What are your thoughts on the FFVII Remake?

What are your thoughts on the FFVII Remake?

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I think I want to sniff Tifa's armpits.

>KH2 FM's combat designer
>Entire Midgar to explore
>New arrangements by Uematsu

Initially really bummed about it ending at Midgar, but then someone said it’s likely because the open world they want to do wouldn’t be possible on PS4.

That I kind of believe. I hope it’s great.

They haven't even confirmed that it's ONLY Midgar. I could see it going to the first Jenova fight.

I think they'll leave the open-world for PS5.

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We're going to see Nanaki if it's the entire Midgar part.

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Where's Red XIII?

too busy knotting random chicks

Visually very nice. Combat looks alright I want to get my hands on it see how it actually feels to play. My problem is that this game is episodic with no information on pricing or how much is in each episode. If episode is 10 hours long in midgar for 60 bucks I'm gonna wait all the episodes to for all future episodes and buy it on sale.

cow-milk boing boing

Game is going to be in three episodes:

Episode 1 ends in Midgar as we all know.
Episode 2 ends at the end of the Gaia Cliffs.
Episode 3 ends as normal.

You can't have an episode end at the death of Aerith. There is no rising action, no finale. She dies and the next game starts with the most important scene in the whole game, the summoning of Meteor.
This order would allow game 2 to be open world from the start, and culminate with the fall of Cloud, the deliverance of the black materia and emergence of the Weapons
Episode 3 is as though the Meteor was always a threat. Waking up in Junon, there is no transition of main characters, no switching, it starts with Tifa and some minor battles and ends in the Crater.

I like my payments in cash SE

In the short term, I'm mainly cornered about its performance. I'm sure its eventual PS5 and PC ports will be fantastic, but I'm on base PS4 and I'm sure it'll run like absolute garbage. So I may just wait. And obviously, the PS4 Pro ended up being a total meme so it won't run much better there either

>no more Steave Burton
>no more Beau Billingslea
>Tifa's tits are the least of her problems concerning the redesign, fucking christ, you can see the nose hairs and pores on Aeris's face, and the cloth physics are to die for, but apparently Tifa was slapped together in Unity (or whatever the fuck it is, I ain't a programmer) in five seconds
>five fucking years and we're still showing the same footage of the same fucking boss fight we saw back in 2015
Combat looks amazing, but that's about it.

>episodic release
>mfw I waited 22 years for this bullshit

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Seems good the first time I thought I might want a PS4. Only really concerned about the music.

After years and years of being negative about it, I liked what I saw. The battle system looks nicer than I expected. I'm not upset over Tifa's new look because I remember her battle model size. Prefer her original outfit, but I can handle this one. Only issue is waiting 10 years for all the episodes to be out.


christ you people are fucking stupid

Everyone looks great except Tifa who only looks great from the neck up.

Reminder that it only covers the first quarter of the original game. Enjoy the sequel in 2030.

Very excited

Personally i think it looks great so far

Inb4 the pathetic straight boy neckbeards flood the thread with tantrums about Tifas 3D tits.

They have. They spelled it out during E3 footage and then said it even more clearly in press statements. The fact that they're doing so poorly communicating it that even fans can't tell means there's going to be a lot of pissed off people when they find out where it ends while they're playing.

Actually played the demo. It's awesome. Fire looks like shit, that's my only complaint. They should also lock to framerate to 30.

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>five fucking years and we're still showing the same footage of the same fucking boss fight we saw back in 2015
This is how Nomura is, you're about to get so much you'll wish he'd stop already. TGS will have a new trailer, then again in December for Jump Festa.

Yeah, but you just can't get through to them, they always get mad and start calling people trannies.

10% maybe.

it's really a testament to Midgar as a memorable video game city that they could remake one part of a FF in one contained place where maybe 5-10% of the game took place and people are seemingly mostly okay with it

I can't think of any other FF locale that I would really care about exploring. I was kinda disappointed that FFX never really let you get a good look at Bevelle but that's pretty much it

That middle segment is way too long if all of part 1 is fucking midgar.

You act like the 16 other sectors and 6 reactors don't exist, or the other 60+ floors of Shinra, or Deepground, or Gackt

There are plenty of semi-open world fetch quests for you to engage in throughout the metropolis of Midgar

>or Gackt
get out

It's going to happen user, if you accept it now you'll be happier later.

I really mean the middle, you gotta go through Kalm, chocobo ranch, Ft. Condor, Junon, Costa Del Sol, Gold Saucer, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim, Rocket Town, Wutai, then you still have the temple of the ancients, the lost capitol, glacier town, the glacier itself.. The scale doesn't make sense. Way too long for the middle part.

Giving part one a fair shot. Mostl worried about Cloud and Aerith (individually, as well as whatever they plan to do with their relationship). Tifa and Barrett as far as I know have never been messed up by Nomura quite like those two

Yes but if you're only going to do three parts, you can't really cut it shorter than that either.

Not turn based.
Don't care.

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Even SE doesn't know how many parts they're going to do, because management is so fucking stupid that they didn't plan past the first episode.

Why does Sephiroth sound like such a try hard faggot?

Barrett looks like buff jack black

just ignore those idiots

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You can just hold Square to attack with Cloud and barret.

what happened bros i though nomura would never put hold to attack in his games?

because he always was? He locked himself in the mansion basement and became an edgelord when he found out about himself. Did anyone in this thread even play the original game?

all of the character designs are wrong but tifa is the most noticable because the additions are lazy and jarring.

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If they remade FFIV as a hyper-realistic action RPG, I'd buy it.

Damn it, here's here.

He was more cold than anything, especially the Sephiroths being controlled by Jenova. In Japanese it's a bit more obvious with his word choice.

I love Tifa's new design, but I detest them making her tits so small in some kind of obnoxious anti-pandering.

Her breasts being massive was a defining trait of hers, Yuffie even called her "boobs". It's how fans have known her for all this time, it's stupid to change that.

And don't give me this "realistic" bullshit when Cloud has a sword the size of his body and Aeris is tanking machine gun fire in a dress.

I can't believe nomura insists on there being a graphic scene of Red knotting Aeris and filling her up with his doggy batter.

It was a different time.

Because at this point in the game, he's Cloud's inner monologue and bestie. He hasn't been materialized as meanie Sephiroth yet.

Once he stops being flashbacks and starts being masses of Jenova's body parts will he take on his cynical of the mouth-breathers persona

I would too but I'd be less excited about it. FFIV is so milquetoast. Rosa is the worst of the leading FF ladies IMO

The english voice actor sucks. He sounds more bored than edgelord. A Japanese dub will be included thankfully and Jap Sephiroth sounds worlds better than whoever the fuck they got for the english version.

>Her breasts being massive was a defining trait of hers

Everyone seems to have totally forgotten how much the size of her tits varied, even in the original game. They were really only HUGE in FMVs, and they looked ridiculous to me even when I was 13 because the proportions and shape were all kinds of fucked. In battle, her tits were a lot smaller, and her new model looks closer to that. Depending on the view of new Tifa, they can look smaller, bigger, or about the same as her old battle model size. This isn't even getting into AC, 012, and other things she's appeared in.

Looking forward to seeing this guy, though I guess that'll be a while.

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Hope you're still around in 8-12 years.

I want the cloud strife watch they have on the squeenix store. That is all

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i want to rub my face with aeris peach fuzz

Yeah, they were only fuck-off huge in the FMV's, the world/battle model tits were quite a bit smaller.

Personally, I don't care either way. I'll only play it if it comes to PC and if it does, you'll have like 60 third party Tifa models to choose from within the first week.

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I literally only read the Crisis Core wiki entry and I really do not want Gackt in this fucking game. I know it's bad to judge something without having played it but Jesus Christ

Why can't they increase party size to 4 so I can use all 4 likeable characters instead of having to choose 3?

You get a different attack if you hold the button and cloud has two attack modes. One with faster swings and one heavier

Surely it won't be THAT long, r-right?

Visually, it’s fantastic. Heck, the battles even look decent. However, my main concern is boss fights. They took the first boss and gave it a hundred copy paste phases. If done wrong, that could just make bosses an exercise in tedium rather than a fun test for your skill

Of course not user
Hope you plan to live for 20 more years

Tifa's outfit is pretty horrible and totally unfitting to the character.

Fuck Tifa, where's Crowe?

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so just like XV which has pause combos with different openers and finishers and directionals changing the combo

>muscle compression top and leggings
>unfitting to a martial artist

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Looks fantastic, I'm very hyped. I don't pre-order, but I'll buy this on a weekend after it comes out.

good designs, worried about attack mashing, but maximillian's impressions gives me hope. Apparently you can combo and intervals between presses will change your attacks.

It plays more like a faster Xenoblade Chronicles than FFXV. That's a good thing.

>schoolgirl socks are fitting for a martial artist
Just seems like it would make her legs really unnecessarily overheated.

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So exactly like XV?

an user that played the demo already has spoken in that regard
he basically said that button mashing to win was pretty much ask to be facefucked because guard scorpion has a shit ton of moves and going in without being careless is just idiotic. So you actually have to pay attention to everything

ALthough he said that regular enemies can be just dealt with nornal attacks with some exceptions, but that was with teh original too so, personally, im hyped.

>No Vincent
>No Yuffie
>No Cid
meh, I will wait until they release the complete trilogy, if that ever happens.

>schoolgirl socks

Do you even know what muscle compression is you fat fuck?

No, fuck off XV-kun.

its a matter of angles honestly. Her tits look big in one animated shots, while in some angles they look regular

>start new game + on hard mode
>the female hero's breasts are larger and clothes are skimpier

Post your desired game mechanics that don't exist yet in any game.

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Looks boring desu

she never finished her training, Zagan was killed in nibelheim.

>What are your thoughts on the FFVII Remake?
Aerith looks and talks like a 17 year old when she's meant to be age 22.
Tifa's tits are too small.

And this is what people don't get. They just say "oh you're just whining about the boobs, the boobs, but the design is perfect you incel" despite the color diversity being fucked, her hands having no defining color as her gauntlet is now black, her hair doesn't have her iconic dolphin tail, the black socks and shirt look like they were poorly edited on by some fag on twitter. She's a fighter but has 0 muscle and these fags just spout "muh realism" in a game about a crazy super solider with a foot high hair spike weilding a giant ass sword, a Gutsman looking negro with a gun arm, some edge lord vampire-wannabe who lives in a basement and a magic talking dog thing. Realism is the last thing this game should give a single fuck about.

isnt he already dead? What you see is just a clone with its own twist.

Tifa has no muscles to compress. Her legs are twigs.

It looks slower than XV while having mostly identical combat mechanics to XV
even tactical mode is just wait mode from XV
and the stagger meter is 100% identical to in ff13
character switching is exactly like in type0 too which also has 3 members in more grounded action combat without manual jump like 7r

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Nah he just fucked off and got too old. Still she did not finish training.

maybe they can pull off a qui gon jin and just say that zangan said to tifa that "your training is complete, and now you are your own master"
Considering also that zangan left tifa a letter with her last limit break

Except XV has different basic attacks based on different attack intervals when you tap so yes it literally is like XV

>Zagan was killed in nibelheim


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Barrett looks like a hot beefy Hispanic daddy instead of his usual big black dude self.

They should’ve just used the Advent Children designs desu. That Barrett was cool

>It looks slower than XV

You're a fucking idiot.

Don't reply to XV-kun. Thanks.

Barret doesn't look black.

Looked ok would want to see more, except by releasing it in parts, it's sure be overpriced and overhyped

never played XIII
does stagger work by time or damage?

No, he survived. He literally saved Tifa's life in Nibelheim and got her away safely and then left her Final Heaven.

He didn't. You can even find a note from him in her room that explains that he took her to Midgar during the destruction of Nibelheim and was later shocked to find the town still standing when he was in the area again some years later.

They said the game will come in parts.
I wont buy untill it comes in a special bundle edition.

Looks great, but will fucking find anything to nitpick about.

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I'll buy it a decade from now when a full version is finally released
otherwise I'll be sitting by and laughing as everyone buys a full-priced game that contains less than a quarter of the finished content.

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Are you blind? It literally does look slower than XV
Hell its slower than Type0 too

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I'll wait for PC and mods so I can fix Tifa

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at least they got that part right

Are you retarded? It objectively looks slower than XV

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>okay, so shouldn't tifa have muscles?

each time you hit an enemy you raise stagger meter; when its full the enemy is staggered and essentially toppled for a period, it also worke similar to Break/vulnerable in XV

try that again with sport bra because tifa doesnt have small breasts

where is this from?

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Remember to always ignore XV-kun.

But she does have small breasts.

>s-sports bra!!
Okay, so take the sports bra off. You cannot, and she cannot, because it's a videogame. It's essentially the exact same thing as having small breasts.

what kind of retard thinks they're smaller? they're only slightly smallER than the CG cutscene bazookas. she's still a big titty bitch in a miniskirt with some alterations

How are they gonna handle the flying bosses and shit that’s what I wonder . Like the fight on the high wind

>she's still a big titty bitch


remake ost when

Have sex

we've already seen in the trailer how the battle against airbuster is, and its probably gonna be the same in the high wind

Have feed and seed

yeah, those are big honkers. not AS extreme but you would still lose your mind if you saw that IRL

>yeah, those are big honkers
>you would still lose your mind if you saw that IRL

do you by chance live in an impoverished third world village

with chuck

Lads, silly question maybe

So.. if this is only episode one, does that mean that we'll have to wait another 3-4 years for part 2, and does this also mean that final fantasy 16 if off the tables for about a decade? We won't get a 'mainline' FF game until both these are out, surely? It's just going to be FF spinoffs

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>does that mean that we'll have to wait another 3-4 years for part 2
>does this also mean that final fantasy 16 if off the tables for about a decade?
Probably not.

Cloud's one hair spike needs to be a bit longer. Why are Tifa and Barret wearing black undershirts?

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It's gonna be kino as fuck.
You just know she gets Cloud to do this. Also her eyeballs.

>Why are Tifa and Barret wearing black undershirts?
skin bad

nope. there doesn't appear to be as much raw mass as the original design but relatively speaking tifa still has big tits, as she should


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But user Barret is male?

I do not know how you could consider FF7R tifa's breasts head-turning unless you literally live in like rural vietnam or something

it's almost like this project is a cash-in doomed to collapse under itself

Why are you so butthurt by facts? 7R literally is slower than XV or Type0

Fuck just compare Tifa combat to Eight from Type0

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The current state sounds pants on head retarded to me. Two discs after 4 years and the first part mostly covers Midgar? Did they get high for 3 years and wonder just how much they could flesh out the first 10 hours? They still have 60 hours worth of content beyond that to implement. Meaning the other expansions are either gonna take a decade to come out or they are gonna be hollow and unsatisfying. I don't see myself being completely satisfied with this game.

This camera angle is garbage

>literally live in like rural vietnam or something
It's worse user, he lives... Near a McDonalds and goes there regularly.

>what kind of retard thinks they're smaller?

A lot of people who never played the game, but have been fapping to her doujins for years.

Oops forgot pic

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>does that mean that we'll have to wait another 3-4 years for part 2

Kitase said that he doesn't expect development time to be much shorter, but it'd be "more efficient". He also said that they have no idea what they're doing with episode 2, where it'll end, or how many episodes there'll be.

i don't know man i honestly think your perception is warped by fan art and stuff

Yes and yes, the worst part about this development cycle is that it's going to take for ever for the next installment to come out and because they're so bad at managing multiple projects, any other games are gonna get put on the backburner. Including KH, a possible TWEWY sequel, the next FF, and any possible Versus spinoff.

Which is a good thing that it's slower. It's less floaty and everything feels like it was weight to it.

In other words we'll have half the full game done in the next 20 years and 20 more after that the full game will be done.

Looks like it could be fun. Combat system is pretty much everything I was hoping for.

they are absolutely smaller but who gives a shit
there are much bigger things to care about in this remake, she could look like this

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Pretty fucking excited after the disaster that kh3 was.

I didn't finish before I hit enter.
>she could look like this and I'd be worried more about other stuff

I would rather she looked like that

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that's the thing, they're clearly smaller yet still plenty juicy and there's a million other changes as well

>implying it won't be more of the same after FFXV, TWEWY remix, and then KH3
Squeenix doesn't have the best track record right now...

Don't worry, the remake will never get there.

I'm convinced that the dev team are aerisfags and sabotaged tifa on purpose

>the disaster that kh3 was
What makes you think this will be any different?

>15yo Tifa cosplaying as a cowgirl

This always made me hard.

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Honestly, given that they added that scene with her freaking out over ghosts, and the fact midgar is blown out of proportion, it's clear that some major story elements have been changed. It's currently entirely possible that she'll survive or have a chance to be revived.

WoFF should've just been the monster catching and skits and I would've bought it, but they had to add dumb fucking filler so I passed and just YouTube'd stuff. I dunno, maybe I would've enjoyed it more than I thought.

They did a really great job of making all of the chibi models convey personality. When even Lightning looked cute you know they did a good job

Looks good so far, but I hate the fact that they are splitting it in parts.

Aeris is perfect as always and I am glad they shit on Tifa. Her fans are delusional and they are finally getting a taste of karma and reality.

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>google image search compression socks
>none of them go past the knee

Can someone post the really high resolution images of all the characters?


People will be cheering when this bitch gets gutted

yeah probably. midgar alone has already taken years, and it's a perfect linear arc in their corridor comfort zone that's like 10% of the actual game. it's gonna be the new episode 3

that's literally nothing compared to the change of aeris living
maybe they'll change how she dies or where, but she NEEDS to die

Is it just me or does Barret seem less black now?

Holy shit, you probably thought you were being brilliant here but you just look absolutely retarded.
Congratulations, you don't know anything about the creation of FFVII. She is absolutely going to die and she is not going to be revived. We might see her ghost once or twice, but that's it.

You've been waiting for a remake since the game came out?

Nice argument.

Yeah it's pretty insane that barely anyone talks about the changed scenes and new parts, but everyone is frothing at the mouth over Tifa.

>cute chibi Tifa instead of trashy nu-Tifa
sign me up

Never liked the Ps1 final fantasy games but i like all the other ones, which might be weird. I don't know.

This game does nothing for me and seems like a really obvious cash in. This and last of us 2 look like the worst games on the horizon on fanbases

From what I understand Nomura is a hige tifafag, she’s based on a rule 63 insert of himself, and he floated the idea of killing aeris off to get her in the game. I hope it’s not true but if it is I can’t say they’re wrong to want their moment in the sun.

Wish Cloud's hair was a bit more exaggerated like it originally was. Tifa's bird legs look a bit off. Other than that, everything else looks nice.

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They actually wont be but keep getting baited.

based armpit fetish

Did Nomura write all the KH games?

Won’t be buying Censorshit Fantasy 7 Rehash because Tifa’s boobs are too small and they don’t jiggle

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To which one? I'd be happy to expand on either one, because they're both ridiculous. I wasn't putting up arguments, I was deliberately being insulting. But I'd be happy to explain my reasoning.

He's absolutely right though.

I don’t care about those other things, I only care about Tifa having large jiggleboobs

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What makes it a disaster besides the story being pretty dumb?

..Slower as in slower movement over a fictional distance? Yes. Slower as in the actual human using the controller needing to give input? Hell no.

Not pictured the controller:
>hold square
>might as well (no benefit during the vast majority of time, nor in the webm) zoom around I guess, press triangle and a direction
>back to holding square

>hold square
>hold direction, for no reason
>hold square

>This game does nothing for me
I was actually kinda excited when it was first announced, now that we have a release date and seen gameplay I feel nothing. I'm more hyped for Azur Lane, Ryza and Ys9. Square's games do nothing for me on the gameplay front anymore. That and I'm still maximum mad about Dissidia NT instead of getting a port of Dissidia 012 so I have negative faith in Square being able to do a good job at this point.
I have more faith in Compile fucking Heart and nu-Gust to not fuck up.

Square more or less spins a roulette wheel for where it assigns employees that month. There's a real possibility that they'll get like halfway through part two, lose half the staff to FF16, which will in turn get delayed to help with the crunch on the new expansion to 14. This shit has happened before.

I dunno, airing out 10 hours to 40 hours is a pretty drastic change.

Yeah, like this clearly isn't a 1:1 remake anymore. Somethings are definitely gonna be changed, hell, Jessie could be a romance option. Hell, until the game comes out and we get an answer, the shinra crew could survive.

Until I get the final game in my hand in 7 years even if she does die I'm gonna hold on to the hope that squeenix fucks it up and allows you to save her. I know their gonna fuck it up somehow, I know this I KNOW THIS! This company is a shadow of it's former glory and doesn't have the capability to perfectly re-imagine this powerhouse.

I pretty much agree with you. I'm excited about so many other games but a remake of ff7 doesn't do a whole lot for me

The rising action is the events at the temple

Barret looks Nothing like he should.

>even if she does die I'm gonna hold on to the hope that squeenix fucks it up and allows you to save her.
I couldn't care less if they let you save her ONLY if its behind a new game+. Not paywall, a newgame+.

Gladio combat has weight to it, Cloud just effortlessly swings the sword one second while lugging it the next

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I hope they change the plot that Tifa dies. Sephiroth comes down and stabs her, remarking how he needs to finish the job

The combat is absolute repetitive shit and the fights are all spamming easy attacks and wiping out huge packs of enemies with little issue. I played on brave or w/e its called and you get all the OP abilities and it just wasn't challenging. AND all the GOD DAMN CUT SCENES AHHHHH. The character models are super ass because the games been in development hell for 15 years so they reused old assets like Hercules who's got like 15 polygons. That first level was so dated and old looking. I expected a bit more out of SQUEENIX.

What if the remake is like Evangelion and it's actually a sequel to the original

ME too bro. We should rub our hard cocks together

Yes it is slower inputs and slower movement, slower combos and slower actions

the webm you're responding to is him tapping O, r1, triangle, directional inputs and with specific timed button taps to do those attacks against the mystic

and the comrades clip is also tapping O plus directional inputs for quicker movements, r1+triangle warpstrikes, etc

you're retarded

>have to replay the entire fucking game to save her
I'd do it in a heartbeat.

I don't care that they nerfed Tifa, but I'm a giant hypocrite because if they change Yuffie I'm gonna be pissed.

hey thats pretty gay wtf


No more short shorts.

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You monsters.

They already changed that in DoC.

It's finally over

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that looks fucking retarded

>lying about inputs

1/10 bait

The sfm and blender porn is going to be amazing.

>he thinks it'll just be 3 episodes

I'm interested in hearing about a PC release.

Look, I think the new Ferrari Barrett design could use some tweaks, but that's not it.

Man, I don't mind her having a sports bra, but it just looks dumb, like it's coming out too far from her top or something. Bigger limbs are nice too

You're REALLY trying hard to force the XV combat meme , the combat is nothing like XV, also it's faster, doesn't have a dogshit camera, needs input timing to perform combos, has alternate attack buttons, has a stagger system, uses ATB gauges. It's nothing like XV combat if you actually watch the gameplay demo.

Barry, barry, barry. Come on lad. It's time to stop. XV is in the grave. And 7R will just pile the rest of the dirt on it. And it shall be forgotten in the shadow of Cloud and Sephiroth.

is their really tit physichs? why are you fucking vermin complaining again????

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I don't even care about the breasts, the fact that the retarded skirt is changed and the legs don't look like two twigs is a vast improvement over the original.

Are you fucking blind? Did you even play the game? You can literally see the attacks he's doing which is clearly using directional inputs with lstick+O, manual attacks as indicated by the armiger unleashed combo and midair attacks against the mystic which those attacks are only done via taps, warpstrikes on r1+triangle, directionals in the comrades clip plua manual finishers, warpstrikes etc

retard, Max confirmed you can just hold Square to attack with Cloud and Barret.

What does Epic Games have to do with this

>And don't give me this "realistic" bullshit when Cloud has a sword the size of his body and Aeris is tanking machine gun fire in a dress.
I like that so much I'm going to steal it

where in that gif do you see breast physics

No I'm not people are saying it is like XV

Barret is just Hold square to win, you don't even need to use Cloud since Barret ATB fills faster and he deals more damage quicker than Cloud and you just hold for Barret

Cloud you can just hold Square to attack while tapping does different attacks just like in XV, XV has pause finishers too and directional inputs which all require timing too, XV has a stagger system called Break/Vulnerable, 7r does not have alterate attack buttons, triangle is a toggle or special move no different to warpstrikes being triangle specials on each weapon type or techs on l1 which uses ATB gauges too, it has a ton of mechanics from XV and also uses FF13, type0 mechanics too, and tactical mode is literally FFXVs wait mode, which you'd know if you actually watch the demo


>There's a lot of Final Fantasy XV DNA on show here, but the team has still kept the game incredibly faithful to the PlayStation original

7R is far slower than XV or Type0

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Is this what a reddit comment looks like? I can feel your need for an upvote

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She is a goner, no doubt on that

>the same censorship style as DoA
This is some quality shitposting.

Hate FF7, but will try original game and remake once its complete. (47% complete lmao)
I tried the original and really disliked it, FF6,8,10 are far better in my opinion.

That being said FF7R looks far better than the original if it were not for the shit combat changes.
However, what the fuck is Square thinking? They're never going to finish FF7R. They're going to be spending too much money to actually finish it at a decent level of quality and the episodes simply will not sell.

People want the whole game, not a piece. They'll just wait for it to be over and get the whole thing then. That and honestly some people are just not going to like it past ep1&2 or probably will prefer the original too much to care.

What the fuck are they thinking? I mean there's even more I could say, but FF7R seems like a recipe for destruction, its going to fucking end worse than Fabula nova in my eyes.

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Don't fuck with the tit goddess

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>Final Fantasy 8

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Why God?

She will likely have more ”presence” after she dies than in the original

>Advent Children Remake
>scene where Aerith is super imposed on Tifa
>now it's Jessie super imposed on Aerith super imposed on Tifa

I wouldn't know since I've never been there but you sure seem to know about them.

>final fantasy 8

Attached: stupid1.png (682x629, 366K)

I want to be hyped, but i know it's going to be FFXV all over again. A DLC shitfest.

Honestly, my biggest fear was them screwing up her face. Thankfully she looks fine.

I won't buy it after FFXV.

>What is the possibility of Final Fantasy XV-like downloadable content and smartphone content?
>Kitase: “I would like to use [Final Fantasy XV] as a point of reference. While I would like to take measures such as doing live streams to interact with users, with this episode system I think we’ll be using all of our energy on reaching the end of the original game, so I don’t really know whether or not we’ll be able to do things between episodes and other titles.”
Sounds like DLC is a no

Uematsu has lost his edge, the remade music in the story trailer sounded so flat.


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I stopped being interested over a decade ago



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Why did that faggot artist censor her delicious abs?

I'm sure the one piece of DLC they'll sell is the original OST so even if there's one or two songs that are as good as the original it'll be fine

barret looks hot

They ruined Tifa's character design. Shrank her tits down to average, gave her spooky skeleton arms and legs, gave her some dumb weeb stockings and sports bra, fucked up her hair, and fucked up her color scheme. And before someone comes in here with "they are still big1!!11" no. They took the knee to avoid controversy. Average American cup size is 34DD; and before retards are like "huehue women", 34 band size is not fat. She is maybe a C/D in the remake when she should be above average. Give some size back to her tits, arms, and legs and fix her fucking outfit.

Barret makes Ronnie Coleman look DYEL mode and Cloud has toothpick arms wielding a sword bigger than his body but Tifa's tits are where people give a shit about realism. Give me a break. lol

Seriously, her tits are great there it’s just her thighs that needs thickening

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>No electric guitar
As I said, flat

It also helps that despite being only a small part of the story that a huge amount of memorable stuff takes place there both earlier and later in the game. I haven't played 7 in a long time but I'm pretty sure its also the largest city in the world. Most the world of 7 is populated by small villages with only a handful of people living in them. While that could be a technical limitation, Midgar certainly never felt small with those same limitations. Even Nibelheim, as important as it is to the story, is pretty small. I can't think of any other single location in the game that could be expanded to such a degree.

Also agree with what you said about exploring it. It's so big and during the course of 7 we only see a handful of places. We don't even go to most of the sectors. Even in some of the spinoff games like Crisis Core, there are still huge chunks of Midgar that are never seen. If they really open up the entire city it could be incredible.

i can see kitase noticing that she kinda has chicken legs and i can see him fixing that. But the rest is pretty fine
hopefully they do


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I applaud your use of the circle button. Might even be able to bet FFXV with half an O press

An X press is an X press, you can't say it's only half.

but xv is kino

Attached: dmc5cerberus.webm (960x540, 2.93M)


Pretty excited. Looks good, music sounds great, character designs range from acceptable to top tier. Combat looks pretty good with their compromise between action combat and ATB. The different stances and shit that I've heard people talk about sound pretty cool. I have yet to really see anything that's a giant turn off for me.

That isn't a no at all.

Part 2 and 3 are just going to be FFXV again.


is the "X thing is gonna be just like XV" the first FFVIIR meme?

No, the first FFVIIR meme is it taking over half a decade to release the first episode.

This is what Tifa should look like proportion wise. People are going to be like "FMV REEEEEE" but in every FF game to date the cut scenes have always been the highest fidelity depiction of what the characters look like. It's prerendered footage FFS; it better represents the characters designs then in engine gameplay models in every FF. The only reason square didn't give her huge tits is because they know all the cucks would start screeching that DD's are the upper limit on human tit size and that G cups are a myth and not a single female on the planet could ever have large breasts.

Attached: FFVII_Tifa_North_Crater_FMV.png (240x240, 95K)

I'm legit more interested in the FF8 remaster, and that's not saying much. At least that won't be FFXV with a new coat of paint.

I've heard this before, and don't get it. Do you want him in dreadlocks with a fried chicken wing in one hand and grape juice in the other?

>warpstrikes on r1+triangle
>airsteps with l stick in midair after O taps in mid air
>dodge rolls through square
>r1 while aiming reticle with r stick and moving on l stick TPS shooting
>weapon switching from guns to blade of the mystic through d pad direction mid combo and prompto switching from handhun with directional slide attacks to grenades with manual placement to crackshots on triangle to TPS machine gun to bazooka to r1+r2 chara switch to magic cast on O to dodge roll


The left is far worse. Her boobs are sitting too high, boobs don't do that.

It is like XV though, people who have played it said it is

of all the people ive seen, everyone says that its way better than KH3 and XV, and it doesnt play like XV at all
Like, the only thing that has XV its the, i guess, press something to attack and that you move around, same thing could be said about thousands of games out there

People also say that "looks like XV" literally just because XV its the first action based game final fantasy.

>shitty ADHD combat instead of turn based like every good FF game has
>episodic garbo to be able to milk us for multiple game sales
>butchered character design
>probably will censor cloud dress scene to avoid offending trans people

EZ pass

>XV its the first action based game final fantasy.

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I’m a skinny femboi twink so I don’t really give a shit about Tifa (and love every final fantasy). Pretty pleased with cloud’s redesign, his arms are cute!

Really curious to see how they do wall market though and cloud better look like a full femmy trap.

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Good job, user.

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Realism has killed games

It'll be played up for laughs in the game, like the original. Your fetish isn't getting cartered to, so you may as well tie a noose now.

This man speaks the unfortunate truth

inb4 they censor/remove it to avoid controversy

It'll be played for laughs but if you don't think Cloud will easily pass for a cute girl you're dumb as hell.

Looks like shit, and will be shit since they're even splitting it into parts

It's almost impossible to make a game with good graphics (realism) and cartoony/gamey at the same time. In fact, there's no game that does that.

I thought Xenoblade Chronicles X did a pretty decent job.

Well it's not my favorite game in the world but I feel like Persona 5 or even Dragon Quest 11 came close. It's not THAT hard

The only people ive seen say its better are random fags that never actually played xv

It is like XV, see

They fucked themselves into a corner with Final Fantasy 10. Or even 8. I would say 8. Look at the cutscene style difference. The characters in 8 all look nippy. 9 doesn't suffer from that because of some grace of God but 10 goes right back to nips. Even fucking Kimahri looks japanese. I get it, it's a japanese game, but 7 was free from that, 9 was free from that.

12 was plagued by it, 13 even worse. This realism bullshit

Lol it’s not a fetish it’s just relatable content for me. Nothing sexual about it for me rly.

You’re probably right though, can’t imagine they’ll go for laughs too hard since so much of the FF fanbase is SJW weebs.

Also i don’t *want* cloud to pass I just want him to look cute, which he probably will. Can’t wait to play whole game in dress on PC.

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Ever since Advent Children they've had to give Cloud that choppy layered emo hairstyle. Last Order seems to have gotten the hair more accurately than most other productions. Maybe the original concept was an attempt to appeal to the Goku and Saiya-jin craze which had been a relatively recent global hit at the time of its release.

Barret needs his old footwear back and his flat top might need to be thicker. In general they should probably aim for a late 90's wave revival instead of trying to revamp the characters for a current day trend. Some of the other Advent Children character versions were just fine and probably better than the remake, like Sephiroth and Tifa.

Square began to move more strongly toward a realistic style with VIII and then went back to the cartoonish style with IX before going back to realism again. FF7 is one of those titles that probably benefits from a bit of catooniness.

While the greatness of the original was based in part on the cutting-edge and cinematic visual experience it afforded at the time of its release; the current fx focus that the development team seems to be obsessed over is rather trite this time around, which risks turning the remake into another mediocre cash in. It's the subtle things that also gave it its charm, like the setting and ambience which could be exploited more effectively.

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I sure hope so, I can't stand my eternal FF waifu going the way of Toriyama's terrible shitty OC

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Unironically seems like a worse game then the original in every way except GRAFIX.

Disappointing on every level. Not massively so, but just enough that it's made me wonder why I would ever play this when I can just boot up the original again. Nothing about it has done anything to convince me that it's not just for people who couldn't get into the original because it felt too dated.

they have like 9 months, they won't just ignore the feedback from e3
they have to be very, very stupid.

>they have to be very, very stupid.
Sounds like Square

gimme my big ass Tifa tiddies not this below average shit

Attached: tiddies.png (1796x1682, 145K)

I want to know why the hell they decided to go with this action combat shit and not turn based. Just stay true to the classics.

>FF6, FF7, FF9, FF10 turn based: G O O D
>FF15 action: S H I T

here's your american tifa bro

Attached: file.png (660x495, 676K)

What would the point be if the game was exactly the same as the original?
It's a remake not a remaster.

I only just saw the combat and I'm pretty excited. Bringing back the ATB in a way that works with real-time combat and still resembles how the original game was played is neat. Tactical mode looks like a much improved version of FFXV's wait mode. I gotta wonder if they'll still involve slots for Tifa's limit break though.

how much is 92?

Bit lukewarm on Tifa's new design. Looks like they simultaneously tried to tone down the sex appeal, and to compensate, spiced up other aspects of her outfit that ruin it's charming simplicity. Her face and hair are also a lot more boring than I expected after the Aeris reveal. In terms of the remake, I might actually switch camps and waifu Aeris instead.

Other than that, I'm pretty hyped considering how unenthusiastic I was last year.

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Barret needs to look more like a nigger.

God, she looks so smug here and it's making my pee per the big pee pee

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personally im wondering how the materias are gonna work. Not that it would be hard to implement. Commands materias are easily to implement in an active combat. Support materias are easily to implement too (probably the biggest problem would be "steal as well" with magic, that would be weird). The purple materia (shit, dont remember hte name) also isn't hard to implement, outside from cover, cover maybe gets reworked into a command materia where you literally put in front of other characters. And finally, summon and magic are easily to implement too.

imagine being in a date with her and with that faces she tells you "im searching for you. I want to meet you"

What trailer is this from?

What the fuck are you talking about? That would be the most stilted, awkward shit ever.

>implying 34 band size is fat
nigga what

Faggots like you is why we losing more tits day by day.

Not if she knows you're a fraud and you don't know, but deep down you are aware something is wrong with you.
Cloud had a hard life.



Materia is being locked by preordering and special editions, so I hate the game on that principle.

I didn't want it and probably won't play it but I'm not offended by its existence and I have no problem with people being excited for it.

Better graphic fidelity, better controls, bigger zones, more regions/exploration, add in cut content, ect. You can add a lot to the game without altering the core mechanic of it.

he is in a criminal group, what more could you want?

The loss of the tits is a contributing factor. Also, Tifa's not good at smug, but Aerith is easy to imagine being capable of it in spades.

I want to lose a playful argument with her just so I can see that smug surface on her visage.

Easy spazz. I played it once back in 2005. Wasn't worth a replay.

I'm implying american boob size also probably includes gigantic manboobs. Put down the burger and go for a walk.

I just hope we still get different slot setups on different weapons and mastering materia and all those mechanics.

Max didn't seem to think so


And yeah, it will. We have already seen new weapons, and i really dont think they are just gonna put new weapons that just do more damage, that would be stupid as hell. They HAVE to make weapons have different slots, although i can see the "materia shows in the weapon" being incosistent (maybe the hardege has room to show materia, but maybe shows just 2 of the 4, i dont know.

ANd about mastering materia, it has too since we already saw bolt2 in-game, so that mechanism has to exist.

The demo showed you can't really win fights just by holding down the attack button. You have to move between characters and manage the ATB abilities

>no more Steave Burton

And that's a good thing

>all game podcasts talk about is how they want to see the cloud crossdress scene
This is gonna be epic

I did not enjoy the first game, So I won't be playing this one.

To be fair, it feels like one of those things that isn't just some dialogue or something little like that, but could easily not make it in to the game, so if we get it that would be nice

It also includes flat as a board chestlets; it averages out. Learn how standard distributions work.

People that thin are likely than 2 std out from the normal in america my dear burger loving user.

I'm worried they might linear the game and do stuff like:

>only the weapons have materia slots
>materia can't be bought from stores, you just get them during different parts of the story and are forced to share even the most basic ones

Though I am relieved that the game has a MP gauge. I was worried they were gonna FFXIII up the game.

Attached: ENOUGH.jpg (420x560, 30K)

So.....you want her animeass face back too?

If they did make her tits fuckhuge, there would just be clipping issues, especially those parts of the game where Cloud is carrying/holding her.

go to bed, entire alt-right ideology, you have school in the morning.

LOL, get a load of this zoomer! Well son, back in the day, Sephiroth was the og edge lord.

Butter golems are also outside 2 deviations; a 34 band size is not an above average/fat band size literally anywhere in the world outside of maybe Asia. People just think DD's are the biggest of the big when in reality they aren't that crazy, in fact they are average.

Actually, summer vacation bro.

If I cant do this in the later episodes then I will be pissed.
Otherwise I think it looks fucking great, glad they are doing new things, I can always play the original, bit worried about the future episodes though.

Attached: Pelvic thrus1t.webm (1442x1004, 904K)

fucking lol

jesus christ. I thought I was the only one who did this.

>there would just be clipping issues
Square is a high profile Jap developer making multibillion dollar projects. Are you telling me that they wouldn't be able to deal with something like clipping when some random Japs are able to ensure there's no clipping in a little girls anime ending sequence?

LOL. try 3. see you in 2025 for the collection!

tifa is way better than dumb bitch Aries. Eat shit.

America is 65% obese I don't really care about how fat their tits and guts are. Might need to look at the rest of the world for a proper example.

Bruh, it is FF, I don't think we can complain about anime faces. Hell the protag from FF15 is literally Sasuke. Modern engines can handle clipping better; physics engines, things can compress instead of clipping nowadays.

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Is that on a ps1 emulator?

oh, it's even better if you press the button one more time while he's got his sword out, holding it at crotch level

yes they took a decade to not finish XV, they are incompetent as fuck. They don't even have the balls to put Dead or alive tier tits on their characters.

honestly if this game was being eaten by censorship they wouln't have given cleavage to aeris
not that i complain, yummy peach fuzz

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>That Barret
He looks some Samoan guy.

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Can't wait to see loli tifa

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He said tryhard faggot (ie you), not edgelord. There's a difference, tourist.

You mean the tits she already had?
>it's not censorship if it's MY waifu
I would be defending Aeris if she was getting censored. Nice to know what types you Aerith fags are

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steam version

84cm/34in band isn't obese though. You don't seem to grasp that. Literally no where in the world outside Asia is that an even above average, let alone obese, band size. 38/40+ is land whale sizes.

Is that a cell phone port?

The point, burgerlad, is Tifa wouldn't be a typical american, you're using the wrong set of data to begin with. Americans are fat, we don't want to measure her against fat people.

Meant to quote

best post

You are so stupid. Press to attack for Cloud.
Hold to attack for Barret.
Each character has their own unique playstyle.
This game is gonna be bananas.

Does that mean fightan combos for Tifa?

sex combos with tifa

SE said for years that they'd only do FFVII Remake when the series was dead. So I am guessing we'll never see XVI

This, she's nearly falling out in some of those shots (would be if she was bigger or her dress was a centimeter looser). Not a lot of people notice the neckline of Tifa's sports bra is actually cut lower than her original shirt either.

Those abs too...

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What country's demographic would be a better average to use then? Because it sure as hell isn't Japan with the western looking white people and giant black man running around. lol

Point being, even if she is above average, so what? Why does every videogame character have to range from chestlet - average range? For every small chest on average there should be an equally large chest according to distributions. But the second a character pushes a D or more suddenly everyone is shook about realism when there are very real world examples of that being an actual size, even on slim people. Uncommon? Arguably, sure. But does it happen? Yes. So what exactly is the issue with her original design?

Dunno, she wasn't part of the playable demo. But she does look like a fun to play brawler in what we saw of her from that trailer.

Liar,FF7R thankfully looks nothing like FFXV. Also its not comparable to the wait mode in XV its actually more comparable to Parasite Eve.

people are welcome to like OG tifa more
not that it will reduce the charm of OG tifa

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>tfw still get excited to see her fight in the trailer
why tifa is so based

these look like they are hanging out about the same distance.

they need to give her proper skindentation and then she'll elevate to the FF goddess she rightfully is

Give Tifa bigger thighs!

Attached: enhanced.jpg (700x800, 167K)

>not that it will reduce the charm of NU tifa
fixed that for me

For real, why did they make her a fucking skeleton? Like Barret's forearm is legit bigger than her thighs. lol

she's a skeleton in the original.

>people are welcome to like OG Tifa more
Of course they are!
They're both wonderful.

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So that part's fine to keep but not her tits?
Why do we let you people live?

I can't wait to see the turks.

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>American average

What's the Jap average you fucking brainlet? The American average is high because of obesity

Aside from socks and gloves, she looks pretty faithful to the original. Could be touched up a bit here and there but overall not bad. Get a grip lad.

she was also stacked but they had no problem "fixing" that, give her some bigger arms and legs if they are going for "muh realism"

>official canon tifa
AE came out in 2005 you had 20 years to come to terms with smaller breast tifa

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>giant nigger running around
>thinking the game takes place in Japan

They cut out all the other characters like Red XIII.

Zoomers will defend this.

i dislike that it's a remake, tifa's got some black spandex under her top, it's not an rpg, it's episodic

graphics are nice enough i guess

yeah i like to pull things out of my ass too
not gay tho lol

Why did they change her hair color to black? Like all the prudes wanna shrink her chest and cover her up, I get that but who the hell got triggered off brown hair?

Her hair is clearly not black, get your eyes checked.

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here are your cloud, aeris, jessie and barret, bro

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>changes to Japanese voice track

This. Though I'm okay with this being my new Sephiroth

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You're retarded. They're Japs. They go by what looks normal to Japs. They're not going to default to H cups. There are several games with multiple characters with gigantic breasts.

Will the AC costume be in the Remake? Square seemed to like it enough to put it in Dissidia and Smash.

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I imagine alt costumes will be available. I'd be more surprised if they weren't.

no doubt there will be dlc outfits/unlockables

So just like XV.

Nope you fucking retard
Max confirmed you can hold to attack for Cloud too, both Barret and Cloud have hold square to attack, tap on cloud is just like in XV where you tap attack to get different attacks, plus xv has different finishers and directionals that also give different attacks

No she'll be like Eight from Type-0, she even has Eights exact same uppercut attack

I'm not lying about anything and its attacks work the same way as XV does, you have both hold attacks and tap attacks, and tactical mode is literally the same as wait mode in XV, time slows to a crawl, you can manually target enemies and give commands from techs and who youre going to attack

It was made by the Japanese. If they're used to seeing B's all day, D cups will look large to them. I doubt they went around looking up the average bra size of different countries to decide, that's just Yea Forums autistically overanalyzing shit like normal.

Fuck the AC costume, will the Fusion sword be in the remake?
All I want is for a combat system to utilize it in all its absurd stupidity.
Hell, Cloud even has stances this time that could utilize it. Two swords for AoE, one for stagger, and the completed assembly for pure damage.

Attached: fusion.jpg (444x690, 33K)

Haven't played it yet.

The game doesn't take place in Japan that is irrelevant. That is like saying everyone in every game made by Japs needs everyone to be fucking oriental looking so it looks normal to Japanese people. lmao And having one character with huge tits in their entire franchise especially one that has been established as such for 20 years isn't "defaulting" to H. It is just sticking true to the original. I get you don't like tits but christ not every character needs to be cookie cutter body shape. They should have flat to huge and everything in between. Kind of like real life. Main point is, they cucked up a classic character because they were afraid of low test backlash.

>watching pedotrash lolicons and cowtit loving incels argue for hours on end
never change Yea Forums

fuck off then

You first.

Absolutely everything turned out exactly the way I wanted to, including Midgard and the multiple discs, which is basically the exact opposite way Yea Forums wanted it. I played the game later, and it wasn’t part of my childhood, so I feel bad but hey you win some you lose some.

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No it won't they can't even port crisis core because they can't use his likeness

Attacking was a filler then, same as now, now it’s less tedious and there is more an emphasis on the abilities

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>tifa has small tits

I think people will discover how ridiculous the game actually is.

>final fantasy viii

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