Yea Forums's three favorite developers sold out to the casual market and embraced the scripted cinematic genre...

>Yea Forums's three favorite developers sold out to the casual market and embraced the scripted cinematic genre featuring Hollywood celebrities

I can't stop laughing. A fitting punishment for my fellow anons.

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dude Kojima was dropped a while ago

>sold out to the casual market and embraced the scripted cinematic genre

Kojima: Christopher Nolan (sometimes has something cool to say when he isn't delivering his stories like a pretentious expository retard)
Todd Howard: Tim Burton (garbage delivered with style)
CDPR: David Benioff and D. B. Weiss (absolute retards held up by slavish dedication to above average source material)
Bioware: Rian Johnson (their products are currently weaponized forms of brain damage)
Shinji Mikami: John Carpenter (made some amazing games a while back and has since dropped off the face of the Earth)
Rockstar: James Cameron (perfectionists who have been dabbing on the industry financially for decades; each with absolutely autistic fanbases)

>A fitting punishment
For what?

So? It still happened.
I hope either Platinum Games is next.

Breddy gud
What about From Software though?

GRRM's involvement with FROM was literally being a Dungeon Master. "Okay chinks, here's some Norse shit for you to fuck off with. Now if you'll excuse, I have a Southwest Chorizo Burger at Denny's with my name on it."

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For the past eight years Yea Forums has has attacked viciously any videogame that isn't Dark Souls or The Witcher, both inside and outside of the board.

>sold out to the casual market
this happened years ago,the witcher was literally neckbeard level rpg with all the edgyness and "maturity" and shit gameplay,mgs was always cinematic shit,and souls was a slow ass qte game without on screen prompts

Yea Forums shits on The Witcher all the time though
It's not even worth calling an RPG, and the gameplay is atrocious
It's skyrim tier, except I don't think it even has a modding community to save it

CDPR sucked starting with The Witcher 2. They've been shit for almost 10 years and have been pandering to casuals for almost ten years

They had absolutely no need to hire such an expensive writer to design their world and written the story and dialogs.
Unless they wanted to make a "game" where lore, narrative, writing and characterization are the priority and the gameplay is something negligible. .
The game being open world and Miyazaki words on an interview about how he wanted to make a Red Dead Redemption-like game outright confirm it.

I hope you enjoy your main quest where you can finis the game without unsheathing your sword once because you choose the right dialog tree options.

>embraced the scripted cinematic genre
Majority of Kojima games have been movie games.

Not at all. In fact Yea Forums puts The entire Witcher trilogy in a pedestal, while Soulsborne has parts that the entire board reviles (post-Lordvessel 1, 2, 3 and sometimes Sekiro).

Kojima was always a starfucker. Did you know his original choice for Solid Snake was Jean-Claude Van Damme?

GRRM's involvement will be greatly exaggerated for marketing this game to GoT Normies. The idea that you think GRRM was paid to match the GDP of a small European country for a game that was probably thought upon an hour meeting of the a two is comical.

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>Eidos going down with the imminent Avengers bomb
Why did it have to be this way bros

Thanks user, next time I make this thread I'll add them. Deus Ex? Nah, let's make a cape comic cash-in.

How in any way does Death Stranding look casual-friendly from what we know of it?


If you are looking for more there is whatever game got the Punisher actor who did some really awkward presentation with his dog on stage.