Is the hate towards Persona exists purely because now it's a mainstream game franchise?

Is the hate towards Persona exists purely because now it's a mainstream game franchise?

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no, it's because it sucks and atlus sucks

>the guy that has opposed Russia on almost every aspect of Foreign Policy is also a Russian puppet
I will never understand this.

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Lol what? Did you ACTUALLY think it would be because the franchise is bad?

Yes. I can understand why SMT fans can't cope but it's unavoidable now.

Essentially, Giant Bomb said they would never do an endurance run of a Persona game ever again because they are mainstream.

What hate? A lot of people have problems with P5's story, but it was still good. Just not anywhere as good as 3 or 4. It's P5babies who are just annoying and think it's perfect

it sucks because they kicked out Tadashi Satomi

instantly lost credibility desu

Yes. Consider Persona 4 which only got hate because it got milked to death. Having 2 fighting game releases, 1 fighting game spinoff, 1 enhanced remake, 2 anime adaptations and 1 dance rhythm game back 2012, and that game only got annoyance within the fanbase proper.

welcome to politics, where half-truths are king


That is the gayest fucking thing I've ever seen and it's fucking fag month out there

Ive never played it. Should I love it or hate before not playing it?

Yes, unironically. Yea Forums is full of raging niggers who don't know how to have fun, they just make fun of literally anything and everything but can't back up a single fucking word they say.

You're seeing through the kikery of this board, leave now.

Attached: angry gamer.png (370x489, 124K)

>What hate?
user you need to browse more persona threads on here. People routinely shit on P5, they just bring it up out of nowhere sometimes just so they can call it bad.

There was literally a thread this afternoon full of people calling it shit, I can pull up the fireden link if you want.

Essentially this. Personally I'm hoping R will fix certain story elements, like how Golden did that for 4.

Indirectly yes. The games themselves seem fine but I cannot relate in the slightest to the MC making friends and going on dates. The series being popular means less time and resources spent on SMT proper (or at least some of the other spinoffs)

Impostors and fake news. The red in P5 is for redpilled.

Commiefornia thinks they're the heroes when they're the villains. Left wingers are obsessed with the good guys image that they'd promote lies and half-truths.
Of course, this seeped into video game culture, as you can see on OP's image.