>Social justice claims another convert
Rest in piss, CDPR
>Social justice claims another convert
Rest in piss, CDPR
How does this even happen?
>another falseflag thread
move on
painfully obvious false flag thread is obvious kek
>Pretending to be retarded for (yous)
>Game depicts cyberpunk, which is a genre that exhibits moral degeneracy.
>Includes SJW stuff in moral degeneracy aisle.
I see nothing wrong.
literally who gives a fuck
Videogame studios are incestuous scalpers that would sooner sell their grandma to white slavers than put any real effort into making a game
You lost nothing
so it's nothing then
>They're actually wasting resources on this bullshit
If trannies are the real gender they identify as, why do they need trans options in games? Just pick female if you're a "real" woman.
This is just like Kingdom Come Deliverance, where racist incels pretend a company is a bunch of scumbags like them and then cry like babies when they realize they were never on their disgusting side.
Oh no NONOO ONONONONONO ONOONOOOO ahahahjhahahhahahhahaa
>they were never on their disgusting side.
they certainly weren't on the equally disgusting historical revisionism side either
Witcher3 has a quest literally 15 minutes into the tutorial about a faggot farmer.
C(is) D(isorder) Trannydefect
you are OBSESSED
You realize your "side" only ever gets what they want because they threaten to ruin people's lives over this shit and whine, scream, and cry endlessly like little children until they cave?
At this point my only hope is for some country like Russia or China to start banning game sales to people younger than 18 y.o. if those games contain excessive gay/lgbt/trannie/mental illness propaganda
Based Putin, save us all!
>"I'm not a newfag, I've been here since 2016": the post
thats pretty much cause lefties won the culture war and dominate socially, you dont go against them or you're fucked.
Another false flag thread. Sage. Pol doesn't here, because it makes sense in this setting.
>has a primarily black gang known as "The Animals"
How are they not based?
It's a post-humanism society. Of course people are going to change their gender.
But I've been sporadically posting here since around 2010
sounds like Yea Forums to me
> Pol doesn't here, because it makes sense in this setting.
Ofcourse pol doesn't care. You have to have an IQ of around 80 to actually read that board, let alone post there. Even this board is too smart for /pol/ folks
>He doesn't wanna play as a big dicked black futa converting the white male population into her sissy slaves
U gay or something
But it's never implied in the article that they're doing this because it makes sense with Cyberpunk, they're clearly doing this to bend a knee to trannies you faggot. It's never stated how degeneracy is apart of the world or whether it's augmented shit. Just gender fluid diarrhea. I honestly thought CDPR was better than this. I honestly thought they were a development studio who wanted to create their vision first despite the negative screeching around them like overbearing trannies. Now it seems they just want to avoid controversy as much as possible to sell as much as possible. Fuck them to be honest.
I honestly would have been okay with this if they implied that you can augment your character in creation and fem V was packing a cyber cock instead of just ""gender fluid""
It always cracks me up that retards here think that a sellout lying scum of a company like CDPR that casualized witcher 3 to shit and beyond so it could pander to the lowest common denominator would actually go in line with their retarded ideology. It's just hilarious.
that's reserved for trannies like (you)
Well it makes sense in the context of Cyberpunk, you can literally just have a cyborg dick attached to your body if you want.
It's a different cultural and societal standard. If you don't want it, you don't have to have it. Nobody's forcing you to be a dickgirl.
literally who gives a fuck. As if you autist virgins actually care so much about transgender people being in video games. Holy shit.
How many of you faggots jerk it to traps and futa and are still acting outraged to own the libs?
nice cope bro
by ur logic they have to include 100s of different identities, furries, vampires, playable midgets bc "it's the future lmao"
CDPOZREKT rainbow is funded by George Soros
That sounds fucking great and now I'm mad they won't have that shit
I wanna be a midget tiger vampire running around shooting robo-chicks with dicks, fuck you for making me unhype about this game
Do you actually think this degeneracy is common?
Is this what the degenerates actually believe?
shut up wheelchair tranny
Futa is third most popular fetish after interracial and feet.
Not him but in cyberpunk genre the human body is literally considered a vehicle for modulation. This is basic shit, covered in nearly all media concerning it. Which is the ultimate conclusion to shit like this is what makes a person "human".
>Now it seems they just want to avoid controversy as much as possible to sell as much as possible
So they should be focusing on sending a message instead of making money?
What the fuck kinda business plan is that?
Says who?
I used to read hentai manga but every time i accidently saw futa i wanted to puke
lots of cyberpunk stuff has straight up transhumanism so youre not far off the mark
They literally should. That's what cyberpunk is.
Everyone except virtue signalers
not familiar with the cyberpunk setting, are you?
Yeah, it's a great quest.
>b-but a tranny in the demo is supposed to be based...
>im not a tranny btw!!!
The tranny psyop going on recently on here has been somthing
Say the underaged? Well, no wonder that claim sounds retarded
according to the kinsey institute its group sex, bondange and "novelty"
never forget that trannies are literally insane people
Says who ? Milf , teen are much more popular.
its a dystopian shithole future, its going to have alot of niggers and trannys. CDPR is just keeping it immersive
cdpr is finished.
>The tranny psyop
You should check with the doctor (psychiatrist). You may have schizophrenia pr another paranoid delusional disorder
t. med school student specializing in adult psychiatry
I created this argument btw some time ago. Looks like the trannies decided its a good way to gaslight people except unironically.
psychiatrists are not doctors you drug pushing fraud
so what you're saying the game is not cyberpunk?
they had a good run. kinda.
cyberpunk is literally about human augmentation why the fuck wouldnt there be girls with dicks running around. Holy shit Yea Forums is so autistic when it comes to trannies.
the unniest part is they'll STILL find sonething in it to be upset about, these people can literally NEVER be satisfied
Caving in should be BIGGEST red flag you retard. How much more are they going to bend in the next 10 months to appease overbearing people complaining about representation, diversity, or political correctness? Fuck, I should probably start my own controversy over the Animals on twitter and how stereotypical they are to Black people, just to piss you faggots off and make this game into a literal shitfest, CDPR will fucking do it the fucking hacks.
Sounds more like you’re fucking SEETHING at based CDPR blowing you the fuck out with W3 and giving us dick girls in Cyberpunk.
It's trannies and /pol/tards that are fishing for (you)s. Or just some underage retard that thinks he is being funny and memetastic.
>why the fuck wouldnt there be girls with dicks running around
>why the fuck can't u play as a 10yo ageplayer
>why the fuck can't u play as a dog hybrid
>why the fuck can't u play as a navi from avatar
except they ONLY include "trannies", it's pure SJW pandering
except it's a symptom the company has gone to shit and the game will be riddled with gay propaganda, sjw propaganda
i'm not paying for this garbage, you give them your money
enjoy their next title about being a teenager trans girl or some shit like that
Doesn't change the question.
You sound mentally unwell. Have sex.
You're getting mad over a non-issue. There's a lot of cringe progressive shit in video games but this isn't one of them. In any case, no video game company is obligated to cater to your tastes and your tastes alone. If transgender character creation options help them sell more and doesn't affect the gameplay of people who choose cis options then that's a good thing. More choices are better. This is no different from having black and asian character options. I think the line would be crossed if they prevent people from roleplaying murdering LBTQ gays or something like that because then they would be imposing a political agenda and limiting player freedom instead of expanding it
Call me back when you can only shoot police and white males and have to attend in game diversity seminars if you misgender the shoop keeper
Yea Forums will make any fucking excuses for cdpr lmao got thar cdpr dick deep in their fucking ass lmao
except this actually makes sense you dumb false flaggers. In a world with insanely good technology and augmentations do you really think people WOULDN'T be whatever the fuck they wanted? In the cyberpunk universe, you could even be an animal person for god sake. Stop trying to get outraged over shit that doesn't matter, go back to resetra if you wanna do that shit .
Sounds like you’re the one with a dick up your ass lmao. Have sex you seething incel
They probably thought everyone would assume you can have that kind of relationship and didn't think it necessary to show off the more vanilla choices you can make
Lmao if the furry midget vampire community had enough market influence and purchasing power then they'd include options to create those kinds of characters as well. The thing is they're not demanding that kind of representation in games right now and even if they are they aren't visible enough yet. Even if that happens, it's perfectly fine as long as it doesn't affect my personal playthrough. All you're doing is speculating. Go fucking have a heart attack already. You're clearly overdue
Never has a post more accurately been summed up by pic related. It’s going to be real rough for you when Cyberpunk sells over 20 million copies. Remember suicide is always a way out user.
>Have sex
Something you've never had. Post your face uggo
>I created this argument btw some time ago
I am not a trannie. In fact I think transsexualism is a mental disorder too. And what you posted wasn't an argument, it was a claim that sounded like something a person with textbook paranoid schizophrenai would say. Sorry.
>psychiatrists are not doctors you drug pushing fraud
I am sorry you're mentally ill, but in most cases pills is the only way. Being on them is certainly better than sitting in your room having hallucinations and posting shit on Yea Forums
coping CDPOZREKT little leashed cucks
but they fucking thought it was necessary to show faggot shit and tranny shit lmao they still haven't fucking shown straight male lmao
Get woke go broke right bros?
r-right? ;_;
So just making official that western games are all shit.
>Lmao if the furry midget vampire community had enough market influence and purchasing power then they'd include options to create those kinds of characters as well.
Do trannies actually have purchasing power? Beside the fact that it's a very rare illness, they also have disproportionately huge number of people living in powerty/lower class (prob caused by depression, generally lower iq, etc) which should harm their purchasing ppower even more
>it was a claim that sounded like something a person with textbook paranoid schizophrenai would say.
lol just how out the loop/new are you?
there's entire discords dedicated to recruiting from Yea Forums alone
fucking smug normalfag retard
> fucking shown straight male lmao
How do you know the guy from the trailer wasn't straight lmao?
Dumb fuck I literally did. You probably saw my post in one of the other threads and subliminally added it to your brain's argument folder.
I dislike trannies as much as the next guy but this board cannot go 2 seconds without bringing them up
>inb4 dilate, have sex, other buzzwords, etc
I dont know what youre lmaoing about
Theyre only showing off this "tranny" stuff because its generating this huge controversy that functions as free publicity
there would be no reason to bring them up if western developers didn't pander to mentally ill retards
You're the one getting raped by CDPR dick. It's so far up your fucking ass that you can't stop thinking about it. If this was fucking Baldur's Gate offering transgender options back in the late 90s no one would give a shit. In fact, it'd probably be kind of cool letting players create a character like that and seeing how it would impact their playthrough. Fucking cope lmao
>CDPR became woke
Okay God, you can blow up Earth now. I'm ready. I will personally try to shove people's faces into the inferno myself to speed the process up.
>filter the word tranny
>every Cyberpunk thread from now on has 2/3rds of the posts hidden
>Dumb fuck I literally did. You probably saw my post in one of the other threads and subliminally added it to your brain's argument folder.
How long has it been since you stopped taking anti-psychotics?
Your mom can attest to my sexual prowess. Go ask her if she’s not too busy fucking the latest Mexican to pay for your autism meds.
straight white males are outlawed by 2077
>there would be no reason to bring them up if western developers didn't pander to mentally ill retards
Give me 3 ways this will affect the gameplay for you in any way shape or form.
God isn't listening to you he saw us as the faggots we are and left us to make a better planet somewhere else.
i fucking told you man i fucking told you nobody fucking listened enjoy the cdpr faggot and tranny shit now man ffs
Dumb anime tard.
>sunfags doing everything they can to scrape together a win
lmao, cry more you fucking pathetic pansies. it's literally, LITERALLY nothing. still game of the decade incoming.
Wait, what? They had shown gay sex?? WHEN??
Also I am pretty sure in the 2018 gameplay the female V slept with a man at one point
They have an outsized influence on the market because progressive-minded people tend to side with them. While those people might not be interested in the transgender options themselves, seeing favorable news about those being available would still improve their perception of their game. The converse is also true, of course. Any controversy has a potentially detrimental impact. I personally don't give a shit as long as everyone can play the way they want to play. If I want to be a corpo putting down self-proclaimed woke scum then I should be able to do it
you started calling everyone who doesnt like mentally ill trannies "2016ers" last thread. you really doing a lot of activism huh tranny?
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
>in this demo at least
Why do you need to see it when it's already been confirmed it's there? Why does this hurt you so much? Did your dad leave your mom for another man?
>straight white males are outlawed by 2077
I wager 1,000 dollarydoos CDPOZREKT will force you to have gay sex with a mandatory quest fucking a dude
>they wanna be us
>but they anus
God dammit. Must be all that EU funding
I bet there was a clause that necessitated CDPR to stand on progressive grounds in their future games lmao
Honestly they should have given trannies NO quarter. I'm completely okay with this kind of stuff to be completely honest, but only if there was implied degeneracy that was left to the player later in the story or augmented during character creation like you attaching a penis on your character, or getting a voice box installed in your character's throat. But treating trannies like some special breed of human like they are a diverting genetic branch from male and female is fucking pandering. Character creation should only be male and female only with options of branching degeneracy.
>Why do you need to see it when it's already been confirmed it's there?
how the fuck is it confirmed?
even if it were, they're adding the trans genderfluid shit right now, who know what sorry state the gaym will be like by March
>show faggot shit cause it's so important
>confirm tranny shit cause it's so important
>straight male probably in no need to show it who cares
Eww i am not buying that shit.
Say degeneracy again
Fucking idiots
>Listening to cuckera
Even these guys are cowards, sad.
Why are so many of you trying to bait each other when everyone is baiting in a bait thread?
Literally read your second green text line. Has your seething rage just killed any ability to infer meaning in conversation? Are you just autistic? That is a symptom of it.
I don't see how having the option to give your chick a dick matters, whether it's done for SJWs or not. It makes perfect sense in the context of Cyberpunk's world and it's completely optional.
wow it's almost as though they've considered how society would change in the time they're setting their game in
Who the fuck cares? Half of this website's alt-righters jack off to traps/shemales. I hate this PC crap as much as any person but I'm glad I'll be able to create a qt trap.