This is a PlayStation 4 game due to be released in September. Say something nice about it.
Ys IX Monstrum Nox
No Switch no buy.
Why are people shitting on this? It look like 8 and I thoughts everyone loved 8.
>It look like 8
It's been 3 years since 8 was released. I guess people wanted it to look better than 8.
September for Nippon. When's the western release and subsequent patch to fix it?
Hyped. Falcom stuff is great. Also can't wait for trails of cold steel 3
all the 3D Ys games play like shit. why can't they just make another game like Origins or Oath in Felghana?
More like: why can they just make another game like Ys I&II? Those a peak kino soul and any other meme word you can think of.
>expecting Falcom games not to look two gens behind
c'mon man, who care about graphics? Falcom games are always great regardless.
I wouldn't call cold steel great
Every party Ys was meh and 7 was the only acceptable one because you could use Dogi.
Is there anything Sony will censor in it so far?
Ys SEVEN had some great tracks and moments, too bad it plays like trash outside of boss fights.
The only 3D Ys I've played is Celceta and though it was pretty alright, did I fuck myself by playing the best one first?
>smooth bore
I recommend I+II, Origins, Oath, and VIII. VIII especially, since you liked Memories.
Origin and Oath in Felghana are 3D, sweaty.
I must play some of other Ys games I have yet to play because I need a decent desktop PC.
You missunderstood, Celceta is the only one of the "3D" games I've played, not the only Ys. I've played all the rest except Felghana and Naphistim.
Do you really have that shit of a PC? Last time I checked Ys VIII ran fine on a laptop.
ys games are pretty fun
although they were better before the party system
My laptop is a hand-me-down from my older brother. It was originally purchased by him in either 2010 or 2011 and I received in 2014.
Either way, I am looking to get a midsized desktop with a really awesome AMD processor and plenty of ventilation.
Celceta is the least liked 3D Ys. I played it back when it was first released on Vita. It was good but the music was lacking compared to 7. The best of 3D Ys is 8 though I still think nothing tops 7's OST or the colosseum scene of 7. They are all good fun user, ignore "hurr party system sux durr" fags.
You can play all Ys games on PC outside of 8 and maybe Celceta. Do you have a Vita? It can play all the Ys games but avoid Ark of Napishtim PSP version.
did they ever make it actually playable on pc at all
>the colosseum scene of 7
>tfw Crossing Rage kicks in
it's a "werkz on my machine" kind of game from what I've seen.
I want to play VIII
Do i have to play any other game in the series to understand the story?
Hopefully the translation isn't fucked at takes close to a year to fix this time
ginger nerd like adventure
blue hair homo hate walls
Fuck yeah.
Also ships with Adol never reaching their destination.
the storytelling is not really the strong point of these games so just do whatever you want
I bought Tokyo xanadu Ex for my ps4. Did I fuck up or is the gameplay fun?
what is this meme
Literally most kino part of 7.
Still gives me chill at the mere mention of it.
>Adol goes shirtless
>Actually decently buff and covered in scars
You just know all women around him lost it.
Pretty cool moment that shows how much of a toll all this adventure actually takes on his body
He was tortured by the whip brown lady before the fight. But yes, he is pretty fit.
What is that why? It's been so long I forgot.
That makes it less cool but still a great scene I guess.
That graphic
>ADOL: Monstrums Die Twice
Yeah, he was getting tortured by Ursa.
I have no Vita. I did not get one because an extra $100 would have gotten my a PS4 so I decided to hold off until a major sale. Then money troubles came.
>playing any Ys games
>enter boss battle
>rock the fuck out to the electric guitar BGM
>more party shit
Why is Adol an edgelord now
Ys I and II, Ark of Napishtim, Oath in Felghana, Origin can run on netbooks. I played them on there. Ys Seven PC port runs on my laptop from 2009. Celceta and 8 did not run on there though so I used a Vita.
a man denied his adventures
The main designer took too many edgepills during the meeting.
im stuck in Ys 1 how the fuck do I get out of this cell
There will never be a girl as good as Dana.
The entire game is edgy, nigga.
Stop pretending to like those two games user, liking old shit doesn’t make you cool. Those games aren’t good, most people recommend to skip them even
Celceta and 8 are on pc as well
Run around a bit to trigger a cutscene
I like Ys 1 but the tower st the end is just a chore.
All looks the same, tons of dumb backtracking
>play ys8 for the first time
>need multiple people to move rocks
Why can't dogi just punch them?
I almost have to think of Adol as another character. Maybe hes "Jake Christin" He's not my Adol Christin.
The storm fucked him up he's not 100% yet
Is seven considered good? I started it right after playing all the previous games in a row, and it didn’t click. I thought it was because I burned out. I have already bought VIII, so I’m thinking of playing that one now as soon as I get my new controller (mine was broken)
tell me about her scars Yea Forums
I want to lickem
>skipping Ys I&II
I've replayed them a bunch of times, they are great, you are such a fucking zoomer, holy shit.
Nah, I liked it. It's basically Falcom's take on Persona.
I didn’t skip them, but I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone.
And I’m serious, liking old things doesn’t make you cool at all. Those two games were annoying to play.
>shitty combat
>shitty level design
>some bullshit like eat an apple and talk to a tree (???), or you can’t use the best weapon you have on the last boss, you have to use the previous one for some reason.
>there’s lore reasons...
yeah right
8 had small and well designed areas.
This turd has huge, empty areas that look like shit, just for the sake of muh teleporting around. Also Adol shafted as the protagonist is a big no. Let alone the party system, this isn't Ys anymore.
Alright, thanks.
How different is the dating sim part