World of Warcraft: Classic+ (2021)

What are your hopes?

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I wasted 5 years of my life chasing a carrot on a stick in this shit ass game. I quit at the end of Wrath and will never play again.

Cool cool nice blog

Spec viability with gear to match and more raids and dungeons. oh and more areas.

I think that the perfect WoW is somewhere inbetween Classic and TBC, where classic fell a lil short, and TBC did a little too much. basically Vanilla World, TBC game-minus resil and flying.

>liking TBC

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hope streamers leave it day one on launch

oh god I forgot all about this shit

Resiliency was like the prototype of gearscore before it became widespread

basically a way for tryhards to go
>you will not be invited to our raid unless you can prove you are so powerful that you don't need to do this raid

>burning crusade
>elves join the horde
>alien goat cthulu squids join the alliance

TBC is basically The Last Jedi of mmorpgs

>retailfags will roll their favorite hybrid spec from BfA thinking they'll be viable tanks/DPS and everyone will want them
>mfw they will ALL be forced to put on a dress and heal
The "buff my class!!!" uproar on the forum will be hilarious.

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First, it’s called Resilience.

Second, it was a stat primarily for PvP you retard. Nothing to do with raiding.

>I forgot all about this
Correct, you actually have no idea what you’re talking about

You're thinking about item level, you mongoloid.

I can have fun in a persistent world and scratch the nostalgia itch
An enjoyable MMORPG experience that validates the constant whining about modern mmos

carrot on a stick is really easy to get though, were you too brainlet to figure out how to get the mallet?

No they are going to quit way before that.8

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Yeah sorry i didn't memorize shit from a game I havent played in 10 years.

The secondary stat I said was wrong, but the point still stands. Tryhards still spammed low-level raid invites in global chat and demanded people be softcapped in shit like hit% and haste.

>You're thinking about item level
in wrath, there was an addon called Gearscore, that basically calculated your total item level, but also scored items of similar level based on what was better for your class

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Goblins and Worgen need to be added

Goblins yes.
Worgen no >!unless they're Horde, and only after goblins and ogres (and satyr) are added to the Horde.!

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>tfw ex-dev confirmed a few weeks back belfs were added because worst koreans don't like "ugly' races and faction imbalance affect every server

We should have gotten Nagas instead.

Where did you get these? They look pretty cool

never flying mounts
ogres/nagas/vanilla model goblin races
new expansions but it must retain the style and mechanics of classic
you will never get to the point where you can solo an old raid
hardcore mechanics must remain and be expanded upon


File name related

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on twitch it's already dead. on Yea Forums it'll be more than dead by the end of the week

Classic+ is on twitch?

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you can't even do 60 content and that's always the big draw in for every mmo
nobody gives a shit about leveling content and even then WoW peaked in the top 10 most viewed just watching people kill boars in the barrens

looks like something the private server crowd is trying to whip up to stay competitive with retail classic coming soon

>nobody gives a shit about leveling content
How does it feel being retarded?

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I fucking wish any private server added cool fan content. It's always just untextured leveling roads.

>nobody gives a shit about leveling content
people used to do certain leveling content just to earn rare crafting recipes that would be given out as quest rewards

even random ass shit like murloc eye soup or something would go for decent money on the auction house because only like 10 people knew how to make it

it was a different time

Leveling content is like 80% of what I'm looking forward to