Do you play any mobile gacha games Yea Forums?
Do you play any mobile gacha games Yea Forums?
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Longest one i played was final fantasy brave exvius. Even gave them 40$ but that was when noctis came out.
mainly just Girls frontline, FGO and Grand prix story 2
Epic seven was decent, until pvp become dead set on needing the rarest characters to fair well. I'll just stick with gbf
>Buying noctis
I happen to like noctis as a character.
Fuck this trash for censoring Lilibet.
Played FEH for the first few months. Noticed it was a cash grab. Quit quickly
Samish. Whenever a character i like comes back ill just reroll to play with it a bit.
I quit a a few months ago.
I've played a little bit of FEH, but quit when I couldn't get even a single version of Camilla. I also wanted to play FGO but my piece of shit phone can't run it for whatever reason. Is Epic Seven worth giving a look?
Just Love Live at the moment. Though I plan to pick up the Revue Starlight game once I stop procrastinating on the anime.
Played feh for 2 years. Game went to shit so I dropped it. I've played Azur Lane for about half a year now, but the EN translation team is doing shit like removing male pronouns to make the game more ""inclusive"" so I think I'm done with this one as well.
After this I think I'm just done with gachas. I don't have faith in a dev to not fuck up something once I've put time into it.
No. Mobage gachashit is for disgusting subhumans who should all be purged.
>Is Epic Seven worth giving a look?
The last couple months have been a trainwreck.
>Awful powercreep in new units that ruined PVP
>Censored units that people have been waiting for via concept art since launch
>Launched their first major update yesterday which was an underwhelming joke
People are bailing in droves.
>dog eat dog
surely she meant "It's a doggy dog world"
dog eat dog? that makes zero fucking sense
I guess Sdorica is considered gacha.
Are those games actually any good?
I assume they're just mass produced shovelware, but I like some of the character designs from time to time.
play the games developed by hit point and maybe exe-create
How bad is the censorship?
>Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
>Azure Lane
Meh tier
>Valkyrie Anatomia
>Shin Megami Tensei D x 2
I am a fucking retard tier
>playing pvp in ebin seven
Another Eden
About to pick up Magia Record when it's out. I was planning on SinoAlice, but after hearing it's being published by Nexon, I think I'll pass.
They put this character in a full body suit.
They also covered up the big titty dragon girl's ass, so its not just a lolicon problem.
It will only get worse from here.
I'm pretty sure the reverse happened.
Only one and it's a flat loli anyway. I'd be more angry if it was say like Luna.
Record Keeper but not too much
>They also covered up the big titty dragon girl's ass, so its not just a lolicon problem.
>looks at Luna
Dunno what you mean, she still has her ass visible.
I'd gladly play this if they translated it though
>Soccer Spirits 2
I honestly hate the way a lot of mobile games make characters constantly move like this
I used to play Granblue Fantasy and Record Keeper a lot, but I effectively burned myself out so hard I don't want to play it or any other similar game anymore. After "defeating" the gacha gate in GBF I just don't feel like dealing with this sort of RNG ever again.
Why wouldnt you? I get 800-840 free crystals every week and I rarely do pvp now
Shitty quality, but its a half assed paint job.
Luna was censored.
This can't be real
Used to play one piece treasure cruise and final fantasy but I don't remember the name, it had sprite art
Now I'm playing dragon ball legends
That's my point though, you only see cancer in the higher meta. Challenger level is fine.
I don't remember the pose above but I have Luna. Redpill me.
Phones are for making phone calls, not playing games.
What do you think?
It's actually only grown each month. The biggest update actually brought about all the changes people want. I don't know why you think people are quitting.
Powercreep is in every gacha.
I played Masters of Eternity (M.O.E. on the store) and it was actually a very good, well designed SRPG where tactics could make or break tough battles.
But, it kept getting updated, and my phone is a shitty low-memory piece of shit from literally Iraq. I had to drop it after they added Hatsune Miku. Next update was too fat.
But, if you like chicks, giant robots, an actually pretty good story, and strategy, MOE is literally the only Gatcha I would ever recommend.
Apparently they also greenlit and anime and it turned out poorly.
which part? My idiocy when it comes to playing shit games and/or the EN version or AL EN going to shit?
Just as well that you left, once summon fests become the norm I'm finally jumping ship as well. Bit sad though, it was my first real gacha and it honestly had a pretty robust gameplay system.
It was changed before you got it. Top was what she looked like at the original release.
You weren't supposed to take pictures, browse the internet and watch videos on it either, but look where we are. Technologies marches on. Get with the times, dumb boomer.
The EN translation. You're on Yea Forums so you were an idiot by default.
>NUbaiken faggot is a gachanigger
I played that too. 10/10 but yeah, it ate space and I got Azur Lane already.
Stop embarrassing us.
Why yes, I do play the best mobage of all time.
Only Shadowverse for now, I recently dusted off my Azur Lane account for the loli botes event but now I'm about to drop it again.
why does arcsys do collabs with literally everything except the company they're actually making a game for
Maybe because that game is their collab?
Should I invest in Karin?
I'm still waiting for that octopath mobile game
Did you get the thick thighed loli sub?
they also are trying to make yuri ships canon now even though the translation is super off
Still is sexy so I don't see the problem. My main complaint in E7 is the sameface-ness of some of the characters.
And best girl is left untouched
F2P player since 2015, by far the most generous game I've come across. Already dropped DragLost and FGO because neither were as rewarding and we're just as tedious.
I mean, they're literally making a game for them. Can't get more collab then that
I'm liking the new bable game.
I played King's Knight while it was out - that was pretty fine. Right now, the only gacha I play is Sdorica.
been playing for 90 days now. its the only one i play just because i love SMT so much. Im also mad as fuck that there were nothing about SMT V at E3 this year.
Granblue Fantasy
i don't think so gay boy
played this from launch until it died like a year and a half later.
miss my mechs. not the pilots but the mechs. there was supposed to be an anime but that died. supposedly they were going to turn it into a real video game but that went silent.
since starly died the only mobage on my phone is pokemon go and i only play that when i hang out with the 1 friend who still plays it.
Started playing Dragalia Lost when it came out and GBF earlier this year. Started with FEH earlier last year but realised I wasn't actually playing it besides rolling so I just got rid of it.
People always say that gacha are just money pits but it seems like I managed to avoid wasting a fuck load on stupid shit on Steam/PSN/E-Shop because I'm too busy playing these games alongside irl stuff. I've only ever spent 30 bucks on GBF's anniversary ticket and I don't think I'll ever spend anymore beyond that, still kind of regret doing that desu.
Last origin ENG ver. when?
I love SMT too, but don't let that love blind you. Get far, far away from dx2.
wtf, they made a colab with Star Ocean?
Oh shit, is it already released in the US or JP Only?
I think it's still JP only.
The only justification I can offer is that I think girls with long hair dressed mostly in body paint are hot.
The only good game for my phone is riichi mahjong. Technically there are some gacha elements but it doesn't affect anything aside from your profile jpg. Games like feh, fgo, dragalia lost and others are a huge waste of time and money for weak willed people. Honestly they should be illegal
Was that the one that's closing / did close recently? Think I saw a thread about that.
Waiting for SinoAlice to come out and give it a try. But yeah I have a problem with these games.Not spending money on them but more like trying out one new gacha for a couple of days then uninstall them then rinse and repeat.
still going
Might be a different one I saw, then.
Anyone ever play?
Anyone played Super Mecha Champions ? I'm interested in it since I finally found a 3rd person mecha game that looks not too bad but I got the vibe it's gonna be a cheap game that's pay2win shit.
>spending money in a gacha
Your time is more precious.
In that case, nope, very real. Pic related is a translator that does whatever he wants with the script so that it suits his personal moral/political code. In this specific instance a character's "special touch" line (read: touching their tits) was changed from
>CN: ...(Eldridge's expression doesn't change, but her ahoge forms the shape of ////)
>JP: Ugh… (Eldridge's facial expression hasn't changed, but her ahoge is taking the shape of a '///'.)
>EN: ... (Eldridge's expression hasn't changed, but her hair is charging up to shock you.)
What I don't get is that he seems to think that her blushing means that she likes it, which is completely false and kinda perverted/socially dim to assume.
Anyways, that's just one example. Off the top of my head here are some other things:
>in the Oath (marriage) certificate "groom" was changed to "commander"
>one ship specifically calls you "young man", but in EN it was changed to "young'un" (isn't this exclusionary towards older players?)
>misc memes shoved into the script at awkward times
>scenarios outright changed because who the fuck knows
>various mistakes, exclusive to EN
>giving characters terrible accents out of nowhere
The only reason shit's not worse is that the previous TL team was very by-the-numbers, but that also causes jarring problems. Like when a character talks normally one event but then the next event the same character starts talking like a fucking valley girl.
Even if you don't care about any of this TL shit EN has a lot of bugs, some that have been around for a while, and the longest maintenance of any region. The team also apparently can't code because every update means that something is going to break. The most notable event being when they somehow fucked appdata so everyone got forcibly logged out and people who didn't bind lost all their progress and purchases.
So EN is a mess, but JP is very solid. My mistake for thinking that an EN version would be good for once.
>epicshitter 7
Oh it is already as bad as jp. Thats why i dont play anymore. That and they dont ever put out any good content for f2p players.
Tried researching it but seemed like it got shut down
Is it really that bad, user?
Hope that bill that actually outlaws gachashit passes. Absolutely disgusting trash.
I'm probably going to quit Granblue soon. I was just going to play for a short while but I got along too well with my crew leader to just quit. The joy is all gone and I regret all the time wasted, though.
that bill wont affect gacha shit, sadly.
What does it affect?
>played armor blitz for a bit and was fun
>look it up a year or two later
>Nutaku bought it and made it a browser porn game
I only play Azur Lane since it's gacha rates are good and the costume prices are cheap
I play megido72
Thats depressing i actually just started but it seems like ill drop it. Tired of e7 especially with this new shit update showing how far they plan to go to stretch content. Guess ill play gfl until sinoalice comes out for global next month.
If you're aware of the belgium lootbox ban, it's similar to this but abit softer. Belgiums ban actually did hit gacha games so you couldnt buy ingame currency and stuff. This one seems to be targetted at games with exploitative marketing for lootboxes and stuff
I played Granblue Fantasy on and off for 3 years, then really got into it recently and ended up getting banned for 30 days for refusing to uninstall Viramate during Guild Wars, so it really sucks that I can't play seriously anymore now that Viramate is gone. The game is relegated to logging in for free rolls now.
I started playing SMT Dx2 on launch, really liked the game a lot and even ended up luckshitting the best demons in the game which allowed me to steamroll PvP on global, but as the months went by, the game got progressively worse, so I don't play it anymore.
I also started Dragalia Lost during the Fire Emblem Heroes collab, and I'm not playing that one every day. I ended up getting all the FE limiteds and a couple of more great 5 stars so I'm in a good spot right now. I might even spend 8 bucks to get a beginner back to use on the Dream Ticket whenever that rolls around.
Above all, I wish I could play Granblue since it has the best art, characters, and music.
it's a shame because the core game is great for a gacha and the game itself was made by some pretty cool people (read: fans of otaku shit). But there's no way in hell I'm dropping cash on the buggy 4kidz version of the game, and I'll probably drop it altogether.
If you do drop AL though take the time to send them an email about it if you feel like it. Maybe if they get enough pushback they'll stop trying to cater the game to a non-existent "wider audience" while abandoning their actual fans.
I never understood those viramate bans, I ran it 24/7 and everyone got hit and not me.
I play witch's weapon and shadowverse. Ren a cute and also totally pissed herself in the first event.
sucks that the game imploded so hard it got server merged. the collection events are hot ass, gatekeeper events are annoying, and the collabs were stupid stamina wasting collectathon shit both times. I was really loving it for a while, building teams to auto everything and blast through pvp. I even wanted Trumpeter for like 6 months and ended up getting him recently, too bad I don't play anymore.
well, are you still using it to play? They always beef up anti-cheat and initiate banwaves on every Guild Wars
>FEH of all things in God Tier
>Farmville but as Animal Crossing in God Tier
>Misspelling Azur Lane
>Dx2 not in Absolute Retard Tier for the .5% rates, somehow eclipsing the trash rates FGO has
How the fuck does any human have shit taste on this level?
what is this? Art looks cute.
Just Girl's Frontline
JP only, it was a pretty recent collab, happened around the same time as Epic Seven's in fact.
Wait wait....
Baiken is in that game!?
>cleared abyss 90
>6* every character that I have available and want to use
>clear hell raid
>top reward bracket in GW
>legend 1 in arena
>literally only thing left for me to do is auto my hunt of choice every day until the end of eternity
pretty bored and annoyed with the way the game is turning out
Ill probably send one when i get home, i hate seeing my shit get ruined by these type of faggots and will try and stop it happening from others if i can.
epic seven, jewish gook kusoge with whale tier pvp and like $100 packs every week, has a super special whale only gacha that requires you to spend 120 rolls on the normal gacha to get one whale gacha roll
First one ever played was puzzle and dragons. This was long time ago when the game was young. Most recent was drgalia lost but dropped it after a few weeks cause was way too braindead
>Dx2 not in Absolute Retard Tier for the .5% rates
actually they've having banners at 3% 5* rates recently, including a fiend rate up one right now and they put superior summons back at 1%. Game is still beyond dead though.
WCS 2019 OTW
What is the best collab in a mobage?
I used it for months after that massive ban wave right before some guild wars event, had to stop using it when they made UI changes cause viramate wasnt getting any patches from there.
>The most notable event being when they somehow fucked appdata so everyone got forcibly logged out and people who didn't bind lost all their progress and purchases.
Ah so that's what happened. I didn't care enough to actually figure out was was wrong so just got rid it
Possibly the most jewish gacha in existence. My view might be distorted because I came from a game that had a 10% rate for 5*s. But having 0.5% rate is absolutely unacceptable. The game also constantly bombarded you with popups to buy things from the cash shop. And you are sorely tempted to fall for it because the grind is so fucking extreme.
Worst is probably the power creep. New demons are released every now and then, but very few are added to the fusion table, where you use your hard-earned currency to fuse F2P demons to get better ones. They're generally terrible with mostly generic skills. Most of the newly added ones are gacha-exclusive, and they're always busted to all shit.
So mobage gamers, what did you buy in the game?
When I was in Japan I bought her with a ticket and what remained of my vacation money.
yes and i drew 3 5 stars each at 3% in a row so now my luck is ruined
I dont blame anyone for quitting this game, it is a good game but blogged down hard with some of the worse gacha shit.
What's this girl from
Did you roll for mama?
I only play FGO (na) and Azur Lane.
I quit FEH ages ago. Tried Dragalia but it was shit and Granblue sounds too grindy.
Any others worth trying?
God, so much wasted art on a mobile game
What game?
not counting story/writing since i skip all that in mobages; getting Bayonetta and DMC 5 collabs in SMT Dx2 is pretty cool. I think Granblue takes the cake getting Street Fighter, Zone of the Enders, Persona 5, Tales of Series and a bunch of other anime shit collabs over it's lifespan.
I only suptix summons/weapons and spark characters I need.
>tfw considering starting girls frontline just for the va-11 hall-a collab
Not that guy, but that's Granblue man, the OG gacha, the daddy. Music by Nobuo Uematsu, what's not to love?
GFL is my go to game, but I'm also a gunnut. Grabble is fun in spurts though.
>the OG gacha
If you start now you maybe able to get leveled enough to finish the event by the time its out in EN
You're surprised, user? Some of the most successful mobile games in the world are built on their ability to sell jpegs.
I play FGO sometimes but I am really underpowered relative to how long I've had my account.
I played FGO from launch until they censored Demiya at which point I quit. Seems like every gacha can only achieve two out of three key points of having decent gameplay, having decent writing, and not being censored.
>they censored Lilibeth
So glad I dropped this kusoge when I did
Honkai Impact niggas where we at
Just Girls Frontline at the moment. Planning on trying out Sinoalice and Arknights once they get released globally
>no vg
shame, otherwise im lost and have no motivation to play it
>He never had a backup JP account for when NA sudoku'd.
In JP, just logging in gives you mountains of quartz.
Tried granblue but couldn't get into it. I'll just go back to fapping to potatoes
Yes, I do enjoy gacha games.
How could you tell?
Too many limited events I'd already missed before I even started NA, and that applies even moreso now. If you start playing any gacha game past launch you've already lost.
nice, user. Fingers crossed that this time the kickback results in a reversion. Some of the staff do seem reasonable. So you don't have to hunt for it the email is [email protected] . They're also big on discord that was maybe a red flag I should have spotted but personally I'd rather not use that mess.
AL's Kizuna AI event was freakishly good. Way better than what I was expecting from a meme V-tuber
frankly I'm not sure how they didn't get sacked from that debacle. They must have lost thousands of active players.
>Tamamo rip off
Fucking yikes dude. Imagine playing a game without sparks. Lmao!
>Fate invented foxgirls
Huh. Guess like an anime that nobody asked for, nobody wanted, and nobody liked didn't turn out good for them.
Also they were hella generous with their premium currency. I'm surprised anyone had to buy any ever.
I remember that there were also several lines where the Japanese voices referred to the player as a lolicon which was completely omitted from the English script rather than being adapted or acknowledged at all. But I don't know what the original Chinese dialogue for those lines was or whether they were translating from the Chinese or the Japanese.
>tamamo invented fox shrine maidens
They've been a fucking thing for thousands of years you fuckhead. Why do you think foxes hang out near shrines in japan?
Nexon killed all excitement I had for that game.
Only the fire emblem one
Do you remember the translator for Azur Lane EN goes on his way to change all the implication that the commander is a dude to not alienate female player/yuri fanbase? even when you can clearly hear that mc is a dude with the voice acting but most won't notice the text change in not voiced events. It goes far beyond the commander/groom certificate
I was really into gfl for a while, mostly because im weak to cute girls in big coats
gonna try arknights when it gets an english release for the same reason
After shit talking gacha games for years, I finally tried one called GirlsFrontline. And honestly, its not that bad. It seems way to generous for a gacha game. Maybe because the Chinese made it?
Wish these bitches had more voiced lines not just a few phrases for homescreen.
find me one with both cute girls and actual gameplay and ill consider playing one
>Anime i've been watching had a collab with two gachas
>both are jp only but one's coming overseas but the other game is dead here.
i should be glad it got collabs at all.
Typos like that are diamond dozen, you're acting like a pre-Madonna here, relax a little
Pretty sure dog-eat-dog world is the correct saying.
when does arknights get an english release?
West are cucks with most collab and I don't event think Phantasy Star Online 2 would get half of the collab the main server had.
So they can mack on cute visitors?
Play Granblue
there hasnt been any information on a release date yet, just an announcement that yostar are publishing the english version
Its published by Yokstar the ones that localize Azur Lane but japanese release of AK comes for first at the end of this year so maybe 2020 for west.
Im doing that, FGO and AL as well.
There was a press release that says they wanna bring it to other regions within the year
fucking ruined
I hope youre not spreading your $$ amongst all games and only into gbf
Unfortunately. I'm not an armpitfag
There is though. Check out /hig/
You aren't a Dizzylet, are you?
this was my first gacha, sucks that the devs fucked themselves in the ass because of all the p2w shit
Azur Lane for the skins, Granblue for the tickets but I almost own every character except those gala limiteds.
I used to play this. But dropped it because of the time/battery sink. Then started playing again when I had no work and dropped it again 2 months later. Good thing my daughterus are still alive and well
Don't remember dizzy being stacked
Been playing langrisser for a few months, lucky roll on the new Collab banner yesterday
Does having high friendship trigger an event or something?
>Dead game collabing with a dead series
Is Rene up as well?
This game has the ugliest fucking chibis I've ever seen and it keeps me from playing it
No ぷよクエ
Enjoy you're shit waifus
>guilty gear
Blazblue funds guilty gear so it's fine
Just them and Klose
The dialogue portraits are cute
Play Granblue
I love the game but holy fuck am I really unlucky. I've only gotten 1 Natural S rank from the Gacha despite hoarding mountains of the stuff for God Kiana and Vermillion. I've been playing since near release too. Though it's nice to see how the game gradually has evolved and gotten better with time. I still can't comprehend the story though.
been playing Raid Shadow Legends for the past 2 or so months; very enjoyable, though I admit I'm lazier now that I was when I first started. Mid-game grind is a bitch, but the game seems to be getting big updates in the near future, characters seem strong, and I haven't paid a penny.
I used to until Nexon sold it off.
>cute girls and actual gameplay
Puzzles and dragons
Though powercreeps ruined the game
Primarily - FGO, Ensemble Stars
Occasionally - Shiny Colors
Used to play often but not as much nowadays - Im@s Cinderella girls, Love live!
Rarely - GBF (Just started a month or two ago, but my motivation died quickly), Im@s Million Live
Stopped playing - Cookie Run, Battle Girl High School
is it still alive?
Star Ocean Anamnesis, Epic Seven, and Destiny Child are the only mobage I really play right now, but I do log into F/GO NA just for daily quartz. That game is so much more stingy than every other game I've tried out aside from maybe Dx2. It also doesn't help that you have to manually grind so much crap. I've become too comfortable with being able to auto through the grind in other games, and now I can't go back to how slow everything was in F/GO.
I mostly play Azur Lane
On the side I play GBP, Granblue, and Dragalia Lost
I don't spend money on any of them though.
I rolled in her banner while also hoping not to get her because I dislike both her design and her art, but I know I'd force myself to use her because of how good she is.
Had a gold berserker show up and it ended up being Kintoki instead, who I at least enjoy because of how ridiculous he is.
I play Banana's game
That girl's metal hell-claws are incongruous with the rest of her apparel.
autogrind isn't good game design. I stopped playing dx2 when I realized all I was doing was just draining my phone's battery while causing burn-in on my screen. granted I also stopped because the powercreep was absolute garbage and PvP became poopsocking whale territory, but still.
I really like the current co-op tower, it's fun to beat the teammate GK's score with my AKA, or maxed Yae
I never said autogrinding was good game design, but it's a hell of a lot better than having to manually grind a bunch of braindead content, like for lottery events.
so is this one "good"
it worth sinking time into?
At least it's not Time Travel bullshit. Yet.
I was playing 2 but deleted them since they got more and more pay to win with time. Right now the only phone game I am playing is AFK arena but I am looking for another one.
>downloaded Dawn of Isles thinking it was a farming game set in a tropical setting
>its a shitty traditional mmo
What a waste
Only thing I didn't get was Torn Sleeve, but I always sit on enough summons to pity any limited. Epic Seven is pretty okay with its summons except for ML and Galaxy I find, why the fuck is there normal 3 star shit in a pool that you can only summon from every couple of days if your guild is getting shat on constantly in pvp. Makes me so mad to finally scrape together enough for a summon and I get a fucking candlestick or another Roozid, fucking bullshit.
If you like somewhat simple action RPGs, then sure. It's got some event grinding with dailies, but at least the gameplay itself is somewhat fun. If you've played Tales or the other Star Ocean games, then it's kind of like that.
Just Dragon Ball Legends. I'm really really behind on my events and shit, but I've had good pulls recently so I want to leverage that advantage before the power creep fucks me.
Are you not part of an /e7g/ guild? I'm pretty sure most of them are in the highest tier right now, so winning or losing gets you enough for one summon as long as you participate. If you ask them, you should be able to get into one since some have a bunch of inactives that they could clear out.
>Implying we won't get a time travel story where we rescue Kiana's mom
They need to shill a new character somehow. Though I'm sure it'll make zero sense within canon.
I spent 40k gems and only got Vegito, Whis and Blue Vegeta. I wanted Golden Frieza so badly.
Is a boss farming simulator. Thats all you do. Kill bosses, get coins, spend coins in boss shop buying new weapons and repeat that in the next event. Nice visuals but it gets so old quick.
>Browndust General died
Damn that was fast. Girls were all 10/10 designs but I guess the gameplay wasnt good enough?
Dokkan and Legends. Only started legends this week, having fun but i dunno. I like the fact that you can multi task with dokkan unlike this one. I should really let it go, i spend enough money already on dokkan
Wow a game with Korean hentai art but no gameplay substance dies. What a surprise.
Come back when they redesign it to not be a browser game with an atrocious UI.
It has good combat and nice character models, everything else about it is trash. Also, it's censored.
Princess Connect. 100% cute girls only.
browndust was the shovelware OF shovelware
what the fuck were you expecting
No, cause I'm not a fucking sucker.
I'm going to try the new Brave Exvius whenever it gets localized. I'm that desperate for anything involving FFT
Play kings raid
I'm just in a rando guild, is there any bar for entry because my team is admittedly not too great since I went into the game blind originally and have only started to gear/power up after checking out more guides and stuff.
Play the Grub.
just puzzle and dragons right now.
>finally roll raizer
>immediately after it gets confirmed this bitch is coming to NA
>end up trading for her and never actually getting to use raizer anyway
i shouldn't be mad but i sort of am, even without the shield she's a direct upgrade
Just GBF. I don't have a lot of money to go crazy with and 25 bucks for something guaranteed every few months + being able to save up the in-game currency for a guaranteed pick a few times a year is pretty reasonable. I'm autistic and like the near-endless grind, used to get my fix from MMOs but those are in a pretty rough spot right now.
Cecilia is the new hotness now
How's your Oracle grind going?
None of the guilds are really picky about that. Just put /e7g/ in your message when applying to one of the ones listed in the OP for the /vg/ thread. The newer ones might not yet be GG, but it doesn't take too long to get up there as long as most of the guild participates.
at least dark raizer can make a nice leader partner for her, and his active is super useful
how about you gacha MY ASS op
I want to eat that potato
Grub, Dragalia Lost, Pricon. Played FFRK for a little while, but that was pretty boring, and FF doesn't hit my nostalgia feelings.
That's why I use a tablet or pc.
I'm actually a returning player from 2016 who never even started Arca back then so I'm forcing myself to get all of the damage summons to 10% before I go after one. Have a lot of fire astras from making hanged man and sun though so I might try to get based Alanaan done in time for fire GW after I finish up Moon in the next week or so. Would rush Caim but have no titan.
I did. They're both dead now though.
You should try it sometime. They're making king's raid more casual friendly almost every update now.
It's gambling disguised as gaming
I can't see myself ever playing a mobile game really. I'm just content posting the girls.
Some of them are alright
Well then here have the new girl
Are there any good ones for a degenerate yurifag?
Another Eden for me too. Just a bit lost after ending the main quest, seems all attention turns to another dungeon grinding but that's kinda boring :(
Waiting for SinOAlice but I have a feeling I will uninstall very quickly.
Bandori chad reporting in. I might go play GFL again since I learned recently of the uncensor recipe. It’s pretty cool they added that.
Thank you.
Nice heels.
Granblue is omnipandering and has some cute gay girls
And the new artemia skin
Very nice.
I just realized I've been doing this for years as well.
yeah i'm using him as a fujin right now so it's not like he's a waste
i'm just disappointed that he never really got much of a chance to shine
I dont get it. Wasnt the blonde girl always trying to fuck that dragon? Why shy now?
I still hate that fujin actives became practically necessary
here's to hoping the same doesn't happen with shelling ford/hao's actives even though I know it will
The dragon is a hidden dom
>want to see what the hype with gacha is about
>"oh shit there is a one piece gacha"
>i like one piece so i'll bite
>get through tutorial yada yada it's kinda fun
>they give me a free roll for a rare crewmate
>i get this
so this is how they get you, huh
That music was atrocious
I wasted a few weeks looking for a new one after quitting grubble. Realized I'd never find one that meets my expectations and I'm better off just playing real games. King's Raid held my attention for a bit but started feeling like a chore pretty quick.
at least fujin actives are pretty common nowadays. plus some of the weaker enemies with damage absorb can be damage controlled to death
i can't see why ford/hao's active would become necessary too, just on the basis that the VDP awakening exists and is pretty widespread. i guess for combo oriented leads it's an issue sometimes but that's what combo boost skills are for
ford/hao is going to be an issue if rainbow leads ever come back into favor I guess
Anyone here play Toram Online?
This man really pulled a unit with a 0.25% rate, a minimum of four times. What the actual fuck.
Mainly just destiny child. Still log in for dokkan, feh, and TAS
They had a tiny fight because of a misunderstanding, and Anne was too prideful to apologize and too ashamed to face her.
Thanks, will have to check it out. My current guild is lvl14 and we're up against a lvl16, score is 1040 to 4280. I don't know how much matchmaking plays into this, but this is pretty much how all our battles have been going.