"Controversy" my ass

"Controversy" my ass

Also how hilarious of them to call her a "sexualized transgender woman"

Can't she just be a female with a dick attachment? Its fucking cyberpunk after all, nothing about the poster woman needs to be transgender but oh man the trannies who screach about how cyberpunk is for them and everything just can't seem to grasp that aspect of it, almost as if its another thing they latched on to just to try to make it about them.

I just hope they keep the poster and don't change a thing. CDPR is bowing down to every deranged request of these chronically offended people lately, they need to remember they don't make up a significant portion of their customers at all.

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>Trangender options
>switch your create a character from male to female and vice versa
>Suddenly this is a revolutionary transgender option
Do these people play videogames?

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Nah they just want to make sure their ideology is represented so they feel validated

Trannies and SJW's are mostly bitter and shallow people.

It's basically like Saints Row it will have tit sliders on men and you can choose the male or female voice

welp. time to get the MG42s


trannies talk to the journalists who make all the media that's why they're concerned

This is the worst example of artificially inflated "controversy" for a game I've ever seen though

Remember when cyberpunk was a cynical parody of corporatization in a world where all culture and values had been degraded by commodification instead of being a celebration of it?

Attached: Honk+honk_7dc735_6993793.gif (326x264, 266K)

Pepperidge Farm remembers

Yea Forums been unironically defending and celebrating all the faggot and tranny bullshit in this game for weeks lmao Yea Forums is fucking pozzed now

>tfw CDPR just makes an option with your RipperDoc to change your gender and it switches your model between Male/Female.
>trannies BTFO

Obligatory honk honk

Imagine being unironically unable to differentiate b8 from sincere posts

They handled this the right way though
>"We're going to add representation through the in-game character creator"
Instead of changing the game's NPC or effecting the game's theme, only letting players fuck their own character up.

Can wait to create a cute characters with giants tits and stab people to death with a cyber penis, is going to be great.

This game still is that if you read their response to the soda poster. The thing is brainlets don't seem to fucking get it. That THESE ADS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT. But these fucking retards can't seem to get that you can have bad things in your game and they're supposed to be bad. Nooooo sir. That means you support said things. I hate these people so much

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come on man any criticism for cdpr pullin this woke shit buncha Yea Forums tranny apologists jump on you lmao

That's not okay to portray in modern society because we're already living in a Cyberpunk future, just without the chrome or cyberdecks. "Globalization" is just a soft, inoffensive way to say the erasure of cultural identity so any sense of belonging now costs $19.99+tip.

Dark Souls 2 did it and nobody is making articles about that. At least none that I've seen.

Presumably they mean there will be an "inbetween" gender option

Shit that would be hilarious I can see it now
>cyberpunk 2077 gender change option insults transgender people/is transphobic
>by getting the player character a perfect flawless sex change and therefore trannies get upset because there is no true transgender option
>but aren't transgenders claming they are men/women anyways? Why would they be bad that a perfect switch happens

And then it will be revealed that trannies care more about their own unique brand of "transgender identity" than actually getting what they want, which is a character indistinguishable from a male or female.

Sex changes should only be available at Megacorporate hospitals and cost exorbitant prices to change your in-character model.

I honestly can't wrap my head around it. What do they want? Like honestly i can't tell. Do they want non trans people to write in and make them experience the same shit they do in real life? If not then what's different about a trans character from a male or female one. It's an RPG wouldn't you just pick female?

Honestly can someone who is trans tell me. I can't grasp it

I know what they would say, because I've been around these people.

>what about Intersex people!
>what about Androgynous people!
>This reinforces the gender binary

these people are NEVER HAPPY

they'd as much have Cyberpunk 2077 be a fucking character creator/walking simulator with all those options than any fucking gameplay or character development or story.

These people don't play videogames, they are political partisans.

>wouldn't you just pick female?

I know right? And if you want a futa/tranny character go give them a prosthetic dick attachment, whats the problem? Trannies themselves don't even know what they want, transexual representation makes no sense in a game/world like this where you can just easily become a futa

Do they want their unique "transgender" identity represented? An identity that relies on being neither gender or someshit? Which doesnt make sense cause again they claim to be the opossite gender not a "third" gender right?

Fucking tranny logic is infuriating, WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY EVEN WANT!? I really hope CDPR isnt really considering any of their demented demands seriously.

Okay, here's the honest answer.

So you know how there's that scene at the start of Half-Life 2 where the Metro Cop taps a can off the trash bin and tells Gordon Freeman to "pick it up" and "throw it away?" That Metro Cop could have easily thrown it away himself, but he didn't - because it's not about putting the trash in it's place, it's showing the "trash" who's in "charge." SJWs badger, bitch and banter at game companies not because they actually care about the game, but because they want to make the company bend to their wishes. It's a power play, it's always been power play.


I don't care if they include trannies, as long as I can be a corpo asshole that oppresses them.

user, the corpo-assholes are the ones propping them up.

I feel like CDPR just wants a cool creator and I'm down for it but they aren't gonna pull this off. They already have a target on their back and literally nothing they do won't cause outrage. And it isn't their fault. It's these whacked people who weren't gonna buy it anyway

Like even if they make a great creator people will get on them for being lazy and not recording dialog for every fucking pronoun.

Right but they are specifically demanding transgender representation which doesnt make sense, they can just pick the female character and there you go, give her a cyberdick later in the game if they wish, what more is there?

Do they want a special fucking bio, an option, what the fuck. Its a fantasy game why wouldnt they just choose female right away and be done with it as they are onky transgender irl cause they can't be female, well they can in the game, just select the female V.

See It's not really about transgender representation, it's about getting the rush with watching somebody bow to your wishes.

>Cyberpunk 2077 transgender character option is stil refered to as he or she ingame - here's why thats a problem

Give an inch they take a mile..

Someone needs to stop these fucking combine

it still is, CDPR is just spinning it to appease the trannies. But that poster is clearly a mockery and satire

>When some thug won't call you the right pronoun while shooting at you

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They need to cut out the tranny faggotry.

I wish the industry as a collective whole would stop listening to these people, but it seems like the journos are determined to amplify their voice and make it seem like more than a roudy, perpetually unsatisfied vocal minority criticizing the game, making devs think these people matter more than they really do.

Its all so tiresome

>"It's gender non-conforming polysexual with a two-spirit otherkin V, get xer!"

Ahh finally this is truly Cyberpunk.

if they even acknowledge that trannies exist it'll hurt sales of the game because muslims (read: all of yurop) won't buy it and neither will hispantards or the chinese or blacks

I wish these people would experience some real pain in life. Maybe realize hounding people trying to make art isn't such a big concern anymore. 5 years of cancer can really change your world view and make you see what matters.

they already exist though

>it's a satire I swear guys

>dystopian leftist future world filled with diversity, degeneracy and rampant crime
>transgender character options included
what did CDPR mean by this?

A tranny will save the world from corruption.

There was a tranny on ResetEra that was complaining about how sexualization was bad for them until someone posted how she's a performer on a tranny fetish site.

>transgender character options
what the fuck does that mean? Cock, balls, and shitty bolt on tits? Litterally nothing would satisfy trannies unless one of the dialogue choices for every encounter is "I'm a tranny btw"

Attached: male brain, robot pussy.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Filename is flat out wrong, Motoko has always been female from before her full body cyberization.

>Dark Souls 2 did it and nobody is making articles about that
That's because the gender change had a 70% chance of looking godawful, just like real trannies.

Now thats a level of hipocrisy and cognitive dissonance you will only get from a tranny.

Jesus christ.

why do we still alow these people to live, let alone listen to their opinions again? How long until normal hardworking people had enough with their bullshits and shove them to a containment city?

As long as Twitter exists, so too will trannies.

>devs are focusing on irrelevant virtue signalling while their core gameplay is obviously shitty
Okay. Guess that's the end of CDPR for me.

I mean it's fine if we just give them some outlet for rants but to actually be affected by what they said is just ridiculous. They only got support so that the supporters can get good-people internet points.

Lol, it's definitely like totally DEEP and not just tranny pandering. Cuz like SEXUALIZATION IS EVIL and like CORPORATIONS EVIL!

Attached: Cyberpunk-Redesiuk.jpg (1157x1650, 1.32M)

This doesn’t make sense. Shouldn’t those idiots be happy a trans person is being sexualized instead of the usual and being seen as a freak no one wants?

I was thinking of getting two copies for different platforms and for some physical shit like the map, but as it stands I'm just gonna wait and see how bad this woke pandering shit gets before I Pre-Order or commit to anything.

If there's pronoun and MUH 90 GENDERS shit in the character creator and there's Tumblr shit everywhere I'd rather pirate it.

Preaching to the choir here, Famicom.

My bro braved the ResetEra thread in my stead and said the only reason they're pissed because it's CDPR is doing it. If it was anyone else, they'd be happy as pigs in shit.

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Isn't "CORPORATIONS EVIL!" an actual big factor in cyberpunk?


>lewded transgender woman

was it a trap?

I think you may not understand the genre of cyberpunk.
That's kind of like complaining about DOOM because LOL BECAUSE DEMONS ARE EVIL AMIRITE

Name one rational argument for why gays are bad

They spread aids

It's to appeal to Yea Forums. Yea Forums loves transgender characters who are female presenting but assigned male at birth.
Yea Forums denies it and swears up and down that "futa", "trap", "dickgirl" and "boipussy" aren't all exactly the same thing - healthy respect and appreciation for MTF transgenders.
In fact, Yea Forums will give you tons of free advertising for your game and spend loads of money on it if it has this one specific fetish in it; they literally can't help themselves!
I'd like to thank Yea Forums for being such good allies and being so easy to market to.
And remember sweeties: "traps" don't actually exist. You go out looking for them and trying to find them. That's not a trap. That's just a regular transgender.

my son won't carry on my bloodline

lmaoing at all of you while my girlfriend's husband dilates me

there was literally already a thread with this exact crop as the op

can you get a fucking life faggot

only to other gays, if you got aids it would be a druggy whore

Wow, you people really don't understand Cyberpunk, corporations are evil cause they use "hypersexualization in advertisements", which is like REALLY TERRIBLE and is what you're fighting against while increasing your effort for empathy for the LGBTQ community. This is like Cyberpunk as FUCK!

They only spawn based off predatory older faggots raping and expostulation young boys.

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In the orginal movie they implied she might have been a dude befor.

Posts like this really do make it apparent that the people kicking up shit over this really are just a bunch of zoomers that don't understand cyberpunk at all.