Quake style fast paced shooting games are dead for a reason. The only reason they were popular to begin with was because the gaming market was a niche thing that only attracted the most autistic and dedicated people. Casualizing games is a good thing because it makes (((hardcore gamers))) feel like their accomplishments are meaningless when the vapid maw of the horde of mediocrity clamps down on their hobby. A realization that is reflected by reality: nobody fucking cares how "good" you think old school mechanics were. NuDOOM is good because it has cool graphics, cool sound effects that feel heavy, a badass soundtrack, and a mindlessly fun playstyle. Normies rise up
Doom isn't hard
So going around the map to find keys is puzzle completion to you?
Sprinting across gaps in a couple maps is not a lot of platforming
You can if you want but hardly need to
Not one of these can stand up as something that Doom is about, much less all of them. I hope you're trolling and not actually some 13 year old trying to look cool on an anonymous shitposting symposium.
If all the enemies are dead and you are not standing right at the exit you are an actual retard. The levels are meticulous.
It tried, at least. Hopefully Doom Eternal doesn't keep the boxed arenas.
Doom 3 is a great game (albeit with a slow start). how is this even a question? What the fuck happened to this place?
Yes and I'm sure traipsing through your brown shitty hedge maze for hours on end looking for a key card is so much better, especially when each kill is the exact same shitty animation with the same shitty sound effect. Oh boy my little orange light blew up in that brown fetus toothed red eyed thing over and over again. Thank god this wasn't a LITERAL HALF A SECOND animation that actually looked cool or anything
>Running around the map looking for the way you're supposed to be going, finding a key card, all that shit is a slog and cuts into the action
A good thing the levels are constantly sprawling with monsters, making progressing the levels consistantly fun.
Unless you’re a retarded not marking the map and getting lost
>Normies rise up
Retarded, then.
Also no one’s arguing against the fact that NuDoom is for faceless normie scum.
The E3 video has an area just like that. The gates don't open until he's killed all the guys and then the Cyberdemon appears
Actually, in Wolfenstein RPG, the Nazis summon the Harbinger of Doom (or the Cyberdemon) and BJ Blazkowicz rips off the Cyberdemon's arm and leg and sends it back to hell and swears revenge on his descendants.
Doomguy is BJ Blazkowics III, descendant of the OG who ripped off the Cyberdemon's arm and leg.
Doomguy then fights the Cyberdemon with his new upgrades later on.
Cyberdemon's legs are canonically mechanical because of this.*
*The mechanical arm and leg was just a design choice for Doom, but later on they connected the lore for immersion / funsies
Every answer to this is either Doom 4 or some non-answer because they have no actual answer to give
>big following
Even if that were true, that doesnt defend the game itself. Anyone can mod anything if they tried hard enough and your fucking game can be played on a refrigerator so of course it's easy to mod. Being of the first of a kind lends it that legacy.
t. savescummer
Lmfao no they arent, they're all corpses when you backtrack for the 5th time. Your old game is shit nowadays go find another a hill to die on boomer.
Stop revealing how absolutely god awful you are at doom through your posts.
No, I just don't play on Nightmare, which was an unbalanced meme difficulty added specifically because the game was easy. You're just dumb and bad. Doom gets legitimately hard when you pistol start every level on UV with fast monsters enabled, which is a user-made difficulty setting, again because the game isn't hard.
>Yes and I'm sure traipsing through your brown shitty hedge maze
>he cant navigate classic Doom level design!
>shitdumbasszoomzoom cant navigate
Better level design IS more fun. Idiot, good lord.
If I want faster action, I play Quake. If I want an arena, Shittius Sam or Painkiller or slaughtermaps for other games. If I just want to be WOW’D by graphics I watch a movie instead of playing a game or I play a better good looking game.
>Anyone can mod anything if they tried hard enough
Kid’s desperate as fuck now. Where’s the mod page for this adored by masses title?
This just sounds too good to be true.
Doom 1, 2 are hard games bruv
>bullet sponge enemies who the PLASMA GUN barely tickles.
Stop getting mad at games because you're fucking trash, holy shit.
The dinosaur screeches as he sees the meteor and knows his time is at an end. Literally anyone who spends more than a cursory amount of time and effort playing a video game should kill themselves
>if I want to shovel shit in my mouth, I'll pick the garbage I grew up playing
Could you be any more pathetic boomer? At least pretend you're capable of change
>the "point" of Doom
oh lord lmao
Doesnt need one cause it's great out the box and has it's own little custom map feature. More than your overrated shit ever came with.
Doom 4 is basically Painkiller.
Ditch the combat arenas, make the levels less linear and you have a proper Doom game.
Picking up keys isn't a fucking puzzle.
>puzzle shooter
>confusing maps
>gotten to a point where you aren't sure if people are genuinely retarded and not just trolling
Final Doom is hard.
>Lmfao no they arent, they're all corpses when you backtrack for the 5th time
That proves the point: NuDoom is literally aimed at people who play with analog sticks and don’t know they can mark the map in classic. You are mad that you suck at a ‘94 game, that people are calling you out on it, and it is awesome.
Plutonia is sadistic, but it's also not all of Doom, nor is it what people tend to think of as Doom. Base Doom 1 and 2 aren't hard outside of a few specific, shitty levels.
>inb4 someone reeees to defend Hell Beneath as good design or something
nuDoom is the last stand for Beth marketers, isn't it?
They can't shill Wolfenstein or Fallout here anymore so they double down on their Doom IP.
Yeah that's kind of how I feel. They're trying to improve the gameplay by upping the speed and manuevering but you don't need it. Most of Doom 2016 for me was supershotgunning everything, though I guess that's faithful to Doom 2. They need to improve the level design and monster usage/count. Even on the hardest difficulty it never really got that hard, you just occasionally got one shot but they tactics stayed the same
It's too simple. It's like a game from an arcade. Played it for like half an hour before I thought "I could be playing other things."
I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because it was barely 10 guys in the early 90’s and you just had to wait a year after release for an editor anyways. Considering Bethesda being a multi million company, owning the Elder Scrolls and Doom IPs, and truly understanding the strength and ability with modders - why was snap map so shitty? And other modding even more limited than (not even) Doom fucking 3?
Because consoles are shitty hardware at this point, the shitshow over FO4 and Skyrim consoleboys not being able to use awesome PC mods showed us this. Can’t have them realize how shitty their hardware is through better level design.
It's a shooter, you go through levels and shoot things. What are you expecting
>Brutal Doom
>tries to trick you that over the top gore makes a game good
Nu-Doom is the state it is because of this mod getting popular
This is doom 4.
>They need to improve the level design and monster usage/count.
One thing I’m realizing I’m missing from newer games and shooters is smarter monsters. I want to do another playthrough and see if the other monsters do shit as stupid as the revenant literally hovering in place for you to shoot him.
>Even on the hardest difficulty it never really got that hard, you just occasionally got one shot but they tactics stayed the same
Using gamepad or mouse+keyboard?
Doom 3 is borderline unplayable. Doom 4 at least succeeds on its own merits, whereas Doom 3 without the doom label would have been panned and forgotten to time.
Imagine being so fat you look at video games and see food
5 hours of cutscenes to bog everything down with a terrible story and dialogue options that range from
Also ADSing, regenerating health, and slowing everything down. All the amenities of your average, modern shooter. And if it's multiplayer, you get the wonderful joy of perfectly balanced heros to pick from so you can press Q to get a triple kill.
There is at least one valid answer that he could have though.
Didn't people say the same thing about Doom 2
I think something like Doom 16 was inevitable, if not Sgt Mark’s janky-ass mod then it’d just be someone at a board meeting going “...what if we put a silent Master Chief and fatalities in the new Doom?”
Thank God the Doome Slayer is not the Doom guy from Doom 1&2.
Shut up Boomer
Doom 3 was a good Half Life sequel
Thank god no one actually gives a fuck about Doom “””””lore”””””
t. played doom in a year starting with 2
fucking lmao
Guess you missed all those red levels? or the fact that Doom95 had better uses of lighting than Doom2016?
Doom 2 was a bad game
Horrible gimmick levels, mostly shitty monster additions, and the super shotgun is available far too early on
Who are worse, Doom 4 apologists or RE7 apologists?
9/11 apologists
>doom game
>you can jump
>you can't just sprint to the end of the level and beat it in seconds
>there are cutscenes in the middle of the gameplay
into le garbage
contrarians lacking in self-awareness
Boomers shitting up every DOOM thread
Boomers still mad about brutal doom
yeah but the Doom 4 contrarians or the RE7 contrarians?
>Doom 2 was a bad game
It’s mostly remembered for providing us AWESOME monsters (fuck you) and the best double shotgun ever. It’s still fun to play through most of it, too, but definitely the messiest. Poor Sandy.
>Which was worse?
Your opinion.
Cancer is cancer
I guess they both suck equally
I don't even like Brutal Doom and I agree. Especially if the same person also enjoys equally stupid gameplay overhaul mods.
>which was worse?
your post for being unoriginal and parroting npc drivel to fit in for coolboy points
Yeah, awesome monsters like the utterly pointless Hell Knight and the infuriatingly tedious Pain Elemental
Literally every Doom game has been fun for different reasons.
Although I agree Doom 4 is definitely trying to convince people it's like "old school Doom" but it's actually nothing like it at all.
>tried playing the original Doom
>got bored in 10 minutes
Its not even that good. I stuck it through to the end of episode 1 but it never really got that much better. I tried playing 64 after to see if I liked that instead and it was boring as well but it was much better than the original. To the point where if you actually prefer the original Doom I think you might actually be a retard. Everything about it was better than Doom 1.
Shooting fucking demons. How hard is this. You shoot demons, it's fun to shoot demons. Shooting the demons with different cool guns is fun, shooting many types of demons is interesting. People are so stubborn, DOOM is not a complex games.
Did you play on UV at least?
alright then
>awesome monsters like the utterly pointless Hell Knight
Probably the weakest addition but fuck barons have tons of health
>and the infuriatingly tedious Pain Elemental
And chaingunners and revenants and mancubi and arachnotrons and arch-viles, yes, get good
>Doom 1 levels
>Corridor shit with mostly poor quality
>Doom 2 levels
>variety of opened up levels with more mixed quality
Yeah nah, 2/3s (or 3/4s) of Doom 1 are forgettable switch mazes. Everyone gives it a pass for E1
get ready to press the F button of d00m to preform an EPIC bRUTAL gore FINISHMÖVE of epicness
- id / bethsoft
Doom 4 went through a little bit of development hell so they outsourced some models. They've returned to the original, much better models in Eternal.
make a barely legal ost about metal of the 80
This is one of the worst posts I've ever seen.
>he enjoys tricks and traps
>he enjoys gotcha
>he enjoys barrels o fun
>he enjoys that one map with the super thin walkways which I can't remember the name of
>still cant play as Doomgal in nu-doom games
this is actually a good definition. the word "puzzle" might be misleading but it makes sense.
doom 1 = corridors
doom 2 = open
DOOM (2016) = boring shit arenas and oneshot moves
And while we're at it, can't leave out Catacombs
doom more Doomgal
the original is so much batter.
>He enjoys Halls of the Damned
>He enjoys Hell Keep/Warren
>He enjoys Slough of Despair
>He enjoys Unholy Cathedral
>He enjoys Mt. Erebus
>He enjoys Limbo
>He enjoys Hell Beneath
>He enjoys Perfect Hatred
Doomgal is so fucking CUTE
How do I enable freelook in GZDoom?
>tricks and traps
Unironically dig this one, but a lot of maps do pale compared to goodness like e2m2. Again, poor Sandy and I’m glad Doom 2 was still as fun as it was. For what its worth I’m a weird fucker; TNT’s my fav.
>Duke Nukem
>Lo Wang
>Serious Sam
>no girl versions
>girl version
So is Doom basically the fps for trannies?
wished there was an option or mod to keep the old flashlight in BFG edition
fuck off
>puzzle shooter
oh okay so like portal
It’s as much a “shooter” as Gone Home with you “shooting” mouse inputs. Portal with combat would be a more “puzzly shooter”.
I don’t know how I feel about that other user considering classic Doom “puzzly” though
Your mental problems
Doom is too good bros
>nah bro I totally played Brutal Doom once, I know what old Doom was all about
>Doom 2016 has officially reached the stage where it's gotten so popular that people are going to start hating it to be different.
It was fun while it lasted fellas, time to start hating nuDoom.
So Doom 4 then
that looks delicous
but is Doom 4 the same as Doom2016? I kinda stopped paying attention after Doom 3
You didn't play doom 1 you pointless zoomer
I didn't imply otherwise.
A fellow TNT patrician, I salute you
The reason nuum is what it is is the same reason stealth games are dead. Making a new doom game like Doom requires the added budget and time of well done level design. Like stealth Doom lives and dies by its level design.
Yeah. Doom 1 and 2 had lots of gimmick levels, which really weren't a thing in 4. There's exploration, but nothing really like Sandy's maps from original games.
Hey, did you miss
>if I call you autistic it makes the game stop being a repetitive and badly designed piece of shit with no multiplayer that's not worth the asking price
>goes on to make a bunch of criticisms of your own IN ADDITION to mine
How about you stop lying, Bethesda?
>Land continuous constant hits on basic enemy at point blank
>Takes 3x longer to kill them than the Doom Plasma did
People have been hating it since before it released
>badly designed is a criticism
>nudoom is any more repetitive than the originals
At least the other guy had valid criticisms and formed an actual argument. Retardo.
>unless you mean cutscenes, no animation is more than like, 2 seconds long
Bullshit, you sometimes spend as many as 10 seconds watching le epin rip and tear le keycard off le body for the fourth time in a row that level
I'm not talking about the stupid glory kills, I'm talking about every third or fourth door or door equivalent requiring you to watch a canned animation to open it, rather than just instantly picking up the keycard or the door instantly sliding open.
By all means think of inventive ways to have the keycard placed, such as sitting on a dead body, but don't make me fucking sit there and watch my viewmodel's arms tear the keycard out of the tenth corpse in a row, by which point it has long stopped being interesting.