ITT Epic Gamer Moments

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Other urls found in this thread:


why would you watch some thot If you can just google her patrion pics to jerk off?

Check out this picture of strangers I saved to hard my hard drive, isn't this dude such a nerd? I think about it a lot.

You've seen the video, yes?

Anyone got a webm of this?

have sex

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this is how i imagine most mods and jannies

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on the left is the man calling you incel on this very board

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Okay at being an incel, that's just fate, but how the hell do you have so little self-respect to white-knight, orbit, and serve a woman like that who literally sees you as garbage?

this was when he chucked his stick right?
i wanna go back

Props to the guys who have the balls to go out and do this shit. It's hilarious, but I'd never have the confidence to actually to do any of that myself
This ones one of my favorites

Who is she?


because "I gIvE 1000k aNd ShE sAy My NaMe , I cAn DaTe hEr"

Meanwhile Arab princes pay a fraction of that to literally shit on them.

blink motherfucker

Look at his hat/glasses/beard combo, he has been infected with critical levels of onions. He may not even be truly sentient.

oh, wait till you see it oh no no no no no...

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totally sand chad

she lacks peripheral vision, maybe this can be exploited

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w e w

Nah, she's just blind to males that aren't 9.5/10 or higher


Sanford is legitimately the missing link in human evolution

this is just a regular twitch user,no purpose in saving that pic

>goes on straight to another sluts twitch
Some people should be put down.

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what is she looking at bros

based zoomer

david bowie lives

How does someone even become like this?

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That's a high ranking orbiter. The orbiter universe is so sad and bizarre.

Boomer here , what is the appeal of Twitch? I just dont get it.

Oh man good times. This isn't so much cringey as some of the other stuff. At least this is funny and not just sad.

He won so he earned it. Look at that black guy loving it on the left.

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>that complete 180º from saying he love her from you're a skank reeeeee gonna orbit other e-girls
Sometimes, I wish humanity wouldn't be so lenient, can't believe this idiot will one day procreate and spread his shitty beta genes.

Ostensibly it's to check out new games. The reality is people use it as a friendship simulator.

pls respond

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>newfags think the oh no no meme came from vine

this is why we need gas chambers

>beats your ass
>does a fortnite dance over your body
I'd never recover from that

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that's funny considering she's dating an 8/10 asian manlet

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That girl looks like one of those anime kids that had their own table that they would crowd around and only shopped at hot topic/spencers gifts.

I have no problem about this, except that these men vote, and I know what they vote.

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What's the best place to find leaked patreon pics? There's some bitches pics I've been trying to find

>being unclear about marital status as to take advantage of unsuspecting men courting you
UHM EXCUSE ME BUT WHAT THE FUCK?? Why is this allowed? He should take this up with her father. This can't be legal in a society.

Aside from the creepy dog thing she's a real beaty, wow


This can't be real.

what the fuck is this mental illness

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Do you have the Penguin game one
>Haha this is so much fun I wish my parents would stop fighting

Fuck me, how badly do people needs (You)s from streamers?

why are wh*te incels so damn pathetic?

really fuckin bad

well I just saw an artist I like streaming on twitch for that it seems alright

>I am so thankful to call you my friend


I like this picture

this makes me more sad for these people and and more mad at the assholes making huge money off of these people.

Are you talking about the miiverse

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Good god.

I just need one from (You), please.
seriously im depressed and this will help me go back to playing octopath

>all those summer (you)'s
jesus christ fucking newniggers. Lurk more before posting fucking cunts

>Just got off my 16 hour shift at the coal mine
>Here's your 85% cut
>Hey did you get it? You didn't seem to notice it go through...
>It's ok I'm sure you will check your PayPal in a couple minutes...
>pls respond

They're on the house

work for it whore, make yourself deserve it

so why did she leave him hanging anyways? i know she wasnt looking directly at him but she could see herself from the stream video.
what a cunt.

that guy is still a faggot regardless though.

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I know that Felix had nowhere close to the numbers he's got now when this meme first came about but could you imagine if he actually took the time out of his day to respond? goddamn.

Why the fuck is Adam Sessler getting his ass beat by a flossing zoomer?

Here, user, it's free.
And i'm going back to darkwood

As the next gen of boxers and shit come in expect more of that.
>Getting dabbed and orange justiced on by Kyle after he knocked you out cold

damn thats disrespectful there is no recovering from this

This was me while playing pokemon blue I just ignored everything.

Take your medicine, gramps.

If I saw this while playing, the only way I'd keep going is telling myself this is just someone making a joke.

You can barely see a quarter of her face you low test beta.

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human garbage isn't even worth a high five, isn't even worth eye contact. He's worth less than a dog.

fuckin prick

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I was looking for this a while back. Thanks user.

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twitch is pretty much the worst thing to happen to gaming outside of MOBAs, F2P, and "games as a service" model.
It never ceases to amaze me that people are so eager to literally throw away money to watch some insufferable faggots stream a video game.

Why not, cutie. Just remember to drop a donation when you get a chance :D

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>there's news you have a husband? This can't be true right?
Uh oh.

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Oh man Pokimane has to be loaded.

here you go man

such different types of people, both hateable af.

She was probably disgusted by him and just "pretended" not to notice so she wouldn't have to touch him. I feel bad for the dude, but it's his fault that he's in this scenario


anyone have any crying stream mod stories? those are always hilarious.

i remember seeing a video about some mod crying to the streamer when he was going to de-mod him. it was some runescape streamer. they were on voice chat and the kid was crying his eyes out.

this is fake right?

was there ever a bigger gamer moment than this?

>Doesn't know what a quarter is
>Balding, basement dwelling subhuman calling anyone low test
Get laid you fucking nigger faggot lmao

I just realized that these streamers don't even know who their mods are or what they look like, and treat them as any other desperate dude who will give them money. Holy shit. That is sad.

I like to tell myself that he's playing multiplayer with his parents and they were fighting in-game.

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The fact that people like this exist is making me internally seethe very hard right now. I simply do not understand how and why these pathetic fucks exist.

It makes me feel a lot better about my sad ass life, at least I'll never be this pathetic.

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Yeah that's the one. Man that makes me sad since I was that kid with Half-Life and other games when I was young.

probably not. these people get the money and only nutcases could possibly give it.

Based female


All sorts of patreon stuff for you.

Now this is beyond sad.

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kill yourself octopath tranny

Not so pertinent, but a friend of mine (on Steam, that is) I've known for years was modding for some fledgling Twitch chick and would constantly act like a total faggot with his abandoning of games to mod of her when she started a stream. Lost a lot of respect for him.

>Watching streamer that reads subs and shit every couple of hours or when he switches games
>Guy subs, gets upset in chat when it's not read not even 3 minutes later.
>Donates asking why he hasn't read his sub
>Donates again asking why he didn't read his donation yet
>Gets a response 30 minutes later when he is switching games
>Probably already left at that point since he didn't say anything in chat
I don't know what kind of mental illness it is but I don't like it

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It would've made the kid's day.

It's incredible. He is so close to learning his lesson. He starts on his back, and you can see him taking a stand. But he goes so fast that he just launches himself forward onto his face.



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I'm surprised he wasn't wearing a fedora.

It's basically paying for validation. It feels good because it's validation from a person that has a large audience so it makes them feel like they're important too.

I didn't mean to shit talk the grainy lump of pixels you've fallen in love, dude, I apologise. And I understand dilation can put you in a bad mood, I'm with you sister.

Getting rich off virgins and basement dwellers around the world looking like that. Oh and sponsorships too.

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doesnt that guy have a scuffed leg?

Makeup is witchcraft.

Someone post the black lady laughing at getting a donation from the Baltimore police. This thread needs something ANYTHING to counter balance it.

real talk here: why do people donate to streamers anyways? do they expect to get anything from them or something?
im not talking about the ones who donate like a couple dollars. i honestly dont think thats bad.
Im talking about those people that donate hundreds or even thousands of dollars to people.


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Yeah I legit can't tell if he's serious or trying to meme for a laugh or whatever.

so were the rumors of him having the plague real or not? his legs were fucked up.

His legs are fucked. Give the guy a break.

>uhh dilate sister
Are you autistic you assmad nigger?

something like that.

if youre really curious, just search up "marns leg" or something to that extent.

Would you donate to a twitch streamer if they were your friend? Like actual friend, someone you knew pre-streaming?

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Don't bully Marn, his leg is rotting off.

god damnit

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When I see shit like this it reminds me that I really hit the genetic lottery
What motivates someone to act like this?

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N/A because I have no friends


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The only time I have donated to a friend who was a streamer was when they were forwarding the money to a charitable cause.

You don't just straight-up give a friend money, and if they're genuine they should probably not accept it

I wish i could have thousands of dollars given to me just for playing a shitty game.

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Is that the guy that's always being recommended to me on youtube that just reads shitty kotaku articles?


she makes well over six figures lmao

Disposable income in the modern age. Like said, it's basically buying validation from others. I don't think you could do that in older times

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Absolutely based

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come on lads this is pretty obviously ironic

I could see myself subbing to help them get to a certain goal if they're on their way to it

He has a point though. She outright confirms that she keeps her husband a secret because otherwise she'd get less beta orbiters. Flat out admitting to baiting desperate incels for their money, fucking whore.

He was peaking, right?

lol she doesn't give a single shit

>Really nervous about a job interview tomorrow
>See this shit
You know what, this is like the guy who convinced someone not to kill themselves because at least he wasn't Anthony Burch. Seeing this level of pathetic people, people who apparently can keep a job to pay for their donations, it actually makes me feel better about myself.

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>being a woman isn't easy mo-

Nope. There was a streamer I found on twitch once and we became friends. I've never donated a single penny to her and she stopped streaming but we still talk and play games from time to time. I live with my gf and she lives with her husband. She streamed for just a few months and made some decent money off multiple beta cucks. Two cucks even had donation wars from time to time.

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Do pathetic beta orbiter girls exist?
If so, how cute would I have to be to milk their money?

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>defending donating hundreds of hours and money to get into some roastie's pants

>said nigger 61 times
>ended his esports career
that's gotta be the biggest gamer moment in history

If a friend needs money all they have to do is ask in person so that I can slap them and say to get a real job.

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Didn't know Quentin Tarantino played Overwatch.

>s-she said im a sweatheart!
That guy's gonna get heartbroken again

It's no different than anime VAs keeping their boyfriends a secret because then the characters they voice would be seen as "unpure" by insane japs. Nothing wrong with taking advantage of complete idiot losers.

ive seen some in the cosplay community.

I bet they fucked

>I would really prefer it if you would stop talking

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The biggest flaming faggot rainbow haired tranny could say "2+2=4" and I would still agree because it is correct and I am not a contrarian nigger. Just because that guy was a beta cuck doesn't mean he didn't have a point. She was purposefully stringing him along (and probably a couple of other guys too) for free cash/labor.

put me in the screencap

>fucking whore
shes a 10/10 and abusing/scamming betas for ridicoulus amounts of money thats so fucking hot. just imagine being her secret bf and fucking her in your gigantic villa funded by your gfs beta orbiters

the fuck was that?

kpop fandoms are basically this

fucking kek what's this from?

>anime VAs keeping their boyfriends a secret because then the characters they voice would be seen as "unpure"
Wasn't aware of that.
>Nothing wrong with taking advantage of complete idiot losers.
Well, everyone has a breaking point. It's never a good idea to try to find it.

Those VAs don't even acknowledge the individual existence of their fans. Completely different to interacting with them and leading them to believe that you "like" them.

>just imagine being her secret bf
Are you this guy

is that fucking adam sessler

Hope you feel better user

What a chad

>Girl is clearly going straight towards the stage
>Land whale comes out of nowhere to try to intercept
>Girl jukes Shamu to hug real friend
>Whale absolutely destroyed
Holy shit. If the whale had been in the crossfire I would understand, but she literally came out of left field.

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Do these people just not know about prostitutes? Considering the amount of money they pay, they can afford the full girlfriend experience with a happy ending.

what's wrong with that, though.

Except marn is a piece of shit and deserves his fucking leg rot.

who the fuck is this and why did that girl come out of nowhere

Fair point. I'd have to see if she was really stringing him along or if she made clear she wasn't interested. Given that the post mentions that he was just going to make "his move" at twitch con chances are that he never flat out told her he was interested in her romantically, which is his responsibility to do. You can't expect someone to go around telling people she doesn't want to date them out of the blue, it's kind of rude.

>"hey bro here's 20 bucks, can you say my name?"
Do you usually do that irl?

Prostitutes are up front about only caring about you for your money, unlike Twitch thots who are more discreet about it. Because of that, you can at least pretend they honestly like you for you

Are people still mad at him coming to a tournament high one day and rigging the bracket so his friends didn't play each other that one time or am I thinking of someone else?

But Team Peanut Butter won in the end?

Bob Ross Jr. In the back giving commentary was always my favorite part of this vid.

holy shit based

>I’m a mod

Thank god this exists. Shows how truly pathetic mods are on twitch

I mean the dude heard her call him cute months back (and apparently he cherished this specific moment forever) and instantly concocted a fantasy where they'd get drunk and fuck, so the blame is on him for being a social failure

All this fucking streamer money could be sent to charity or something, but nooo

Not so fast sweetie

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Fandom can get pretty weird pretty fast. I never was into streaming but I paid $10 a month to be in the VIP club of this Red Bar podcast which used to be really great for years, but there was a downfall and it turned into literally 500 people paying a seething depressed guy to cope on stream for $10 a month. I went to an event and did drugs with the host but it started to get too pathetic. Sometimes it just sneaks up on you.

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post yfw you never spent a single cent on streamers or e-sluts.

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Dellor is awesome

She seems to be completely self-aware of her own actions given that she said that she keeps her husband a secret for a reason, being that she purposely wants to present herself as single and therefore bait men into trying to win her over with free money/labor.

I genuinely feel sorry for the girl.
Not the part about him doing the floss. But the fact that he's clearly drunk and this is probably a regular thing with him.

Shows how truly pathetic mods are everywhere*

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Feels good knowing I'll never comprehend what compels someone to go so low

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The only thing I don't understand is how can you keep supporting someone so mean? like when you see this kind of stuff what's happening inside these fanboys brains?

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I find it a lot easier to laugh up until that point I occasionally discover someone I know gets involved with those streams.

Stacies are fucking heartless holy shit

I think it's loneliness or depression.
I think both are on the wrong, the retards that keep throwing them money and the women that keep preying on sad and lonely people.
iirc a streamer lied about her marriage because she knew paypigs will stop donating if they knew another guy was fucking her.

I like this one because it shows you that you can get away with most things if you look nice

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Does it count if its a free prime sub? I have amazon prime and they let me sub for ''free'' to any streamer. I dont know if they any money from that but I do it because their emotes are cute.

So she just doesn't look at other guys because she's taken?
>tfw no loyal gf

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It's funny how betas turn from white knife straight to incel in the flick of a switch.

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Charity doesn't get my dick wet.
Oh wait, neither does Twitch.
He doesn't drunk, although it's entirely possible, as much as he's purposely trying to embarrass her. If I ever become a father that's going to be my personal entertainment.

full story?

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>Does the dance go like this sweetie?
>Dad stop it
>It's like this isn't it
>Dad please you're on the Jumbotron
>I think I'm finally getting it down

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That's more idols than VAs, but that doesn't make it okay. Both twitch thottery and idol groups profit from basically pretending to want to date morons. It's like emotional/financial abuse, because so many of these people end up basically employed by their twitch thot because they think it's like joining an inner circle (In the form of chat moderators). I'm not saying it's a cult, I'm just saying this is how a lot of cults behave.

Idk. I have a friend who used to camwhore, and she made it no secret that she had a boyfriend. He would even show up on stream and ask her if she was hungry or when they were going to her parent's house or just random stuff like that. is exactly how some of her patrons acted when she shot down their advances...


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billy was too good for this world

It's a nice picture

I don't even get the idea of watching streamers. Either's it's a podcast, where I'm just listening to people talk about something, or it's an edited video.

all you had to do was to say "I do it for the free games"

Jesus Christ she snaps back SO HARD, she really refuses to feel any real guilt or responsibility huh.

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She runs peanut butter on her ass for the dog to lick while she plays with herself

Wait. I get free games? Fucking how?


Well orbiters who still think they can cuck some camwhore's boyfriend are indefensible. I'm just saying that she purposely baited losers by pretending to be single, which is wrong.

It's somewhat disingenuous but again it's their responsibility to state they're interested. Buying subs and gifts and donating is not making your intentions for a romantic relationship clear, as you could be doing it just because you really like the person/stream. If they straight up asked her out and she gave non committal tee-hee maybe later you silly boys :3 answers then yeah she's a cunt, but otherwise it's totally on the dudes here.

holy freaking based

She is amazing you piece of shit.

I like watching reviews and stuff like that while I'm playing something else.

Kinda funky how being born a beautiful women just gives you automatic inherent value in society. Fuck. Its really not surprising there are so many MtF transgenders.

>Are you saying I'm not worth it?

maybe he should have just walked down the stairs instead of making a fool of himself

dont get me wrong, these kids that like to go around waving their mod status thinking their anything more than insignificant worms DESERVE to be beat up in an alley, but... at the same time, why was she being a bitch for no reason? i dunno, i’ve just hated hoes like her my entire life, thinking their are all that, too good to even give a little high-five

Someone post the one where the guy finds out that the streamthot secretly called him creepy on a forum or something then she later complains that she needs his income after he left her.

She has a very cuntish face
She seems extremely unpleasant if you arent a close friend

>He doesn't drunk
Did you drunk before posting?
For real though, that stagger and slackjaw say otherwise.
Of course he's trying to embarrass her and it's something he'd probably do sober. But that is clearly someone who has had one too many.

it's self aware joking

most of her popularity comes from her snapchat/patreon shit where you see her get fucked

>just sit there and they give you money

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If they weren't autists who could actually express their interest straightforwardly then they wouldn't be trying to date e-thots now would they? It's against the law to take advantage of retards, but fortunately for her I suppose the orbiter isn't literally clinically retarded.

You can do it too. Women are just as dumb. You are not ugly right?


this is fake, r-right?

I don't think she saw him.

This whore sounds like she smokes equal amounts of cocks and cigarettes daily

I know people who aren't totally out of loop who would do this just to fuck with their kids. based dad

Complete opposite for me.

Amouranth isn't even that hot

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with people who use Twitch?

50 is a fucking 10/10 troll and shit talker

We didn't deserve his kindness.
And to answer your question, hope for happiness makes people endure a lot of punishment to the point where they believe that punishment is the reward.

>women being equally as autistic and giving people fuckloads of money in the hopes of romantic success
This happens?

TO BE FAIR if she looks like that above the age of 18 she deserves a house

Why would women give money to some guy on the internet when they can receive money from any random guy within their vicinity?

Go donate to her ya simp. Have sex

Woman femcel here. Yes.

Yep, that's enough internet for today. I'm done.

Shut the fuck up incel cuck.

i better hurry up and make a Paypal or something. I can look pretty nice if i do my hair a certain way

Yeah it's like chicks at the gym. Everyday I see dudes approach women at the squat rack or whatever and they just keep doing their set and the guys just orbit and it gets super awkward. Eventually they go back to their own exercises but you can see in their faces how hard they take it. It's a weird dynamic. Glad I don't do stupid shit like that.

I recall an incident where an anime VA voiced a character. And well into that it came out that she, far prior to working as a VA in this anime, shot an adult video. And she was promptly replaced as the VA for that character.

Lonely women exist too ya retard

thats just desperate

I don't even care if you're just that guy shilling it, that was fucking great

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>you may not know this but I watch X girl's streams after yours
lol what is this?
the beta orbiter version of cheating?

props to him for doing his best and containing the laughter

Ugly and shutin women exist too.

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are we really so sad that we feel proud on not doing something obviously stupid?

>tfw complimented all the time "wow user you're pretty"
and thus the virgin me was born,god i wish i was dead

>Are you saying I'm not worth it?

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No, if I wanted to give them money or something I'd do a bank transfer to not give Twitch a cut.

You mean women who are either too retarded to go on a dating app and be guaranteed a match because of desperate men, or whose standards are too high and therefore won't accept any men under 9/10.

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In today's world it's becoming more and more important to separate yourself from that kind of behavior.

lol you really are a dumb virgin

Remember half these thots are probably thinking
"well he's weird, but REALLY hot. I'll just fuck him so I can tell my friends how I slept with this super sexy guy who turned out to be a neo-nazi!"

These are not the type of women a good man would want a relationship with.

See Who's going to ask her out if she's in her room all day?

I bet you get "friendzoned" alot huh? You should probably learn that people aren't responsible for the shit your retard brain makes up

Hey babe, I'll cook whatever you want at all hours and have a clean apartment full of blankets and a really nice computer. Live with me and you don't really have to work.

She would look like an 8/10 with some basic makeup

>"chat's being mean to you"
>"oh I don't care"
oh maybe he actually doesn-
>"I'm a mod, I don't give a SHIT what they say"



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He also trapped a rat in his apartment and poured boiled water on it. Also he tried to blackmail one of his employees into marrying him. Also he scams the shit out of people.

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Why do people think this orbiting routine would ever work?
Even at my lowest point I never once thought "damn you know what would work? lets go find one of these people and donate money to them for months then they will date me!!"

Didn't realize my mistake. I only say he might not be drunk because it could be a mix of being tired and the daughter pulling his shirt, making him lose his balance. But yeah, it is entirely possible he had one too many and she's not trying to stop him from embarrassing her as much as she's trying to stop him from embarrassing himself.

You think he went back to his hotel room or whatever and tried to review the chat log and did a mass ban after this happened?

I'm gonna go take a depression nap.

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There are two ways I would give money to a twitch streamer who was my friend. A) It is to get into bed with a more popular streamer to steal their viewers or B) They are a good friend that I cherish and respect. And it's their birthday or christmas. This get's even easier if I know them irl.

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link to the picture?

can men even compete?

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you're not gonna post the bitch's pic?

There's more to it, right?
Otherwise I'm going to hire a model, give her a 20/80 split and do nothing the rest of the day.

Wouldn't you do the same if you were a hot chick? I would

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>go on a dating app
>get pump and dumped
>still lonely
Seething incel thinks womeme can't be lonely too

I would do the same if I was pretty or asian. You men are pathetic.

Chad here. Actually tried this but got banned on twitch for being shirtless. It does work, but only for a few days

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>withhold evidence in a testimony in court
>later get found out and charged
>"WOOOOOW I didn't lie I just didn't tell you everything, it's your retarded brain's fault for jumping to conclusions!"
It's times like these that I remember how many literal underage there are on Yea Forums.

I know that bait

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That's nice for her! And her boyfriend too. It really is great.

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>ever getting rejected on dating apps

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White knight is just a desperation tactic by incels to get pussy, it never works.

to be fair I didn't even notice the swastika at first

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I met my gf on tindr and we've been going three years

i didn't realize that you could make their lives seem more pathetic than they already are

Your fault for only liking chads who are already fucking tons of women instead of settling for another lonely guy which there are heaps of, stupid roastie.

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literally just a bit overweight,fucking whore aint even ugly,fucks sakes

I look pretty nice and can confirm that me being a ball of ranting anxiety who likes shit like submarine documentaries and LARPing has not prevented me from having lots of sex, going to parties, having friends etc.

But it hurts when you know that if you weren't nice looking, you'd be a pariah hahahahahahaha weird feeling

Straight white men really are low tier scum to be pathetic beta orbiters like this.

well she's not pretty but definitely not in the "undateable by anybody" zone. Though I wouldn't date her desu

lol you are gay

what the fuck?

yes because we do that to do a donation train, one time we make 3000 in one night after i donated 30 bucks.

Why the fuck would I donate money to my friends? They aren't charity cases

>Jon Hamm has god tier face but a horrible body

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It's fucking devastating to these people who believe their own bullshit when they have to sleep in the bed they made. You can't just say 'I'll be happy never being married' a thousand times as a 22 year old thot and expect it to take at 35. Plan for your future, kids.

that would happen to regular actors too
that would happen in almost any industry across the globe

Guys who give money to random streamers for just... playing a video game and talking piss me off to no fucking end. You're really paying someone to have a pair of tits and say your name? How is that even a fucking transaction? At least give your money to fucking camwhores who actually give you your money's worth and flick themselves off for your hard earned money.

nah, there's just a lot to process in that image that my brain just kinda skipped over it before I realized what it was supposed to be a took another take

AHAHAHA he probably fucking did

because it would set a really bad standard where any retard could walk up to her in public and demand attention

>$8000 loan to donate to be in a game

What bank would approve that

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Supposedly huge dick though.

So are we dumping all our cringe?

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Based and Redpiled

Did you even read my post you brain dead faggot?

>sometimes when you get banned its because a mod actually got cucked

That's not a horrible body by any means. (Also if we're talking Mad Men, it would make sense for a man like Don to not be ripped to shit.)

no, fuck friends

>Divorce is not on the cards
how retarded can you get. Besides, if she wants attractive kids, chances are she shouldn't us her eggs either.

not the other guy, but wtf kind of meme-arrows are you using?

really made me think......

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I really fucking hope this is bait

We all deserve some happiness. Good for you.

keep her, tinder got 10 times worse now

That is not true at all. Sasha Grey was hired to do voice work in Saint's Row. The fappening showcased a plethora of actors, not one of whom was banished from their profession afterward.

This is an eastern-only thing.

Chibi is mid 20's and lives with his mom, who seems to be way over his retarded shit a long time ago. He doesn't live in reality.

Well sure it's yikes for him, but she seems perfectly reasonable and it is really common for people to use proposal to try and sew up a sloppy relationship. It's also your last chance to break up.

i miss those days..

Where do you get standards this out of touch of reality? He's average at worst and in the land of obesity rising he might as well be a god.

not today

Attached: yikes.png (412x619, 182K)

>Are you saying I'm not worth it

What a


gO bACk tO tWiTteR you fucking tourist.

No, the only time I'm forking cash over to my friends while playing a videogame is if we made a bet before playing. I don't randomly huck cash at my friends when we hang out, that would be weird as hell.

As a man who's settling down, I actually do feel like I might be less anxious if I slept with 25 or so girls. But that's not really something to worry about, I just wonder how vulnerable to temptation I might be if a real homewrecker wanted to show up.

based Mark

Anyone who exercises for 3-6 months with a decent diet can have a much better body than this. Fat fuck.

>That tweet
Billy is a cure for crippling depression

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Well, this makes me mad on several different layers. Interesting feeling.

the kind of milk they drink

>hire model
>goes well for a few days, she banks in
>realises she doesn't need you at all
>dumps you and takes 100% of the profit

Now what champ. All you did was make another rich twitch thot


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I wish I lived in reality.

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Billy died for our sins

>When you're in the real world and realize no one gives a fucking shit that you're a 6/10 who dresses up in video game shit

Thank god

>minimal makeup
yeah, right. But on another note she's probably a 7/10 or more for the fatfuckers, and being a fatfucker has never been more popular.
Bitch was just fishing for some ego strokes.

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She was watching the exact same camera that you're watching in that video. Of course she saw him

God, i hate these types of people! They know they don't look bad, but they want the pity that comes to woman who talk about being ugly.

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Whatever you say, alpha chad. He's really not that fat at all in that pic, just doesn't have the adonis build up of muscle you might think of when it comes to a male sex symbol.

You can't think like that. Even if you slept with a hundred girls, all it takes is for you to see another hot girl and think "101 here i cum"

iirc from a thread last year this was proven to be fake. But here's your (you) I guess.

What can we do to protect guys from falling for the e-slut meme?

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I'm actually in pretty good shape. Calling that "horrible" is out of touch with reality. You don't have to overcompensate this hard, bud.

Those retards deserve no protection.

>What can we do to protect guys from falling for the e-slut meme?
Nothing. Let Darwinism sort them out

Tell her that I'm filming for an art project instead of twitch. She's a thot, she'll buy it.

There's a pretty big difference between "Has a boyfriend" and "Previously starred in pornography". It has nothing to do with the fans and everything to do with the company wanting their series to have a certain image. If anything, the deluge of idol-related doujinshi prove that fans of that sort of thing are more than happy with pornography starring their characters, they just can't have canon/IRL boyfriends.

shut off access to the internet for beta orbiters

Thanks man, that's what I needed to hear


>capitalism is fai-

>You don't have to overcompensate this hard, bud.
you're trying way too hard.

kys please

This angers me on so many levels. Fucking retards paying a girl RIDICULOUS amounts of money to act like a weeb slut. Anything with a pair of tits can fucking do that.

I wouldn't fuck her with a ten foot dick

>says a sex icon guy has a horrible body out of insecurity
lol we're done here

>154,000 per month
I quit life.
No worries. You just have to remember that you're settling down for a reason.

>le agehao girl
Funny thing you can find porn videos of girls who exclusive do this stupid face for free.

but not all of them do.

some love live thot, I don't know her name

How isn't it fair? Lots of thots look better than her but were probably never enterprising enough to appeal to lonely weebs

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>Anything with a pair of tits can fucking do that.

Calm down, spergo. For every whore who makes it on Twitch there are probably 100 who tried and got nowhere.

I got an 8k credit card despite not being employed for many years. It was initially 1k then the bank just gave me 8k for literally no reason. Money is worthless so why wouldn't they just throw it at you?

>this whole thread
What a diseased culture, what the fuck.

Half of work is showing up.

Imagine walking with your girlfriend in public and some random guy passes by and some random guy looks at you and smiles and give you a head gesture.

>that pic
kek there's no way that's not a shop

damn... poor girl

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Why protect them? These people are the freaks women are really talking about when they accuse men of being "creepy." They're the root cause of so many of society's perceptions on the internet and fringe societies in general.

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That chick has herpes though

Or it's outrage pornography designed solely to rile up the emotional cripples and mentally ill.

My brain is also an asshole to me.

>work normal job
>come home, put on a wig and revealing outfit
>play video games for 2 hours while making oh so cute comments
>at least a few random virgins will try to chat you up and maybe even donate
I can't see any moderately attractive (or even non attractive tbqh) female not alt least making some money off this shit.

t. Ranny

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hope you feel better user

because there are people that work hard all their lives for better causes and can't even get close to that money

why though?

don’t mean to sound like a moralfag here, but what gives you the right to treat incels like that? whats so special about looking pretty? to most chads out there (myself included hehe) you’re nothing but a cum dumpster. so when you think about it, shouldn’t i be the target of your little middle school-tier attitude? after all, i am the one making you feel insecure about yourself, not the white knight beta pussy asking for a high five

This is hilarious.

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What a based girl

>Are you saying I'm not worth it?

jesus fuck

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Most of what we do here is

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>but what gives you the right to treat incels like that?
Because they're putting themselves out there to get exploited.

>you can't hate both
hmm sweatie...

Expert male body examinator here. This isn't a bad body at all. It should be the norm if everyone wasn't addicted to sugar and bread.

Belle frustrates me because I barely get turned on by any girls at all anymore, yet her pics make me diamonds.

they deserve to be exploited

I'd sub so I can spam his emotes in other channels, but I wouldn't donate.

This thread cured my depression.

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I made friends with a female streamer, and I haven't donated 1 cent. No subscriptions, never bought her anything of monetary value. She just thought I was kind of cool, so we started talking off stream, and now we're friends. And only friends. I know what you're thinking. There are no more expectations.

Not only was she hidding her husband but she was also constantly saying how "single" she was and how difficult was to find a nice guy

the power of autism

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Why did I read this thread? Now I'm just angry.

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I hope your sad day ends soon

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>are we really so sad that we feel proud on not doing something obviously stupid?
that's pretty much the only type of pride left

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Yeah, but do you think most of them want to have to deal with the kind of people who donate to streamers for a couple bucks?

I wouldn't. [spoiler[I say as I post on Yea Forums with them for free lol

Just bits, maybe a sub, some of the ads give randomly higher amounts like 100-300, they're like 5-10 bits per ad usually though.

Fuck you nigger

Its one of the modern forms of the strong preying on the weak, there is no resisting nature and thats how it always will be.

wtf is this

I mean they're probably the same type who go on Tinder for attention, so they already deal with worse.

>ring shaming

I know. I have to control myself around all of this bait.

Hopefully that wasn't a $250 bluray/dvd set.

God the sheer amount of autism could power us to mars and back

I think the funniest part is that these guys are the ones cucking themselves out of a better product.

If they just collectively stopped donating for a full month or two and cut off the cash flow, the product would have no choice but to either take itself off the shelf or adapt to what the market wants. These betas could literally get real nudes instead of softcore selfies if they used even two of their remaining brain cells.

He went to a trip in Vietnam and got that skin infection. He said none of the doctors who saw him have an answer to what it is.

>Watch uberhaxornova for almost a decade now
>decide if i ever donate to someone it would be him
>donate 3 dollars and ask him a question
>Never responds to it
well you live and you learn. never doing that again

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That sounds scientific. You know, I do believe you may have been memed into hating all women unnecessarily, user.

There are dozens of different reasons and self-images you can use to do it, and they all are pretty intimate with the human condition in general
1. 'One life to live': You only live once, and you can't limit your happiness and success just because of some old-school strict idea about how to use your body (can also insist its a feminist act)
2. 'They deserve it'
3. 'I'm smarter than them': Basically where you think the world is shit, or decide you think the world is shit, and you're suddenly able to pretend you're a cool operator rising to the top
4. 'Everyone does it'
I'm being a fag at this point, there are a million reasons. I like to really think about nothingness, and how small and seperate our existences can be. It's very easy to just carve a little being out and live by it for your entire life, and it's full of stuff you just made up to keep going. Real interesting.

>In 2016, Weekly Asahi Geinou ran an article accusing Nitta of appearing in an adult video prior to her voice acting debut, due to similarities in looks and the placement of certain moles between Nitta and the AV actress in question.[7] In response, S-inc published a statement denying Nitta's involvement.[8] Nitta's weekly livestream Nico Nico broadcast Emint Night was also postponed.[9][10]
it seems she kept her job after all


It's not like any of her patreons are ever going to touch her.

but contra hates capitalism... anyways not that contra is amazing but she certainly deserves more than delphine

look at that hand. ms pigglet sure as shit ain't worth it.

streamer mentioning you in front of an audience of 10k+ can feel pretty good

if i made more money than them yeah, im never gonna give money to someone who is better off than me for fucking streaming

if women were this retarded other women would be already helping them

>tfw you will never be able to live off random losers paying you for snapchat or whatever and spend all day playing vidya

I get this reference

I had 2 bucks left over, forgive me.

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It's okay user you'll have a job too someday

Thanks guys; more (You)'s than I could possibly imagine.

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I don't, I'm saying that the kinds of retards who hit on anything with tits and a pulse and donate to them as well are setting an absolutely retarded precedent. And also butthurt that I can't make money off these retards.


Here you go feel better friend

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>Would you mind killing yourself

Made me fucking laugh out loud, what site is this

good for Mark, hope he finds himself a good girl, shame that most of them are just like that reddit post

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I've told my gf that if she really wanted to play Overwatch all day she should just do it half naked with a webcam and her dream can become a reality.

My gf is legitimately stunning and plays nothing but MHW. Would I be a cuck to suggest for her to stream, or should we rake in the shekels.

You don't understand how adapted she is though. I mean look at her, she's a highly curated bubblegum pink anime pinup idol incarnate. She's honestly on the cutting edge and I don't feel too bad about someone who knows how to read their audience and cater to them so specifically earning all that money. A girl like that at least is respectable.

You can make money off retards, user. It might not be with titties, but yeah. In fact, in my estimation any good business model should probably start with "how can I take money from these retards?"

Thats what I am gonna say from now on. No more ''kys''.

She cute. Yall are nuts

the sooner you get over not being a visual novel protagonist the better

can't decide whether this is based or pathetic.

i'm actually not one of the bitter incels, but stuff like this does make me support the movement of referring people like this to the IRS

i imagine many of these people haven't worked a real job in their lives, and had 1/4 - 1/3 of their income lost to taxes. Now, I pay my taxes, and while it's a lot to lose, everyone else is paying taxes, so the playing field is still even.

Presumably, at least. until these fucking interent celebrities come along, pimping their stupid internet cred or whatever you call it, brute-forcing whatever's popular and putting donation links everywhere. not only is it stupid, artificial, and pathetic, which i'm willing to put up with at the end of the day, but i'm willing to bet the majority of these people don't pay their taxes. so the playing field isn't even anymore. if we both make 150k, i keep 100, and she keeps all 150.

not only is it not fair, i imagine a lot of these people are lefties, as well. the irony is several miles deep with these fucking lefty e-celebrities. they hate wealthy people, straight white males, people who cheat their taxes, people who aren't the working class and don't have to struggle, but conveniently, for whatever reason, they all overlook their own role in that stereotype, all while wishing there was more public assistance and welfare programs for the underclass which are all paid for by TAX MONEY.

tl,dr; it's your right to be an e-thot, but pay your goddamn fucking taxes

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>slay yourself
>would you mind killing yourself
oh this is good stuff tell us the site man

she was never replaced you mongoloid, typical Yea Forums talking shit about things they don't know.


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>projecting insecurity
you're trying way to hard. ANYONE who even trys to get fit would have a better body than jon hamm fast as fuck. It's pretty bad from traditional standards. Again you're trying way to hard. He has a god tier face and is no doubt a sex icon but his body falls under the dadbod shit which is shit.


Nip autism is truly a whole new level

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I'm a regular on a cam site and I've seen all sorts of pathetic shit.
I've never spent a cent over 5 years into it, I get what I want just by talking like a human being and being kind of attractive.
There are people who spend thousands of dollars on a girl who flip their shit and delete their accounts after finding out she went into a private session with me for free because she was horny and wanted to actually enjoy getting off for once.

It's still hard to imagine there are people out there who donate similar amounts to twitch streamers and don't even get tits out of it.

Tax fraud is a real crime that's enforced, and plenty of these streamers get hit, but a lot of them are just functional people who pay their taxes. You actually have to go out of your way and do it yourself, unlike if you're taking a check from a business, so a lot of people including DSP don't know what the fuck they're doing and find out they have to pay $15,000 at the end of the year that they already spent.
Anyways pink haired girl there seems like a hard worker desu

Zoomer banter is bretty gud

Attached: im_ready_to_settle_down_with_a_nice_guy4.jpg (858x1080, 155K)

We get it, you're a virgin, stop posting.

imagine getting this upset

get better user

Fuck them, any guy who donates to some e-thot should be killed in spot and the too

I would give Moira a life

Fucking kek
I'm reminded of this with how casually he approaches her.

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Would you mind killing yourself

me too

keep seething fatty

what is this?

>have a career as a VA
>still shoot porn anyway
I thought VAs, especially those of popular series, made big bucks?

based boomer

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You've never seen those news stories of women getting scammed online by catfish scams? Usually older or unattractive women sending over thousands, to their entire life savings to the scammers.

Im 27 and my gf is 26, we've been together three years and will probably not break up. The pressure is literally on me to secure my finances and have children with her within the next three years. Isn't that something?

God you're so mad and projecting so hard. i bet you're fat as fuck, too. Enjoy those hotpockets tomorrow morning, lardo.

haha, I was off showering. You actually took the time to write this in response "lol we're done"

wow bro I bet you're jacked with a 10 incher

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Feels great that these parasites haven't gotten a single cent from me.

Attached: bobby_kotick.jpg (478x415, 29K)

yes, but the IRS isn't big brother. they don't pay attention to random twitch wanna-be streamers. many streamers don't have actual jobs, this is their sole form of income - in a way, that does show you the reason why they chase donations so hard, it's because there is no plan B.

if the IRS isn't aware, then nothing happens. the IRS doesn't send a letter once a year of every residence to ask if anyone there is cheating on their taxes. if you're not working at an official company, it's very easy to not be on the IRS's radar at all.

this is why a lot of independent contractors/freelancers don't pay taxes, they are relatively self-contained and private agreements between two people.

this is what happens when you hit the wall and nobody wants anything to do with you other than a pump and dump.

Attached: im_ready_to_settle_down_with_a_nice_guy5.jpg (847x1080, 154K)

whats this from?

Don't tell genetic dead ends to have sex...

>tfw all my matches on dating app look like this
is it ogre for me?

it was before she was a VA though
turns out doing porn will haunt you for the rest of your life

Then start streaming. Oh wait, you arent funny, charismatic, goodlooking or good at any games.

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Fuck you asshole. Being fat is a genetic condition. Is not my fucking fault.