Who is the strongest Final Fantasy protagonist?
Who is the strongest Final Fantasy protagonist?
Chuck Norris >:3
they all kill gods but lightning literally turns into a goddess,that's my vote
Not to be racist but why do they mostly look the same with slight hair color variations?
you don't play as cat lady in ffxiv
What do you mean racist?
Creative bankruptcy.
Canonically? Lightning. Gameplay wise? Lightning.
Unfortunately it's Lightning, but if we exclude her I'd say that Zidane is pretty underrated, but can bust planets.
So everyone can kill her.
Doesn't Lightning defeat Bhunivelze and recreate the universe or something?
Ill just have an opinion on what ive played
Cecil is a paladin, not a big deal.
Bartz its just a dude.
Terra is half summon half human, could be canonically strong
Cloud is a super soldier powered by mako and jenova cells
Squall is just a dude
Zidane is an ET that can blow up planets
Tidus is just a dude
Vaan is just a dude
So, i think its between cloud, zidane and terra
Yeah, she defeats God. Not some super strong being that people worships as god. No. Their universe’s God. With a capital G.
Squall is just a dude but canonically he uses the power of GFs to be strong enough to fight a 4th dimensional being and win.
Warrior of Light, Terra, Zidane, Lightning
One of them
Unpopular opinion, but Bartz.
yeah but im trying to just categorize them without in-game powerups, just what they are, which means
no crystal pieces or equipment for bartz
No espers or equipment for Terra
No materia for cloud
No gf for squall (lol)
No equipment for zidane
nothing for vaan and tidus
As much as I hate to say it but Lightning is the strongest. She literally becomes Jesus
Sorta this. Wouldn't Bartz have the most versatile skillset if we include all of his jobs?
No one on this board has played I-VI or XI
Excluding Lightning, who kills God, you have
>Onion Knight killed Cloud of Darkness
>FFXI (You) killed Promathia (evil god) and XI's Cloud of Darkness
>Terra and co killed Kefka, who ate gods
>Noctis killed Jesus
Everyone else was killing space horrors or superweapons. XIV (You) hasn't killed a god yet. Lightning is probably stronger, but XI (You) might edge her out because I think he kills another version of god in WotG.
>any mmo
>requires a group just to enter a dungeon
Bruh, how strong can you be if you need some helpers just to get inside a dungeon, bruh?
I thought Cloud was just some random pleb who was pretending to be a Super soldier. My vote is for Terra but that Lightning bitch probably is stronger than she is. Terra isn't even really the main character of her own game by the time you beat it.
FFI - VI: 9999
FFVII: 9999 x 16
FFVIII: 9999 x 22
FFIX: 9999
FFX: 99,999
FFXII: 9999
FFXIII: 999,999
FFXV: 99,999
Lightning is objectively the strongest.
Cecil was born of a dragon, bearing darkness and light. I'm going with him.
Better question that will cause more shitflinging, who is the best FF protagonist?
Squall, easily.
Lightning, again.
Old hot, nu ugly
Old hot, nu ugly
Hot, hot
Hot, hot
Old hot, nu ugly
Hot, hot
??? (boring) ???
??? (boring) ???
Old ugly, nu hot
This is the sexy protag tier list with anyone that matters in a hot rating.
Also lightning is canonically the strongest with 999,999.
Why the monk from FFI of course
>I thought Cloud was just some random pleb who was pretending to be a Super soldier.
During the events of nibelheim, he was just a weak dude, a shinra grunt. Due to the power of backstab and love (tifa and his hometown), he managed to kill sephiroth but was seriously injured. Hojo, a scientist, wanted to prove his jenova reunion theory (and create sephiroth clones), so he took the nibelheim survivors (Cloud, in between) and experimented on them. Basically, he did the same process that they do to make SOLDIERS applicants become super soldiers (exposed to mako energy and jenova cells, only the strongest survive thats why not everyone can be soldier) but poor cloud got mako poisoning and he was comatose and just not in control of his body. Due to zack death, tifa taking care of him, and jenova cells, he recovered and he formed new memories (mixing up zack memories and his own), eventually thinking he was zack.
So he was just in the wrong place and got promoted to super soldier.
>eventually thinking he was zack.
My mistake, he eventually thought he was a 1st class soldier and that he left to become a mercenary (just like zack told him he was gonna do)
All Dissidia models, so same artstyle and character designer. Except for Noctics, whose picture comes from XV.
Lightning (LR)
Zidane > Terra
Warrior of Light > Onion Kid > Butz > Cecil
Vincent > Cloud > Zack
Firion > Yuna (X-2)
Shotgun > Squall > Lightning (XIII) > Ace > Ceodore
Vaan > Serah > Lann > Tidus
Cloud. He was goofy and serious. His mystery was the best one in the series. It was intriguing and had a twist. His character came full circle, when at the end he is just a normal guy, but that's a good fact. It's satisfying. That guy had the lightest of steps at that point. Cloud would never talk so openly about his weaknesses like motion sickness with Yuffie before. He was at peace. I find him to be the most human protagonist, never too far in sorrow or joy, always counterbalancing both in small bits here and there.
Lightning post FF13.
I swear If they had just given her some ass she would have been more accepted.
Better question: Who is the most attractive?
>Doesn't use a weapon
>Has attack damage on par, if not better, than using the best weapon in the game
Can anyone stop this man.
My fag mate had a giant crush on Squall growing up for the other side of that coin.
I personally like cloud a lot because he in the end became just a normal dude who got powered into super soldier status
He made jokes, he crossdressed, he has motion sickness problems, also claustrofobia, and just a ranch boy (LETS MOSEY EVERYONE)
Lightning worst game absolute trash tier persona , garbage redesign to appeal to fedora fag.
Lightning Returns was one of the most under rated games of that gen IMO.
I can understand people not digging the other 2, and most people would have tuned out by then, but that games awesome as fuck.
Bartz is straight up some dude who left his town to go on adventures and by the end he got close to a hot princess and her pirate sister.
Not counting your character in the MMOs, either Lightning, Noctis, or Cecil (the after years is a thing after all). Probably Lightning though.
Cloud. He may not have Zidane's charisma, but he is certainly the better character.
I don't think that response was necessary, since I despise her already? (She was tolerable in LR for the only time of her existence.) But if you want to instigate, I think she's only the fifth worst protagonist. Zidane, Cecil, Tidus and Vaan are worse.
Final Fantasy XI has the strongest protagonist, and no, it's not Shantotto.
The player character becomes stronger than God, then fuses with his/her future self who is equally as strong. It's not even close, even Lightning can't compete.
Y'shtola and shantotto aren't even the protagonists.
>Vincent > Cloud
Noctis at full power is stronger than all the gods. he's the most overpowerd bs they will ever come up with
its between noctis and lightning no?
Really noticing the amount of love for Cloud but I'm not complaining, he is pretty great.
Galuf is the patrician choice
Goku :)
If you take the Shadowbringers trailer as any sort of canon then the XIV Warrior of Light is the strongest besides Lightning. He's got like six or seven varieties of apocalyptic magic and can manipulate time and gravity and functionally see and change the future. It's Madara copypasta levels of autism.
WoL from FFXIV is the real main character and regularly beats gods and performs thought to be impossible odds.
you mean god
>XIV (You) hasn't killed a god yet
Alexander, Cloud of Darkness, Ultima?
she too cute for them to hurt her.
They must have low standards then.
Can Cloud kill all living things on the Planet, including grass? Does Cloud not have inferior Jenova Cells compared to the Planet subsystem of Chaos?
Dirge of Cerberus' Vincent outclasses Cloud to a hilarious degree. (And before you say he doesn't control that power, the game specifically says that he employs all its destructive capability to buff himself and control the Chaos.)
honestly forgot about Cloud of Darkness. Alexander's still just a primal. Ultima's a metal beast. Living Liquid, Manipulator, and Brute Justice are harder than anything else in FF though so I guess that counts.
29 in a few days
>Can Cloud kill all living things on the Planet, including grass?
Neither can Vincent. You're thinking of Omega weapon.
Squall it's a better protagonist, soldier and most importantly a leader.
No, replay the game again. Chaos returns all the living things to the Lifestream and Omega gathers it all up to go to the stars, leaving Chaos alone on the dead rock. Those are their specified functions.
Technically XIV WoL didn't kill cloud of darkness, we defeated her and then the allagan clones bought enough time for us to escape. She's still alive.
We did kill omega weapon though and the exdeath and god kefka versions of his. Same for alexander.
Except that Promathia is literally God, as in the creator of the races. Altana is his equally powerful counterpart, and they both give their power to the player character/future player character.
Also player character killed Promathia and Promathia fused with Sehl'teus.
>No, replay the game again.
No thanks, I'd rather accept defeat than replay that dumpster fire. My mistake then.
Lightning because she literally becomes a goddess, but that's cheating so....Noctis
I hate that Yshtola gets to be the XIV rep when she hardly does anything in XIV. I don't get why people like her
Motomu Toriyama should be hanged for the crime of creating Lightning. Nothing will change that no matter how much he samefags in a single thread.
>that perv Toriyama is posting on Yea Forums
You can create races and not be God. God would be the creator of life and the universe.
You’d rather le wacky underwear man?
lightning only temporarily borrowed the powers of etro and shes just a regular human by the end of lr
wasn't Ashe the actual protagonist of XII's story?
Noctis couldn’t even kill his own bad guy without dying.
You obviously don't know your FFXI lore.
Because there’s no magic in our world, duh.
Because Ardyn was literally immortal and required his blood sacrifice which ONLY he could do
Noctis could kill bhunivelze if he wanted
lightning couldn't kill ardyn ever
That's not meaningful to ponder on. If we go by what they all are at the end, then half of them are powerless and/or dead, a quarter of them are retired and a quarter has kept their skills up. It's much more natural to evaluate them at the height of their power/during most of the game itself.
Not that guy, but Altana created Vana'diel. Then when it all got fucked up, she split time and made a new one.
so lightning is the weakest
Just saying, if the world doesn’t go kaput when God dies, then chances are it ain’t God, just god.
If we dont count LR then its either Noctis, Light or Zidane.
Sure. Hildibrand would be better. He manages to actually do stuff in the game.
I'd also be okay with literally anyone else from XIV like Estinien, Gaius, Hien, Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, Raubahn, Zenos, Haurchefant, Aymeric, Yugiri, Magnai, Sadu, Arenvald, Ilberd the Sloppeh, Cid, Nero, and so on and so on
Nope, Noctis is at his most powerful at the end, Cloud is at his most powerful at the end, so is bartz, squall, zidane, cecil etc
lightning becomes literal regular human after using a literal friendship sword to beat bhunivelze, so not even her own power
My vote is Squall, Tidus, and Bartz
All white people look the same.
In her world, the other characters are just fictional pieces of media, so take that how you will.
Noctis is dead by the end.
Probably Cloud or Lightning.
Special mention to Tidus for being able to breathe underwater.
This user again Promathia's never really dead. He is however, always dying. Hell, he was dying before Altana created Vana'diel. To be blunt, she created Vana'diel to be his life support system. She essentially took his "death" as if it were a thing, and carved it up into tiny pieces and put it in all living things. And that's why everything is mortal (other than the Zilart) because everyone's carrying around a tiny fragment of Promathia's death inside them.
Never played XI but that's some cool lore.
Squall no contest
I don't know about strongest but best are Squall and Terra
Old Noctis and Cloud.
For me it's Terra
Literally nothing can stop a level 50 monk. Imagine if he was free to go to 100
unironically either Cecil or Noctis
Noctis no question. Though I understand Cloud.
No one else can apply.
But is there an FF protagonist who can defeat the Warrior of Darkness? And I'm not talking about Dreams of Ice Warrior of Darkness. No, I'm not talking about the Far Edge of Fate Warrior of Darkness. Hell, I'm not even talking about In Crimson it Began Warrior of Darkness. I'm talking about A Requiem for Heroes plus Alphascape Warrior of Darkness with absolute control over the chains of his Inner Beast, a complete compendium of the Lost Arts of the Sultansworn of Ul'dah, at peace with his Darkside and channeling the anger of a thousand fetch quests, his sins confessed to mend the wounds of himself and all around him, a thorough understanding of the battle tactics of Nym with preparations to deploy them complete, his bloodstream flowing with fragmented aether of Bahamut after shifting into the Dreadwyrm Trance, the entire armories of the Zodiac Braves and living arsenals of Anima Lux and the Elder Primal Eureka at his disposal, wielding an Overheated and Reloaded gun, his blade weaving in the patterns of Getsu (Crescent Moon), Setsu (Falling Snow), and Ka (Drifting Cherry Blossom) and thus prepared to execute endless slashes in a single instant, muttering the Angelic Language while standing in his Ley Lines alongside the scrawlings of the Tenchijin Mudra with mastery of all known Ninjitsu, Hissatsu, and Iaijutsu, standing atop the Shiokaze Hostelry, simultaneously chanting the Wanderer's Minuet while playing his Foe's Requiem, able to perceive all aquatic wildlife as they are and will be via his completed Fish Eyes, inscribing the Brands of the Six Elements according to the words of Byregot, with a perfect balance between Black and White Mana, completion of all techniques of the Whalaqee and Mamool Ja including Doom and Diamondback, invoking the Riddle of Fire and with the momentum of Triple Greased Lightning, and in complete attunement with three Eyes of the First Brood and comprehension of the full Life of the Dragon.
At the end Noctis is fucking dead. And once again we're back at the "Does a robber possess the power of a gun or not?" question. I'm not doing this. But here's the ranking of at the end power levels.
Zidane (retired and it's only potential anyway) > Cloud (retired, but keeps his skills up, still enhanced) > Cecil (retired, paladin) > Firion > Shotgun > Lann > WoL (lost crystals power, but remains actively fighting still) > Vincent (implied powerless, but retains weapon proficiency) > Butz (loses crystal, retains job mastery) > Yuna > Vaan (retired kinda) > Squall (if he gives up GFs as is implied) > Terra (powerless, but the magicite body enhancements may remain, in all cases weapon proficiency with a different body may no longer be available) > Lightning (powerless, but the ending doesn't actually say she is so, but fine) > Onion Kid (powerless, loses crystal) > Tidus (dead) = Noctis (dead) = Zack (dead) = Serah (dead)
I didn't play through revenant wings. Did Vaan really retire?
Better question, who is the strongest FF party member, excluding all main characters and Terra since she's VI's Dissidia rep. This means no XIV's warrior of light either.
What about the strongest FF party overall, not counting their protagonist?
good question!
I'd say FF5 (Galuf) or FF6. IDK about FF1 2 or 3 though
Any of the 13 characters (its not like 13 had a main character anyways)
Vincent? Beatrix
No, it's just for XII. I haven't played Revenant Wings (yet) either. I just meant becoming a ull time sky pirate is sort of retiring from the main conflict fighting in XII. I placed him pretty high, since that still requires some fighting and keeping skills up, just less so.
FFI seems a bit fucky with this question but any party with a Monk in it is capable of punching so hard it creates a time loop.
>Not like 13 had a main character anyways
Lightning you fucking fool.
Monks have been getting no love in modern jrpgs
Every MC is a swordguy now, or has magic powers.
We need a country boy monk who only knows how to solve problems with his fists, or a zen MC who gave up his desires to train in a monastery for years.
Vincent is pretty up there overall but his strongest form isn't even in the game where he's a party member and requires Omega to activate.
Is that just a metaphor for punching really hard because if not I'd really like to know more.
Lightning isnt the protagonist you fucking retard, thats the whole thematic of the game you literate fuck. There is a difference between posterboy and protagonist, look at 12 and 10.
13 didnt have a protagonist.
>XIV Protag
I call bullshit
She does fuckall throughout the entire 3 campaigns
She probably only has like 2 major moments
They only put her in Dissidia because they needed a White Mage Rep and waifu points
If anything, besides your player character, Alphinaud is closest to being the protag
Y'shtola is there because it's a Dissidia image with Noctis in it.
Tidus isn't just a dude he is a dream of the faith, which I think is also what the summons are in FFX.
>Is that just a metaphor for punching really hard
Sorta, FFI's story is about fucking up and then unfucking the timeline.
Noctis with the rings is pretty damn OP
Firion, not even fucking close. Then terra.
I know it is
But I guarantee you some people would tell you she deserves to be on that pic with the other protags
those people are shitheads
Lightning is a boring Mary Su and should be excluded from the argument. Doesn't help that her developer had a massive boner for her flat ass.
If Lightning isn't the protagonist by fiat then Vanille is the protagonist by merit. The only game in th series with a successful ensemble cast is Before Crisis, because the character you choose becomes the most important through the story giving them all the claim.
I really need to play crisis core because my brainlet head didn't understand shit about this during my FF7 playthrough. Gotta wait for the remake and maybe watch AC again.
Ariana Grande
Vanille only set the up the events of the game while being a manipulative bitch behind the scenes. Snow feels more like the protag but frankly the story is character driven so there is no real protag.
13-2 and LR change that, I am not gonna argue but LR has shit writing.
lightning is the strongest when it comes to draining my balls
Cecil goes to the fucking moon nigga
FFX: 99,999 x 9
Blitz Ace exists, although that would still put Tidus behind, but with much smaller margin.
That wasn't CoD at her fullest.
Though i will say WoL in XIV is power spiking like a madman thanks to the echo. They likely won't be best tier, but they'll definitely be high tier.
Also didn't Bartz and company defeat the power of the void? Something much more primordial than dark and light? Basically fought off entropy.
because he sacrificed himself while at FULL POWER aka he ended at his strongest
Vanille is the protagonist emotionally. At first she runs away and nothing gets done while people run round like headless chickens. Once she decides on Pulse to not run away, the party starts doing (wrong) stuff to advance and close the plot. At the end scenes she chooses to oppose Bhunivelze and not submit and then makes the pillar and "a miracle happen." The plot literally twists itself to follow whatever she feels like. She's the one always in the know and Fang basically revolves around her, making Vanille the only active participant in actions, while the other four basically have no real business being in the main story plot at all.
In 13-2 Caius succeeds in killing entropy, causing the world to remain in an unchanging state for 500 years until God rebooted it.
See Why did you samefag 3 times? Noctis is the strongest at the end the last time we see him alive, so is Cloud, so is pretty much all FF protags
lightning is just a regular human by the last time we see her alive
lightning is objectively the weakest
In Revenant Wings he kills Feolthanos (with help, but still), I wouldn't call that "retired".
So did Lightning... and Tidus... and any other protagonists that died at the end.
Lightning is just regular human
Tidus isnt even stronger than zidane
are you fucking retarded? noctis died BY SACRIFICE not by fucking losing a battle or being bested in combat, he used a bloodprice attack so powerful the cost is his life to use to kill a fucking immortal daemon king
The keyword is he died, user. We’re giving the benefit of the doubt and counting a character at their best. If you want to go the whole “character at the end” route, then Noctis is dead.
My friend got mad at me for calling Tidas Cloud's alolan form
Lightning (post XIII) > Terra, Noctis, > WoL, OK, Zidane > XI and XIV hero > Cloud, Lightning (in XIII), Squall, Cecil, Bartz > Tidus, Vaan
I didn't samefag. (I'm the first.) "The end" refers to a game's end, not the end of a character. That's logical. Therefore I choose to ignore your so-called point. And even then we see Noctis after his death in the afterlife as his last visage.
And still LR only declared that the new world is without magic and not Lightning, who might be exempt. (She's the one describing "your" world, as in separate from her. She should've used "ours" to include herself) Even further Tracer of Memories shows that the new world still has the same lake of Chaos afterlife with Caius and Yeuls standing around, so technically the new world isn't magicless either.
Noctis has stronger physical feats than other FF protags using his own power, he literally got stepped on by 47, 743 TON earth god who stepped on noct with his full weight while holding a fucking meteor too and noctis shrugged him off in a few seconds by pushing him off him
nothing lightning does is her own power, anyone could have been given etro powers and done the same thing, she has no actual physical feats
999999 iq post right there.
The keyword is sacrifice on his own, he never lost he paid the bloodprice to use an attack to kill an inmortal daemon god which would cost his own life in recompense for all those that sacrificed themselves for him and only he can kill this immortal daemon king because of his bloodline
noctis at the end when he is alive is at his strongest
lightning at the end when she is alive is at her weakest
cloud at the end when alive is at his strongest
Terra is half esper. No contest.
the ones that fought Cloud of Darkness and won
No the end refers to the characters last fucking point at which they were shown alive in which noctis is the strongest
by your fucking logic if Thanos used the gauntlet and got dusted himself that makes him the weakest
shitening is just a regular human at the end of lr, that was the whole fucking point that they are no longer shackled by gods or magic or whatever, they're literally regular people on actual earth now
Doesnt matter daddy noct looks better than all of them
Lightning, sadly.
I know, what ducking retard made this
We shall just disagree on the first sentence.
At the end point of the story, yes.
Then they shouldn't have totally fucked up that point. They even lampshadeed Bhunivelze's future potential revival. Tracer of Memories blatantly goes against the point. It's not actually Earth, because the events in it don't fit our world. It's a fantasy Earth. (If you were very gracious, you could maybe call it fierce backpedalling actually, because nobody liked the Earth ending, but just delivered extremely incompetently. As is S-E tradition.) We both fucking hate Lightning anyway, keep your emotions out of this.
toriyama is a fucking retard
news at 11
lightning is still now the weakest and has no feats on par with noct
lightning didnt even beat bhunivelze either, all the souls of the people in ff13s world combined into a friendship blade which is what defeated bhunivelze
Galuf. No doubt. A warrior of dawn basically preceding FFV's warriors of light.
>boring as fuck character from shit game
oh XV-kun..
dumb phoneposter
followed by Noctis, Zidane and Terra
Squall. Flawed character with relatable issues. He deserved a better game.
he's the best ff protag from the best game
Are you Barry?
Repeating something for 10 years doesn't make it true.
Which FF had the most retarded plot?
He's being ignored in VII threads, so here he is. We should also ignore him.
XV hands down.
1's timeloop makes zero sense.
honorable mentions to VIII cause anything involving timelines are always fucked
I'll say what I said at the beginning, it's much more fruitful to compare characters at the height of their power. To have fun with the entire idea, you see? Yet you seem to have a interest in "now" even though "now" Noctis is dead. Secondly Lightning will always be only the second weakest even when powerless, because Onion Kid exists and is a kid.
Again you're claiming Lightning didn't call the spirit sword to gather to her with no evidence. And even if they came willingly on their own, their power was still bestowed on her. Because your tools are part of your power even if potentially (Since you don't know.) unwanted and temporary.
I just don't care about the "now" like you, to me Cecil should be evaluated when everyone is praying for him to win. You're trying to make Noctis win against Lightning as some sort of justice through these complicated thought processes, because her being a goddess denies it from you. So you arrive at this very particular method and window of opportunity. Stop looking for a conclusion that you want and just look at the facts.
>People saying Lightning
Sure Space Budha is powerful, but he is far from the strongest FF villain.
The strongest villain are Neo Exdeath, Cloud of Darkness and Ultimecia.
So that means the strongest protagonists are Bartz, Onion Knight and Squall.
WoL is like Captain America, he's not the strongest or the weakest but he has good leadership skills.
Firion is just a strong average guy, nothing extraordinary.
Luneth is an average guy that can quickly adapt to the opponent, I guess this is a good weapon but considering that later characters got overpowered abilities he's just not up there.
Cecil is a Paladin and Dark Knight, he can use the aether but this isnt good enough to match against stronger opponents.
Bartz is sort of like Gatsu in terms of strength but still an average guy.
Terra is a half-summon that can call out other summons without limits, so now we're getting somewhere in terms of strength and on top of this she wears all magicks.
Cloud is a mako poisoned guy that has limited access to magics, he is strong but also fast that's about it.
Squall wears the Lion Heart, can also use some magic.
Zidane is immortal, alien lil nigga that goes ape whenever he is emo and can destroy planets.
Tidus is a summon that can play blitzball and tell bad jokes.
Vaan is gay lol
Lightning became a god at one point, she's fast as fucc and does flips and shieet
Noctis is broken overpowered
Noctis > Lightning > Zidane > Terra > Cloud > Squall > Cecil > Bartz > Luneth > Firion > WoL
II by a country mile.
Why two IV protagonists?
I would put God Kefka and maybe even Xande on that list.
>Tidus is a Dude
Tidus is a dream
You know damn well that's Barry, he's the only with such a boner for Noctis.
Bhuni is way stronger than these fools. He’s got all that and more. His very being is woven into the fabric of reality.
>God Kefka
A continent slicing laser is cool, but Kefka (even in God form) is actually on the lower scale of power
I guess, but the only thing he ever did was freeze the world and himself in time.
I think squall is more like captain America. He doesn’t have the best feats but he is the best leader. He’s specifically trained for it and is the only one with actual leadership experience. Plus, he takes charge in dissidar after everyone fucks off to do their own thing.
>tfw no power of gf
Wasn't Space Budha pretty much THE god? Like the demiurge of everything, which would include include the void and shit
Kefka could have done more to fuck up the planet if he really cared to. Cloud of Darkness/Cloud of Light have never actually broken or fractured the world they've only smothered it for a time.
>Only Galaxy level
I'm like an hour late on this one, but haha get fucked nerd.
Hah, try reality. He is literally woven into and controls reality.
Squall hands down for me. His entire squad is useless and each failed at one point in the game. He literally hard carried all of them and his entire school on his back
>needs several days to make a new universe
>after Time Kompression it takes Ultimecia only a few seconds to absorb all of reality
>gets beaten by all the remaining human souls weaponized in a friendship blade
Some God.
Dark Knight Cecil > paladin Cecil
I was under the impression that bosses like god kefka weren't real like how ex versions of primals are the wanderering minstrel exaggerating the story of the normal trials.
Because he ultimately isn’t evil. Being God, he’s more neutral. He needed the days for lightning to collect souls for his new world, otherwise there’d be no point.
He isn’t actually dead. Epilogue materials suggests he is only sleeping in the unseen realm.
>plying brave exvius
>do hard trials
>usually rely on other players characters to carry me
>decide to choose a high level Cecil
>only knows healing and protection spell
>holy is shit because magic stats are mediocre
Fuck paladin Cecil
I'm pretty sure it's CoD. I mean didn't dissidia establish that all FF universes hang in the void and the void is trying to eat away at all of them. And CoD is just the embodiment of the void itself. And besides III, she's the final boss of XI too.
Cloud also has Jenova cells, Cecil is half ayyyy, the special thing about ff8 characters is junctioning GFs,
what i mentioned here isnt in crisis core, it was in fact in ffvii
its a mix between a letter hojo left in tifa's room, that flashback in shinra mansion after cloud healing his mind, and all the cloud fixing his mind cutscene.
yeah but not by himself, he goes to the moon thanks to the big whale thing (i havent played FFIV in years, so i dont rmemeber the name)
but tidus existed at some point right? in old zanarkand
I honestly, now that you mention it, dont know if tidus was real at some point or not
He was asleep. In the end, he can easliy create and destroy worlds
Noctis by a long shot.
He never existed. He was only a dream. His appearance is based off of someone who did look like him 1000 years ago
they're a simulation created by omega, so they're real in the sense that they're a (almost) perfect simulation of the actual thing
that dude from the sphere that yuna found in X-2 right?
never finished X-2 so i really dont know
I'd rather have the WoL we see in the trailers, generic midlander.
cloud was a mall cop in nibelheim, yes, but then spent five years in a tube getting injected with Hojo Juice so by the time the game starts he has pretty much the same physical enhancements as a member of SOLDIER
10/10 post, user
2009 called. even they dont want their memes back
Tidus is a professional athlete and is also technically an aeon(but not like, a good one).
Also I think Lightning becomes a Time Valkyrie with the actual backing of God by XIII-3 so she's in the running.
Gogo will just mimic all these guys and win
Are you?
Good thing it is true.
Ok but what about who's the strongest in-gameplay (ie who can get the most broken)?
Are you retarded? It has the most simple and straightforward plot of any FF.
13, 12, 8, 10, 9, 7 and 14 all have the most retarded plots
Yeah, that guy. It's it ok if you didn't finish. You ain't missing much
Couldn't a primal from XIV defeat pretty much every single one of the FF protagonists just by tempering them?
Then why did they call?
Lightning has no height because she has no feats, all she does in actual LR gameplay is basic magic casts and simple attacks, she didnt beat bhunivelze, the souls of all the people formed into a friendship blade and did
nothing she has done is an actual feat unto herself, compare to Noctis literally pushing a 47, 743 TON earth god off him like its nothing, that's a physical feat, lightning cannot compare
none of that is her power, she has no actual inherent power, Cloud fucking wrecked Sephiroth BEFORE he was even mako infused, Noctis was born with his magical abilties as they are inherent extension of his own physical abilties, lightning has no fucking feats
At the end point of when the characters are alive, noctis is objectively the strongest, and the Astrals in XV are all the ACTUAL gods just the same as bhunivelze is in 13, they have existed since time itself and created life the same way bhuni did through etro in 13
the strongest is ardyn because he is immortal and only noctis can kill him because of their bloodline
Are you fucking retarded?
If XIV goes, then Warrior of Light, quite obviously.
When is Alphinaud getting some recognition in ffxiv crossovers?
He pretty much gets as much screen time as the WoL, while catslut got benched for an entire expansion.
I mean I like the cat more, but it seems odd.
No other FF protag could put on squall's jacket and he changes clothes multiple times. He possesses some otherworldly strength to get it back on.
Holy kek
fake and gay
No, but they're definitely getting jumps in powerlevels as the game updates. They'll probably be between continent buster to planet buster by the end though. Echo ain't no joke.
Looks dumb
WoL (FF XIV) - he is overpowered, and kinda freak in the world, thank you Hydelin
WoL (FF I)
Cloud / Terra
Dunno about MC of FF XI
Lightning becomes a literal goddess and then single-handedly slays the god of all gods.
I'll give a special shout out to Squall though, because he easily has the best leadership skills out of any of them. I don't think any of those other guys/gals could properly coordinate a team comprised of: a goofball who keeps scarfing down hotdogs, an airhead that yells things like the fact that she loves trains, a spoiled rich princess bitch, a cowboy womanizer, and an older, mature oneesan that wants to fuck you.
based and blackpilled WoL bro
Unless the echo is just some kind of innate protagonist thing for every FF protag, I think so?
Cloud, squall, noctis.
The rest are a league below.
Why can't they put it on? I don't get it. Is it really heavy?
Drop Noctis. He became unbearable when is fiancee died, while shrugging off his father's death in like 10 minutes.
XIII Versus Noctis
Lightning has indirect strength feats. She's stronger than Fang+Vanille obviously, and those two could stop Cocoon from falling on Grab Pulse, therefore Lighting should be able to do the same and more.
FFXIV Warrior of Light. Easy.
Nigga needs clones of himself to do anything
He strongest, magicest, fastest, best storyest and sexyest.
Just look at that ass like goddamn.
dude thats gay
That's just a gameplay thing. He/she is pretty much the only FF protag who fights shit solo in cannon.
It's acknowledged that fellow adventurers help out quite often by the other characters.
Not in any of the major fights in Heavensward and beyond.
Should've been the derplander if anything
In WoFF some one says he is doing well to keep up with the really strong guys like Cloud and Squall
They specifically mention it for Susano and Ala Mhigo off the top of my head.
If you watched the cutscenes recently then you should know that WoL was the only one there. If there were other people then nothing Zenos says would make any sense.
Base form or end game?
Easily Zidane and Squall. the former for his charisma and the latter because of the way the story was tailored on him and his internal struggle
And Vincent defeated Omega Weapon
>3 mainline games in 3 years
Howd they do it? I want more
Warrior of Light in XIV is pretty strong desu
Real talk, why have they not added XI & XIV's custom WoL's as playable characters? Even if it's just them at their original resolution and not to definition of the others?
Neo Exdeath is arguably the most powerful villain in FF. The Void is canonically connected to all universes, and present in everything FF related. Using it, Exdeath was also going to destroy literally everything, and he actually meant it unlike villains such as Kefka and Brandelis.
Bartz managed to beat him, therefor Bartz is the strongest FF protagonist.
His bark was worse than his bite
beating the strongest thing doesn't make you the strongest. By all technicality, Lightning was the strongest for a period of time in LR.
And I say this as someone who has V as my fav FF.
It actually is Lightning from an objective standpoint.
Using the void as a catalyst to destroy everything doesn't mean Exdeath himself is capable of such a feat on a pure power basis.
If it's a base to base comparison Zidane just destroys the planet.
Obviously you'd judge them at their most powerful