Give it to me straight, Doc. How bad is it?
Give it to me straight, Doc. How bad is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's pretty bad
Its ok
it's been getting steadily worse with every single update for 8 years now
it's good but you're not good enough at games to enjoy it so you'll just end up thinking it's bad like the rest of Yea Forums
Take no more than 3 per day unless you have time
You're literally 8 years too late to the moba party
I want to lick Qiyana's feet.
Mediocre when goofballing with mates otherwise dogshit
It's waifushit.
spent so much time on this. swore that I would never, ever again.
such a waste of time. so pointless. so many good games out there
the old good community is long gone
be ready to get reported by just wining and doing your best.
it's cancer if you played ranked without the right mentality but otherwise it's a great fucking game
Just enjoy the ride. The game has a better progression system for newcomers that allows you to get a lot of champs for free. Just play like you want, sooner or later, depending of your interest, you will get more involved in the meta and macro mechanics, but meanwhile just have fun.
Stale game, good shortstacks
this is one of the most casual multiplayer games on the market you fucking child
>played it a bit the other day
>try AP Ezreal
>hit someone with W, it does nothing
>what the fuck
>you have to detonate it now
Yuumi revitalized the game
i want to FUCK yuumi
I hate the lack of anything fun to do outside ranked.
Sometimes I get the insane urge to climb, play for weeks on end, and then go back to playing other games for a while until I wanna waste my time again.
The only time I truly enjoyed League for what it was was when they made nexus blitz, such an easy way to make the game more casual friendly.
All they had to do to make it last longer, or make it good enough that it could sustain a good playerbase was:
>Pet evolutions like they doing on TFT but maybe link eggs to achievements?
>Border you get for just playing the game (no ranked you get points for winning only)
>Some kind of medals you can display when they click on your champion on the loading screen? medals for doing silly shit, maybe some hidden medals for meme or specific achievements
>Add 1 or 2 new event every month (2 patches), and rotate the existing ones.
Rotate over the top items like pic related until the balance goes off the window because everybody can annihilate people.
>New league player
Yeah that game is not meant for you lol
you enjoying being hardstuck silver, kiddo?
>no yordle gf
I want to fucking die
You will give it a try. Maybe get a month or two in, then drop it because you will see how unenjoyable the whole game is. How formulaic it is.
I want to BE Yuumi!
>tfw that retcon that makes it so most humans see Yordles as ordinary creatures instead of their delicious blueberry forms.
It hurts.
How does being better at the game make it more fun?
The best players in LoL bide their time in insufferable competitive matches where a pathetic amount of action happens and a handful of mistakes cause the game to snowball the game out of control.
If anything, lower skill bracket players are MORE able to enjoy a game like LoL.
There will never be enough Annie.
pretty fun with friends desu
What did they do now?
play heimerdinger and win all your games
Diamond games are so fucking horrible. Everyone is autistic and the have is super slow. Silver and gold players start fighting and all-inning at the 2 minute mark . It's way more fun
good? LMAO im challenger in NA and LAN, and its pretty bad, no balance and stupid meta
Bandle City is so dense in magical energy that every sensation there is more vivid. Additionally, Yordles can manipulate this to be unrecognizable to the average human.
It's called a glamour, and it's the reason Ziggs and Heimerdinger are able to just chill in Piltover without anyone asking questions.
Is this wod now, what happened to the yordles are chaos eldar time bombs lore.
It's only fun with your friends and even then it's not very fun
Just ignore it, Riot's lore changes so fucking often that it might as well all be non-canon anyways. Everything just gets retconned over and fucking over again.
you cant even fucking deny in lol, its literally a fisher price version of a warcraft 3 custom game
Okay, why did they need to make it so that people can't live with yordles? I don't really remember people having problems with them before, but I've forgotten a lot about League.
they'd spend too much time raping blue midge puss
Yeah that's what I thought. Sorry but unlike those games league actually requires player skill instead of just autistic memorization.
you'll probably be overwhelmed by the matchups with there being so many characters but it's a sunk cost the game at this point. you'll spend a lot of time being smurf fodder because the kids that spent half their life there won't do anything else even though they peaked 5 years ago. itemization can be pretty awkward at first if you never played rpg-ish games but like the game still having servers lol gets away with it because dota is even more beginner unfriendly and convoluted.
pretty sure you mean the reverse. average people keep eating shit because they don't know any better, only just enough to not get mad at the idiots and dumb enough to be entertained by ass-basic fog of war exploiting gank games. and they get faster matchmaking being there's so many.
>new maps/modes are always temporary to force FOMO
>limited time events with missions to grind
>battle passes to boost the grind
>golden versions of skins that require grinding
>the 750 and 975 price tags for skins virtually gone
>FAR less skins for champions lacking them, way more to popular competitve picks and/or waifus
>esports passes to pay to spectate pros
>an upcoming mode that adds fucking PETS
It's kind of scary how insidious and sneaky these greedy micro-transactions got.
autistic memorization
your whole pro scene is dominated by low iq korean bugmen
I want to like LoL but the whole game design where you don't die unless you make a mistake is really lame, it didn't used to be like that and then Riot went into some autistic shitfit over all point and click CC so now everyone stays 200000 miles away from each other chucking insta kill combo starters that will never connect.
>he doesn't know about the gookslayers
It's almost funny how much the lore has turned in favor of xenophobia and racial tension despite the claims of SJWism.
Virtually none of the factions get along anymore and all want to kill, exploit, or deceive the others.
I miss Old Xerath.
>4 brainlet swedes and the gookiest person to ever live
thanks lol tard very cool come back when your game can handle terrain features more complicated than hiding in a "bush"
I actually quit once I learned how to play and started rising in ranks because I realized that the gameplay is fundamentally really fucking boring and about denying your enemies from having fun.
should try dota
Its a moba. Its not very balanced. Its an esport. The character art is okay if you like that style. Its community is widely regarded as the worst community of all time. Forever. I played it for a year. It actually was kinda fun with friends but yeah the game is bad.
its fun
It's probably in the best spot it's been since S3 in terms of balance
They didn't, Riot's mentality for everything is "change for the sake of change." It happens to the character designs, it happens to the abilities, it happens to the items, it even happens to the lore, the ONLY thing it doesn't happen to is the game's forced lane meta that's been unchanged for 8+ years straight now.
LoL is a fucking joke
>I want to like LoL but the whole game design where you don't die unless you make a mistake is really lame
Dota is the antithesis of this, give it a shot
for like a minute