Does it hold up, Yea Forums?
Does it hold up, Yea Forums?
No, stupid thread. Fuck off
yes. only brainlets will dispute this.
fuck off with your redditjak garbage
>No, stupid thread. Fuck off
I don't think the x axis actually represents anything on this chart.
Yes it does, your IQ just isn't sufficient enough to grasp the chart. Retard.
but isnt up smart, but then it goes down for RTS and hes still smart?
>MOBAs and fighting games low tier
What's the matter user, couldn't handle the bantz?
>W-What's the matter user, couldn't handle the bantz?
This image is very funny! Thanks for the laugh, TC. :)
You have pretty bad reading comprehension. Don't (You) me.
what do the x and y-axis represent?
it's a distribution so it goes from brainlet to high iq from left to right. unfortunately the creator is a brainlet himself because his graph suggests the bullet hell genre is the most popular which is obviously not the case.
no, they updated it, didn't you get the memo?
guess your IQs not high enough to keep you on the mailing list
reddit cancer/10
I hope you die painfully OP.
Filtered, downvoted and alerting the authorities.
I actually wonder what actually IQ data would be on people and the genres they like. I don't know how informative it would be, though, since I imagine plenty of people like all sorts of things; their favorite game might be from a genre they don't otherwise play; and there's probably a distribution within genres as well.
You're supposed to play party games with friends, you know :^*
i find metroidvanias boring. perfer a dungeon crawler
Shitlibs don't believe in IQ, though.
I don't get what the x and y axes represent
What do you expect from Wojack posters? The silver lining to these threads is it exposes the trash on the board.
I think you believe you're funny
fact is you're not stop trying zoomer
>I-I was only pretending to be stupid!
wow you're a hit with the ladies I bet; cringe
retard who hasn't run into imposter syndrome yet; probably underaged (or I hope they are, a grown man acting this way is embarassing)
Reminds me of this
>I think you believe you're funny
>fact is you're not stop trying zoomer
>understanding things is for brainlets
You can't believe in IQ and not be racist
based. legalize cunny wives
You cant not be a racist.
based and redpilled
yep, this is based
Fair enough but mobas are literally made for players with the lowest IQ.
IQ distribution:
>Genius-level intellect
Not posting Wojak and Pepe
>Mentally disabled
Posting Wojak and Pepe
how come theese images dont understand how a bell curve works
WRPGs are generally a lot more intellectual than JRPGs. Both have their casualized shit but nothing in Japan comes close to the extensive stat allocation/character growth in the better WRPGs.
GENRES I DON'T LIKE = Brainlet-tier
GENRES I LIKE = Galaxy brain
epic OP I'll post it on the subreddit
>reddit steals yet another bit of Yea Forums culture and runs it into the ground
how do they keep getting away with it bros
I'm confused about that Cross on the right, doesn't Christianity condemn Traps and Lolis?
How sad it is that whenever /r9k/ tries to make crappier and disgusting wojaks to turn off normalfags, reddit ends up loving and showing it to their friends that /r9k/ doesn't have.
>a shooterfag made this
i can't imagine the amount of pepperoni hotpockets it took you to make this. this is pure unadulterated autism. have sex. pay for it if you have to
>the majority of the roster is brainlet-tier shitters
>smashbabbies will defend this
>sonic is the reddit character
>not captain falcon or reddit plant
shit meme my guy
>anywhere near that high/to the right
god this thread is so fucking retarded i hope everyone of you dies of cancer
fucking reddit wojack shit
>god this thread is so fucking retarded i hope everyone of you dies of cancer
>fucking reddit wojack shit
Based. It's so satisfying to see pseuds on Yea Forums who think they know how statistics works.
>that retarded as fuck bell curve
Every day I'm reminded that I'm too intelligent for this fucking board.
Reddit is the new center of the internet. It is most appealing to your new age internet browser because it is inoffensive, easy content that doesn't make you think. Their idea of memes is similar to white text memes; formulaic and very easy to make. Unfortunately, they have no concept of the lifespan of a meme or how to preserve and elongate said lifespan so they just die immediately within the first week, yet that still doesn't deter them from absolutely decimating its comedic value over the course of three months. Because of the influence and culture of Reddit, anything funny that gets mildly popular anywhere else is immediately claimed by their vortex of cancer and then promptly disassembled and atomized into normalfag friendly garbage.
These types of threads in general are extremely good at exposing NPCs and their conditioning.
No, wojak is shit. fuck wojak.
Most games are combination of more than one genre though, so what the fuck is this chart supposed to be applied to?
stop plugging your autobiography
you're the one from reddit
wojak is and always was Yea Forums culture
kill yourself
Literally nothing. It's a shitpost image.
Y is IQ
X is position
>literally just a rage comic
its a krautchan meme and it shows
Rage comics are classic Yea Forums culture, newfag. If some redditor told you he didn't like jumping off of tall buildings would you start doing it?
the position of what?