What is the worst game you have ever played in your life?
What is the worst game you have ever played in your life?
Can't choose between Crash Purple and pic related
The only games that come to mind from childhood are Powerpuff Girls Chemical X-traction and Earthworm Jim 3D for N64.
xenoblade chronicles 2. It's the most embarrassing game I've ever played, I realized at one point it was taking me 5 mins to kill a random wolf, I feel asleep playing it and threw it out the next day.
this. that's the fatal flaw of most jrpgs. they tell you it has 100+ hours of gameplay, but you quickly realize it's because it's fluffed up by dogshit combat that slows the game to a crawl, to the point that you dont even wanna play it, and just end up watching all the cutscenes.
Ratchet and clank back in time or some shit. I had it on ps3 and platinum'd it in 6 hours so I brought it back and got a different game
Miner wars 2081 unless you can get it to actually work
Most movie licensed games
Mixed feels for bound by flame. It's a fun game but so weird, it feels like it's missing 40% of the game in the middle and some final shit is missing too
Crash purple was my first crash game
I dont mind fluff, but at least make it entertaining or give me a carrot to chase, the combat of xb2 feels like playing dps with 3 buttons in an mmo and the voice acting somehow makes the combat even worse.
>I realized at one point it was taking me 5 mins to kill a random wolf
reminds me of this video of yiik's combat
Already posted it. This or Anthem
well shit
The spyro side of the game was much worse
Probably hearthstone
I’d say deadly premonition but at least that game had a vision
This was bad yeah. Not the WORST, but bad. For me it’s probably NASCAR for the GBA
Either BALLZ 3D or DBZ Taiketsu
Don't make me think hard enough about it to choose.
As much of a meme that it is, heavy rain legitimately makes me so angry. Whenever I see normies praise it for it's amazing "twist" my autism flares up.
The shitty story telling is the worst I've ever seen in my life which is a shame because I genuinely liked two of the characters.
Was purple anything like Crash XS? I loved that shit
I watched a twitch stream of it out of curiosity despite already disliking the look of the game. Was expecting at least something decent, not a 20 minute cutscene that read like it was straight out of a B-grade anime.
If that's your only David Cage game, never play another. The twist is only the 2nd worst of his, and the writing is overall the second best of his games by a small margin. His best game has only two good characters, carried by their actors' chemistry and improv.
No, it's a shitty mini-game collection, and a giant miss opertunity
Nier Automata.
if There's something else as bad I can't remember it right now.
I dom't ever remember buying this piece of shit.
more mommy please
This piece of shit
Left Alive. Not sure if its any better after receiving those patch updates though.
in my country this was called Crash Fusion I think
I haven't preordered a game in over a decade and this game is why
Starseed Pilgrim.
Metal Dungeon on the original Xbox
I got it for 3 bucks and I still feel like I got conned.
Surprisingly good character creation for the time though. Shame the gameplay and level design were so shit, not to mention the near complete lack of a story.
>DBZ Taiketsu
holy fuck that's it
my cousin got me that game for one of my birthdays
I'm not sure what the number 1 worst game is, but I played my brother's copy of Dynasty Warriors 9 and it was the worst game I've played in a very, very long time.
F.E.A.R. 2 probably
This piece of shit. How I hate this game.
Little kid me was extremely disappointed when I realized everything was just palette swaps
Two Worlds was the first game I ever bought and didn't finish or put a good attempt into doing it. I just remember it being fucking awful
Damn. Have you not played the third one? You should give that one a try if you want even more disappointment
>Nier Automata
Get a load of this faggo-
>PC port
Okay I’ll give you that one. What is it with Squeenix and shitting the bed in some catastrophic fashion with every single pc port?
i mean i played big rigs but it was a laugh. the worst though et. it was a what the fuck game
I played this for several hours straight, only getting up to the 2nd dungeon's dragon(?) boss and getting killed in one hit or some bullshit because I didn't grind enough. Absolute garbage, surprisingly nice atmosphere tho.
> Have you not played the third one? You should give that one a try if you want even more disappointment
that's why I didn't bother playing F.3.A.R., literally everyone told me it's a shitfest
Even as a crashfag, I kinda liked it.
>some of the music is kino
>character interactions
>map layout
>falling stages
fucking sucks that the levels are just Bash tier minigames, but worse.
>What is it with Squeenix and shitting the bed
they are literal incapable retards
>make Sleeping Dogs
>"it's a new IP so we expect it to not sell too well, because you know the target audience is way smaller due to, like I said, the game being a new IP"
>the game sells very good, number one for weeks and becomes one of the most successful new IPs of the year
>"REEEEEEE it didn't sell good"
>can we still get a sequel?
>"no you'll get a shitty remaster and an MMO literally no one on the planet asked for"
I quit 3/4th into the game when I realized that I would only ever be able to chose between 6 weapon types forever with no build variety
I’ll never be memed into betraying Miyazaki again
This game was complete ass. I remember my friend gave it to me as a christmas present and I never said thank you because it sucked so bad. In hindsight they were just trying to be cool by getting me a wii game and I was being a little shit, but it seriously is an awful game.
I unironically loved this game.
the wii had the most hilariously mediocre shovelware games ever. I remember being frustrated trying to find games for mine and the majority were fucking pieces of shit
holy fuck man, i remember finishing 1 level nd being so confused. it played like shit so i returned it to the video store the next day. other bad wii games i got gifted were pro evolution soccer (i dont play soccer, played on a team for 1 year when i was super young) and links crossbow training (still havent unboxed it, wonder if its worth anything nib lol)
It was all downhill for Frogger at this point.
shit is garbage
How was FFXV's PC port? That was a nice, big budget port, wasn't it? Ignoring XV being shit, that is
Same, I played it and Spyro Orange with a best friend because we each owned one of them when we were younger. I remember them being a lot of fun
Man that was a weird point in time where there were 3D platformers EVERYWHERE
Holy shit, who approved this?
this isn't the one where that faggot modelled himself in his own game is it?
Probably one of the only ports that are without any major quirks, but unfortunately it eats an absolutely insane amount of space.
Worst? That's hard to say. I don't think I play too many outright bad games. Maybe Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron or Spooky Castle. For Jimmy is because I played it on a shit tier PC that could barely run it. I had crashes and I played at sub 15 fps. For Spooky Castle, it's really because it feels so amateurish, but in the best way possible. Just check this shit out. youtube.com
Now if we are talking about most disappointing, then it goes to FF15 or Xenoblade 2. FF15 was a bad game all around for me. Bad combat, terrible camera, empty feeling world, gutted story that screams "buy the dlc please", and just not taking way too long to come out. Xenoblade 2 was way too easy (bought the base game only, which only has one difficulty before you beat the game), bad English voice acting, hilarious resolution, uninteresting story, and braindead combat. I beat FF15 since I could somehow stomach that, but after 60 hours in Xenoblade 2, I dropped it hard. Fuck that game.
Licensing shovelware of the highest order.
Holy fucking shit
It's like they tried to rip the models out of PS1 era Dance Dance Revolution and made them 1/10th as charming.
oooh yeah, this piece of shit. compared to all the gems the GBA had to offer, I felt gypped after spending by birthday money on this.
Are you esl?
It's a simple fucking question retard
Are you seriously trying to tell us the single worst game you ever played in your life was a game you platinumed, a game you couldn't play, a group of hundreds of games, and a game that you kinda liked but felt was rushed to meet some sort of deadline?
Nah Crash Purple was a bad version of one of the other GBA Crash games but with a shoehorned Crash vs. Spyro minigame component, some goes for Spyro Orange which is still 2D.
Real shit, the PS1 Frogger is a fantastic game
Frogger 2 was pretty good too even though it was a different kind of game, Frogger 1 is almost bullshit hard at a lot of points. But the satisfying kind of bullshit hard
That game was fucking hard. Probably the first game that ever pissed me off with its difficulty
meanwhile, psx owners had the better Rugrats game.
Correct me if I'm wrong (I think I played Heavy Rain in 2011 so it's been a few) but wasn't the twist/who the killer is not make any sense? Like if you add up all the clues (especially in the clock store) it doesn't make sense?
who was the origami killer?
I wouldn't say downright bad, just lackluster. The only thing memorable about this game is the funky jazz music and those sub mariner whale monsters. Luckily it was a burnt copy that my cousin gave me along with a modchip installed PSOne.
The twist is that one of the characters you've been playing as the entire game, a character whose actions you have controlled and whose thoughts you've heard, is the killer.
Fuck this piece of shit.
I know who it is I remember that, I just remember being confused because pretty sure Cage fucked up with his clues etc.
This is one of the last games being made backwards compatible for Xbone
>we will never go back to the era when games were wildly different between platforms
They gave us lost odyssey tho right
Yeah, that was one of the first.
The worst game I ever played was cel damage. Like what a shitty twisted metal ripoff
Also a Crashfag, but the Spyro version of this game had better music.
The crash GBA games were not half bad platformers. I recently played the first and second one. This one looks shit because of the added mini game baggage they have going on
Earthworm Jim 3D will never not make me seethe
>literally copy and paste Banjo Kazooie’s already flawed level progression
>make enemies too hard to kill
>make hazards more annoying
>both tie into the level progression problem because you have to collect those damn marbles all over again if you die
>no voice acting aside from a couple lines, removing soul from the dialogue
>boss battles are the same copy pasted pig riders, which all control badly
>camera and controls aren’t the best, though the camera part is expected
>cut half of the original characters and replace them with forgettable ones
>weird choppy animations that throw me off, that’s kinda a personal nitpick though
What I will say is that the soundtrack, graphics, level ideas and story are just as good as they should be, but holy shit this game is a shitstain of a product and I hope the upcoming Earthworm Jim game revives the franchise.
>Jim has a huge rouge's gallery
>make up some fat ass Alien in one of those PORK BOARDING stages
I agree though, the Soundtrack is pretty good and there's some fun ideas, its just badly put together.
I remember being wildly confused when my friend tried to walk me through my PS1 version of The World is Not Enough over the phone. He had the superior N64 version.
Zoop, Witcher, Wolverine: Adamantium Rage, Sim Earth, Shaq Fu, Pac Man (Atari 2600), Daikatana, Jumping Flash, Mad World, Sonic Adventure 2 off the top of my head. Honestly modern titles are rarely as bad as the turds from 2d and early 3d eras. The worst game you can find released this year is likely nowhere near as bad as some of the bullshit I played as a kid bc I thought the cover art looked cool.
Oh yeah and add Shadow Madness to the list. Fucking godawful jrpg.
>Mad World
u wot m8
>Jumping Flash
i don't believe you
>The worst game you can find released this year is likely nowhere near as bad as some of the bullshit I played as a kid
I doubt that. The market is simply different now. The trash isn't published and placed on a shelf at a store or Blockbuster as if it were on the same level as the classics of a given system, it's one of dozens of trash titles uploaded to Steam or another digital marketplace with a budget of nothing and a nonexistent vision.
Also fuck off calling Madworld bad.
BASED bronzeposter
>i actually played this a fuck ton and enjoyed it
y-you too...