Extended Gameplay Trailer: youtube.com
Tracking Your Prey: youtube.com
what clan are you picking first?
VTMB/Bloodlines 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Toreador. Wonder who this thot is
Its shit SHIT
In the OP trailer's? She's Tremere. Not explicitly stated by all of her necklaces are alchemical sigils. That's the kind of nerdshit only a Tremere would do.
Oh I meant the Toreador girl. Elif mentions the Pyramid so yeah
they didn't even try, soulless SJW garbage
There a good torrent of the GoG version?
Don't put VV in a Bloodlines 2 thread, you BITCH
I love my cute wife and my cute clan!
Tremere are the based and redpilled choice!
probably. just google it. should be easy enough to find.
the OP clearly says VTMB/Bloodlines 2 as in both of them, slut.
she's recognizable and people will stop scrolling for her
t. diablerist
It's more that I want to ask if anyone knows of one that isn't a bitcoin miner.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with diablerie!
Who exactly?
Where is my boomboom
>tfw Toreador first with second Malk bf
How fucked is he without LaCroix's blood
So why exactly do you post this every thread?
we think it might be autism
To find threads I like and re-read them later.
If he was a Ghoul less than 50 years then he's fine; just becomes a regular human. If 50+ years, he starts to age what he should have been. 70+ years then he'll become dust.
Cutie. Wish there's porn of him with Malk PC.
>>To find threads I like and re-read them later.
Are you not able to just save the threads or look them up in archive normally?
Helllo, Yea Forums.
This is Dale.
You've been mean to the Dale ever since he was first shown.
You've made fun of him the most these last days ever since E3 trailer showed him.
You've only ever said mean thing about him up until now.
Say something nice to him for change.
His nose isn't as gigantic as it once was.
Dale you look like the least repulsive kind of jew
I've always liked Dale. I am disappointed with his real design vs the cgi but I still like him
I know the pain of being called a jew because of curly hair, Dale
I share your burden
today i will remind them
thanks for getting that out of the way early, have a wonderful thread.
Better gameplay:
>just saw the trailer
Holy shit it looks so bad.
just buy a fucking ad already.
also, the game will be objectively shit, just like the gameplay demos showed
>YFW Baali have pedophilla in their clan book now
>YFW Baali creampies kids ass with maggots
Yeah, but the first game had shit gameplay too and everyone here loves it. What will really matter is whether it's a good RPG.
blackpill me on the baali
the writing has already been seen, that's the only thing that could have saved it, it's a shit game and somehow manages to have worse combat than bloodlines.
The world isn't over yet even though it looks like ass, let me explain
>only thinblood showcased
>didn't go over different disciplines
>didn't showcase each clan
>didn't run through multiple times with different clans
>didn't show skills/character progression
>didn't show customizing your look
It didn't show anything because its nit ready yet IF by the winter game show its still this jank with the release date fixed then we're fucked
troika actually made decent games beforehand. this studio has only ever churned out shit
All we've seen is a single early game quest. The combat doesn't look worse than than the first game. In the first game you put on your buffs and then just hack and slash until the enemy is dead. In this game you seem to have plenty of active powers even when not playing as a Tremere. There's more going on.
bog standard demon cultists in fiction desu. they just live in a world of monsters so they have to be a little bit more edgy.
>there's more going on
and yet, they didn't show it.
But they did. We see all sorts of active powers in the new video, along with lots of different ways to use your powers to get around. The people playing are complete idiots who don't even know how to aim and move at the same time, people who have probably never played a video game before in their entire lives, but you're clearly seeing the sorts of options available.
what clan doesn't have pedos in it?
flop incoming