Has a game ever tried to make you like an unlikeable character?

Has a game ever tried to make you like an unlikeable character?

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farcry 5

Rinoa in FFVIII

No and Kid is my wife and perfect, PERFECT!!

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Kid is literal perfection, mate

The God of War series.

final fantasy x entire cast

>What should the personality of our lead female character be?
>I don't.... Aussie cunt?
>Brilliant! Everyone loves ballbusting aussies!

You can not say it does't remain an original and unique heroine to this day.

If this was made today, Yea Forums would be losing their shit over Kid and how she was as a character.

Original, because everyone rightfully thought against it.

That is, Until A Hat In Time came out, and reminded everyone how much of a shitty character type it is.

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Chrono Cross in a nutshell.

Kid has her moment of sweetness. They're few and far in-between, but hat's the appeal of it.

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Pic related

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Tried and failed miserably.

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The entire cast of FF13.

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>doesn't like Ropurai /ss/

How does the game try to make you like her? If you ignore her, then you don't need to do any of her story events.

Leena is better.

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Literally WHO?

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I never bother recruiting her. Just a block in the way of destined love

The worst part is that I waifu the shit out of Schala and Kid is canonically her alter-ego and I fucking hate kid so much.

God damn why did they try to make this game tie into Chrono Trigger when it simply does not fit the narrative whatsoever.

Yes. Every Final Fantasy game. FFVIII and X tried so hard, they made them the focus of the story.

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Truth. I want a Chrono Cross remake for many reasons. Mostly all the stuff left on the cutting room floor. But also to have more Leena. Let home Leena get cucked by Another Leena, who gets a happy end.

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Let it be known that on this date, June 13th, the year of our Lord 2019, OP again SHATTERS his own record for most cocks gargled in one post! Indeed, fitting a whopping 57 cocks down his throat! You heard it hear first folks, dicks from every race all met together in OP's body to help him prove once and for all that he is the biggest faggot around! The effort required that he unhinge his own jaw to fit the throbbing erections down his esophagus! Scientists speculate the combined ejaculation is equivalent to well over 4,000 calories worth of semen! Let's hear it for OP, folks, as he has achieved a level of faggotry that indeed may never be matched!

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The "heroes" in Valkyria Chronicles. The Empire was doing nothing wrong and fuck those Darcsen subhuman mongrels. I hated how they were made to be completely innocent and that they got blamed for some shit they did not do especially since it would have been interesting had they done it.

I wanted to bone Kid so badly when I was a preteen that I wished I was Serge to make it happen. I used to fantasize when looking at screenshots of her from the cutscenes and from the instruction manual.

>Reject Kid at Cape Howl
>Refuse Kid's help at Termina
>Ignore Kid dying at Guldove
>Never come back for her after S.S. Invincible
>Serge still somehow misses Kid and Harle leaves the party