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Other urls found in this thread:




t. commie

that guy has meth mouth



you forgot the patriarchy

Is he jewish or just owned by jews?

>Uproarious applause and cheering
>Shocked gasps, a man falls over
>Deafening cheering fills the auditorium, a baby is thrown onto the stage

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Weren't nazis socialists?

What a hero, he took a stand against the Nazi machine no one else was willing to make.


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they were authoritarian centrists

I knew Yea Forums had a /pol/ problem, but holy fucking shit this thread

You are actually defending nazis

BJ Blaskowitz sir! Ready to protect gay marriage sir!

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>national SOCIALIST work's party
So either the Nazis are socialists or they're wrong about everything?

Um. Yea Forums has had a /pol/ problem since after the election. The mods don't care.

They got lucky and now they are milking it for all it's worth. Good marketing either way.

/pol/ is schizophrenic.
We're dealing with literal schizos who like Hitler and get mad when Nazis are portrayed negatively in any form of media.

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How's your first week on Yea Forums going, baby girl?

>commit violence against those who do not comply

Why do people oppress us racists for no reason? That's bigotry.

DEMOCRATIC peoples republic of north korea
so either north korea is a democracy or they're wrong about everything?

>guy says fuck nazis
>idiots immediately """deduce""" he's referring to whites
Guilty conscience, huh? :^)

>phone posting faggot bitching about /pol/
What a shock.

When was the last time nazis were portayed in a positive light thouch?

>start a war that lead to the deaths of an estimated 70-85 million people
>gave Jews the ultimate victim card

Yeah Nazis were awesome.

This. All I wanna do is call for the forcible removal of people I don't like from a country my ancestors colonized and these bigots are calling me mean things =(

They are reverse SJWs, anything that would be praise by an SJW would trigger /pol/.

no they were on the right side of the spectrum like no one before. Americans should be banned from discussing politics.

>can't even reply to the right post
>can only strawman
Hello teenager

This but unironically.

Do you think North Korea is right?

t. American

I’m happy my oc is in this

What is wrong with this actually? No different than Japan or Turkey.

Why would anyone in their right mind portray nazis in a positive light? Most conflicts in human history were somewhat ambigous in who was the bad guy, not with the nazis. They were unironically the bad guys all around and even united the capitalist USA and the communist Soviet Union against them.

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Capitalism and Communism are equally shit, no wonder the world is the way it is. RIP Uncle A.

You realise the Soviets killed more people than the nazis by every metric? Maybe you've just been brainwashed.

>You are actually defending nazis
No I'm not, I'm making fun of the fact that the dude was absolutely obsessed with the concept of killing nazis. I would do the same thing if the doom presentation was "and you can kill demons" 500 times

nazi is a word that doesn't mean anything anymore so you should make fun of people who still unironically use it

>actual nazi collaborator won’t stop talking about shooting nazis

Why are black people in the US in the first place?

Your uncle A was so retarded he fought a war on three fronts, four if you count Africa.

>the nazis were all evil sociopaths until the end of WW2 where they all went back to work as good employees under zog :^)

The men who defeated the nazis believed in segregation

The nazis weren't nearly as racially exclusionary as America was. The one drop rule, the KKK, these are American ideas.

They put Jews in interment camps because they were at war with Jews. We all had internment camps. Everything else is propaganda.

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No, you wouldn’t.



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yeah of course, the NAZIS are good guys now because the soviets were also evil!

what kind of dumb logic is that.

of course, neither side was completely evil. granted, I ACTUALLY would take the nazis over the soviets because at least they're more pragmatic and more of a meritocracy.

BFV got away with it.

well yea they killed nazis and there were a lot of those buggers. couldn't even do the world a favour and get rid of all of them

DPRK is democratic. They have elections every 5 years for every member on the supreme assembly, who in turn (re)confirm uncle Kim. Democracy by definition doesn't require political freedom, so every candidate being a member of the ruling party doesn't contradict it.


Crying about /pol/. You sad pathetic faggot.

Nope, the Nazis were 21st century conservatives.

Why cant you leftist faggots figure out how to reply to posts correctly? Perhaps because you're newfags?

>Your uncle A was so retarded he fought a war on three fronts, four if you count Africa

Yea, it was unfortunate. We get to enjoy the byproducts though.


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See Rudolph Von Stroheim.

>if you dont defend my shit game you are defending muh nadzees

Boomer tier shit

Okay, you said retarded shit, were proven wrong, and are now doing a total 180. Yes, you're teenager, an especially stupid one at that.

Imagine replacing nazi with veitcong or japanese

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>gave Jews the ultimate victim card

Any inbred chosyn is born with it since ever

Turkey is more of a mutt nation than the US, and Japan is going to collapse in 2 generations thanks to birth rates.

Soviets ruled for longer than the nazis. On average, somewhere around 30%-40% of the people send to gulags died, whereas the concentration camps were meant to be your final destination in every single case.

Besides, it's not necessarily the amount of people that died, although that is of course also a factor, but more about the industrialization of killing the nazis did. There was an industry, an infrastructure and a bureaucracy that was solely dedicated to killing people as efficiently as possible.

No, I'm not a fan of the Soviet Union. I think it's good that they're gone, although many of the people that commited atrocities within the SU didn't get punished accordingly, sadly.


You do know the Soviets lost three times over the number of men the Germans did? And had the biggest military defeat in history, Kiev, inflicted on them by the Germans? And Soviet political oppression within their own society outpaced any German death tolls? Are you so stupid I need to explain this to you further?

you're such a fucking moron

well what were the palestinians doing on isreali land in the first place?

There’s nothing stopping you from making your own video site.

>Killing Nazis is bad

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what exactly is wrong with killing fictional nazis?

>Japan is going to collapse in 2 generations thanks to birth rates.

It's way to early to say anything like that, my fellow hebrew friend.

That's because history was written so that people perceive it that way. It's so obivious yet only few people realize it, makes me sad.

You realize more Soviets died to the Nazis than anyone else? Maybe you're just ignorant of history.




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The denial on this retard

based kraut triggering stormfags

>steal literally millions of people from another land
>bring them into your country against their will
>sell them to others to be used as forced labo
>eventually set them free
>give them no land of their own, essentially making them free to die from poverty and disease
>a century and a half later kick them out, putting the burden on another country that didn't choose to enslave their ancestors
Good idea friend

>Why are black people in the US in the first place?

Slavery, unfortunately.


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The USSR's death tolls were mostly from the Stalin era, especially the 30s, which isn't drastically much longer than the time the Germans had. And of course for a variety of reasons, honest academic study if either's atrocities continues to be impossible.

everything is stopping you from making your own video site.


And how come your sources are the correct ones, huh? Because they say what you want to hear, nothing else. If history isn't to be trusted, none of it can be trusted because you can't travel back in time and observe what actually happened yourself.

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exactly, see

>The men who defeated the nazis believed in segregation
Yeah, and America didn't systematically exterminate their minorities by the millions. America also didn't start a war with the entire fucking world.

Just like how da joos are stopping you from getting laid, right?


>because at least they're more pragmatic
pragmatism at its core leads to "the ends justify the means"
>and more of a meritocracy
merit earned from out of a coercive system is not merit, it's only a reward for obedience. you're relativizing the fruits of effort with the State's mercy upon seeing you've given up on your morality

No, more Soviets died to their own government than the Germans, in total. And Soviet political oppression was responsible for at least a million of their own war-time deaths.

Not much different than a lot of nations. Conflicts exist in the past, it really is unfortunate.

Are you guys legit retards or just shitposting?

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>Just like how da joos are stopping you from getting laid, right?

What do jews have to do with anything, you are the one who brought them up? Very telling my friend...

/pol/ fucking killed this board.

>what is manifest destiny?

sorry user i meant "cultural marxists", totally not jews ;)

nah, I think my fellow hebrew friends are the ones likely responsible.

There is, and when there isn't it's when you got a bullet to the head

That’s not true, though. The niggers and brownies all served in the Africa corps, and mostly served in regiments of their own color. They were very much considered inferior and were not granted the right to live in Germany in exchange for their services. You should try reading a book.

Yes I would. You don't know how I think, and I do.

I hope you don't seriously believe this. Read "More Morality, Less Moralism!" by Joseph Goebbels and you'll realize how wrong you were.
I'm not going to have that discussion with you on Yea Forums of all places, it's not like I'm going to convince anyobdy anyway. It's better to research stuff yourself, than be told something from some random person. The problem is that most people don't like leaving their comfort zone and are too lazy to read books they never heard of. I just believe in what makes the most logical sense, but to do that you have to expand your worldview first. If you don't do that the information is too limited in order to come to a conclusion that is in line with reality.

>sorry user i meant "cultural marxists", totally not jews ;)

Does seem to be a bit of a correlation desu...

Economic growth is already being stymied because their government is spending so much on pensions and retiree healthcare, and only more people are going to get onto those systems while less people capable of working can replace them.

Why can't we have a game about the Korean War? Or the reconquista? Or the crusades?

No, we must kill those blonde haired, blue eyed nazis only! Kill those right-leaning nazis! Kill only white people! It's "woke" to kill only white people.

>shitty tiki torches
>too much of a sissy for drenched rags on wood


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>uhhhh I said kill
>ehehe I said nazi
>oohoohoo I am cool kid now?

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>Economic growth is already being stymied because their government is spending so much on pensions and retiree healthcare

More important things than just economic growth my hebrew friend, and it's important to take care of your people.

>and only more people are going to get onto those systems while less people capable of working can replace them.

Automation will replace most of those jobs anyways, they have no need for migrants or cheap labor.

Imagine that your only way to make money is by saying that your games are about shooting nazis, zombie nazis and zombie Adolf Hitler.
Imagine that your only way to make money is by milking on current politics, and create a game about how you are The Resistance, and commit terrorism acts to your city, because it is for the greater good.

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>he hasn't played any military shooter set in the Middle East

Seig Heil motherfucker.

Gas the Kikes unironiclly.

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Wow it's almost like bearing the brunt of the invasion of Nazi Germany who destroyed everything they came across damaged the infrastructure of the Soviet Union or something. You're a real idiot.

Tiki torches seem superior to an actual torch.


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Ugh....fucking SJW libtard antifa cuck, this is literally white genocide.

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well I've killed my fair share of spaniards and muslims in the older Assassin's Creed games

>nazi nazi kill Hitler literally Hitler Hitler nazi

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You can try to twist the history all you want but those darkies are still wearing more expensive gear than the Americans ever gave their darkies.

They're wearing officer clothing. Hugo Boss. You're telling me it's all an elaborate ruse? As if their was an internet or international media with which to deceive people with?

Occam's Razor. It is what it looks like. Stop doing mental gymnastics.

I've never met a sociopathic mass-murdering German but I've met many JEWISH LIARS.

Stay mad nazi.

>I would do the same thing if the doom presentation was "and you can kill demons" 500 times

Good way to put it. He was way too hyped about killing nazis. Fucking weird.

It's a tiny flame compared to a blazing torch. Those people are pussies and can't even go all out for their shit ideology, no wonder they lost the war.

I guess my sarcasm did not come across clearly?

Every user in this thread is a Nazi.

absolutely seething


There's a lot of good guy nazis in older anime. Jojos is just one of the most popular examples.

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Is it just me or are more mobile posters making threads now?


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The fact that Nazi niggers were well dressed does not invalidate a single thing I said. And blacks fighting for the American forces were equipped exactly as the whites were.

You're still killing people in videogames

The only reason this is topical is because lefties are fags that immediately resort to nazi name-calling. I remember liberals of '85-'05 being delusional but I don't remember if they were as babyish as this.


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u mad

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>have sex
What else am I missing Yea Forums? I hope these new buzzwords wear out fast.

resetera just around the corner pal

>It's a tiny flame compared to a blazing torch. Those people are pussies and can't even go all out for their shit ideology, no wonder they lost the war.

Probably can't because of policy on public property or University property. I think they are alright for the most part.

phoneposting is the next level of ironic shitposting
the question is: are they doing it for fun just as a form of distraction during traffic on the way to work / back home? or are they legitimately invested in polluting the board?

>And blacks fighting for the American forces were equipped exactly as the whites were.

Okay, they were seen as cannon fodder so white soldiers would not die. Yes, USA is the good guy ok....

Lupin is canon /our guy/

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>reading books
I'd kinda agree, but with books you have to deal with the author's own bias. Most people aren't neutral about the topic at hand, they want to convince you that their stance is the correct one. There's a plethora of books about why marxism is good, too.

every single day, in every single new controversy over offensive shit in videogames, I keep thinking about this
seriously, is death such a small deal people don't even bother considering it anymore?

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>I'd kinda agree, but with books you have to deal with the author's own bias. Most people aren't neutral about the topic at hand, they want to convince you that their stance is the correct one. There's a plethora of books about why marxism is good, too.

I agree, which is why it is worth checking them all out and just making up ones own mind.

That's why I read books simply to absorb information and deal with that in my own way. I don't usally care about the authors opinion but seeing different perspectives is always good. I think even a National Socialist should read Marx, for instance.

there is literally nothing wrong with killing nazis

Kid is actually based.

But how are you supposed to differentiate between actual information and propaganda? I think this argument boils down to 'read the right books' which of course differs from person to person. Someone who thinks the Soviet Union was peak politics would recommend other books than someone who thinks the SU was a shit hole. The same with nazi germany or any other historical entity, for that matter.

Why is nu-Yea Forums getting triggered by nazi bashing?
Nazis were some of the most retarded fucks around.
>hurmm let me attack Russia and fail just like Napoleon
>hurmmm let me taint nationalism FOREVER
>hurmmm let me become an argument against white ethnostates in the future
They did everything wrong, got cucked, lost, and you still suck their dick.

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*squeaky toy noises*

Also, why do normies treat WW2 like some kind of sacred biblical tale that cannot be questioned? To them, it's like the origin legend of the universe or something.

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Art of War, "know your enemy" and all that stuff.
instead of just taking a stand against an idea you consider to be wrong out of a moral principle, delving into someone else's mind to understand what led them to believe that doesn't necessarily mean you'll start sympathizing. in fact, it might even reinforce your ideals to oppose them since you'll realize the flaw in their perspective or their methods.

>call everyone you don't like a nazi
>also say kill all nazis
>wtf why you mad bro???

They were still socialists retard. you don't understand politics. you can borrow from left wing economic policies whist still being over all far right.

Nazi seems to be a word for any white person that isn't a self loathing etho-masochist.

The big bad neo-nazi is afraid of some mentally ill trannies on twitter that are going to spam his social media for a few days.
Get a grip on reality, nobody is gonna start a civil war just because you scream sieg heil from your basement.

>But how are you supposed to differentiate between actual information and propaganda?
read more, unfortunately. too bad you can't live forever to separate all the wheat from the chaff in the world, but you're the only one responsible for settling on what to personally believe
a reasonable person can read Mein Kampf or Das Kapital and not necessarily become convinced of the arguments therein. just check other works and see the reasoning over the opposition.

Face looks jewish so I’m going with jew

>it's not fucking fair bros why do people hate us- i mean them heheh

That's a westerner problem, not my problem. More specifically, a mutt problem.

>right wingers

I think someone should inform these people that WW2 ended roughly 80 years ago.

Well Howdy there my nigguh
I was just moseying right along when i saw ya!
Be mighty fine if you joined me and the folks for some chicken pot pie and kool aid.

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>That's a westerner problem, not my problem. More specifically, a mutt problem.

You may be right, but depending where you live and what type of immigration it could very well be yours.

No we're pointing out how nazi is suddenly a very popular word these days. Now why do you think that might be?

Just want to live amongst my own race in my ancestral homeland desu lads

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>You may be right, but depending where you live and what type of immigration it could very well be yours.
Shutup faggot its only even a problem on west and east coast big cities or "nigger cities' as I call them. Do yourself a favor and kill yourself like the self hating nigger you are. I bet you think you are white lmao

>"You can't defend certain historical political parties"
Has anyone ever questioned why that's a thing? I mean we have people here who defend japan every single day knowing what they did and nobody bats and eye.

Really makes me go Hmmm.

Empathy is a two way street kike.

Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with the rise of /pol/ shitheads and white supremacists running people over at a rally...

>not living in africa and slaying rural african tribal pussy
>not getting buff as fuck and flexing on the african males so that they offer their ass up to you in an act of love
>not dabbing on the African war lords with your white devil seed
not ever going to make it /pol/tard

99,8% homogenous, 90% catholic, 100% angry - that's where I live.
Only immigration I feel is kebab in my hands after I throw chump change at the only muslim in a 30-mile radius.
Good luck trying to make it MY problem.

Arguably, anyone living today in Germany who wishes the country to keep being Germany and not just another piece of land annexed into the EU, with the risk of becoming Germanistan, could very well be considered a nazi

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I will protect you fren

There is actually. No content delivery network will host your videos without kosher approval. You won’t have the bandwidth or the reach even if you sunk a lot of money into it. ISPs can just block you too. The game is rigged so that nobody else can compete except for the jews. The jews rigged the system like they do everything else. The jewish terrorist organization called the SPLC is who jewtube hired to police their site for kike’s sake.



>one landwhale got tapped by a car and died after the driver was threatened with a rifle in a narrow alley
>that means all wypipo are evil

They weren't socialists, though. Now if you try to counter with BUT WHAT DOES THE S IN NSDAP STAND HUH I know you're a brainlet.

Fuck you.

>be germany
>start war
>lose war
>start another war because you are controlled by winners of last war
>your leader kills himself
>be current germany
>be literally the most cucked nation on earth
>have the wonderful idea to make a woman who hates your country your leader
>get buttblasted that you are even more cucked
>based refugees try to dump non loser genes into your people
>cry and sob because you dont want to fuck refugee pussy
>your women cry and sob with excitement as muhammed gives her the dick shes always craved
>get on Yea Forums and pretend that someday the cycle of germany losing will end

Germany should be partitioned between its neighbouring countries and culturally indoctrinated by them.
Germans are just white niggers, always chimping out and trying to destroy Europe for the sake of muh Reich.

That's true, but not exclusive to Germany. Many other European countries are even worse of.

oh well if shes fat i guess that makes it okay to run someone over

USA is more cucked than Germany my hebrew friend.


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It's the creation myth of the modern world, they'll keep harkening back to it so long as people refuse to acknowledge cultural root.

Nah, just an anti-white commie terrorist. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

You stole that joke from Family Guy.
The maturity of /pol/acks, ladies and gentlemen.

>german cucks believe anyone is more cucked than them
god damn did your therapist teach you how to cope or did you learn to push reality away by yourself?

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England is responsible for both the first and second world war. It doesn't matter who makes the first strike, what matter is who makes the conscious decision to turn a conflict into a world war. That's exactly what England did, twice.

>You stole that joke from Family Guy.
>The maturity of /pol/acks, ladies and gentlemen.

Family Guy has original jokes, this is new to me?

well europe was the theatre of endless warfare in the past, kinda makes sense that nationalism is considered something that shouldn't be cherished.

Sure love all these videogames here

Get help lmao, make sure not to shoot up the local school cuz of memes

The New Order was a comfy game about killing nazis and then they just went full retard and used the entire thing as an allegory for modern day politics in the second game.

>god damn did your therapist teach you how to cope or did you learn to push reality away by yourself?

I am not German mr. 56%.

>"Haha Imagine getting upset over video games. fucking SJWs. Stop ruining the history of video games!"
>Wolfenstein, a series about killing nazis from day one gets new games in the 2010s and Bethesda is just making harmless jokes about what you do In the game
I'm confused.

>recognizing family guy jokes
You both lose here

Daily reminder.

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You know the exact scene it's from stop being dishonest

>Get help lmao, make sure not to shoot up the local school cuz of memes

Stop projecting your own violence onto me friendo. I didn't threaten to kill people because they attended a rally to preserve a statue.

Just fucking delete /pol/.

Most of Yea Forums are hypocrites, who fucking knew, huh?

Unironically correct

Nobody asked for your life story.

why are /pol/tards so dishonest? that's a rhetorical question.

>Just fucking delete /pol/.

I hope they do this, what do you think would happen to every other board then?

that would make it worse for you though, dummy

What would happen if /pol/ was actually deleted? How big a shit storm do you think it would be?

>be Germany
>attack Russia
>get your shit pushed in so hard, you throw up shit
Lmao, that makes it even more pathetic.

I want retarded mutt nazinigger larpers and other forms of politics out of my board

You're a nazi by libcuck standards because you post here, I hope you like being lumped in with nazis because when libcucks talk about how much they want to kill nazis in video games what they really mean is they want to kill YOU. Enjoy getting a face full of acid milkshakes or whatever stupid shit they're doing this week to the people they don't like.

Imagine if instead of Nazi they said nigger

>why are /pol/tards so dishonest? that's a rhetorical question.

Why are you such a disingenuous liar? Bringing up school shooting for no reason.

Heather Heifer died of a heart attack after she was knocked off the hood of a vehicle

based quentin

In policies yes, they want to disassociate with them so they gave other labels to them

>DPRK is democracy

Not as long as I can use it to cultivate (you)s faggot.

What makes you even think that Germany is the most cucked nation in Europe? Sweden, England and France worse of in every way. Also, I comparison to the USA, Germany at least has true right wing parties that stand in opposition the the government. Of course they have to cool it with the antisemetic remarks, and stay kosher, but that's a given. Listen to some AfD speeches, you'd be surprised how many talking points are the same as the one from a typical /pol/ack. A lot of the stuff they say wouldn't fly in the UK or the US. Trump is just a fake conservative who now adapts the same open border polices as merkel. The only difference is that illegals are percieved as an issue, but that doesn't matter anyway. I don't care who is illegal no one without proper qualifications should be allowed in your country.

Did anyone do a word count on how many times he said "Nazi" ?

why are you such a fucking waste of human dna kill yourself

Nigel Farage wants more immigration from the Commonwealth which is overwhelmingly African and Indian. They consider him a Nazi.


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>why are you such a fucking waste of human dna kill yourself

I wish you nothing but peace and happiness my friend. You seek nothing but violence and destruction.

>makes games about fighting nazis
>uses the word nazis
Do you also make counts how many times they use the word 'demon' during Doom presentations?

Even if you dislike /pol/ why would you celebrate VPNs being banned?


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No one (who's sane) considers Farage a Nazi. However, he is racist and Islamaphobic. He talks a lot about foreign rape gangs, but conveniently ignores the child rape in the Catholic church which STILL happens to this day!

>no one without proper qualifications should be allowed in your country
So when are you leaving, user

Why the wouldn't I?

Perfect example of cope right here.

excuse me, that's mortally challenged for you, friend.

>However, he is racist and Islamaphobic. He talks a lot about foreign rape gangs, but conveniently ignores the child rape in the Catholic church which STILL happens to this day!

I seriously doubt he is either, and the media constantly talks about Catholics while ignoring the Pakistani rapist gangs.

Are you talking about WW2, or what? Even then, you're making no sense. I was talking about who is responsible for the war becoming a global conflict, and lasting as long as it did. I never addresed Russia and how the soviets managed to defend their land, pushing trough eventually by using millions of usually poorly equipped soldiers as cannon fodder.

I find killing the Nazis very enjoyable.

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>german cope
listen you come to me, i marry you, i protect you from "jew" and "muslim" and i medicate you for your "schizo" because I am a man unlike you. You are my precious german wife who thinks that pathetic noodle between your legs is a penis

I think you got it with the NPC responses.

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Nazis didn't start WW2, the British did

the problem is 'the left' often calls anyone not towing the progressive agenda a nazi now. So it gives another layer of meaning to this presentation. Nazi might as well be "straight white men" now

Germany rarely detains anywone, and I don't need to leave the country I was born in. I'm not a NEET either, so why would I need to leave?

Those “true right wing” parties have no real influence and form a small minority of the vote while support for you Green Party is surging. Secondly if you believe those ideas wouldn’t fly in the US you weren’t paying close attention to the 2016 election (or especially the primaries).

Trump as president has certainly balked on these issues but “illegal immigration” has always been a dog whistle for immigration in general and proposals favoring restricting legal immigration also enjoyed broad support among this earlier base. Trump has since become mainstream within the Republican party and has greatly moderated his talking points.

What the hell, are you alright user? Want some help?

well it's not like the catholic church monopolizes child abuse though and media seems all too happy to report on it specifically while conveniently leaving out all the institutional cover- ups in several other organizations, religious or not
it's also disingenuous to denounce islamophobia while condemning christianity for child abuse. the glass ceiling seems particularly fragile.

Goddamn these threads are so embarrassing. Getting so ass blasted over stupid jokes at E3. Give me an vaid reason why you shitheads are no better than SJWs in Restera.

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I barely ever see the left call people who aren't nazis nazis and I see a ton of actual nazis on the internet
hmmmmmm almost like you intentionally try to make people think nazis doesn't mean anything so you can be a nazi and sperg out when people call you one.

Ok, I don't watch cable news, so I'm not speaking from a place of 100% knowledge on the media, but I don't think they talk about the Catholics too much. There was an uptick in media coverage in the 90s and 2000s (mostly because of Pope Nazidick's refusal to address it), but I don't think they talk too much, if at all, about it anymore. My point is simple: "You hypocrite! First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye."

>Nazi might as well be "straight white men" now

That is exactly what they mean, and they seek the normalization of your destruction.

All right, let's put you to the test.
Who's "they"?

Read the Talmud/Torah.

Sanhedrin 59a
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly

Libbre David 37
A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

Mas. Shabbath 31b
On the house of the Goy, one looks as on the fold of cattle.

Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b
When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

>retarded krautoids declare war on british allies
>britain honours their alliances and guarantees and joins the war
>btw soviets used humanwave tactics and le ebin aryan warriors were overwhelmed by literal gorillions of peasants nothing to do with poor german strategy or anything they are the masters of warfare

I was paying very close attention the 2016 elections, I don't think you know what kind of believes I'm talking about. No, true right-wing parties are not a minority in Germany. AfD is the most popular party in many East German states, including Brandenburg and Saxony. They are certainly not Nazis, but they are much more right wing than Trump ever was.

He has not at all moderates his talking points.
He has simply continued to do his art of the deal. Wants a thing. Makes an offering to meet in middle. Left REEEs away. Dose original thing.

Also fuck endless immigration

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AfD is pretty Trump-conservative desu. They claim to be "alternative", but they're basically the Tea Party of Germany.

>the left call everyone a nazi also jews jews jews WHOOOPS DID I SAY THAT?

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Imagine being this historically illiterate. Germany never declared war on Britian. France and Britian both declared war on Germany, as a "response" to having invaded Poland. This is what resulted in WW2.

Rat vermin known as Jews.

>hmmmmmm almost like you intentionally try to make people think nazis doesn't mean anything so you can be a nazi and sperg out when people call you one.

Nazi doesn't mean anything, so good luck with that.

So you mean the part where Nazis staged a Polish military provocation to then attack Poland, at which point Britain had to take part in the war?
WWI was a mess on both sides, but WWII was just Germany's cock envy being put on international display.

I never said anything about our greatest friends and allies the hebrew people? What are you talking about?

Aaaaaaaaand there you go.
People aren't calling "straight white men" Nazis, they're calling YOU a Nazi, because you refer to Jews as "rat vermin".

which jews, though?
all of them?

ok Mr. Kikebergstein back in the oven you go

Poland was never a real ally of Britian, they guaranteed it just so the could spark a war. Even many French though this was absurd, "Why Die for Danzig?" was a French anti-war slogan.

Fuck off you illiterate cunt.

Whens the next Pacific Theater game
I want to see stuff like Midway and smoke Zeros in a Corsair

I'd say its a bit worse, considering resetera faggots come over here to start shit as well. So you have a mix of both types of faggot having a shit fit.
Only now you have pre programmed responses like "Cope, seething, dilate, etc"
Shit talking is a dead artform. But on the other hand, trolling is alive and well.

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>Aaaaaaaaand there you go.
>People aren't calling "straight white men" Nazis, they're calling YOU a Nazi, because you refer to Jews as "rat vermin".

I don't think he means all jews, just the ones who support his destruction.


Do you know what they teach about non jews? Clearly not, Stay ignorant.
All that follow the religion.

please elaborate

They gave Poland anultimatum. Poland could have just given up land they were given for no reason at the end of WW1. Poland divided Germany from Königsberg. Britian did have to take part in a war, there was no reason for this at all. Hitler could have attack Russia if he wanted, a Britian lead by a rational leader who does not want to get involved in endless war would have not stepped in.

not him but here is a start

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Listen German women will NEVER appreciate you like I will. You are a beautiful man and if you was my man I would make love to you EVERY SINGLE DAY. Where is your woman so that I may give her a piece of my mind

Gleiwitz incident.
Also it's no coincidence that Germany got butthurt enough to attack after Beck didn't give them Danzig on a silver platter, lmao.
Poland had pacts with France and Britain, so it should surprise NOBODY that they got involved.

because you have no qualifications dummy

Is Israel the bad guy in any game? They're a literal white supremacist Islamophobic apartheid state.

*Britian didn't have to take part in the war

You're asking ME if I know what Jews teach about non-Jews?
I definitely know more than you about the subject! Now, I'm not religious, so I can't say I've actually read the Talmud (I have read the Bible, but more for literary reasons), but any animosity is entirely made up by you.

yes jews support each other, what's wrong with that?

I'm assuming you are jewish then? As if the hate for nazis didn't spell it out