One week left.
Crash Nitro Fueled
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>Took me 3 tries to unlock N. Tropy's challenge for Cortex Castle
shit I'm rusty.
Will based Ripto make it in too?
Can't wait. It's going to be so much fun.
Id bet on it. Wouldnt surprise me if Ripto, Elora and Hunter made it in.
Are they actually balancing the classes? I thought they were making things mostly the same.
Damn, really?
She's in.
I'm dying on the inside and out, the only thing that can cure me is leaked video games.
>no PC
fug. have fun bros
>Still no Brio
Speed characters got one extra point to their speed stat so now they're on par with all rounders in the original when it comes to top end speed. anyone got the screenshot of all the new stat bars?
Are speed characters worth playing? Isn't acceleration the only thing that mattered back in the day?
What are Tawna's stats?
*handling characters got one extra point
fuck, still waking up
I think the time to beat to unlock him for the challenge was 1:40 and I just barely made it when I did the spiral staircase shortcut every lap. But actually doing his time trial race was piss easy so whatever I guess.
50/50 split between PS4 and Switch for Yea Forums. Either system is definitely going to have lobbies.
I think she's acceleration.
Li Li from Heroes of the Storm made it?!
I want the Spyro characters to get Sparx instead of Uka Uka or Aku Aku, are you reading Beenox?
If that tiny arena user from last thread is still here, hope you're having better luck but I'll say this now. If even the Tropy ghosts are giving you a hard time, you better start learning or else Oxide's are gonna tear you a whole new asshole.
The Grand Prix for Spyro is called "Spyro and Friends" so it's not unlikely.
after asking in the last thread on the reasons for getting the deluxe edition i just pre ordered the standard edition on ps4.
i remember going to the house of some of my parents friends,and i got to play the original. i must have been 5 or 6 back then,but i still remember it a bit so it must have been pretty good.
i blame these threads for getting me hyped up
Give me Jak characters!
Haha, look at her go!
post more coco
>That voice
>That Furry Avatar
Trannies get the rope and furries get the gas so I think we will have to hang that person inside a gas chamber
Wow you're so demanding. We should at least discuss the game while posting pictures. Who's everyone going to main?
Ami main here.
I'd hoped she's Speed. Ami it is, then
Tawna until obj_motherfucker makes his debut.
I'm here. And I'm not remotely ready for Oxide yet. I need more practice.
Penta my friend. Though I am a bong, so it is going to be sad having him drop stats.
But Ripto isn't Spyro's friend. He hates dragons.
CBNK2 is actually kinda good for a mobile game and has no business being as good as it is. Also it's tracks are far more interesting than CTTR and I would be happy to have them in NF.
Maining Coco and Spyro.
What is obj_motherfucker's new canon name going to be if he gets in?
unlocking N. Tropy on that track is harder than beating Oxide on it
In due time, my friend.
It's gonna be Clyde. Screencap this.
N. Sist
Might be super generic and just be "Lab Assistant".
Yaya a cute.
sorry to be a new fag, but why do you call him obj_motherfucker?
I want him have some reference to the final Crash 3 warp room that show's that he's just an assembly line robot. Something like Jack-1 from the Tekken series
That's what he was called in the original Crash 1 files.
at first they were referred to in the game's programming as "ass_", referring to "assistant", one variant was called obj_ass_banger
in Crash 3 they started calling them things like obj_motherfucker and obj_asshole
Can't wait to see this reanimated in HD.
1:40? fuck im 1:44
any tips?
But what does obj mean?
>pictures you can hear
page me when we see what spyro looks like.
...the trash
Object. It's a format thing.
When programming, you'll want your files to be with some prefix to denote what type of thing they are for easy parsing. Examples include snd for sound, scr for script, spr for sprite, and obj for object.
it's short for an object
>Oxide joins forces with Cortex and Ripper Roo
WTF they were all in totally different sides in CTR, this is some Bash level of plot.
I'm ready to school some waifufags and furries on the track.
Awesome, thanks. Gonna save that for future use.
Cool, that'll be useful. Many thanks, user.
which on is the best category overall?
I hope he fucking dies in the next game and he becomes a ghost mask like aku aku and uka uka
He would be a pretty cool mask.
Co..Coco.. where are your pants?!
>jiggle physics
In the previous game it was acceleration and fast, depending on the map. Everyone has been slightly rebalanced though, so hard to say until the game actually comes out. Most of the "pros" will be playing acceleration by default just because it's what they're used to.
he's in
>can't see the top of his ass cheeks anymore
damn bros video games are truly dead
he's a big guy
look at this absolute unit.
Looks like I'm going for either Coco, Isabella, and Ami or Tawna.
Also this, I wanna play Megumi but I'm not a fan of slow. Maybe if they gave them one more speed and -2 or -3 turn.
>giving the turn class less turn
Buying the special edition just for the robot Crunch outfit.
Turn isn't so bad. There will be no shortage of MK refugees to stomp and you get the added bonus of being able to boost around the really tight corners.
Yeeeeah, that is a special level of dumb right there.
Maybe play Megumi for adventure mode and shit. You don't have to be fast to do well there.
Spyro fucking Coco when?
Someone brought up a point yesterday, do you think the Unlimited USF thing was actually a bug given how early the demo builds were? I hope not, is there any gameplay of the recent builds still showing it to be possible?
And I'm ready to 'gas' some waifufags and furries on the track. Catch my 'drift' ?
Elora motorboating Tawna when?
Only if pinstripe gets to fuck Bianca
I figured they were talking about USF being a bug in the original.
>I hope not, is there any gameplay of the recent builds still showing it to be possible?
you overestimate E3 journalist's ability.
Remember, the better the player, the worse the camera.
sounds like someone in the dev team hated the motorcycle levels as much as I did
>practice the spiral staircase corner
>play as N. Gin or Coco so you can confidently drift every corner. This is probably the hardest level to master cornering behind maybe hot air skyway
>Don't jump the courtyard corner jump. Drift it so you don't lose speed
in general practice corner drifting. I think it's the key. Just like every level if you drift JUST right you never have to brake or hit a wall.
For as much as CTTR was lousy as a racing game, I still like the character interactions in it.
What a disgustingly true mantra
Damn, I really am gonna have to wait till next friday to find out then. I also heard someone say pre-ordered copies on PSN actually let you play a few hours early, is this true?
Same. You can tell the cast had a fun time.
N. Gin
N. Tropy
This is the approved class main list
We're lucky if there's someone playing who knows how to fucking drift with the recent builds.
To even the roster out:
>Brio is Medium
>Moe is Medium
>Kong is Acceleration
>Emperor Velo is Speed
>Nina is Medium
>Passadena is Acceleration
>Von Clutch is Handling
>Yaya is Medium
>Baby T is Handling
There 10 characters per class
Don't remind me...
I mean I'm going to be playing for the first time and I heard that turn was the worst so that's why I said that. I don't know I'll just try characters out when the game releases
Tiny Arena is allow about getting your reserves up. Don't focus on getting every jump turbo and just build up some boost. Remember, powerslide + turbo pad = sacred fire, every time.
The track is unique in that you must employ real mostorsport tactics and angle yourself into corners to get the best route to avoid the walls.
Wait whos green hair girl? I thought the flag girls were out
But then he won't have anymore big breakfast
>watch Nolan North play the CTRNF demo
>mfw he lapses into his N. Gin voice for a couple seconds
*all about, what the hell happend there
This is beyond bad a minute in. Like the fact they didn't even jump to get rid of the TNT nor make a simple jump. Just falling off the side of the race track not even attempting to drift properly. My god.
source video of that happening?
They don't present trophies anymore, they earn them.
They're playable now.
The problem is that nobody except CTR autists like us seem to know how this game works at all, which is really confusing because CTR is surprisingly easy to learn. I think it's just people refusing to adapt from Mario Kart.
Also falling off the stage on the first two laps from that split jump
Reminder these people playing in these videos are the people who tell you if a game is good or not.
Well when winning a race all comes down to good RNG, there's no point in taking the time to learn how to properly play it. That doesn't save you in CTR.
did they...?
At 13:13
And we can't criticize them because it's a 20 year old game...
Sorry, Clutch. You'll have to wait about a month or two.
CTR is way more complicated than "hold A and occasionally press L" Kart
You need to remember that the bar is so low than it's tripping people on the opposite side of the planet.
They hug.
>no edit of clutch with the gas chamber meme
lol, all 4 human players in that race got dabbed on by the A.I...
pretty pathetic
This was today's stream iirc
Man, how did kids figure this out 20 years ago without the gold mine of information that is the internet?
There must've been something in the water back then that gave them super IQ or something.
Also 18:58.
I was watching this just to remind myself how cool this race was and I'm really wondering how NF will handle it... but fuck me the sound design was atrocious in CNK. Those engine/drift sounds make me want to stab myself
The jumping sound
The cortex karts sounded alright, going for that vintage motorcycle sound, given what engine they ran on, but yeah everything else was pretty bad.
I think adventure mode tells you the mechanics outright which these chucklefucks don't have access to.
The reason they don’t hand out trophies now is because they’re playable. All the ‘WAH CENSORED CENSORED’ posters got btfo.
Yeah, using that soft sound that came from jumping on enemies in Crash 1-3 was far better and easier on the ears. Glad that Nitro Fueled gives it a far more subtle boing too.
The game had a tutorial and a manual.
Sure, you had no way of knowing about the reserve system until early internet started picking up steam but you could just FEEL it. Boosting a lot made you go faster for longer, that's all that you needed to know.
>yfw trophy girls hand out trophies in the final game
>yfw when they win, they get a unique animation where they present it to themselves
Alright so why is the Oxide Edition $25 more for just some skins and characters? Is there goings to be paid DLC? That should at least come with a season pass for everything for that much extra.
you guys sure work fast, incredible.
Not like this Tawnabros...
Where's his ass crack?
And for future use.
The chad tall busty female
I've been unemployed for a few months so I can't afford it, but I know I'll enjoy the hell out of the streams.
So they removed Pinstripe's gun?
It's at the end. He still pulls it out
How will MK babies ever recover?
brb drawing Von Clutch as Stroheim
Ah, okay.
>The portraits are all Zembillas-styled like the original games
>all ingame assets are CTTR shit
Duh, not very efficient to hold a gun whilst trying to drive, is it?
He's also not real, user.
>tfw well-off friend gameshares his ps4 library with me
He already preordered the game so I'm set
man it's nice to have Komodo Joe actually look like Komodo Joe instead of the weird bucktoothed abomination his CTR model was, probably the second worst model in that game next to N Tropy and his concave face
Nah don't worry I don't actually hate Sonic, I just think CTR and SRB2Kart will always be superior. Transformed was cool tho
Everyone's main is going in here eventually...
And that's a lot of mains.
>tfw gamesharing with my friend
>he sells his console and doesn't tell me for months
>he didn't even delete my account from the console
Never again
Are those 8 really gonna be the shitters or does this list have some bias?
How are they going to connect the CTR and CNK campaigns together? Did they actually recreate the cutscenes and plot of CNK or are the alien racers just going to be Oxide's cohorts?
>My favorite character Coco who was from the first game I believe
Please, time, flash forward to the release already. I don't want to suffer anymore.
I fucking hate the crystal arena challenges.
In original CTR, all the handling characters were total shit so if it's the same in this game then yeah they're going to be.
They just aren't trying. The CNK characters are unlocked thru the pit stop and the tracks are unlocked from the get go in arcade/time trial/etc. You can still access trophy races, relic races, and CNK challenges thru the normal menus.
I personally think the reason they've been holding out on showing fake velo so long is that they actually have put CNK adventure mode in, but that's just a personal conspiracy theory of mine.
not mine
>tfw bought a used xbox one and the guy left his account on it
Got over 60 games for free
Well, this is the era of buff/nerf patches. If they're THAT shit, they can be saved.
There are two campaigns, the original campaign untouched and the “Nitro-fueled” version
>I personally think the reason they've been holding out on showing fake velo so long is that they actually have put CNK adventure mode in, but that's just a personal conspiracy theory of mine.
a week ago i'd have said there was no chance in hell, but now after this week who fuckin' knows, anything could be on the table at this point
Tits too big.
The activision rep keeps stressing at every event he goes to that the gap is smaller this time, but obviously none of us know the answer yet. They could be and I honestly hope so cause Ripper Roo is one of my favorites. We'll find out next week.
This has no effect on the content of the adventure mode. Nitro Fueled mode just lets you have a difficulty select, randomizes the ai skins and lets you pick any kart skin and character you want at any time.
Does this bitch even know that Pura was in the original CTR. Why are these people so fucking retarded? Let me do a Q&A with them.
What the people want to know
>We have the pitstop and wumpa coins but how will you go about balancing the grind as while longtime fans will be playing the game so will a lot of kids. As an example how many races would it take to unlock a CNK boss with Wumpa Coins?
>With the Grand Prixs, how will the challenges work, even just a hint of what some of the challenges may entail will suffice?
And that's the last two things we need to really know about the game before release. Instead we have this bitch and her retarded "questions" that have been answered since the game was announced.
I don't even know what's happened with my account because the cunt was borrowing my A/C adapter and sold that too.
At least it went to fucking GameStop and not some shady second hand buyer. They probably delete old accounts.
I don't mind someone else getting my games but that was counted as my home Xbox. The next owner could change my Microsoft password and through my email access every account I've ever made.
I really think at this point it could happen. The guy was very adamant about not playing hyper spaceway on that stream yesterday.
>everyone's main
we'll see when someone tries to put von clutch into it, dummkopf
Will they make it a direct remake of CNK's adventure mode (Crash/Cortex and friends get warped to Velo's planet) or something that ties more into the original CTR (like Velo is revealed to be Oxide's superior and steps in when Oxide loses)?
They seem on-model to this game for me
game is off-model
considering the "team" aspect isn't in play at all, if the campaign does exist it'll have to be at least a little bit different here and there, no staying near your team ally for temp infinite weapons or whatever
Legitimately hope not. This is zoomer bait the character
I imagine it would be easier to do the former, and include a classic/NF option that replaces the racers with the usual CNK pool and Team Bandicoot/Team Cortex carts. Anything is possible though, they already re-created all of the cutscenes for CTR already so that would simply be a matter of creating a bridging cutscene, if you're presuming that they'll put it in either way.
>You can only get Wumpa Coins when connected to online
>You need thise to unlock the CNK characters
>mfw one day, when the servers shut down, you will no longer be able to unlock all the characters in the game
Better 100% as quickly as you can
doubt it will be hard, user.
by that time, there will guaranteed be a PC release that can be cracked
I feel like they'll probably go back on that if enough people complain, or make a patch to reverse that if the servers have to go off.
I'm hoping for a reversal
This kind of shit fucks over Switch owners just like MK11 did
She looks like she would enjoy raw anal
>long after the game's online has been shut down and the game cracked, modders will jury rig the perfect online racing game with all the custom tracks you could imagine
look at the silver lining, user
I don't really think you're going to see the amount of blowback that you want for them to backpedal. Activision has been doing it for a long time and they've got drooling retards trained to be okay with it. Go look at ledditors, they'll do just about anything to justify it to themselves why it's okay.
Then I guess all we can do is hope it won't be as bad as we fear.
I wonder how much pain the director gets inside every time these "testers" fuck up playing the game, or get knowledge wrong.
Just shat out this, doing cortex and the gang next.
>Xbox One owners get an instant cloud save with their games
the one advantage.
Doesn't PS4 do something similar?
I think you have to pay for a cloud save. Xbox One doesn't require a gold account to have one, you just have it.
The difference is not that big unless you purposely pick a track with a shitload of straights and attempt to be faster than a speed character of equal skill. Not happening.
You will be far more 'consistent' with handling characters on tracks with harsh corners as well. You can dodge items in the road without going into hitting walls and losing reserves.
Item usage and countering is just as important as well. Class won't matter if someone is just making bad plays with items.
Handling characters are for little kids and girls
Balanced characters are for casuals that don’t want to learn how to play
Acceleration characters are for people that do want to learn how to play
Speed characters are for people that know how to play
Handling is for people that don't need to rely on stats to win.
It's great user I can almost smell it. They look so happy together.
Indeed, based.
>caring about stats
>not just picking your favorite character
>kart racing """metas"""
>being gay
what if my favorite happens to be in the meta?
You learn your lesson online. There, everyone will be boosting and using the good items, not just you and your retarded little brother that you played vs. on the original CTR.
What is this fat Tumblr shit?
You'll get wrecked by any handling character online if you're not managing oncoming attacks and keeping your defenses up. That 2 second faster lap time is doing no meta picks any favors if they get hit even once.
Get gud
GameStop does tend to factory reset the consoles.
Multiversebrain post.
can't wait to see you complaining about tiers after you get smoked lmao
Sure, kid, stay with your handling shit all you want, you’ll be smoked by any competent player using a higher tier character.
Can’t wait for you to realize I was correct all along
Can’t wait to dunk on people with Pura and Liz. Get fucked try hards
>He only plays Time Trial and thinks times will matter with weapons
Sweet summer child
Meet me at tiny arena faggot we'll see if your meta can save you.
now we wait for the neutral spin slide
I'm going to main Zem and purposely stay in last place, driving and reversing into imem crates so I can spam clocks and orbs.
>Tfw gonna be called a teirwhore
I just really liked N. gin
>neutral spin slide
Sounds really fucking cool. I'd like if the new Crash games explored Crash's basic abilities more with some followups or states.
Maybe add a spinning punch that activates after two slide spins, or a homing kick like Skylanders
if it were the original CTR with online, i'd possibly be inclined to agree with you, but beenox said they were making handling characters faster and speed characters better at turning, so there's less of a meta online.
there'll still be a difference between the character classes, just not as much
I want to enter Roo's tubes if you know what I mean
>Maybe add a spinning punch that activates after two slide spins
Funny you mention that, Twinsanity originally was going to implement that in but was scrapped because of how buggy it was in the e3 demo.
I just realized I can't draw the other doctors even with references. They should be simple but they come out... weird.
it's a start
Praise our goddess.
requesting more panda tits
There is one other one I have, but I might get this thread nuked for posting it, you can find it on R34 by searching her name.
Cool. I just like panda characters in general
Just play who you want man, it's not like it matters. I'm gonna main Oxide despite the stigma of him being used only by shitters and newbies, and I assure you I am neither.
>heart shape on tit
anyone know what emulation setting causes this weird visual bug?, trying play game through CTR on pc since my ps3 controller is broken and i can't seem to get this to stop popping up every few races.
beetle psx + hw
hardware rendering.
Are all the promo video racers bad? I only seen a few of them and all of them were pretty meh.
More like,
So it's pretty much confirmed that EVERYONE is in. Spyro grand prix is called spyro AND FIRENDS. What do you guys even want anymore because I don't even know what I would want anymore.
Metal Crash when?
Gex with Alfred and Rez as unlockables too. Map is Scream TV (obviously).
with or without ghost
Moneybags the ultimate video game jew
good lord yes
someone hook this poor man up with some proper gameplay immediately
At this point only 2% of people that have recorded footage for this game have been good.
whoops got exited there. Early in the morning
make sure to go faster than i did
Tell me about Coco. Why is everyone choosing her and why is Yea Forums mad about people that pick her?
i wonder if USF speeds will be fast enough to outrun warp orbs
Thread made me hungry for subway all of a suddah
She has the best stats and most speedrunners use her aside from N. Gin and Dingodile.
Why can't we just enjoy a good kart racer's return without porn? Goddamn guys, there's more to life than peepee hard.
She's acceleration and a cute grill so people pick her for speedruns.
ami request almost done
Why I am not seeing pics of the best boy here?
in the original she was the speedrun meta pick because it was quick to choose her and her kart class was generally the best in the game
add on waifufags and you have the makings of a no-fun-allowed character
post your page bro, I dig your style.
don't have one, but here's another i did for tawna a few days ago
I'm not a furry, but...
That's a shame, but thanks I love it.
Tropy’s unlock time is broken on that track. Don’t feel too bad, user.
glad you like it
here's an N. Gin and N. Tropy from yesterday
>tfw can't decide which one is best trophy girl
>giving Tawna big gazongas when she has the smallest out of all the Nitro Squad
What else have you done user? Care to share?
so far, just pic related and
Just fucking roll with it man. Its not furry to like Bandicunts.
it's not fair bros
Holy shit that N.Gin is well done! The wait was worth it.
if oxide took too much memory to be on other racing tracks then why does his ghost have no problems with that?
the problem arises when there's 7 other racers
ah, were you the original requester? Sorry, I actually posted it yesterday, I just hoped that you stumbled on it since I can't upload to the drawfag booru, and there's no crash booru yet
if there's gonna be crash generals though, I'm 100% sticking around, I'm real excited for the game
Not rendering 7 other racers helps
Famous last words...
I am the og requester (not the other user though). I missed the thread you posted it in before.
Are you by any chance the same drawfriend from the one piece threads in Yea Forums?
ah shit
well, I'm glad you caught it then
if you really like her, you'll make it work
>this thread and last thread
>the continuous information leak
>game's almost here
I'm gonna do it, lads. I'm gonna make a lewd folder.
caught red-handed
i was just able to start drawing again, I'm filling out the backlog of requests this weekend, and then I was going to return next week. I wouldn't want to bail on not-opg
I love N. Gin and idk why.
she's looking for dubs
because he's adorable, and also has a great peter lorre vibe
plz help
Same! Thank you user
Its all good, its pretty cool to see you draw other stuff.
Does a Crash version of this reaction imagine exist? I think now would be the prefect time to make one, featuring two trophy girls.
Cause you have good taste
yeah, i felt bad because I had to stop for a while, but i got an aphelandra, a smoothie, an amanda and a toko coming for next week
i'll leave it here before people get annoyed at being off-topic though
of course i am
I wish I could user but I've never encountered an emulation glitch like that
growing up, my friends called me weird for liking him.
Fuck around in those graphics plugins for a bit until something changes. All I can really say
Make sure to download some extra plugins at Zophar's domain.
I think it would be better with Aku Aku and Uka Uka
Party themed Prix
Have Rilla Roo and the Bearminator in it
kids have their own thing going, as an adult you know the motifs and archetypes he's based on, and you can sort of appreciate tragic characters more
Shouldn't be hard considering your times are garbage. Looking at your lap times it's clear you didn't even use the shortcut.
What a ride guys. Remember when we were worried about the gameplay being ruined?
Time flies.
>n. gin canonically enjoys getting kicked in the balls by cortex
At this rate, they could do a Crash Bandicoot movie and it will break the curse because my fucking God, the people working around the character right now love and respect him a lot.
yeah well it's not too pretty
Megumi being handling and not an all-rounder is both baffling and enraging.
>worried about mechanics/gameplay
>worried about cnk content
>worried about cttr content making it in
>worried about mtx/dlc
>worried about snoy censorship
what a fucking ride this has been. poor shitposters only have >30fps as their only ammunition.
A week to go and no early copies leaked? That sucks
People were rightly worried at the time though
Beenox were until now known as the devs of the Skylanders Racing game. No one thought we'd have a team so thoroughly dedicated and autistic to the game that they'd do everything right. Also we were coming off of Spyro "out-source this part to India" Reignited so people were rightly worried.
Order of key events
>Gameplay may be ruined
>Gameplay is legit
>higher skill mechanics won't be in because of balancing
>they're all in
>CTR tracks and crew only
>CNK tracks redone and CNK cast added
>No older characters are in
>Trophy Girls are gone, game has been censored
>Thunderstruck will be ruined
>Limited content and too many literal whos
>Tawna and Trophy Girls added as playable
>Grand Prixs introduced with new tracks and characters confirmed
>Thunderstruck not ruined
>Older characters are still up in the air but will either come in through gem cup unlocks or through GPs
They literally took all criticism and fixed the game to make it as perfect as possible.
Don't they have bios somewhere? I swore I saw it before.
more tg aaaaaaaaaa
it's crazy to think that all the stuff after tawna & the artists formerly known as the trophy girls happened solely on Tuesday, that was an amazing day
at most they have epilogues from the credits of CTR.
Man I'm really hoping one of the turning ones becomes medium by the time they launch. Hopes are low though.
It literally solidified the game's quality and Beenox's reputation as being competent developers. It's fucking crazy what happened with this game's development cycle.
i don't know if I trust beenox as a company, most studios cycle devs and lose/gain talent, just look at Valve, Obsidian, and even Naighty Dog.
I'd rather know the names of the lead devs and designers themselves, so that I can check what projects they work on next
these are not your first pieces. I dont buy it
Coco is the cutest.
of course not, it's just my only crash bandicoot stuff. I drawfag in other places too
i do have an full lewd ami and later a liz request coming up, I'll dump the sfw version in the Yea Forums threads and the lewd ones on /trash/
Ok yeah, that's fair enough. I was jumping the gun there.
>even Naighty Dog
As far as I'm concerned they died after Jak X from poor sales.
nah, you're right in the sense that as long as they have a similar lineup with that one crash autist at the helm, I can trust Beenox to not shit the bed, at least without Activision sticking their fatcat cocks into things.
shame about Jak X though, I'm gonna read up on it since I don't know much about it
Is she surprised with the roster?
>Did I lock the door when I left home? Shit
I always think that is what she is expressing here
She's checkin em'
Don't play on widescreen. Had something similar and that fixed it.
>Spyro and Friends
They're in
FUCKING THIS. Add in all the b-tiers. Croc, Glover, Bubsy
>shame about Jak X though
I'm saying Naughty Dog died with Jak X and it's some random suits who run it's corpse in name only now.
No seriously after Jak X I didn't see a single ND looking game for the whole PS3 gen until Puts you to Sleep: Citizen Kane but actually it's a shitty zombie movie Edition got endless praise and the name popped up. Heaps of people said I should play it and that it's a masterpiece because I was a fan of theirs and the reason I wanted to make vidya in the first place. Long story short, they are dead to me and will forever be a corpse using the name.
Notice the surprise comes when the player moves the cursor to another character
Is there any N. Gin gameplay yet?
Tawna and Isabella are Accel
Liz and Megumi are Turn
Ami is Speed
Bruh, Gex was bigger than Crash Bandicoot, Banjo-Kazooie and even Spyro in the 90's. To call him B-tier would be calling all of them C-tiers.
I'm glad crash has found devs who truly care and are reasonably competent now, many franchises wish they had a beenox
draw crash
Well he's definitely b-tier by today's standards. also
Gex 1>Gex 3>Gex 2
I thought each Trophy girl was going to be in each category
Nigga where the fuck is EMPEROR VELO
Mario and Sonic as guests. This leads Crash a spot in Smash
>I feel vanderful!
That would make too much sense.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that Thunderstruck won't kill the processor anymore? Seriously, the framerate on the original track fucking SUCKED
I'd 'turn' Liz in a heartbeat...
One exclusive Sony representative, one exclusive Nintendo representative. Who would you pick?
I will laugh my ass off if Sonic ends up getting in as a promotional deal by Sega. Even Sonic is pretty much going turbo and leaving his own kart racer for the better one.
you'll porbably have better luck with that tomorrow, not when it's 2 am EST
Parappa, bro.
Donkey Kong
>Lore implies they are both animals modified with the Vortex
This and Capt. Falcon
I actually think I'm good. Aside from occasional new tracks/music updates, if they really intend to add everyone, then I'll be happy with just a fairly regular support of updates to keep things for the racers to do. I'm satisfied in every-way which is rare, I think I'll even double dip for the PC version once it's announced.
After we bring in NST and CTTR characters the only things I can even think of wanting are The Evil twins and Rilla Roo. After that it's entirely fluff
That's a cute Coco.
Wait can you change character stats?
Have seplay Jak X
Finally. It’s his moment.
Diddy/Donkey Kong
What would be your stopping point with all these good things being added?
Me too, Crash is seeing a resurgence and I couldn't be happier. I do hope we get a new game next though. That's what will really solidify his return.
Her too
Why are Tawna's honkers so small?
already passed it
>tfw the playerbase for XBOX will be low and there wont be a chance for an Xbox rep
Voodoo Vince would be fucking kino but to answer your question
Ape from Ape Escape
Diddy since he inspired the original
A retro-styled Cloud model with actual hands would unironically mesh well with the rest of the cast in CTR and their cartoony proportions. It wouldn't even be jarring seeing him there....
Pretty much exactly how classic sonic fans felt after Mania, I want more good in vidya
She made a noble sacrifice so that the trophy girls might keep their bazongas
Right now, ironically enough
Only after 'accidentally' bringing Tawna's breasts back up to size in a post launch patch
How do I enjoy Final Fantasy VII's story when it's portrayed by people that look like they're made out of Roblox? It's hard to take seriously.
I hope to get crash bash
Unpopular opinion: I think we should keep the non Crash Characters to a minimum. I'd rather not see this game Devolve into Smash Team Racing.
Fucking perfection. Someone needs to make a WHOLE BODY panel.
But Crash runs out of decent characters by Twinsanity.
Agreed but Spyro feels close enough to the world of Crash that I could let it slide if they wanted to bring Spyro's buddies into the mix. But anything beyond that, would have to be a very special case.
This is the only halo game I’ve ever played and it was pretty damn cool. Wish there was more voodoo Vince games
Have it as Spyro and Gex only. The holy trinity of A- tier PS1 platformers.
Fucking true. Last thing we need.
this. Also back to plebbit with you
You say that like Sony Allstar racing couldn’t be the hypest thing ever conceived
Than again, Sony is terrible at Fan servicing since they fucked up the Smash bros clone so badly.
Bring in what's announced, CTTR racers and Brio/Kong/Moe/Obj_Motherfucker. Four/Five Grand prixs total. Give every character a handful of skins.
Even that almost feels like too much.
Its remaster got a steam port which is cool but I doubt it sold much
A shame because I love Vince as a character and more adventures with him would be great.
I hope they have other skins or even alt colours. If not now then maybe with later grand prix unlocks
I honestly don't think it's in any danger of becoming that. The Spyro characters are just there because of the close relationship the two series have had since the beginning, and obviously the developers just want to had a lot of fun new stuff to this already great game.
Next time. Shit with tablet, too lazy to turn on the lights and drawing on paper for 2o minutes and take photo and import photo.......
Honestly this is about as far as I'd go myself. I personally don't wanna see a single other Sony/Nintendo/sonic/ whatever character in this game. That said I won't bitch too loudly if it happens
use mspaint.
>tfw beenox might actually improve the spyro models like they did with the crash models
my body is ready
I just wanted Brio, Kong, Moe, and Tawna. I got Tawna, and the other three are essentially guaranteed either gem cup rewards or grand prix DLC. Everything added on top of that is just improving perfection
I agree. I've been thinking that all along.
It's weird to me that I'm this hyped for ANOTHER ground up remake made by literally whos that just do mostly ports and those mid-tier ps3 era spiderman games. It's like I'm living in the fucking Twilight Zone.
They're doing a fantastic job user. They deserve the praise.
Xbox One X or PS4 pro, which will run it better? Will either be 60fps?
>Going from zero to HERO in one game
Now that's a story worthy of a movie.
Trust us user, it's weird to ALL of us. But the results don't lie. Lots of us have played it, we've seen the work that went into it. They didn't have to do all the shit they did, but they went and did it anyway because sometimes life isn't all that bad.
If you think drawing with a touchpad on a laptop can produce good results "if you try hard enough", you are delusional.
everyone loves an underdog story
god fucking damn I'm so happy. I can't remember the last time I was even WAITING for a game to come out. I thought I never feel hyped for anything gamerelated ever again.
Do it faggot. Quit complaining.
I want to FUCK Elora
Not that unique in the world of gaems.
They made Bubsy 3D? What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Is it even the same people at that point? Syphon Filter 1 is god tier. Anyone from the original creative team on Days Gone?
I don't own you anything, overgrown baby.
>the reason n.brio more or less quit being evil was to flood the earth with sexy man beasts which is where all these other furry people are coming from
That's the explination I'm going with
bubsy to siphon filter lmao
Own me a drawing of crash on mspaint you saucy cunt
>mfw no N. Brio in real life to flood the world with Tawnas
Literally the only thing we still need to worry about is how soon the pc port will be, and what the situation is on wumpa coins is, but I guess we won't find out till next friday, I hope it's a very minimal problem and we're just misinterpreting things cause everything else just looks aced.
WTF ..
ALL classic skins confirmed
It hurts.
It's actually quite straightforward if you think about it
>Mutate animals that are endangered or extinct
>Evolve them to the same point as humans
>Introduce them into human society as they are now sexually compatible
>Extinction problem solved
Why didn't they mention this on stream?
You won't get shit in this thread. Insult and REE all night long.
you must be german lmao
how's it gonna work for people who pirate on switch lol
It doesn't
I wonder
What doesn't?
The ability to unlock (due to being a pirate)
or the fact that it is online (requiring the fucking subscription bs, so it works offline?)
that's what Naughty Dog was before making Crash
fucking imagine Gabe Logan in as the next guest.
I expect 3 per prix. Spyro and the tiger guy for sure ,so it's a toss up between moneybags who personally think it'll be and Elenore
Hunter sucks. Give me Sparx somehow. Sparx can be all 3 versions of him with the green and blue working the pedals and the yellow steering.
Is Brio the true hero of the Crash franchise?
Spyro, Hunter and Bianca are fine for me.
wouldn't sparx be the spyro character's version of aku aku? the mask powerup? possibly even talks to them in adventure mode like he does in the spyro 3 speedway levels
That job should be left to the Spyro 1 dragons or the little fairy lady that shows up at checkpoints.
Yes because he invented it
I like that artist.
How based can one man be?
>Made chemical that makes sexy animals
>Btfo of cortex with a freaking laser beam
>Make the Bible
>Make recycling
The only thing he did wrong was not inventing the lightbright, but nobodys perfect
>I still don't know what system I want to get it on
*is in the first game in your path*
It's gonna be Hunter and Elora for sure
It is a forgiveable failure on his part. He gave the world more than it deserved, losing out to Burt Myer is ok if you make something as good in retaliation.
Can anyone tell me if there is a significant difference between the PS4 and Switch versions? Preferably no memes involved, like just a simple framerate and visual comparison.
Switch is better because it's from Nintendo.
Do you need a psn to play online?
You're not a furry for fapping to anthropomorphic animals, you simply have a furry fetish. Know the difference, it could save your life!
Well that's one way to look at it. Thanks for that.
>Day 1 update will have maxed out Penta Chad
Penta Bros you guys ready?
Because of what is likely a marketing deal with Sony, the Switch version hasn't been shown in the slightest so we cannot give that kind of information.
he also casually invented a formula to turn himself into a gigachad WHILE battling crash, and also had the most health bars of any boss not in a mecha
For fuck's sake. I can deal with a lesser resolution as long as the fps are the same and the visuals aren't TOO much worse, in exchange for being able to play while relaxing and having something on TV.
>Using well-known intended shortcuts and playing well makes you a tourneyfag
Honestly, Crash Team Racing looks easy compared to whatever Sonic All Star Transformed came up with
It's probably just gonna be what happened to the N.Sane Trilogy. Lower resolution, model and texture quality and also getting rid of the fur.
I feel the docked version will be 1080/30 like base PS4 will be while handheld will be 720/30. I can't say for certain as this is just a guess.
It should have been Megumi Accel and Isabella All rounder. Really don't know why it wasn't like this.
Oh god... watch critics not be able to know what to do and it gets a lower than normal metacritic scores and the metacritic fags storm the threads. Please don't happen.
Visually the Switch version is downgraded like NST was, basically everyone loses their fur effects
It'll be Yooka-Laylee all over again.
My only guess is that they made two of them the "easy" turn class to appeal to girls more.
I will die mad at this
Cursed image
>no collision detection and kart going trough one another
Lads, how viable is a dpad, Is it still like the old ps1 game, or is it all about stick
You can already see all the reviews comparing it to MK.
>Beta build isn't 100% complete
Imagine my fucking shock.
>Neptuniatard is retarded
Imagine my fucking shock.
Fuck Spyro 2, give wabbit
quite viable, it's about throwing your kart around more than finesse
>i-it’s just a beta one week before release
TSR is destroying your shit game with no collision detection.
Wabbit a shit, Give me Elora.
I otherwise agree with this but Spyro's a very special case. I consider them 100% compatible. They could make a Crash game that ended up being 50% Spyro and I'd be okay with it.
This has been noted
>A build that was probably compiled 1 or 2 months ago in preparation for distribution is comparable to a launch build
Oh sorry, I didn't realise I was talking to a Stevefaggot.
>TSR is destroying your shit game
That buyers remorse is showing.
He also invented dab, as I can see in this image.
Only if they fix her model's face
Nice, I'll try playing with a sega saturn pad
why are we replying to terrible bait
What if her nipples were heart shaped?
>It's too hard because I hold the drift and don't boost when I let go Mario Kart is better
>They expect too much skill in this racer Mario Kart makes me feel like I'm not a total loser managing to get lapped by easy mode AI
>I see everyone else going fast off little bumps but it never happens for me
>I want to use *enter Advanced class character here* but the game is too challenging, I want it to be like Mario Kart where there're stats so you can use your favorite characters
What else do we know they'll say?
Wait I got one more
>The game dropped me in and expected me to be a master right away and get first place, it's harder than Sekiro.
And give her boobs back.
>TSR is destroying your shit game with no collision detection.
Oh god THIS. The modeler literally never paid attention to the geometry from any other angle bar one MAYBE two if we're lucky.
Just make her chest bare god dammit.
what's weird is that the other fauns in fracture hills look fine, but she has a weird monkey face for some reason
Does anyone even remember TSR anymore, I never see threads about it.